987 resultados para stocking density


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Small indigenous fish species (SIS) provide food, nutrition, subsistence and supplemental income to a great majority of the people particularly the poor and disadvantaged people of Bangladesh. To date nobody explored the possibilities of culturing these species in combination with the indigenous major carps viz. catla, Catla catla; rohu, Labeo rohita, and mrigal Cirrhinus cirrhosus and grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus. An experiment on the polyculture of carps with a popular SIS, bata (Labeo bata) was carried out to evaluate the production performance of carp-SIS culture in on-farm condition during 15 March to 15 September 2003. Three treatments each having three replications with different stocking densities of bata were tested keeping the carp species combination and stocking density similar in all the treatments viz. treatment 1 (T1), bata (5,000/ha) + catla, rohu and mrigal (5,000/ha at the ratio of 1:1:1) + grass carp (250/ha); treatment 2 (T2), bata (7,500/ha) + catla, rohu and mrigal (5,000/ha at the ratio of 1:1:1) + grass carp (250/ha); and treatment 3 (T3), bata (1 0,000/ha) + catla, rohu and mrigal (5,000/ha at the ratio of 1:1:1) + grass carp (250/ha). After six months rearing, the production obtained were 2,466±77, 2,395±85 and 2,074±72 kg/ha from T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The highest production was obtained from T1, where the stocking density of bata was the minimum (5,000/ha) while the lowest production was obtained from T1 [sic], where the stocking density of bata was maximum (10,000/ha). Significant difference (P<0.05) exists in the production levels as obtained from different treatments. The contribution of bata to total production was 10.31%, 13.96% and 14.38% in case of T1, T2 and T3, respectively.


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The ecology of euglenophytes and their role in fish production were studied in 12 small earthen ponds beside the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU from July to November 2001. Four experiments each with three replications were conducted and those were as follows: pond treated with both poultry droppings and cowdung (T1); pond treated with only poultry droppings (T2), and pond treated with only poultry droppings (T3), while the control (T4) where no organic manure was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the same stocking density of (10,621 fish/ha) and species ratio (1:1:1:2:2). The stocked fishes were fed with a common supplemental diet comprising of mustard oil cake and rice polish (1:1) at the rate of 4% of body weight per day. The highest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T2, where poultry droppings were applied and was followed by T1, where both poultry droppings and cow dung were applied. Higher temperature, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorous and acidic pH were found to be conducive for the bloom of noxious euglenophytes. The bloom was found to use up most of the nutrients resulting in reduction in the growth of beneficial plankters and planktivorous fishes. The SGR (%/day) of catla, rohu and mrigal was lower during heavy bloom period while that of silver carp and silver barb were comparatively higher. The mortality of fishes in a pond of T2 during the bloom period was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation (dissolved oxygen level as low as 0.34 mg/1) in the early mornings through bacterial decomposition of the settled dead individuals or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolite secretion by the euglenophytes.


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Performances of fingerling size and water area was studied. Seven species of fish included 25% of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 15% of Gada catla, 20% of Labeo rohita, 10% of Cirrhinus mrigala, 10% of Ctenophyringodon idella and 20% of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were stocked at the rate of 8,000 individual/ha along Barbodes gonionoms at 6.0g weight size with a stocking density of 2,000 indl./ ha. Survival of all species was in the range of 39.9 to 96.3% except M. rosenbergii The highest survival was obtained from L. rohita (96.3%) followed by C mrigala (96.0 %)., B. gonionotus (92.3%), C idella (90.6%), H. molitrix (84.0%), C cada (81.7%) respectively. While the survival of M. rosenbergiiwas 13.1%. The highest production of 4912 kg/ha/yr was obtained from the bigger ponds (0.4 ha) stocked with 20-32g size of fingerlings, while lowest production (3123 kg/ha/yr) from small pond (0.1 ha) stocked with 3-10 g fingerlings. Economic analysis shows the highest net profit in bigger ponds stocked with bigger fish seed.


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An attempt was made to study the input-output relationships and economics of pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture in Bangladesh. By analyzing the data collected from 50 pangas farms and 55 carp-pangas farms, the study has investigated the production systems of two technologies and the effects of fingerling stocking and applications of feed and fertilizer on fisheries income. The data were collected from the fishermen of Trishal and Bhaluka of Mymensingh district, and Kahaloo and Adamdighee of Bogra district during 2001-02. For pangas monoculture, the stocking density was 31,561 per ha while it was 55,017 per ha in carp-pangas polyculture. Most of the farmers used urea, TSP and lime before stocking. Rice and wheat bran happened to be the most common feed ingredients for both types of culture in general. Other important ingredients used were mustard oil-cakes, rice polish, wheat flour, fish meal, bone meal, soybean meal and poultry litter. In terms of quantities, rice bran and wheat bran dominated the farmers list. Rice and wheat bran together constituted about 60% of all studied feeds. Feed cost constituted 59.13% of total costs for pangas monoculture and 67.44% for carp-pangas polyculture. Per ha productions of pangas and carp-pangas in a single culture cycle were 15,508 kg and 19,745 kg, respectively. Per ha gross profits were estimated to be Tk 310,311 and Tk 464,418 for pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture, respectively. Net profit appeared to be Tk 264,216 per ha for pangas monoculture and Tk 416,509 per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. The BCRs calculated were 1.46 and 1.68 for monoculture and polyculture, respectively. The break-even costs per kg of fish were estimated at Tk 36.93 for pangas and Tk 30.93 for mixed species which was much lower than the prices the producers received. Break-even productions were estimated at 10,702 kg per ha for pangas monoculture and 11,784 kg per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. Fingerling and feed cost, and pond size significantly explained the variation of income from pangas monoculture. These factors have significantly influenced the income from the crop. Functional analysis shows that 1% increase in the feed cost might increase 0.51% of pangas income and 0.41% in carp-pangas income. No other inputs had shown this much of responses to increasing income from a fish.


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BFRI evolved some selected aquaculture technologies viz. polyculture of carps in perennial ponds, monoculture of short cycled fish species (BFRI super strain) in seasonal ponds and prawn seed production through backyard hatchery system have been demonstrated under Farming System Research (FSR) component in Jessore and Santahar regions. Both polyculture of carps and monoculture of short cycled fish species technologies were tested in farmer's ponds in Kaium Kula village near Jessore town. In polyculture trials, seven species comprising of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molirrix), catla (Catla catla), rohu (Labeo rohita), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked @ 9,500 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5); 10,750 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:5) and 12,000 (ratio 6:2:4:2:1:5:4) fish/ha respectively in ponds of T1, T2 and T3 having three replications of each. The mean highest fish production was 3,148 kg/ha in T3, followed by 2,899 kg/ha in T1 and 2,875 kg/ha in T2. Production of T3 was significantly different (P<0.05) than both T1 and T2, while there was no significant differences (P>0.05) between the production of T1 and T2. In case of trial of short cycled fish species, two treatments were tested: T1 (comprising of BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia, silver carp, common carp and silver barb; ratio 3:5:1:1) and T2 (having only BFRI super strain of Nile tilapia). Stocking density in both the treatments were same (20,000 fish/ha). In this trial average production was higher in T1 (2,743 kg/ha) than that of T2 (2,369 kg/ha) but the production figure in these two treatments was not significantly different (P>0.05). Demonstration of backyard prawn hatchery technology was tested at Santahar region of Bogra district, North-west part of Bangladesh. This hatchery consisted of three main components i) bio-filter, ii) rearing tank unit (chari) and iii) air blower/air pump unit. Plastic drum of 200-250 l capacity and cemented chari of 200-250 l capacity were used as bio-filter and larval rearing containers respectively. A 0.5 hp air blower with 6 aquarium air pump were used to operate the aeration system in the hatchery. Diluted sea water (10-12 ppt) made from brine solution (200-250 ppt) collected from salt-bed was used in the backyard hatchery system of hatching of eggs and rearing of larvae. Rearing of first stage zoea-larvae was reared in three rearing tanks following the stocking densities of 40, 50 and 60/l of water respectively. Production of post-larvae were 20±0.82, 22±1.12 and 28±1.63/liter of water in treatments I, II and III respectively in 38, 40 and 39 days rearing period.


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Six on-farm trials were conducted from 1 August to 23 November 2004 in two different environments such as homestead ditches (10 to 17 square meters) and plastic barrels (240 liters) to develop techniques for nonoculture [sic] of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus for poor and landless people who have no access to pond. Stocking density for ditch was 10 fry/square meter while that for barrel was 20 fry/cubic meter. The fishes were fed with 3-test diets viz. low-cost formulated feed (rice bran 20%, wheat meal 10%, mustered [sic] oil cake 35%, poultry offal 35%), live foods (chopped snails and clams), and a commercial feed (Saudi-Bangla feed, starter 3: first month and grower-1: subsequent two months) and designated as T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Feeding rate was the same in all the treatments viz. 10% of body weight (first two months), 8% (third month) and 6% (fourth month). T1 and T2 had three replications while T3 had two replications. Water temperature was recorded weekly while fish growth was monitored monthly. After 4 months' rearing, H. fossilis and C. batrachus in ditches and barrels attained higher average weight in T2 followed by T3 and T1 while A. testudineus in barrels also attained higher average weight in T2. The variation in net weight gain by A. testudineus in ditch fed test diets T2 and T3 was not significantly different (P>0.05) though the net gain in both T2 and T3 was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of T1. The yield of climbing perch as obtained from T1, T2 and T3 was 988, 1136 and 1185 kg/ha, respectively while that stinging catfish was 395, 242 and 444 kg/ha and walking catfish was 1605, 2,099 and 1,654 kg/ha respectively. All the three species showed significantly lower growth rate in barrels than in ditches.


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In a goat-tilapia integrated farming system, the effect of Black Bengal goat manure on the growth and production of Oreochromis niloticus was studied at the Freshwater Substation, Shantahar, Bogra for 4.5 months. The stocking density used in three treatments were, 200 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T1); 300 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T2); and only 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T3). The initial individual total length and weight of stocked tilapia were 7.6 cm and 11.34 g, respectively. Twelve ponds each having an area of 40 square meters were used for this trail [sic]. On one side of each pond goat shed was constructed and the space allocated for each goat was 0.75 m x 1.5 m. Newly weaned black Bengal goats of average weight 8.45 kg was used in the trial. Every morning the goats manure was swiped out in ponds through the fixed opening of bamboo made floor of goat shed. Water depth of the ponds was maintained at 0.75 m. The highest fish production was in treatment 1 (1,750 kg/ha) followed by treatment 2 (1,455 kg/ha) and treatment 3 (621 kg/ha). The difference in individual goat weight was not significant (P>0.05) among treatments 1 and 2.


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Six treatments each with 12 replications designed to optimize the dose of inducing agent PG to achieve fertilization and hatching success of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus were tested. The females were given single injection of 7-12 mg PG/kg body weight and the males were given 4 mg PG/kg body weight. Fertilization and hatching rate varied from 67±4.55% to 66±3.0% and 59±4.88% to 57±6.21% for the doses of 10, 11 and 12 mg PG/kg of body weight, respectively. The hormone dose had significant (P<0.05) effect on fertilization and hatching. Six mini shallow cisterns (570 cm x 105 cm) were used to investigate the efficacy of zooplankton and Artemia nauplii as feed for spawn rearing. Three-day old spawns were stocked in six mini shallow cisterns at a stocking density of 100 individuals/L of water. Two treatments each with three replications were used to develop culture technique of the climbing perch. In case of treatment-1, the spawns were fed with Artemia nauplii three times daily, while in treatment-2, zooplankton were used as feed in the same manner as in treatment-1. After 14 days of rearing, mean final weight of the fry of treatments-1 and 2 were 95.55±6.71 and 57.69±5.40 mg, respectively. In treatment-1, spawn fed with Artemia nauplii showed significantly (P<0.05) higher mean weight than the spawn fed with zooplankton (treatment 2).


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A total of four experiments were conducted to develop nursery management system for the two important native catfishes viz. stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus during 2003 and 2004. Two experiments were conducted in on-station condition to determine stocking density efficacy in hapa and in earthen mini ponds for H. fossilis. This was followed by on-farm trial on stocking density in earthen mini ponds. In hapa, the highest survival rate was 60% for H. fosssilis at stocking density of 100/square meter; followed by 54.5 and 50% at stocking densities of 150 and 200/square meter, respectively. Similarly, gain in weight and length was also better in lower stocking densities. Similar survival rate (45 to 55%) was observed in three densities in earthen mini ponds. However, gain in weight and length showed no significant (p<0.05) differences. H. fossilis, C. batrachus showed almost similar survival rates (57.5-59.0%) in all the three stocking densities (100, 150 and 200/square meter) in earthen mini ponds in on-station condition. In terms of gain in weight and length showed no significant (p<0.05) differences in pond conditions. Almost similar result was obtained in terms of growth and survival in on-farm condition.


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Diatoms were collected from Buyuan Bay, and from the hatchery tanks at Tigbauan, to determine the commonly occurring species, the feasibility of culturing these species, and the potential of these selected species as food for larval P. monodon. The commonly occurring diatoms were identified as Chaetoceros calcitrans, Navicula grimmei, Nitzchia seriata, Nitzchia closterium and Amphiprora sp. These diatoms were isolated and unialgal cultures prepared. Protein content analysis using the micro-Kjildahl method gave the following result: C. calcitrans, 11 . 78%; Nitzchia seriata, 25%; Nitzchia closterium, 30 . 5%; Navicula grimmei, 9 . 06% and Amphiprora sp. 8 . 96%. Feeding experiments were conducted to determine acceptability of the different diatom species and percentage survival of larval stages Z SUB-1 -M SUB-2 . Larvae were placed in 4-l capacity plastic containers with a stocking density of 10/l. The results of several feeding trials using the different mass-produced diatoms are summarized. From the data gathered, C. calcitrans appears to be the most promising candidate as feed for zoea and mysis stages of P. monodon. The average percentage survival of C. calcitrans was 63 . 76% for the 3 trials, and as high as 82 . 22% in the third trial. Comparatively high percentage survival of larvae was also recorded when Nitzchia seriata (48 . 17%) and Nitzchia closterium (67 . 6%) were given as feed, while both Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei gave 0% survival. The poor results with Amphiprora sp. and Navicula grimmei may be due to their low protein content (8 . 96% and 9 . 06%, respectively) and the inability of the larvae to ingest them. Navicula and Amphiprora were observed to cling to the appendages of the larvae and to settle down in the medium making them unavailable to the larvae. Low survival was also noted when frozen C. calcitrans was used (14 . 25%). This may be due partly to the effect of the floculating agent (ALSO SUB-4 . 25 g/l) used in concentrating the diatoms. When protein contents of C. calcitrans, N. seriata and N. closterium are compared, the 2 Nitzchia species have relatively higher protein contents than C. calcitrans and, therefore, could be the more desirable feed candidates. However, few feeding trials were made using Nitzchia so that additional investigations will have to be done on this aspect.


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Two trials conducted to demonstrate the suitability of composite carp culture in a small, seasonal, shallow village pond with varied species composition and stocking density indicated the possibility of obtaining higher production with reduced number of species. During the first trial, the Indian major carps, silver carp, common carp and fringe lipped carp were stocked at a density of 5625 fingerlings/ha in the pond in which the maximum water spread area was 1600m². The fish grown over a period of seven months yielded a production of only 242 kg. However, during the second trial, an increase in production by 60.33% was achieved over the same period in the same pond by stocking only the Indian major carps and common carp at a density of 4687.5 fingerlings/ha and feeding them daily with silkworm faecal matter based artificial feed at about 5% of their body weight. The results indicated that for seasonal, shallow ponds stocking of only three species of carps, namely, catla, rohu and common carp would suffice to get optimum yield.


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Different culture techniques were tried for rearing larvae of Penaeus monodon, in order to obtain preliminary data on stocking density, water management, fertilization versus feeding and effect of different types of vertical substrate. The results of the experiments showed that: (1) older fry have greater chances of survival; (2) the traditional nursery pond designs and practices used for milkfish in the Philippines are applicable to prawn only at very low densities and give acceptable high survival rates only when used with the older postlarval stage.


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The growth, survival and profitability of C. chanos and P. monodon grown in 5 different combinations for 100 days in 500m2 brackish water ponds were assessed. Differences in the growth and production of prawns cultured singly or in combination with milkfish at increasing stocking density strongly suggests that the presence of milkfish exerts some negative effect on prawn. However, growth production and competition index data suggest that the presence of prawn do not significantly affect milkfish. While the maximum production of prawn can be attained in monoculture, its polyculture with 2000 milkfish/ha is also economically feasible.


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Growth and survival rates of hatchery-produced and wild milkfish (Chanos chanos ) fry grown to fingerling size were compared. Data show no significant difference between the 2 fry. At a recommended stocking density of 30 fry/m super(2), hatchery-produced milkfish fry could attain fingerling size of almost 2g with a survival of 68%. The study indicates that hatchery-produced fry/fingerlings can equal the culture performance of the wild fry. Comparative performance of hatchery-bred and wild fry should encourage intensified research on milkfish broodstock development and refinement of induced spawning methods.


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The study was conducted at the Central Experimental Station, Philippine Rice Research Institute, Maligaya, Science City of Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines during the wet season to determine the suitable stocking density(s) for better growth and yield of fish under rice-fish production systems. Recovery rate of GIFT tilapia in different stocking densities ranged from 75.74 to 83.47%. Among different treatments, rice +5,000 fingerlings/ha and rice +10,000 fingerlings/ha resulted in the highest recovery rate of 83.33% and 83.47%, respectively. The lowest recovery rate of 75.75% was obtained from rice +20,000 fingerlings/ha, but similar to that was obtained (78.56%) from rice +15,000 fingerlings/ha. Significantly higher rate of gain in body weight and that of specific growth rate were recorded in the treatment from rice +5,000 fingerlings/ha, while other treatments resulted in similar absolute and specific growth rate. Fish yield increased significantly with relatively higher stocking densities, but higher densities produced maximum number of smaller fishes and also lower recovery rate.