994 resultados para stress hormone


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Although it is generally considered that stress can impair reproduction, we suggest that the impact of acute or repeated acute stress or acute or repeated acute elevations of cortisol are of little consequence in female pigs, even if these occur during the series of endocrine events that induce oestrus and ovulation. It is important to understand the impact of acute stress on reproduction because, in the intensive production of livestock, animals are often subjected to short-term challenges. There seems little doubt that reproduction in a proportion of female pigs is susceptible to impairment by severe and prolonged stress or the sustained elevation of cortisol but only when this continues for a substantial period. In female pigs, where reproduction is susceptible to impairment by severe prolonged stress, it is possible that the mediators of this suppression are cortisol, corticotrophin-releasing factor and vasopressin but, in pigs, there is evidence to suggest that adrenocorticotrophic hormone is not involved. Other substances secreted during stress may be involved but these are not considered in this review. It is possible that the mediators of stress act at any level of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis. Although a variety of experimental manipulations have provided potential mediators and mechanisms for the stress-induced suppression of reproduction, these experimental manipulations rarely represented physiological circumstances so it is not clear if such mechanisms would be important in a physiological context. The precise mediators and mechanisms by which hormones released during stress may inhibit reproductive processes during severe prolonged stress are yet to be determined.


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Despite extensive research, the mechanisms by which stress affects reproduction are unknown. Activation of stress systems could potentially influence reproduction at any level of the hypothalamo-pituitary gonadal axis. Nonetheless, the predominant impact is on the secretion of gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the brain and the secretion of the gonadotrophins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), from the gonadotrophs of the anterior pituitary gland. When stress is prolonged, it is likely that secretion of the gonadotrophins will be suppressed but the effects of acute stress or repeated acute stress are not clear. Different stressors activate different pathways for varying durations, and the actions of stress vary with sex and are influenced by the predominance of particular sex steroids in the circulation. The mechanisms by which stress influences reproduction are likely to involve complex interactions between a number of central and peripheral pathways and may be different in males and females. To understand these mechanisms, it is important to determine the stress pathways that are activated by particular stressors and to establish how these pathways affect the secretion and actions of GnRH. Furthermore, there is a need to know how stress influences the feedback actions of gonadal steroids and inhibin.


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There are sex differences in the response to stress and in the influence of stress on reproduction which may be due to gonadal steroids but the nature of these differences and the role of the gonads are not understood. We tested the hypotheses that sex and the presence/absence of gonads (gonadal status) will influence the cortisol response to injection of ACTH, insulin-induced hypoglycaemia and isolation/restraint stress, and that sex and gonadal status will influence the secretion of LH in response to isolation/restraint stress. Four groups of sheep were used in each of three experiments: gonad-intact rams, gonadectomised rams, gonad-intact ewes in the mid-luteal phase of the oestrous cycle and gonadectomised ewes. In Experiment 1 (n=4/group), jugular blood samples were collected every 10 min for 6 h; after 3 h, two animals in each group were injected (i.v.) with ACTH and the remaining two animals were injected (i.v.) with saline. Treatments were reversed 5 days later so that every animal received both treatments. Experiment 2 (n=4/group) used a similar schedule except that insulin was injected (i.v.) instead of ACTH. In Experiment 3 (n=5/group), blood samples were collected every 10 min for 16 h on a control day and again 2 weeks later when, after 8 h of sampling, all sheep were isolated and restrained for 8 h. Plasma cortisol was significantly (P<0.05) elevated following injection of ACTH or insulin and during isolation/restraint stress. There were no significant differences between the sexes in the cortisol response to ACTH. Rams had a greater (P<0.05) cortisol response to insulin-induced hypoglycaemia than ewes while ewes had a greater (P<0.05) cortisol response to isolation/restraint stress than rams. There was no effect of gonadal status on these parameters. Plasma LH was suppressed (P<0.05) in gonadectomised animals during isolation/restraint stress but was not affected in gonad-intact animals, and there were no differences between the sexes. Our results show that the sex that has the greater cortisol response to a stressor depends on the stressor imposed and that these sex differences are likely to be at the level of the hypothalamo-pituitary unit rather than at the adrenal gland. Since there was a sex difference in the cortisol response to isolation/restraint, the lack of a sex difference in the response of LH to this stress suggests that glucocorticoids are unlikely to be a major mediator of the stress-induced suppression of LH secretion.


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There are sex differences in the activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in response to stress, but the source of these differences is unknown. The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis is regulated by corticotropin-releasing hormone and arginine-vasopressin neurones located in the paraventricular nucleus and these, in turn, are regulated by neural systems that include afferent noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-producing neural pathways. We tested the hypothesis that concentrations of noradrenaline and NPY will be elevated in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampled from the third cerebral ventricle in response to stress, and these responses will differ in males and females. We collected concurrent samples of CSF (1 ml) from the third ventricle and blood (5 ml) from the jugular vein from gonadectomised rams (n = 7) and ewes (n = 5) at 10-min intervals for 3 h. This procedure was conducted on a day when no stress was imposed and on a day when audiovisual stress was imposed for 5 min after 1 h of sampling. Following the audiovisual stress, plasma concentrations of cortisol and CSF concentrations of noradrenaline were elevated (p < 0.05), but CSF concentrations of NPY did not change. Adrenaline was not detected in samples of CSF. The rise in plasma cortisol following the stress was greater (p < 0.05) in ewes than in rams, but there were no sex differences in the rise in noradrenaline. Basal concentrations of NPY in the CSF were higher (p < 0.05) in rams than in ewes. We conclude that the sex differences in the stress-induced activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in sheep are not likely to be due to differences in the level of noradrenergic and/or NPY input to the hypothalamus.


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Non-consumptive effects of predators on each other and on prey populations often exceed the effects of direct predation. These effects can arise from fear responses elevating glucocorticoid (GC) hormone levels (predator stress hypothesis) or from increased vigilance that reduces foraging efficiency and body condition (predator sensitive foraging hypothesis); both responses can lead to immunosuppression and increased parasite loads. Non-consumptive effects of invasive predators have been little studied, even though their direct impacts on local species are usually greater than those of their native counterparts. To address this issue, we explored the non-consumptive effects of the invasive red fox Vulpes vulpes on two native species in eastern Australia: a reptilian predator, the lace monitor Varanus varius and a marsupial, the ringtail possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus. In particular, we tested predictions derived from the above two hypotheses by comparing the basal glucocorticoid levels, foraging behaviour, body condition and haemoparasite loads of both native species in areas with and without fox suppression. Lace monitors showed no GC response or differences in haemoparasite loads but were more likely to trade safety for higher food rewards, and had higher body condition, in areas of fox suppression than in areas where foxes remained abundant. In contrast, ringtails showed no physiological or behavioural differences between fox-suppressed and control areas. Predator sensitive foraging is a non-consumptive cost for lace monitors in the presence of the fox and most likely represents a response to competition. The ringtail's lack of response to the fox potentially represents complete naiveté or strong and rapid selection to the invasive predator. We suggest evolutionary responses are often overlooked in interactions between native and introduced species, but must be incorporated if we are to understand the suite of forces that shape community assembly and function in the wake of biological invasions.


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The present study evaluated the physiological responses of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus (Gunther), submitted to transport stress under the influence of sodium chloride, Different salt concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6%) were added to four 200-L plastic tanks. Each tank was stocked with 30 fish (mean weight 1.0 +/- 0.2 kg) and transported for 4 h. Blood was sampled prior to transport and immediately after and 24 and 96 h after transport. Plasma cortisol and glucose and serum sodium and potassium, plasma chloride and ammonia were analysed, Changes in plasma cortisol were observed immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 0.3% and 0.6% salt. Twenty-four hours later, this hormone had returned to its initial level in all fish. Blood glucose was not changed in fish treated with 0.6% salt immediately after transport, and returned to the initial level within 96 h after the other treatments. All treatments resulted in lower levels of plasma chloride after transport, except for fish treated with 0.6% salt, with fish treated with 0.0% and 0.3% salt recovering 24 h later, Serum sodium decreased immediately after transport only in the control fish, returning to the initial level 24 h later, the results indicate that treatment with 0.6% NaCl reduces most of the physiological responses of matrinxa to the stress of transport.


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This work was carried out to verify the effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on Jundia hormones (cortisol, 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone), oocyte and swim-up fry production. Earthen ponds containing Jundia females were contaminated with glyphosate (3.6 mg/L); blood samples were collected from eight females from each treatment immediately before, or at 1, 10, 20 30 and 40 days following contamination. A typical post-stress rise in cortisol levels was observed at the 20th and 40th days following exposure to glyphosate. At the 40th day, 17 beta-estradiol was decreased in the exposed females. A similar number of oocytes were stripped out from females from both groups, however, a lower number of viable swim-up fry were obtained from the herbicide exposed females, which also had a higher liver-somatic index (LSI). The results indicate that the presence of glyphosate in water was deleterious to Rhamdia quelen reproduction, altering steroid profiles and egg viability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study was designed to examine whether testosterone replacement is able to prevent some effects of maternal restraint stress during the period of brain sexual differentiation - on endocrine system and sexual behavior in male rat descendants. Pregnant rats were exposed to restraint stress for 1 h/day from gestational days 18 to 22. At birth, some male pups from these stressed rats received testosterone propionate. The neonatal testosterone replacement was able to prevent the reduction in anogenital distance at 22 days of age observed in pups from stressed pregnant rats as well as prevents the decrease in testosterone levels during the adulthood of these animals. Testosterone replacement in these males also presented an improvement in sexual performance. In this way, testosterone replacement probably through increasing neonatal level of this hormone was able to prevent the later alterations caused by the prenatal stress during the period of brain sexual differentiation. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Although there are reports concerning a vascular adaptive response to stress in males, this is not yet defined in females. The aim of this study was to delineate functional gender differences in the rat vascular adaptive response to stress and to determine the ability of sex hormones to modulate the stress-induced vascular adaptive response. Responses to noradrenaline were evaluated in aortas, with and without endothelium, from intact, gonadectomized and gonadectomized-hormone-replaced males and females submitted or not to stress (2-h immobilization). Reactivity of the aorta of stressed and non-stressed intact males and females (n = 6-14 per group) was also examined in the presence of L-NAME or indomethacin. Stress decreased and gonadectomy increased maximal responses to noradrenaline in aortas with intact endothelium from both genders. Stress also reduced noradrenaline potency in males. In females, but not males, stress decreased the gonadectomy-induced noradrenaline hyper-reactivity to near that of intact non-stressed rats. Hormone replacement restored the gonadectomy-induced impaired vascular adaptive response to stress. L-NAME, but not indomethacin, abolished the stress-induced decrease in aorta reactivity of males and females. None of the procedures altered reactivity of aortas denuded of endothelium. Conclusion: Stress-induced vascular adaptive responses show gender differences. The magnitude of the adaptive response is dependent on testicular hormones and involves endothelial nitric oxide-system hyperactivity.


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The effect of chronic social stress on growth, energetic substrates and hormones was tested in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. After a 14-day isolation period, the fish were paired for 8 days. In order to expose fish to chronic intermittent social contact during pairing, they were maintained in direct contact with each other during the first day. After that, a black plastic screen partition was introduced in each tank, preventing direct contact between animals. Every day the partition was removed for 30 min, allowing physical interaction between fish. At the end of pairing period, they were isolated again for 13 days. Fish were weighed and blood was sampled frequently during the experiment. Plasma levels of cortisol, growth hormone, glucose, total protein and free amino acids were quantified. Both dominants and subordinates had specific growth rate decreased during the pairing period, but only subordinates increased when the stressor was abolished (dominants: 0.32 +/- 0.21 and 0.24 +/- 0.41, subordinates: -0.77 +/- 0.29 and 0.37 +/- 0.31, respectively). Dominants showed a higher cortisol level one week after pairing condition had been abolished than subordinates (dominants: 56.76 +/- 13.26, subordinates: 31.89 +/- 13.36). We conclude that chronic condition of intermittent social stress represents a stressful condition for animals of both hierarchical ranks and a treatment of one daily short direct contact between conspecifics does not promote habituation in fish, as mentioned for other stressors. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated the effect of non-ventilation of the incubator during the first 10 days of incubation and its combination with dexamethasone administration at day 16 or 18 of incubation on hatching parameters and embryo and post-hatch chick juvenile physiology. A total of 2400 hatching eggs produced by Cobb broiler breeders were used for the study. Blood samples were collected at day 18 of incubation, at internal pipping stage (IP), at the end of hatch (day-old chick) and at 7-daypost-hatch for T-3, T-4 and corticosterone levels determination. From 448 to 506 h of incubation, the eggs were checked individually in the hatcher every 2 h for pipping and hatching. The results indicate that non-ventilation during the first 10-day shortened incubation duration up to IP, external pipping (EP) and hatch, had no effect on hatchability and led to higher T-3 levels at IP but lower corticosterone levels at 7-day-post-hatch. The injection of dexamethasone at days 16 and 18 of incubation affected hatching and blood parameters in both the ventilated and non-ventilated embryos differentially and the effect was dependent on the age of the embryo. Dexamethasone increased T-3 levels and T-3/T-4 ratios but the effect was greater with early non-ventilation of eggs. Dexamethasone decreased hatchability but the effect was greater when injected at day 16 and especially in ventilated embryos. The effects of incubation protocols and dexamethasone treatments during incubation were still apparent in the hatched chicks until 7 days of age. The changes in T-3, T-4 and corticosterone levels observed in response to the early incubation conditions and late dexamethasone treatments in this study suggest that incubator ventilation or non-ventilation may influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) regulation of stress levels (in terms of plasma corticosterone levels) and thyroid function in the embryo with impact on incubation duration, hatching events and early post-hatch life of the chick. Our results also suggest that some stages of development are more sensitive to dexamethasone administration as effects can be influenced by early incubation protocols. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of experiments with Holstein heifers was conducted to develop the capability of inducing accessory corpus luteum (CL) with a GnRH agonist (Buserelin, 8 mu g; GnRHa) or hCG; (3,000 IU) to increase plasma progesterone concentrations (Exp. 1, 2, and 3) and to test whether induction of accessory CL with hCG will increase conception rates in heifers (Exp. 4) and lactating cows (Exp. 5). In Exp. 1, heifers were treated on d 5 after estrus with GnRHa (n = 8) or saline (n = 7); heifers in Exp. 2 received hCG (n = 5) or saline (n = 4) on d 5. Experiment 3 allowed a contemporary evaluation of heifers treated on d 5 with GnRHa (n = 6), hCG (n = 6), saline (n = 6), or GnRHa at d 5 and hCG at the time of the induced ovulation (n = 5). The GnRHa and hCG were equally effective in inducing an accessory CL (93% induction rate), but the subsequent increase in progesterone concentrations was greater in hCG-treated heifers. A greater half life of hCG may provide longer LH-like stimulation of the first-wave follicle and subsequent developing accessory CL or a greater luteotropic effect on the original CL. Induction of an accessory CL with hCG on d 5 or 6 after insemination did not increase pregnancy rates in fertile heifers (Exp. 4: hCG = 64.8% vs control = 62.9%; n = 243) or lactating dairy cows during summer heat stress (Exp. 5: hCG = 24.2% vs control = 23.5%; n = 201).


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The aim of the present study was to assess the heat tolerance of animals of two Portuguese (Alentejana and Mertolenga) and two exotic (Frisian and Limousine) cattle breeds, through the monitoring of physiological acclimatization reactions in different thermal situations characterized by alternate periods of thermoneutrality and heat stress simulated in climatic chambers. In the experiment, six heifers of the Alentejana, Frisian and Mertolenga breeds and four heifers of the Limousine breed were used. The increase in chamber temperatures had different consequences on the animals of each breed. When submitted to heat stress, the Frisian animals developed high thermal polypnea (more than 105 breath movements per minute), which did not prevent an increase in the rectal temperature (from 38.7 degrees C to 40.0 degrees C). However, only a slight depression in food intake and in blood thyroid hormone concentrations was observed under thermal stressful conditions. Under the thermal stressful conditions, Limousine animals decreased food intake by 11.4% and blood triiodothyronine (T3) hormone concentration decreased to 76% of the level observed in thermoneutral conditions. Alentejana animals had similar reactions. The Mertolenga cattle exhibited the highest capacity for maintaining homeothermy: under heat stressful conditions, the mean thermal polypnea increased twofold, but mean rectal temperature did not increase. Mean food intake decreased by only 2% and mean T3 blood concentration was lowered to 85,6% of the concentration observed under thermoneutral conditions. These results lead to the conclusion that the Frisian animals had more difficulty in tolerating high temperatures, the Limousine and Alentejana ones had an intermediate difficulty, and the Mertolenga animals were by far the most heat tolerant.