893 resultados para statistical process control
The abundance of many commercially important fish stocks are declining and this has led to widespread concern on the performance of traditional approach in fisheries management. Quantitative models are used for obtaining estimates of population abundance and the management advice is based on annual harvest levels (TAC), where only a certain amount of catch is allowed from specific fish stocks. However, these models are data intensive and less useful when stocks have limited historical information. This study examined whether empirical stock indicators can be used to manage fisheries. The relationship between indicators and the underlying stock abundance is not direct and hence can be affected by disturbances that may account for both transient and persistent effects. Methods from Statistical Process Control (SPC) theory such as the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) control charts are useful in classifying these effects and hence they can be used to trigger management response only when a significant impact occurs to the stock biomass. This thesis explores how empirical indicators along with CUSUM can be used for monitoring, assessment and management of fish stocks. I begin my thesis by exploring various age based catch indicators, to identify those which are potentially useful in tracking the state of fish stocks. The sensitivity and response of these indicators towards changes in Spawning Stock Biomass (SSB) showed that indicators based on age groups that are fully selected to the fishing gear or Large Fish Indicators (LFIs) are most useful and robust across the range of scenarios considered. The Decision-Interval (DI-CUSUM) and Self-Starting (SS-CUSUM) forms are the two types of control charts used in this study. In contrast to the DI-CUSUM, the SS-CUSUM can be initiated without specifying a target reference point (‘control mean’) to detect out-of-control (significant impact) situations. The sensitivity and specificity of SS-CUSUM showed that the performances are robust when LFIs are used. Once an out-of-control situation is detected, the next step is to determine how much shift has occurred in the underlying stock biomass. If an estimate of this shift is available, they can be used to update TAC by incorporation into Harvest Control Rules (HCRs). Various methods from Engineering Process Control (EPC) theory were tested to determine which method can measure the shift size in stock biomass with the highest accuracy. Results showed that methods based on Grubb’s harmonic rule gave reliable shift size estimates. The accuracy of these estimates can be improved by monitoring a combined indicator metric of stock-recruitment and LFI because this may account for impacts independent of fishing. The procedure of integrating both SPC and EPC is known as Statistical Process Adjustment (SPA). A HCR based on SPA was designed for DI-CUSUM and the scheme was successful in bringing out-of-control fish stocks back to its in-control state. The HCR was also tested using SS-CUSUM in the context of data poor fish stocks. Results showed that the scheme will be useful for sustaining the initial in-control state of the fish stock until more observations become available for quantitative assessments.
This brief examines the application of nonlinear statistical process control to the detection and diagnosis of faults in automotive engines. In this statistical framework, the computed score variables may have a complicated nonparametric distri- bution function, which hampers statistical inference, notably for fault detection and diagnosis. This brief shows that introducing the statistical local approach into nonlinear statistical process control produces statistics that follow a normal distribution, thereby enabling a simple statistical inference for fault detection. Further, for fault diagnosis, this brief introduces a compensation scheme that approximates the fault condition signature. Experimental results from a Volkswagen 1.9-L turbo-charged diesel engine are included.
Treasure et al. (2004) recently proposed a new sub space-monitoring technique, based on the N4SID algorithm, within the multivariate statistical process control framework. This dynamic-monitoring method requires considerably fewer variables to be analysed when compared with dynamic principal component analysis (PCA). The contribution charts and variable reconstruction, traditionally employed for static PCA, are analysed in a dynamic context. The contribution charts and variable reconstruction may be affected by the ratio of the number of retained components to the total number of analysed variables. Particular problems arise if this ratio is large and a new reconstruction chart is introduced to overcome these. The utility of such a dynamic contribution chart and variable reconstruction is shown in a simulation and by application to industrial data from a distillation unit.
The tailpipe emissions from automotive engines have been subject to steadily reducing legislative limits. This reduction has been achieved through the addition of sub-systems to the basic four-stroke engine which thereby increases its complexity. To ensure the entire system functions correctly, each system and / or sub-systems needs to be continuously monitored for the presence of any faults or malfunctions. This is a requirement detailed within the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) legislation. To date, a physical model approach has been adopted by me automotive industry for the monitoring requirement of OBD legislation. However, this approach has restrictions from the available knowledge base and computational load required. A neural network technique incorporating Multivariant Statistical Process Control (MSPC) has been proposed as an alternative method of building interrelationships between the measured variables and monitoring the correct operation of the engine. Building upon earlier work for steady state fault detection, this paper details the use of non-linear models based on an Auto-associate Neural Network (ANN) for fault detection under transient engine operation. The theory and use of the technique is shown in this paper with the application to the detection of air leaks within the inlet manifold system of a modern gasoline engine whilst operated on a pseudo-drive cycle. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.
This case study examines how the lean ideas behind the Toyota production system can be applied to software project management. It is a detailed investigation of the performance of a nine-person software development team employed by BBC Worldwide based in London. The data collected in 2009 involved direct observations of the development team, the kanban boards, the daily stand-up meetings, semistructured interviews with a wide variety of staff, and statistical analysis. The evidence shows that over the 12-month period, lead time to deliver software improved by 37%, consistency of delivery rose by 47%, and defects reported by customers fell 24%. The significance of this work is showing that the use of lean methods including visual management, team-based problem solving, smaller batch sizes, and statistical process control can improve software development. It also summarizes key differences between agile and lean approaches to software development. The conclusion is that the performance of the software development team was improved by adopting a lean approach. The faster delivery with a focus on creating the highest value to the customer also reduced both technical and market risks. The drawbacks are that it may not fit well with existing corporate standards.
La idea básica de detección de defectos basada en vibraciones en Monitorización de la Salud Estructural (SHM), es que el defecto altera las propiedades de rigidez, masa o disipación de energía de un sistema, el cual, altera la respuesta dinámica del mismo. Dentro del contexto de reconocimiento de patrones, esta tesis presenta una metodología híbrida de razonamiento para evaluar los defectos en las estructuras, combinando el uso de un modelo de la estructura y/o experimentos previos con el esquema de razonamiento basado en el conocimiento para evaluar si el defecto está presente, su gravedad y su localización. La metodología involucra algunos elementos relacionados con análisis de vibraciones, matemáticas (wavelets, control de procesos estadístico), análisis y procesamiento de señales y/o patrones (razonamiento basado en casos, redes auto-organizativas), estructuras inteligentes y detección de defectos. Las técnicas son validadas numérica y experimentalmente considerando corrosión, pérdida de masa, acumulación de masa e impactos. Las estructuras usadas durante este trabajo son: una estructura tipo cercha voladiza, una viga de aluminio, dos secciones de tubería y una parte del ala de un avión comercial.
O objeto de estudo desta dissertação é a aplicação de ferramentas para o controle da qualidade e melhoria do processo de produção de uma etapa construtiva de edificações residenciais. As ferramentas aplicadas são: i) controle estatístico do processo – CEP, e; ii) dispositivos Poka-Yoke. A etapa construtiva mencionada é a elevação da estrutura de concreto armado. O estudo foi motivado pela necessidade de melhorar o sistema de manufatura de uma empresa construtora de Porto Alegre – RS, com vistas a reduzir o tempo de construção de suas edificações (lead-time de produção). Para tanto, a partir de conceitos teóricos do Sistema Toyota de Produção – STP, analisou-se o processo produtivo atual para a referida etapa construtiva, identificaram-se perdas existentes no processo e foram propostas melhorias. As ferramentas de qualidade CEP e Poka-Yoke enquadram-se dentro dessa perspectiva de melhoria. Através da sua aplicação, pretende-se eliminar algumas das perdas existentes no processo de construção melhorando sua produtividade e a qualidade do produto final. A aplicação do CEP tem como objetivo avaliar a capacidade do fornecedor de concreto de atender às exigências dos consumidores, de acordo com o que é estipulado pelas normas brasileiras de fabricação e aceitação de concreto, sem impor-lhes ônus desnecessário. A avaliação é efetuada através do monitoramento da variabilidade da propriedade que melhor caracteriza a qualidade do concreto, qual seja, a sua resistência à compressão axial. Os dispositivos Poka-Yoke, por sua vez, são aplicados com funções de controle da qualidade e prevenção de defeitos e, como ferramentas auxiliares na melhoria de atividades produtivas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This Master Thesis presents a case study on the use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) at the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Alimentos e Medicamentos (NUPLAM). The SPC basic tools have been applied in the process of the tuberculostáticos drugs encapsulation, primarily concerning the objective to choose, between two speeds, which one is the best one to perform the tuberculostatics encapsulation. Later on, with the company effectively operating, the SPC was applied intending to know the variability of the process and, through the tracking of the process itself, to arrive at an estimated limit for the control of future lots of tuberculostatics of equal dosage. As special causes were detected acting in the process, a cause-and-effect diagram was built in order to try to discover, in each factor that composes the productive process, the possible causes of variation of the capsules average weight. The hypotheses raised will be able to serve as a base for deepened the study to eliminate or reduce these interferences in the process. Also a study on the capacity of the process to attend the specifications was carried out, and this study has shown the process´s inaptitude to take care of them. However, on the side of NUPLAM exists a real yearning to implant the SPC and consequently to improve the existing quality already present on its medicines
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Dentre as etapas de produção do feijoeiro a colheita é uma das mais importantes, porque pode interferir de maneira decisiva na qualidade e no custo de produção. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade da operação da colheita mecanizada de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris), cultivado sob preparo convencional e plantio direto. As variáveis analisadas foram: o nível de ruído emitido, calculado através de um medidor de pressão sonora; o desempenho operacional, sendo monitorado o consumo de combustível, a patinagem dos rodados e a velocidade de deslocamento do conjunto coletados em uma central digital (datalogger); e a operação de colheita quanto à matéria seca e densidade de palhada, e as perdas na colheita. A velocidade e os consumos horário e operacional apresentaram distribuição normal dos dados, enquanto que o nível de ruído apresentou distribuição assimétrica. As perdas na colheita mecanizada de feijão e a densidade de palhada apresentaram baixa variabilidade e distribuição normal. Assim, apenas o consumo horário e a produção de matéria seca de palhada apresentaram comportamento instável em relação ao controle estatístico de processo, enquanto os demais indicadores mostraram condições de manter a qualidade da operação de colheita tanto no preparo convencional de solo quanto no plantio direto.