880 resultados para spinal surgery
Cavernomas are rare neurovascular lesions, encountered in up to 10% of patients harboring vascular abnormalities of the CNS. Cavernomas consist of dilated thin-walled sinusoids or caverns covered by a single layer of endothelium. Due to advancements in neuroradiology, the number of cavernoma patients coming to be evaluated in neurosurgical practice is increasing. In the present work, we summarized our results on the treatment of cavernomas. Particular attention was paid to uncommon locations or insufficiently investigated cavernomas, including 1. Intraventricular cavernomas; 2. Multiple cavernomas; 3. Spinal cavernomas; and 4. Temporal lobe cavernomas. After analyzing the patient series with these lesions, we concluded that: 1. IVCs are characterized by a high tendency to cause repetitive hemorrhages in a short period of time after the first event. In most patients, hemorrhages were not life-threatening. Surgery is indicated when re-bleedings are frequent and the mass-effect causes progressive neurological deterioration. Modern microsurgical techniques allow safe removal of the IVC, but surgery on fourth ventricle cavernomas carries increased risk of postoperative cranial nerve deficits. 2. In MC cases, when the cavernoma bleeds or generates drug-resistant epilepsy, microsurgical removal of the symptomatic lesion is beneficial to patients. In our series, surgical removal of the most active cavernoma usually the biggest lesion with signs of recent hemorrhage - was safe and prevented further bleedings. Epilepsy outcome showed the effectiveness of active treatment of MCs. However, due to the remaining cavernomas, epileptogenic activity can persist postoperatively, frequently necessitating long-term use of antiepileptic drugs. 3. Spinal cavernomas can cause severe neurological deterioration due to low tolerance of the spinal cord to mass-effect with progressive myelopathy. When aggravated by extralesional massive hemorrhage, neurological decline is usually acute and requires immediate treatment. Microsurgical removal of a cavernoma is effective and safe, improving neurological deficits. Sensorimotor deficits and pain improved postoperatively at a high rate, whereas bladder dysfunction remained essentially unchanged, causing social discomfort to patients. 4. Microsurgical removal of temporal lobe cavernomas is beneficial for patents suffering from drug-resistant epilepsy. In our series, 69% of patients with this condition became seizure-free postoperatively. Duration of epilepsy did not correlate with seizure prognosis. The most frequent disabling symptom at follow-up was memory disorder, considered to be the result of a complex interplay between chronic epilepsy and possible damage to the temporal lobe during surgery.
One of the major concerns of scoliotic patients undergoing spinal correction surgery is the trunk's external appearance after the surgery. This paper presents a novel incremental approach for simulating postoperative trunk shape in scoliosis surgery. Preoperative and postoperative trunk shapes data were obtained using three-dimensional medical imaging techniques for seven patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Results of qualitative and quantitative evaluations, based on the comparison of the simulated and actual postoperative trunk surfaces, showed an adequate accuracy of the method. Our approach provides a candidate simulation tool to be used in a clinical environment for the surgery planning process.
Pedicle screw insertion technique has made revolution in the surgical treatment of spinal fractures and spinal disorders. Although X- ray fluoroscopy based navigation is popular, there is risk of prolonged exposure to X- ray radiation. Systems that have lower radiation risk are generally quite expensive. The position and orientation of the drill is clinically very important in pedicle screw fixation. In this paper, the position and orientation of the marker on the drill is determined using pattern recognition based methods, using geometric features, obtained from the input video sequence taken from CCD camera. A search is then performed on the video frames after preprocessing, to obtain the exact position and orientation of the drill. An animated graphics, showing the instantaneous position and orientation of the drill is then overlaid on the processed video for real time drill control and navigation
Background. This double-blind study was undertaken to determine whether alizapride inhibits spinal morphine-induced pruritus.Methods. Eighty-four patients undergoing Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia (100 mg of hyperbaric lidocaine 5% plus morphine 0.2 mg) were randomly allocated to one of two groups. just after birth, alizapride-50 mg (alizapride group) or metoclopramide 10 mg (metoclopramide group) were injected i.v. Patients were assessed after surgery for pruritus (absent, mild, moderate or severe) or other untoward symptoms.Results. In the metoclopramide group, pruritus was absent in 5 (12%) patients, mild in 23 (55%), moderate in 11 (26%), and severe in 3 (7%), while in the alizapride group, these incidences were, respectively, 5 (12%), 33 (79%), 4 (10%), and 0 (P=0.045, chi(2)-test). There was no difference in the incidence of side-effects, which were all minor.Conclusions. Alizapride reduced the severity of morphine-induced pruritus.
CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Hipotermia inadvertida no perioperatório é freqüente durante anestesia subaracnóidea e após a administração de midazolam. O objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos do aquecimento da pele no intra-operatório, associado ou não ao aquecimento da pele durante o período de 45 minutos no pré-operatório, na prevenção de hipotermia intra- e pós-operatória determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes com medicação pré-anestésica com midazolam. TIPO DE ETUDO E LOCAL: Estudo prospectivo e aleatório, realizado no Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Botucatu, SP. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado em 30 pacientes com estado físico ASA (da Sociedade Norte-americana de Anestesiologistas) I e II submetidos à cirurgia eletiva do abdômen. Como medicação pré-anestésica, utilizou-se o midazolam, 7,5 mg via intramuscular (IM) e anestesia subaracnóidea padrão. em 10 pacientes (Gcontrole) utilizou-se isolamento térmico passivo; 10 pacientes (Gpré+intra) foram submetidos a aquecimento ativo no pré- e intra-operatório; e 10 pacientes (Gintra) foram aquecidos ativamente somente no intra-operatório. RESULTADOS: Após 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório, os pacientes do Gpré+intra apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada em relação aos dos grupos não aquecidos antes da anestesia (p < 0,05) mas não no início da cirurgia (p > 0,05). Os pacientes que receberam aquecimento no intra-operatório apresentaram temperatura central mais elevada no final da cirurgia em relação aos de Gcontrole (p < 0,05). Todos os pacientes estavam hipotérmicos na admissão da sala de recuperação pós-anestésica (temperatura central < 36º C). CONCLUSÕES: 45 minutos de aquecimento no pré-operatório combinado com aquecimento no intra- operatório não evita, mas minimiza a ocorrência de hipotermia determinada pela anestesia subaracnóidea em pacientes que receberam midazolam como medicação pré-anestésica.
CAUDA equina syndrome (CES) has long been recognized as a rare complication of spinal anesthesia.(1) CES has been described after administration of spinal anesthetics with lidocaine(2) and bupivacaine.(3) In 1991,(4) CES was reported after continuous spinal anesthesia with 1% tetracaine. In 1980, at our university hospital, six adult female patients underwent perineal gynecologic surgery using a spinal anesthetic of 2 ml tetracaine, 1.2%, in 10% glucose. The concentration of the injected tetracaine was unknown by the anesthetists. In all cases, lumbar puncture was performed at the L3-L4 interspace with a disposable spinal needle while the patients were in the sitting position. CES was first diagnosed 72 h or later postoperatively; previous diagnosis was not possible because patients had an indwelling urethral catheter. The diagnosis of CES was confirmed in all patients. During the past year, after institutional approval and informed consent, clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyographic examinations, and conduction studies were performed in three of the above patients. Examinations were not possible on the other three patients because one had recently died, another could not be located, and the third refused to participate. T1 and T2 magnetic resonance image readings were obtained with Gadolinium contrast from a 0.5 Tesla General Electric apparatus (General Electric, Tokyo, Japan). Bilateral sensory and motor conduction studies of the sciatic nerve branches were obtained using a two-channel Nihon-Kohden Neuropack 2 (Nihom-Kohden Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Electromyography was performed in accordance with conventional techniques.(5,6)
Scientific advances have been made to optimize the healing process in spinal cord injury. Studies have been developed to obtain effective treatments in controlling the secondary injury that occurs after spinal cord injury, which substantially changes the prognosis. Low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) has been applied in neuroscience due to its anti-inflammatory effects on biological tissue in the repairing process. Few studies have been made associating LILT to the spinal cord injury. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the LILT (GaAlAs laser-780 nm) on the locomotor functional recovery, histomorphometric, and histopathological changes of the spinal cord after moderate traumatic injury in rats (spinal cord injury at T9 and T10). Thirty-one adult Wistar rats were used, which were divided into seven groups: control without surgery (n = 3), control surgery (n = 3), laser 6 h after surgery (n = 5), laser 48 h after surgery (n = 5), medullar lesion (n = 5) without phototherapy, medullar lesion + laser 6 h after surgery (n = 5), and medullar lesion + laser 48 h after surgery (n = 5). The assessment of the motor function was performed using Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) scale and adapted Sciatic Functional Index (aSFI). The assessment of urinary dysfunction was clinically performed. After 21 days postoperative, the animals were euthanized for histological and histomorphometric analysis of the spinal cord. The results showed faster motor evolution in rats with spinal contusion treated with LILT, maintenance of the effectiveness of the urinary system, and preservation of nerve tissue in the lesion area, with a notorious inflammation control and increased number of nerve cells and connections. In conclusion, positive effects on spinal cord recovery after moderate traumatic spinal cord injury were shown after LILT.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJECTIVE: The standard therapy for patients with high-level spinal cord injury is long-term mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy. However, in some cases, this approach results in death or disability. The aim of this study is to highlight the anesthetics and perioperative aspects of patients undergoing insertion of a diaphragmatic pacemaker. METHODS: Five patients with quadriplegia following high cervical traumatic spinal cord injury and ventilator-dependent chronic respiratory failure were implanted with a laparoscopic diaphragmatic pacemaker after preoperative assessments of their phrenic nerve function and diaphragm contractility through transcutaneous nerve stimulation. ClinicalTrials.gov:NCT01385384. RESULTS: The diaphragmatic pacemaker placement was successful in all of the patients. Two patients presented with capnothorax during the perioperative period, which resolved without consequences. After six months, three patients achieved continuous use of the diaphragm pacing system, and one patient could be removed from mechanical ventilation for more than 4 hours per day. CONCLUSIONS: The implantation of a diaphragmatic phrenic system is a new and safe technique with potential to improve the quality of life of patients who are dependent on mechanical ventilation because of spinal cord injuries. Appropriate indication and adequate perioperative care are fundamental to achieving better results.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal modifications in bone mass, bone biomechanical properties and bone morphology in spinal cord injured rats 2, 4 and 6 weeks after a transection. Material and methods: Control animals were randomly distributed into four groups (n = 10 each group): control group (CG) - control animals sacrificed immediately after surgery; spinal cord-injured 2 weeks (2W) - spinal cord-injured animals sacrificed 2 weeks after surgery; spinal cord-injured 4 weeks (4W) - spinal cord-injured animals sacrificed 4 weeks after surgery; spinal cord-injured 6 weeks (6W) - spinal cord-injured animals sacrificed 6 weeks after surgery. Results: Biomechanical properties of the right tibia were determined by a threepoint bending test and injured animals showed a statistically significant decrease in maximal load compared to control animals. The right femur was used for densitometric analysis and bone mineral content of the animals sacrificed 4 and 6 weeks after surgery was significantly higher compared to the control animals and animals sacrificed 2 weeks after surgery. Histopathological and morphological analysis of tibiae revealed intense resorptive areas in the group 2 weeks after injury only. Conclusions: The results of this study show that this rat model is a valuable tool to investigate bone remodeling processes specifically associated with SCI. Taken together, our results suggest that spinal cord injury induced bone loss within 2 weeks after injury in rats.
Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis, has been reported to induce neuroprotective effects in several experimental models of brain injury. We aimed at investigating whether this drug could also improve locomotor recovery of rats submitted to spinal cord cryoinjury. Rats were distributed into five experimental groups. Animals were submitted to laminectomy in vertebral segment T10 followed or not by application of liquid nitrogen for 5 s into the spinal cord at the same level to cause cryoinjury. The animals received injections of vehicle or CBD (20 mg/kg) immediately before, 3 h after and daily for 6 days after surgery. The Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan motor evaluation test was used to assess motor function post-lesion one day before surgery and on the first, third, and seventh postoperative days. The extent of injury was evaluated by hematoxylin-eosin histology and FosB expression. Cryogenic lesion of the spinal cord resulted in a significant motor deficit. Cannabidiol-treated rats exhibited a higher Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan locomotor score at the end of the first week after spinal cord injury: lesion + vehicle, day 1: zero, day 7: four, and lesion + Cannabidiol 20 mg/kg, day 1: zero, day 7: seven. Moreover, at this moment there was a significant reduction in the extent of tissue injury and FosB expression in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The present study confirmed that application of liquid nitrogen to the spinal cord induces reproducible and quantifiable spinal cord injury associated with locomotor function impairments. Cannabidiol improved locomotor functional recovery and reduced injury extent, suggesting that it could be useful in the treatment of spinal cord lesions.
The study aims to identify risk constellations for symptomatic spinal cord malperfusion in patients undergoing extensive stent-graft coverage of the thoracic aorta.
OPINION STATEMENT: • In acute spinal cord ischemia syndrome (ASCIS), treatment recommendations are derived from data of cerebral ischemic stroke, atherosclerotic vascular disease and acute spinal cord injury. Besides acute management, secondary prevention is of major importance. Pathologies affecting the aorta as well as underlying cerebrovascular conditions should be treated whenever possible.• ASCIS may occur after aortic surgery, less often after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Protocols are proposed.• Acute spinal cord hemorrhage can be treated surgically and/or pharmacologically.• Symptomatic treatment in patients with a spinal cord lesion is of major importance. Depending on level and extension of the lesion, there is a risk for systemic and neurological complications, which may be life-threatening.• Each spinal vascular malformation is a unique lesion that needs an individualized treatment algorithm. In case of a symptomatic vascular malformation, endovascular intervention is the primary treatment option.• Spinal dural Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) may be treated endovascularly or surgically. If preoperative localization of the fistula is possible, surgery is feasible with a low complication rate. In comparison, endovascular approaches are less invasive.• Spinal AVM are rather treated endovascularly than surgically or in a stepwise multidisciplinary approach.• Symptomatic and exophytic spinal cavernous angiomas should be treated surgically. Deep spinal cavernous angiomas that are asymptomatic or only show mild symptoms can be observed.