214 resultados para spousal undermining


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Presentación El siguiente trabajo es un ejercicio reflexivo sobre una experiencia própia: Un estudio etnográfico sobre usuarios/as de heroína realizado en un barrio de Barcelona entre los años 1993-1995. Todo empezó dos años después de escribir la etnografía, al decidir regresar al barrio para explicar a los participantes el trabajo que había escrito sobre aquella experiencia. En esos momentos tomé la decisión de realizar un estudio sobre el papel que yo había desarrollado durante todo el trabajo de campo con esas personas, cómo me había influido, como les había influido, por qué había relatado aquellas cosas sobre sus vidas, qué efectos provocaba lo escrito a posibles lectores, etc. Y así surgió el tema de esta tesis. Objetivos En este trabajo me propongo ponerme al lado de los datos que en otro momento recogí y comenzar a analizarlos a la luz de potentes teorías y presupuestos -principalmente de la psicología social-. He tratado de "hacer" un ejercicio reflexivo sobre un caso, una experiencia científica en la qué "yo" he estado implicada. El objetivo fundamental es mostrar en qué consiste una práctica reflexiva, entendida como una forma de hacer "objetivable" el conocimiento (aspecto que correspondería a una dimensión racional- epistemológica), y también entendida como una forma de encontrar resistencias a discursos dominantes en el conocimiento psicosocial (aspecto que correspondería a una dimensión ético-política). Como objetivos específicos me propongo: -señalar un procedimiento que permita conectar al auditorio o lectores con la experiencia particular de la investigadora -cuestionar mi propia práctica de producción de conocimiento psicosocial -explorar los "yoes" o subjetividades en el proceso investigador Marco teórico y metodología He definido un tipo de práctica reflexiva tomando una perspectiva construccionista crítica localizada en la posición del observador/a, donde el valor de la reflexividad, más que instrumento de comprensión o validación, es un instrumento de cambio. Procederé a través del análisis del discurso de mi práctica social o experiencia de conocimiento científico, junto con conceptos provenientes de la etnometodología, interaccionismo simbólico y fenomenología. Los métodos han sido la etnografía de laboratorio (basada en Latour y Woolgar), la descripción etnometodológica (de Potter) y el análisis discursivo (los repertorios interpretativos de Potter y Wheterell, y las formaciones discursivas basadas en Foucault). Mis datos han sido 44 entrevistas en profundidad, a modo de conversaciones con los usuarios y no usuarios significativos en aquel contexto de observación. Casi todas transcritas. Y 5 libretas con notas de campo tomadas durante la observación participante en las que constaban multitud de comentarios personales, interpretaciones sobre el tema y situaciones compartidas entre ellos y "yo". Resultados y discusión Como resultado del análisis del discurso he encontrado la confrontación entre formaciones discursivas "naturalizadoras" y "sociologizadoras", acentuando mucho más en mis datos la formación "sociologizadora" (cuestiones legales, relacionales, culturales, etc.), que "naturalizadora" (cuestiones sensoriales, farmacológicas, psicológicas, fisiológicas, etc.). Este dialogismo entre unas y otras formaciones permite tomar consciencia de formas de acción que no son demasiado relevantes en un contexto sociohistórico dado, pero si se activan o "actúan" en contextos específicos de acción donde las personas tienen capacidad agéntica. La observación participante ha sido fundamental para contextualizar los datos, construidos en su "contexto cotidiano de acción", además, ha dado sentido a las conversaciones y a las entrevistas en profundidad. El procedimiento empleado, conforma un tipo de modelo que pone en relación di versos constructos: contexto discursivo (o interactivo), posición discursiva y formaciones discursivas, y que se articulan alrededor de un espacio intersubjetivo "yo-alter" que es lo que constituye la unidad básica donde opera la reflexividad. Se construyen distintos "yoes" en cada momento y trayectoria de la experiencia relatada. Al introducir el "yo" en el trabajo de campo (tanto el mío como el de alter), provoco una problematización de los datos y a la vez, me obliga a reconceptualizar ese "yo" o "yoes" y resignificar esos datos. Se me plantea mi condición de liminalidad (o de otra manera, decir que no estoy ni dentro ni fuera de la cultura que estudio), donde los contornos de mi identidad se subvierten y donde la condición de ser, es que ninguna subjetividad es permanente. Mi aproximación a "alter" supone una continuidad entre "yo-alter" y en ocasiones resulta amenazante, en la medida en que se confunden los límites y se difuminan con el fin de conseguir una "experiencia empática". Pero no se trataría tanto de una fusión "yo-alter", de manera que sería una dilución de ambos, sino de una permeabilidad de los límites, originando así, un espacio potencial para crear, para conectar y donde se resuelva la tendencia a controlar o contener un "yo" al otro. Conclusiones La posibilidad de la práctica reflexiva está en el espacio intersubjetivo "yo-alter". Mi intento de conexión con "alter" me constituye temporalmente en mediadora: "estar en medio de". Esto significa: l-socavar los cimientos y el orden construido, a través de buscar fisuras, inconsistencias y contradicciones en los discursos manejados, a partir de las cuales hay potenciales trayectos que no se han producido, 2-incorporar diferentes voces o dialogismo en la historia que cuento y no un monólogo de la autora, sino una participación de alternativas posibles y espacios de enunciación, junto con las subjetividades emergentes. Para ello, dos condiciones son ineludibles: -la agentividad para subvertir lo establecido, las identidades -el recuperar contextos que sean potencialmente relevantes para actuar discursos. Considerar las subjetividades también es la manera de tener a "alter" presente. "Alter" se comprende en "mi" a través de un trayecto en el que se marcan las afinidades mutuas y no tanto las identidades, en el que "representar" a "alter" es trazar un trayecto de conocimiento local y situado (como apunta Haraway), pues sólo así es posible generar una praxis transformadora fiel a la parcialidad.


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The present essay’s central argument or hypothesis is, consequently, that the mechanisms accelerating a wealth concentrating and exclusionary economy centred on the benefit and overprotection of big business—with a corresponding plundering of resources that are vital for life—generated forms of loss and regression in the right to healthcare and the dismantling of institutional protections. These are all expressed in indicators from 1990-2005, which point not only to the deterioration of healthcare programs and services but also to the undermining of the general conditions of life (social reproduction) and, in contrast to the reports and predictions of the era’s governments, a stagnation or deterioration in health indicators, especially for those most sensitive to the crisis. The present study’s argument is linked together across distinct chapters. First, we undertake the necessary clarification of the categories central to the understanding of a complex issue; clarifying the concept of health itself and its determinants, emphasizing the necessity of taking on an integral understanding as a fundamental prerequisite to unravelling what documents and reports from this era either leave unsaid or distort. Based on that analysis, we will explain the harmful effects of global economic acceleration, the monopolization and pillaging of strategic healthcare goods; not only those which directly place obstacles on the access to health services, but also those like the destructuration of small economies, linked to the impoverishment and worsening of living modes. Thinking epidemiologically, we intend to show signs of the deterioration of broad collectivities’ ways of life as a result of the mechanisms of acceleration and pillage. We will then collect disparate evidence of the deterioration of human health and ecosystems to, finally, establish the most urgent conclusions about this unfortunate period of our social and medical history.


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partir de algunas afinidades entre el relato “El inmortal” (J. L. Borges, 1947) y la novela Yo el Supremo (A. Roa Bastos, 1974) la autora indaga sobre el modo cómo estos textos desestabilizan simultáneamente las concepciones y prácticas tradicionales del discurso historiográfico y de la ficción narrativa, minando los procedimientos fundamentales y las convenciones propias de estos géneros discursivos, al menos en dos órdenes: la construcción de la figura de autor y la cita –arbitraria, irónica y paródica– de fuentes documentales, procedimientos ambos señalados por Foucault como condición para la producción discursiva de la verdad. Como consecuencia de estas transgresiones ambos textos introducen un cuestionamiento radical a la noción de una verdad histórica original, unívoca e incuestionable.


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The Ivory-billed Woodpecker has long held a special place in the psyche of North American conservation, eliciting unusually colorful prose, even from scientists, as an icon of the wild. The reverence in which it was held did little to slow the habitat loss that led to its apparent extinction 60 years ago. A consequence of the emotion and attention associated with the amazing rediscovery of this species is that conservation biologists will be under considerable pressure to make good on this “second chance.” This poses a challenge to conservation paradigms that has important political consequences. First, the decline of the species is due to habitat loss, recovery from which has been much more seldom achieved than recovery from declines due to impacts on vital rates. This challenge is exacerbated by the enormous area requirements of the species. Second, the species at best exists as a critically small population. It will be difficult to make the case that a viable population can be established without undermining the small population paradigm that underlies conservation strategies for many other species. This has already resulted in some political backlash. Conservation of this species is best based on the one point of clear scientific consensus, that habitat is limiting, but this may result in additional political backlash because of conflicts with other land uses.


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Examines the concept of “place attachment” as defined in various disciplines and develops an effective conceptual approach that can be applied to facilities management. Describes the development of a model-matchmaking process adapted from Passini's model of cognitive mapping. Findings that the emergence of the new economy is undermining our ability to form attachments with people, places and companies. However, one of the unintended effects of this is that it has strengthened the value of place and aroused a longing for community. Moreover, loyalty to an organisation is increasingly determined by social and place attachment. Proposes that further research needs to be undertaken to “engineer out” the negative impacts of flexibility associated with loss of place. States that place attachment presents a challenging view of the world that is contrary to all the received wisdom in facilities management, where flexibility has always assumed an unchallenged position in relation to buildings and people. Concludes that this research area presents many pragmatic design and operational questions for facilities managers.


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One of the most vexing issues for analysts and managers of property companies across Europe has been the existence and persistence of deviations of Net Asset Values of property companies from their market capitalisation. The issue has clear links to similar discounts and premiums in closed-end funds. The closed end fund puzzle is regarded as an important unsolved problem in financial economics undermining theories of market efficiency and the Law of One Price. Consequently, it has generated a huge body of research. Although it can be tempting to focus on the particular inefficiencies of real estate markets in attempting to explain deviations from NAV, the closed end fund discount puzzle indicates that divergences between underlying asset values and market capitalisation are not a ‘pure’ real estate phenomenon. When examining potential explanations, two recurring factors stand out in the closed end fund literature as often undermining the economic rationale for a discount – the existence of premiums and cross-sectional and periodic fluctuations in the level of discount/premium. These need to be borne in mind when considering potential explanations for real estate markets. There are two approaches to investigating the discount to net asset value in closed-end funds: the ‘rational’ approach and the ‘noise trader’ or ‘sentiment’ approach. The ‘rational’ approach hypothesizes the discount to net asset value as being the result of company specific factors relating to such factors as management quality, tax liability and the type of stocks held by the fund. Despite the intuitive appeal of the ‘rational’ approach to closed-end fund discounts the studies have not successfully explained the variance in closed-end fund discounts or why the discount to net asset value in closed-end funds varies so much over time. The variation over time in the average sector discount is not only a feature of closed-end funds but also property companies. This paper analyses changes in the deviations from NAV for UK property companies between 2000 and 2003. The paper present a new way to study the phenomenon ‘cleaning’ the gearing effect by introducing a new way of calculating the discount itself. We call it “ungeared discount”. It is calculated by assuming that a firm issues new equity to repurchase outstanding debt without any variation on asset side. In this way discount does not depend on an accounting effect and the analysis should better explain the effect of other independent variables.


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Risk and uncertainty are, to say the least, poorly considered by most individuals involved in real estate analysis - in both development and investment appraisal. Surveyors continue to express 'uncertainty' about the value (risk) of using relatively objective methods of analysis to account for these factors. These methods attempt to identify the risk elements more explicitly. Conventionally this is done by deriving probability distributions for the uncontrolled variables in the system. A suggested 'new' way of "being able to express our uncertainty or slight vagueness about some of the qualitative judgements and not From its modern origins, associated with the urbanising effect of industrialisation, walking has remained a popular form of outdoor recreation. It has, furthermore, remained an important site of class struggle, with the 'landless' seeking to establish their moral 'citizen' right to roam over open country in contradistinction to the 'landed', who have successfully limited this right to legally-defined public rights of way. In the face of declining farm incomes, however, farmers and landowners have, apparently, modified their attitudes towards public access, but only in return for compensation and management payments under grant schemes such as Countryside Stewardship and the Countryside Premium Scheme. With the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food now seeking to extend paid access arrangements to other grant schemes, as part of its response to the European Union's Agri-Environment Regulations, access 'rights' are assuming an increasingly commodified form, thereby questioning, if not undermining, the former citizen claims. For rather than being a benefit of citizenship, the existence of limited, often poorly maintained and inadequately signposted, public rights of way has tied inextricably the extension of legally-enforceable access to the needs of the landowners and farmers. At a time of falling prosperity in agriculture, therefore, they have now exercised their discretion by annexing the populism of consumer culture to reproduce the bourgeois liberal values of the market as a principal determinant of the extension of citizen rights of access to the countryside.


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For free black women in the pre-Civil War American South, the status offered by ‘freedom’ was uncertain and malleable. The conceptualization of bondage and freedom as two diametrically opposed conditions therefore fails to make sense of the complexities of life for these women. Instead, notions of enslavement and freedom are better framed as a spectrum. This article develops this idea by exploring two of the ways in which some black women negotiated their status before the law—namely though petitioning for residency or for enslavement. While these petitions are atypical numerically, and often offer tantalizingly scant evidence, when used in conjunction with evidence from the US census, it becomes clear that these women were highly pragmatic. Prioritizing their spousal and broader familial affective relationships above their legal status, they rejected the often theoretical distinction between slavery and liberation. As such, the petitions can be used to reach broader conclusions about the attitudes of women who have left little written testimony.


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Societal concern is growing about the consequences of climate change for food systems and, in a number of regions, for food security. There is also concern that meeting the rising demand for food is leading to environmental degradation thereby exacerbating factors in part responsible for climate change, and further undermining the food systems upon which food security is based. A major emphasis of climate change/food security research over recent years has addressed the agronomic aspects of climate change, and particularly crop yield. This has provided an excellent foundation for assessments of how climate change may affect crop productivity, but the connectivity between these results and the broader issues of food security at large are relatively poorly explored; too often discussions of food security policy appear to be based on a relatively narrow agronomic perspective. To overcome the limitation of current agronomic research outputs there are several scientific challenges where further agronomic effort is necessary, and where agronomic research results can effectively contribute to the broader issues underlying food security. First is the need to better understand how climate change will affect cropping systems including both direct effects on the crops themselves and indirect effects as a result of changed pest and weed dynamics and altered soil and water conditions. Second is the need to assess technical and policy options for either reducing the deleterious impacts or enhancing the benefits of climate change on cropping systems while minimising further environmental degradation. Third is the need to understand how best to address the information needs of policy makers and report and communicate agronomic research results in a manner that will assist the development of food systems adapted to climate change. There are, however, two important considerations regarding these agronomic research contributions to the food security/climate change debate. The first concerns scale. Agronomic research has traditionally been conducted at plot scale over a growing season or perhaps a few years, but many of the issues related to food security operate at larger spatial and temporal scales. Over the last decade, agronomists have begun to establish trials at landscape scale, but there are a number of methodological challenges to be overcome at such scales. The second concerns the position of crop production (which is a primary focus of agronomic research) in the broader context of food security. Production is clearly important, but food distribution and exchange also determine food availability while access to food and food utilisation are other important components of food security. Therefore, while agronomic research alone cannot address all food security/climate change issues (and hence the balance of investment in research and development for crop production vis à vis other aspects of food security needs to be assessed), it will nevertheless continue to have an important role to play: it both improves understanding of the impacts of climate change on crop production and helps to develop adaptation options; and also – and crucially – it improves understanding of the consequences of different adaptation options on further climate forcing. This role can further be strengthened if agronomists work alongside other scientists to develop adaptation options that are not only effective in terms of crop production, but are also environmentally and economically robust, at landscape and regional scales. Furthermore, such integrated approaches to adaptation research are much more likely to address the information need of policy makers. The potential for stronger linkages between the results of agronomic research in the context of climate change and the policy environment will thus be enhanced.


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Understanding how species and ecosystems respond to climate change has become a major focus of ecology and conservation biology. Modelling approaches provide important tools for making future projections, but current models of the climate-biosphere interface remain overly simplistic, undermining the credibility of projections. We identify five ways in which substantial advances could be made in the next few years: (i) improving the accessibility and efficiency of biodiversity monitoring data, (ii) quantifying the main determinants of the sensitivity of species to climate change, (iii) incorporating community dynamics into projections of biodiversity responses, (iv) accounting for the influence of evolutionary processes on the response of species to climate change, and (v) improving the biophysical rule sets that define functional groupings of species in global models.


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The roots of insurgencies and counterinsurgency go back to Antiquity, and consistent patterns can be traced. These include the state's use of its own armed forces against insurgents who tend to be inferior in terms of armaments, and states' attempts to delegitimize violent aimed to overthrow it, and the need for insurgents to recur to illegal means to challenge the state's power. Very often insurgents have to team up with criminal networks in order to do so, undermining their ability to claim legitimacy.


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According to divine premotionism, God does not merely create and sustain the universe. He also moves all secondary causes to action as instruments without undermining their intrinsic causal efficacy. I explain and uphold the premotionist theory, which is the theory of St Thomas Aquinas and his most prominent exponents. I defend the premotionist interpretation of Aquinas in some textual detail, with particular reference to Suarez and to a recent paper by Louis Mancha. Critics, including Molinists and Suarezians, raise various objections to the view that premotion is compatible with genuine secondary causation. I rebut a number of these objections, in the course of which I respond to the central challenge that premotionism destroys free will. I also offer a number of positive reasons for embracing the premotionist theory.


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The chapter characterises British ‘Reality TV’ as a hybrid of factual and fictional television genres, as signaled by the more accurate genre designation ‘structured reality’ television. From the 1990s onwards, in order to develop programmes that are attractive to audiences and inexpensive to produce, programme makers have focused on hybrids of dramatic and documentary modes. This chapter argues that many recent Reality TV programmes privilege soap opera’s emphasis on character, storyline and performance. This affects the ways that class authenticity is understood, undermining factual programmes’ usual claim to legitimacy based on reference to a pre-existing reality, and transforming hierarchies that separate highly-valued from low-valued types of programme.


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This study considers the factors that influence women’s work behavior in Kenya. In particular, it examines whether gender attitudes and certain types of social institutions influence the probability of employment or type of employment for women. Using data from the Demographic and Health Survey of 2008–9, we find that religion and ethnicity are significant determinants of women’s employment in Kenya. While personal experience of female genital mutilation is insignificant, spousal age and education differences, as well as marital status (which reflect attitudes both in women’s natal and marital families), are significant determinants of women’s employment choices.


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Although previous studies have addressed the question of why large brains evolved, we have limited understanding of potential beneficial or detrimental effects of enlarged brain size in the face of current threats. Using novel phylogenetic path analysis, we evaluated how brain size directly and indirectly, via its effects on life-history and ecology, influences vulnerability to extinction across 474 mammalian species. We found that larger brains, controlling for body size, indirectly increase vulnerability to extinction by extending the gestation period, increasing weaning age, and limiting litter sizes. However, we found no evidence of direct, beneficial or detrimental, effects of brain size on vulnerability to extinction, even when we explicitly considered the different types of threats that lead to vulnerability. Order-specific analyses revealed qualitatively similar patterns for Carnivora and Artiodactyla. Interestingly, for Primates, we found that larger brain size was directly (and indirectly) associated with increased vulnerability to extinction. Our results indicate that under current conditions the constraints on life-history imposed by large brains outweigh the potential benefits, undermining the resilience of the studied mammals. Contrary to the selective forces that have favoured increased brain size throughout evolutionary history, at present, larger brains have become a burden for mammals.