121 resultados para stallion


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, in vitro, o efeito da adição de 1 mg pentoxifilina por mL de amostras seminais diluídas em meio Kenney, e resfriadas a 5º C, de garanhões normospérmicos, sobre os seguintes parâmetros: taxas de motilidade total e motilidade progressiva, velocidade espermática ao longo da trajetória real, índice retilíneo, taxa de linearidade, velocidade progressiva, taxa de viabilidade e taxa de integridade da membrana plasmática. Foram avaliados 20 ejaculados de quatro garanhões, com o auxílio do Hamilton Thorn Research (Animal Version 12.0 L, EUA), em câmara de Makler. A taxa de viabilidade foi realizada por coloração de eosina e microscopia de contraste e a taxa de integridade de membrana, por coloração com fluorocromos, iodeto de propídio e diacetato de carboxifluoresceina e microscopia de fluorescência. As análises foram realizadas aos 30, 60, e 120 minutos de incubação a 37º C, após 12, 24 e 48 horas de resfriamento a 5ºC. A pentoxifilina incrementou significativamente, em relação ao grupo controle, os parâmetros espermáticos relacionados à motilidade dos espermatozóides e de integridade da membrana plasmática, durante todo o período de incubação, da seguinte forma: taxa de motilidade total em 8,2%; motilidade progressiva em 4,7%; velocidade real em 23,1 mm/s; taxa de espermatozóides com velocidade rápida em 7,4%; taxa de viabilidade em 4,7%; e integridade da membrana plasmática em 3,5 % do tratado. Quanto aos parâmetros índice de retilinidade e linearidade, não foi observada diferença significativa entre os grupos. Os resultados obtidos nas condições deste experimento indicam que a adição de pentoxifilina ao ejaculado resfriado de garanhões, até 48 horas após o resfriamento, pode ser benéfica à qualidade dos espermatozóides para uso na inseminação artificial.


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Objetivou-se neste experimento estudar o efeito do transporte de sêmen equino, entre haras, sobre a fertilidade de éguas inseminadas. Setenta e seis fêmeas da raça Mangalarga Marchador foram distribuídas, ao acaso, com número desigual de repetições, para se estudarem os efeitos do sêmen in natura, transportado ou não, e do sêmen diluído, resfriado e transportado, sobre a fertilidade de éguas e diferentes características reprodutivas. O sêmen foi diluído no diluidor lactose-gema de ovo sem glicerina. As fêmeas foram inseminadas, em dias alternados, com sêmen de apenas um garanhão, com volumes/dose inseminante variáveis dependendo do número de fêmeas a serem inseminadas por dia com determinado ejaculado. Utilizou-se para o transporte do sêmen um contêiner especialmente projetado para este fim (MSP-1). As taxas de concepção ao primeiro ciclo e totais, a eficiência de prenhez, o número de ciclos/égua, ciclos/égua gestante, ciclo/prenhez e prenhez/ciclo, o número de IA/égua, o número de IA/égua gestante e o número de IA/égua vazia não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. O diluidor de lactose gema, modificado pela retirada do glicerol de sua formulação, constitui uma opção para a diluição do sêmen a ser resfriado e transportado. O suceso do transporte do sêmen, diluído e resfriado, a pequenas distâncias, por período de tempo curto, depende mais de um bom diluídor que de um sofisticado contêiner de transporte.


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Forty-two mares were randomly assigned in a 3 x 2 factorial experiment which included three intervals between rectal palpation (6/6h, 12/12h and once a day palpation) and two frequencies of inseminations (daily or every other day). The mares were inseminated with semen from only one stallion, diluted in minimal contamination extender. There were no differences in the conception rate at first cycle, conception/cycle, conception total, efficiency of pregnancy in either system of rectal palpation, independently of the frequency of insemination utilized. Also there were no differences among intervals of rectal palpation concerning the following reproductive characteristics: number of cycles/mare, cycles/pregnant mare, cycles/ pregnancy, pregnancy/cycle, number of inseminations/mare, inseminations/ pregnant mare and insemination/open mare. There were no differences in pregnancy rate at first cycle, pregnancy rate/cycle, pregnancy rate total and efficiency of pregnancy between the two frequency of insemination. However, the frequency of insemination influenced the number of inseminations/mare, number of inseminations/ pregnant mare and inseminations/open mare. The highest values were observed with the mares inseminated daily. Therefore, insemination every other day can be recommended. If necessary the mare may be palpated rectally at intervals of six hours without reducing the pregnancy rate.


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Ninety-seven Mangalarga Marchador mares were allocated in a randomized experimental design, with different number of replicates per treatments. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of raw (T3) or diluted, cooled semen transported to the breeding farms 1 (T1) and 3 (T2), on mare fertility and different aspects of reproductive efficiency. The mares were inseminated, with semen of only one stallion (Farm 2), on alternate days using different inseminating volumes, according to number of inseminated mares per day using only one ejaculate. For transportation, semen diluted in a lactose-egg yolk modified extender and the MSP-2 container were used. There was no difference among treatments in relation to conception rates of mares inseminated with raw or diluted, cooled and transported semen. Regardless of the farm, the total fertility obtained with cooled semen was 80% (52/65). The following variables were not affected by the treatments: cycles/mare, cycles/pregnant mare, cycles/pregnancy, pregnancy/cycle, number of inseminations/mare, number of inseminations/pregnant mare, number of inseminations/open mare and efficiency of pregnancy. However, the breeding farm had an effect on water and semen temperature in the container, time between collection and insemination, according to time and distance covered. Based on the results, cooling and transporting equine semen, using an extender, lactose-egg yolk without glycerine and the MSP-2 container should be recommended for short distances. The use of raw semen immediately after collection is also recommended.


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One hundred forty seven cycles of mares were allocated in a completely randomized experiment, with different number of replications and divided in four treatments (T1 = 24 hours preovulation; T2 = 48 hours preovulation; T3 = 48 hours preovulation and in tbe same day of ovulation; T4 = 72 hours preovulation and in the same day of ovulation), in order to study the effect of AI/ovulation interval on mare fertility. The mares were inseminated three times for wek (monday, wednesday and friday), with semen of only one stallion diluted in extender skim milk-glucose, using a volume of 15ml, with 400 x 10(6) sptz viable, cooled at 14 degrees C/3.6 hours, and transported in modified container Celle. Conception rates were not different according to the treatments. So, observed spermatic survival for 60 hours showed the practicability of the inseminations on monday, wednesday and friday.


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The effects of extender and farms on the fertility of sixty-five Mangalarga Marchador breed mares were studied. The mares were randomly assigned to a 2 x 2 factorial experiment, with two breeding farms (H1 and H2) and two extenders (glycine-egg yolk-T1 and lactose-egg yolk modified-T2), from only one stallion, with different number of replicates. The mares were inseminated, on alternated days, with diluted, cooled, transported semen, in a special container (MSP-2). There were no differences in the conception rate at first cycle, regardless of the breeding farm or extender used. Also. there was no difference among breeding farm or extender concerning the conception rate/cycle and the following reproductive characteristics: number of cycles/pregnancy, number of inseminations/mare, inseminations/pregnant mare, inseminations/open mare, water temperature in the container, temperature of semen in the container, time between collection and insemination and efficiency of pregnancy. The use of lactose-egg yolk modified extender for the dilution, cooling and transport of stallion semen between farms is recommended. The new container MSP-2 showed to be a option for the transportation between farms, for the same purpose.


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Evaluation of the damage caused by the sperm preservation process is crucial to improving fertilization rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of refrigeration temperature (5°C and 15°C) and storage time (0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours) on apoptotic markers in equine semen. Membrane phosphatidylserine translocation index, caspase activation index, and DNA fragmentation index were analyzed using epifluorescence microscopy. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis, and Tukey test was used to compare means. The significance level was set at P < .05. The results demonstrated that for transport duration shorter than 24 hours, semen quality was maintained when stored at either 5°C or 15°C. A storage temperature of 5°C should be used when it is necessary to transport semen for longer than 24 hours. There was a significant decrease in semen quality after 48 hours of refrigeration. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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The recovery of sperm from the epididymal cauda may be the last chance to obtain genetic material when sudden death or serious injuries occur in valuable stallions. However, the lack of technical knowledge regarding the storage and transportation of the epididymis often prevents the preservation of the sperm. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare sperm parameters of sperm obtained immediately after orchiectomy with sperm recovered from epididymal cauda at different times after storage at 5°C and at room temperature (RT). For that, 48 stallions of different breeds were used. In group 1 (control group), eight stallions were used, and the harvest of the epididymal sperm was performed immediately after orchiectomy. In group 2, 40 stallions were used, which were divided into five groups according to the storage time of the epididymis after orchiectomy (6, 12, 18, 24, or 30 hours), making a total of eight stallions per group. One epididymis of each stallion was stored at 5°C, and the contralateral epididymis was stored at RT, both for the same period. The sperm parameters of total motility, progressive motility, progressive linear velocity, curvilinear velocity, percentage of rapid sperm, and plasma membrane integrity were evaluated in all the groups after sperm recovery, resuspension in a sperm freezing diluent, and thawing. In conclusion, the storage of the testis-epididymis complex at 5°C provided better preservation of epididymal sperm than the storage at RT, and regardless of the temperature, the progressive motility is the sperm parameter that is most sensitive to storage time. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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This study evaluated whether pentoxifylline (PTX) present in the flushing extender influenced the function of equine epididymal spermatozoa after recovery and after thawing. For this experiment, 58 testicles from 29 Brazilian Jumping Horses were used. Cauda epididymides of each stallion were separated and flushed with a skim milk extender, with or without 7.18 mM PTX and then subjected to the freezing process. Samples flushed with the extender containing PTX showed a significant increase in total motility, progressive motility, straight line velocity, curvilinear velocity, and percentage of rapid sperm immediately after the recovery of epididymal sperm and after 15 minutes of incubation at 37°C (P < .05). However, the presence of PTX in the flushing extender did not affect the post-thaw motility parameters or plasma membrane integrity (P > .05). The results of this study showed that the PTX present in the flushing extender improved motility parameters of recently recovered epididymal sperm and had no deleterious effects on plasma membrane integrity and freezability of equine epididymal sperm. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)