884 resultados para stochastic dynamic systems
Uncertainties in complex dynamic systems play an important role in the prediction of a dynamic response in the mid- and high-frequency ranges. For distributed parameter systems, parametric uncertainties can be represented by random fields leading to stochastic partial differential equations. Over the past two decades, the spectral stochastic finite-element method has been developed to discretize the random fields and solve such problems. On the other hand, for deterministic distributed parameter linear dynamic systems, the spectral finite-element method has been developed to efficiently solve the problem in the frequency domain. In spite of the fact that both approaches use spectral decomposition (one for the random fields and the other for the dynamic displacement fields), very little overlap between them has been reported in literature. In this paper, these two spectral techniques are unified with the aim that the unified approach would outperform any of the spectral methods considered on their own. An exponential autocorrelation function for the random fields, a frequency-dependent stochastic element stiffness, and mass matrices are derived for the axial and bending vibration of rods. Closed-form exact expressions are derived by using the Karhunen-Loève expansion. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the unified spectral approach.
Global change in climate and consequent large impacts on regional hydrologic systems have, in recent years, motivated significant research efforts in water resources modeling under climate change. In an integrated future hydrologic scenario, it is likely that water availability and demands will change significantly due to modifications in hydro-climatic variables such as rainfall, reservoir inflows, temperature, net radiation, wind speed and humidity. An integrated regional water resources management model should capture the likely impacts of climate change on water demands and water availability along with uncertainties associated with climate change impacts and with management goals and objectives under non-stationary conditions. Uncertainties in an integrated regional water resources management model, accumulating from various stages of decision making include climate model and scenario uncertainty in the hydro-climatic impact assessment, uncertainty due to conflicting interests of the water users and uncertainty due to inherent variability of the reservoir inflows. This paper presents an integrated regional water resources management modeling approach considering uncertainties at various stages of decision making by an integration of a hydro-climatic variable projection model, a water demand quantification model, a water quantity management model and a water quality control model. Modeling tools of canonical correlation analysis, stochastic dynamic programming and fuzzy optimization are used in an integrated framework, in the approach presented here. The proposed modeling approach is demonstrated with the case study of the Bhadra Reservoir system in Karnataka, India.
Wind energy has been one of the most growing sectors of the nation’s renewable energy portfolio for the past decade, and the same tendency is being projected for the upcoming years given the aggressive governmental policies for the reduction of fossil fuel dependency. Great technological expectation and outstanding commercial penetration has shown the so called Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) technologies. Given its great acceptance, size evolution of wind turbines over time has increased exponentially. However, safety and economical concerns have emerged as a result of the newly design tendencies for massive scale wind turbine structures presenting high slenderness ratios and complex shapes, typically located in remote areas (e.g. offshore wind farms). In this regard, safety operation requires not only having first-hand information regarding actual structural dynamic conditions under aerodynamic action, but also a deep understanding of the environmental factors in which these multibody rotating structures operate. Given the cyclo-stochastic patterns of the wind loading exerting pressure on a HAWT, a probabilistic framework is appropriate to characterize the risk of failure in terms of resistance and serviceability conditions, at any given time. Furthermore, sources of uncertainty such as material imperfections, buffeting and flutter, aeroelastic damping, gyroscopic effects, turbulence, among others, have pleaded for the use of a more sophisticated mathematical framework that could properly handle all these sources of indetermination. The attainable modeling complexity that arises as a result of these characterizations demands a data-driven experimental validation methodology to calibrate and corroborate the model. For this aim, System Identification (SI) techniques offer a spectrum of well-established numerical methods appropriated for stationary, deterministic, and data-driven numerical schemes, capable of predicting actual dynamic states (eigenrealizations) of traditional time-invariant dynamic systems. As a consequence, it is proposed a modified data-driven SI metric based on the so called Subspace Realization Theory, now adapted for stochastic non-stationary and timevarying systems, as is the case of HAWT’s complex aerodynamics. Simultaneously, this investigation explores the characterization of the turbine loading and response envelopes for critical failure modes of the structural components the wind turbine is made of. In the long run, both aerodynamic framework (theoretical model) and system identification (experimental model) will be merged in a numerical engine formulated as a search algorithm for model updating, also known as Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) process. This iterative engine is based on a set of function minimizations computed by a metric called Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC). In summary, the Thesis is composed of four major parts: (1) development of an analytical aerodynamic framework that predicts interacted wind-structure stochastic loads on wind turbine components; (2) development of a novel tapered-swept-corved Spinning Finite Element (SFE) that includes dampedgyroscopic effects and axial-flexural-torsional coupling; (3) a novel data-driven structural health monitoring (SHM) algorithm via stochastic subspace identification methods; and (4) a numerical search (optimization) engine based on ASA and MAC capable of updating the SFE aerodynamic model.
The present thesis is focused on the development of a thorough mathematical modelling and computational solution framework aimed at the numerical simulation of journal and sliding bearing systems operating under a wide range of lubrication regimes (mixed, elastohydrodynamic and full film lubrication regimes) and working conditions (static, quasi-static and transient conditions). The fluid flow effects have been considered in terms of the Isothermal Generalized Equation of the Mechanics of the Viscous Thin Films (Reynolds equation), along with the massconserving p-Ø Elrod-Adams cavitation model that accordingly ensures the so-called JFO complementary boundary conditions for fluid film rupture. The variation of the lubricant rheological properties due to the viscous-pressure (Barus and Roelands equations), viscous-shear-thinning (Eyring and Carreau-Yasuda equations) and density-pressure (Dowson-Higginson equation) relationships have also been taken into account in the overall modelling. Generic models have been derived for the aforementioned bearing components in order to enable their applications in general multibody dynamic systems (MDS), and by including the effects of angular misalignments, superficial geometric defects (form/waviness deviations, EHL deformations, etc.) and axial motion. The bearing exibility (conformal EHL) has been incorporated by means of FEM model reduction (or condensation) techniques. The macroscopic in fluence of the mixedlubrication phenomena have been included into the modelling by the stochastic Patir and Cheng average ow model and the Greenwood-Williamson/Greenwood-Tripp formulations for rough contacts. Furthermore, a deterministic mixed-lubrication model with inter-asperity cavitation has also been proposed for full-scale simulations in the microscopic (roughness) level. According to the extensive mathematical modelling background established, three significant contributions have been accomplished. Firstly, a general numerical solution for the Reynolds lubrication equation with the mass-conserving p - Ø cavitation model has been developed based on the hybridtype Element-Based Finite Volume Method (EbFVM). This new solution scheme allows solving lubrication problems with complex geometries to be discretized by unstructured grids. The numerical method was validated in agreement with several example cases from the literature, and further used in numerical experiments to explore its exibility in coping with irregular meshes for reducing the number of nodes required in the solution of textured sliding bearings. Secondly, novel robust partitioned techniques, namely: Fixed Point Gauss-Seidel Method (PGMF), Point Gauss-Seidel Method with Aitken Acceleration (PGMA) and Interface Quasi-Newton Method with Inverse Jacobian from Least-Squares approximation (IQN-ILS), commonly adopted for solving uid-structure interaction problems have been introduced in the context of tribological simulations, particularly for the coupled calculation of dynamic conformal EHL contacts. The performance of such partitioned methods was evaluated according to simulations of dynamically loaded connecting-rod big-end bearings of both heavy-duty and high-speed engines. Finally, the proposed deterministic mixed-lubrication modelling was applied to investigate the in fluence of the cylinder liner wear after a 100h dynamometer engine test on the hydrodynamic pressure generation and friction of Twin-Land Oil Control Rings.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
We introduce a technique for quantifying and then exploiting uncertainty in nonlinear stochastic control systems. The approach is suboptimal though robust and relies upon the approximation of the forward and inverse plant models by neural networks, which also estimate the intrinsic uncertainty. Sampling from the resulting Gaussian distributions of the inversion based neurocontroller allows us to introduce a control law which is demonstrably more robust than traditional adaptive controllers.
In this paper a new framework has been applied to the design of controllers which encompasses nonlinearity, hysteresis and arbitrary density functions of forward models and inverse controllers. Using mixture density networks, the probabilistic models of both the forward and inverse dynamics are estimated such that they are dependent on the state and the control input. The optimal control strategy is then derived which minimizes uncertainty of the closed loop system. In the absence of reliable plant models, the proposed control algorithm incorporates uncertainties in model parameters, observations, and latent processes. The local stability of the closed loop system has been established. The efficacy of the control algorithm is demonstrated on two nonlinear stochastic control examples with additive and multiplicative noise.
This paper considers the question of designing a fully image-based visual servo control for a class of dynamic systems. The work is motivated by the ongoing development of image-based visual servo control of small aerial robotic vehicles. The kinematics and dynamics of a rigid-body dynamical system (such as a vehicle airframe) maneuvering over a flat target plane with observable features are expressed in terms of an unnormalized spherical centroid and an optic flow measurement. The image-plane dynamics with respect to force input are dependent on the height of the camera above the target plane. This dependence is compensated by introducing virtual height dynamics and adaptive estimation in the proposed control. A fully nonlinear adaptive control design is provided that ensures asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system for all feasible initial conditions. The choice of control gains is based on an analysis of the asymptotic dynamics of the system. Results from a realistic simulation are presented that demonstrate the performance of the closed-loop system. To the author's knowledge, this paper documents the first time that an image-based visual servo control has been proposed for a dynamic system using vision measurement for both position and velocity.
"The focus of this chapter is on context-resonant systems perspectives in career theory and their implications for practice in diverse cultural and contextual settings. For over two decades, the potential of systems theory to offer a context-resonant approach to career development has been acknowledged. Career development theory and practice, however, have been dominated for most of their history by more narrowly defined theories informed by a trait-and-factor tradition of matching the characteristics of individuals to occupations. In contrast, systems theory challenges this parts-in-isolation approach and offers a response that can accommodate the complexity of both the lives of individuals and the world of the 21st century by taking a more holistic approach that considers individuals in context. These differences in theory and practice may be attributed to the underlying philosophies that inform them. For example, the philosophy informing the trait-and-factor theoretical position, logical positivism, places value on: studying individuals in isolation from their environments; content over process; facts over feelings; objectivity over subjectivity; and views individual behavior as observable, measurable, and linear. In practice, this theory base manifests in expert-driven practices founded on the assessment of personal traits such as interests, personality, values, or beliefs which may be matched to particular occupations. The philosophy informing more recent theoretical positions, constructivism, places value on: studying individuals in their contexts; making meaning of experience through the use of subjective narrative accounts; and a belief in the capacity of individuals known as agency. In practice, this theory base manifests in practices founded on collaborative relationships with clients, narrative approaches, and a reduced emphasis on expert-driven linear processes. Thus, the tenets of constructivism which inform the systems perspectives in career theory are context-resonant. Systems theory stresses holism where the interconnectedness of all elements of a system is considered. Systems may be open or closed. Closed systems have no relationship with their external environment whereas open systems interact with their external environment and are open to external influence which is necessary for regeneration. Congruent with general systems theory, the systems perspectives emerging within career theory are based on open systems. Such systems are complex and dynamic and comprise many elements and subsystems which recursively interact with each other as well as with influences from the surrounding environment. As elements of a system should not be considered in isolation, a systems approach is holistic. Patterns of behavior are found in the relationships between the elements of dynamic systems. Because of the multiplicity of relationships within and between elements of subsystems, the possibility of linear causal explanations is reduced. Story is the mechanism through which the relationships and patterns within systems are recounted by individuals. Thus the career guidance practices emanating from theories informed by systems perspectives are inherently narrative in orientation. Narrative career counseling encourages career development to be understood from the subjective perspective of clients. The application of systemic thinking in practice takes greater account of context. In so doing, practices informed by systems theory may facilitate relevance to a diverse client group in diverse settings. In a world that has become increasingly global and diverse it seems that context-resonant systems perspectives in career theory are essential to ensure the future of career development. Translating context-resonant systems perspectives into practice offers important possibilities for methods and approaches that are respectful of diversity."--publisher website
With the recent development of advanced metering infrastructure, real-time pricing (RTP) scheme is anticipated to be introduced in future retail electricity market. This paper proposes an algorithm for a home energy management scheduler (HEMS) to reduce the cost of energy consumption using RTP. The proposed algorithm works in three subsequent phases namely real-time monitoring (RTM), stochastic scheduling (STS) and real-time control (RTC). In RTM phase, characteristics of available controllable appliances are monitored in real-time and stored in HEMS. In STS phase, HEMS computes an optimal policy using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) to select a set of appliances to be controlled with an objective of the total cost of energy consumption in a house. Finally, in RTC phase, HEMS initiates the control of the selected appliances. The proposed HEMS is unique as it intrinsically considers uncertainties in RTP and power consumption pattern of various appliances. In RTM phase, appliances are categorized according to their characteristics to ease the control process, thereby minimizing the number of control commands issued by HEMS. Simulation results validate the proposed method for HEMS.
The quality of environmental decisions are gauged according to the management objectives of a conservation project. Management objectives are generally about maximising some quantifiable measure of system benefit, for instance population growth rate. They can also be defined in terms of learning about the system in question, in such a case actions would be chosen that maximise knowledge gain, for instance in experimental management sites. Learning about a system can also take place when managing practically. The adaptive management framework (Walters 1986) formally acknowledges this fact by evaluating learning in terms of how it will improve management of the system and therefore future system benefit. This is taken into account when ranking actions using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). However, the benefits of any management action lie on a spectrum from pure system benefit, when there is nothing to be learned about the system, to pure knowledge gain. The current adaptive management framework does not permit management objectives to evaluate actions over the full range of this spectrum. By evaluating knowledge gain in units distinct to future system benefit this whole spectrum of management objectives can be unlocked. This paper outlines six decision making policies that differ across the spectrum of pure system benefit through to pure learning. The extensions to adaptive management presented allow specification of the relative importance of learning compared to system benefit in management objectives. Such an extension means practitioners can be more specific in the construction of conservation project objectives and be able to create policies for experimental management sites in the same framework as practical management sites.
This paper is concerned with the development of an algorithm for pole placement in multi-input dynamic systems. The algorithm which uses a series of elementary transformations is believed to be simpler, computationally more efficient and numerically stable when compared with earlier methods. In this paper two methods have been presented.
This paper is concerned with the development of an algorithm for pole placement in multi-input dynamic systems. The algorithm which uses a series of elementary transformations is believed to be simpler, computationally more efficient and numerically stable when compared with earlier methods. In this paper two methods have been presented.
Magnetorheological dampers are intrinsically nonlinear devices, which make the modeling and design of a suitable control algorithm an interesting and challenging task. To evaluate the potential of magnetorheological (MR) dampers in control applications and to take full advantages of its unique features, a mathematical model to accurately reproduce its dynamic behavior has to be developed and then a proper control strategy has to be taken that is implementable and can fully utilize their capabilities as a semi-active control device. The present paper focuses on both the aspects. First, the paper reports the testing of a magnetorheological damper with an universal testing machine, for a set of frequency, amplitude, and current. A modified Bouc-Wen model considering the amplitude and input current dependence of the damper parameters has been proposed. It has been shown that the damper response can be satisfactorily predicted with this model. Second, a backstepping based nonlinear current monitoring of magnetorheological dampers for semi-active control of structures under earthquakes has been developed. It provides a stable nonlinear magnetorheological damper current monitoring directly based on system feedback such that current change in magnetorheological damper is gradual. Unlike other MR damper control techniques available in literature, the main advantage of the proposed technique lies in its current input prediction directly based on system feedback and smooth update of input current. Furthermore, while developing the proposed semi-active algorithm, the dynamics of the supplied and commanded current to the damper has been considered. The efficiency of the proposed technique has been shown taking a base isolated three story building under a set of seismic excitation. Comparison with widely used clipped-optimal strategy has also been shown.
In many IEEE 802.11 WLAN deployments, wireless clients have a choice of access points (AP) to connect to. In current systems, clients associate with the access point with the strongest signal to noise ratio. However, such an association mechanism can lead to unequal load sharing, resulting in diminished system performance. In this paper, we first provide a numerical approach based on stochastic dynamic programming to find the optimal client-AP association algorithm for a small topology consisting of two access points. Using the value iteration algorithm, we determine the optimal association rule for the two-AP topology. Next, utilizing the insights obtained from the optimal association ride for the two-AP case, we propose a near-optimal heuristic that we call RAT. We test the efficacy of RAT by considering more realistic arrival patterns and a larger topology. Our results show that RAT performs very well in these scenarios as well. Moreover, RAT lends itself to a fairly simple implementation.