258 resultados para sooty molds


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The microbiological quality of beef and meat products is strongly influenced by the conditions of hygiene prevailing during their production and handling. Without proper hygienic control, the environment in slaughterhouses and butcher shops can act as an important source of microbiological contamination. To identify the main points of microbiological contamination in the beef processing chain, 443 samples of equipment, installations and products were collected from 11 establishments (1 slaughterhouse and 10 butcher shops) located in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The microbiological quality of all the samples was evaluated using Petri dishes to obtain counts of mesophilic aerobes (AC), total coliforms, Escherichia coli (EC), yeasts and molds (YM). The main contamination points identified in butcher shops, in decreasing order, were stainless steel boxes, beef tenderizers, grinders, knives, mixers, sausage stuffers, plastic boxes, floors and drains. In the slaughterhouse, these points were sausage stuffers, platforms, floors and drains. The most severely contaminated products were fresh sausages and ground beef. This information about the main points of microbiological contamination in the beef processing chain is expected to aid professionals responsible for hygiene in similar establishments to set up proper hygienic procedures to prevent or reduce microbiological contamination of beef and meat products.


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The study of the ecology of fermented sausage is fundamental to understand the physical and chemical changes that happen during fermentation and maturation. The aim of the present study was to determine the microbiological characteristics of sausages produced by spontaneous fermentation. Fifty samples of sausages produced in the South of Brazil by different small manufacturers were analyzed for the following microbiota: aerobic mesophilic bacteria; Micrococcaceae; mold and yeast; lactic acid bacteria; total and fecal coliforms; coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, and Salmonella. In most samples (72%), the count of lactic bacteria was higher than 6 log10 cfu.g-1, and the samples with the highest counts were above 8 log10 cfu.g-1. The counts of Micrococcaceae in most samples were between 5 log10 and 7 log10 cfu.g-1. With respect to the presence of molds and yeasts, there was a significant variation among the samples with counts ranging from 2 log10 cfu.g-1 and 6 log10 cfu.g-1. From the data obtained, it was possible to conclude that 24% of the analyzed samples did not comply with the current law in Brazil since the levels of fecal coliforms or coagulase-positive Staphylococcus exceeded the maximum limit allowed.


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The mixture of Brazil nut flour and green banana flour can improve the nutritional value of school meals, allowing for the use of regional ingredients derived from family agriculture. This study aimed to assess the stability of porridge pre-mixtures made with Brazil nut flour and green banana flour during six months of storage. Two types of pre-mixture were evaluated: with and without milk powder. These mixtures were packed in polyethylene/metallized polyester film, vacuum-sealed, and stored at room temperature. The products were evaluated for physicochemical composition, and every 30 days for moisture content, water activity, titratable acidity, pH, peroxide value and acidity of the lipid phase, total and thermotolerant coliforms, yeasts and molds, and sensory acceptance. There was no difference between the mixtures for the parameters evaluated. Moisture content, water activity, acidity of the lipid phase, and the yeast and mold count increased with storage time. The growth of yeasts and molds was more pronounced after 90 days of storage, when water activity reached the limit of 0.60. Although both products had good sensory acceptance throughout the period of study, it is recommended that the shelf life does not exceed 90 days.


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec le Dr James G Martin de l'Université McGill (Meakins-Christie laboratories)


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Le surpoids (embonpoint et obésité) chez l’enfant est un problème préoccupant qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Le rôle du parent dans cette problématique est prédominant, puisqu’il assure la disponibilité des aliments, choisit les mets présentés, joue le rôle de modèle dans l’acte alimentaire et interagit avec l’enfant durant les prises alimentaires pour guider son comportement alimentaire. Le parent offre et façonne l’environnement dans lequel évolue l’enfant. Cette thèse explore le rôle de la mère dans cet environnement. Le parent utilise diverses pratiques alimentaires pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant. Certaines sont douces, comme encourager positivement l’enfant à essayer un aliment (ex. Goûtes-y, moi je trouve ça très bon!) et d’autres plus coercitives (ex. Tu ne sors pas de table sans avoir terminé ton assiette). Les interactions parent-enfant lors de la prise alimentaire sont susceptibles d’avoir différentes conséquences sur l’alimentation de l’enfant, modifiant possiblement les apports alimentaires, les préférences, la néophobie et le statut pondéral. Les interactions parent-enfant en général, donc hors du contexte précis de l’alimentation, peuvent aussi influencer les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’explorer les relations entre les interactions parent-enfant en général, aussi nommées « styles parentaux » (SP), les interactions parent-enfant dans le contexte alimentaire, portant le nom de «styles parentaux alimentaires» (SPA), les stratégies alimentaires utilisées par les parents pour guider l’alimentation de l’enfant, nommées « pratiques alimentaires parentales » (PAP), les comportements alimentaires de l’enfant et le statut pondéral de ce dernier. Cette thèse comprend 4 objectifs spécifiques. D’abord, d’examiner les relations entre les SP, les SPA et les PAP. Dans un deuxième temps, les relations entre les SPA, le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant (préférence et fréquence de consommation) et le statut pondéral de l’enfant seront explorées. Puis, l’existence de relations entre l’usage de PAP et le comportement alimentaire de l’enfant sera évaluée. Finalement, les relations entre les attitudes de la mère à l’égard de son poids et de celui de son enfant et du comportement néophobique de l’enfant seront explorées. Cent vingt-deux mères d’enfants d’âge préscolaire, de 3 à 5 ans, ont été recrutées par des milieux de garde de l’île de Montréal et ont complété et retourné un questionnaire auto-administré portant sur le style parental, style parental alimentaire, les PAP, les fréquences de consommation de l’enfant, les préférences de l’enfant pour certains aliments et groupe d’aliments, la néophobie de l’enfant, le poids et la taille de l’enfant, le régime actuel de la mère, la perception du poids de l’enfant, la préoccupation face au poids de l’enfant ainsi que la description du profil familial. Les SP, les SPA et les PAP montrent des corrélations. Les SPA, plus particulièrement les deux échelles qui les composent (exigence et sensibilité) montrent des corrélations avec la consommation et la préférence pour certains aliments. Des différences sont aussi notées entre les différents SPA et le statut pondéral de l’enfant et certains comportements alimentaires. La présente thèse suggère une implication de trois concepts, soient les SP, les SPA et les PAP, dans la dynamique alimentaire de la dyade mère-enfant. Des relations importantes entre les SPA et les préférences alimentaires sont suggérées. Les futures recherches dans ce domaine devront évaluer l’impact relatif des PAP, des SP et des SPA sur le comportement alimentaire (consommation et préférence) et le poids de l’enfant. Une intervention efficace visant des changements de comportements alimentaires auprès des familles devra adresser à la fois les PAP, mais aussi les SP et les SPA.


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Dans le cas de perte auditive, la localisation spatiale est amoindrie et vient entraver la compréhension de la parole et ce, malgré le port de prothèses auditives. La présente étude modifie la forme de l’oreille externe d’individus à l’aide de silicone afin d’induire des changements aux indices spectraux (HRTFs), similaires à ceux causés par des prothèses auditives, et d’explorer les mécanismes perceptifs (visuel, spectral, ou tactile) permettant d’alterner d’un nouvel ensemble à l’ensemble originel de HRTFs une fois les prothèses enlevées. Les résultats démontrent que les participants s’adaptent aux nouveaux HRTFs à l’intérieur de quatre séances d’entraînement. Dès le retrait des prothèses, les participants reviennent à leur performance originale. Il n’est pas possible de conclure avec les données présentes si le changement d’un ensemble de HRTFs à un autre est influencé par un des mécanismes de rétroaction perceptuelle étudié. L’adaptation aux prothèses perdure jusqu’à quatre semaines après leur retrait.


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Block copolymers of unsaturated polyester were prepared by condensation polymerization of hydroxyl or carboxyl terminated liquid rubbers with maleic anhydride, phthalic anhydride, and propylene glycol. The condensate obtained was mixed with styrene monomer to get an unsaturated polyester resin formulation. In this study, copolymers of unsaturated polyesters with hydroxy terminated polybutadiene, carboxy terminated nitrile rubber, and hydroxy terminated natural rubber were prepared. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tensile modulus, elongation at break, toughness, impact strength, surface hardness, abrasion resistance, and water absorption were evaluated after the resin was cured in appropriate molds for comparison with the control resin. The fracture toughness and impact resistance of CTBN-modified unsaturated polyester show substantial improvement by this copolymerization without seriously affecting any other property


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Este trabajo se soporta sobre una base conformada por dos conceptos, que constituyen el horizonte contextual de la investigación: Derecho Administrativo y Comunidad de integración. Es claro que al hablar de una Comunidad de integración específica como la Comunidad Andina (CAN), incide de forma directa en la actividad del derecho administrativo.Ha sido necesario que los países que conforman los grupos de integración económica cedan parte de sus competencias para crear un ordenamiento jurídico de orden supranacional, el cual modifica la dinámica social de las relaciones comerciales y afecta la estructura de la administración pública, haciendo que el derecho administrativo no se limite a interactuar solo con derecho nacional. Esta mutua dependencia de las políticas internas y las regionales se realiza, entonces, cada vez que existe participación y compromiso de los Estados frente a las decisiones, de carácter vinculante o no. En esa medida surge el problema de investigación tendiente a esclarecer cómo ha sido la adopción de las decisiones e interpretaciones, emanadas de los mecanismos oficiales del Derecho Comunitario Andino, en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano. La existencia de varios puntos de vista con respecto a la obligatoriedad o no de dicha adopción, moldea un tema de suficiente amplitud y profundidad para ser estudiado en un trabajo de investigación.


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Dentro de las actividades para el control de calidad en el laboratorio, los resultados finales de un analito en particular son considerados productos intermedios, dada la pertinencia otorgada al aseguramiento de la calidad como fin último de los programas de gestión de la calidad. Esta concepción precisa el establecimiento de instrumentos integrales para la detección de eventos como la contaminación cruzada y la adopción de medidas para evitar que se afecte la marcha analítica. Objetivo: el objetivo principal fue establecer un sistema para el monitoreo y control de la contaminación cruzada en el laboratorio de análisis microbiológico de alimentos. Materiales y métodos: la metodología empleada consistió en desarrollar diagramas de flujo para los procedimientos sobre el control de las poblaciones de mesófilos aerobios y mohos provenientes de la contaminación en los ambientes, superficies, material estéril y medios de cultivos. Dichos diagramas incluyeron un árbol de decisiones, diseñado para efectuar acciones de control con base en los intervalos de tolerancia, establecidos como herramienta objetiva hacia la toma de decisiones que normalicen los recuentos de las poblaciones microbianas en cuestión. Resultados: los límites de alerta más estrictos se obtuvieron para las poblaciones de mesófilos aerobios y mohos en los diferentes controles, excepto para el ambiente del área de preparación de medios y los correspondientes al material estéril. Conclusión: el proceso desarrollado permitió complementar el sistema de control de calidad interno en el laboratorio, al disponer de un medio objetivo para el cierre de no conformidades por contaminación cruzada.


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La millora de la productivitat i la qualitat són indubtablement dues de les principals exigències del sector productiu modern i factors clau per la competitivitat i la supervivència. Dins aquest sector,la fabricació per arrancada de material juga encara avui en dia un paper protagonista tot i l'aparició de noves tècniques de conformat per addició.Indústries com l'aeronàutica, l'automobilística,la del motlle o l'energètica, depenen en bona part de les prestacions de les màquines-eina. Aquesta Tesi aborda dos aspectes rellevants quan es tracta de millorar de la productivitat i la qualitat del sector productiu: el problema del fimbrament, més conegut per la denominació anglosaxona chatter,i la monitorització de la rugositat superficial en el mecanitzat a alta velocitat.


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The growth of molds on paper containing cellulose is a frequent occurrence when the level of relative air humidity is high or when books become wet due to water leaks in libraries. The aim of this study is to differentiate the bioreceptivity of different types of book paper for different fungi. Laboratory tests were performed with strains of Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp., Chaetomium globosum and Trichoderma harzianum isolated from books. Four paper types were evaluated: couche Men (offset), recycled and a reference paper containing only cellulose. The tests were carried out in chambers with relative air humidity of 95% and 100%. Mold growth was greatest in the tests at 100% relative humidity. Results of stereoscopic microscopy observation showed that Cladosporium sp. grew in 74% of these samples, A. niger in 75%, T. harzianum in 72% and C. globosum in 60%. In the chambers with 95% air humidity Cladosporium sp. grew in only 9% of the samples, A. niger in 1%, T harzianum in 3% and C globosum did not grow in any sample. The most bioreceptive paper was couche and the least receptive was recycled paper. The composition of the recycled paper, however, varies depending on the types of waste materials used to make it. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to characterise the mycoflora and the presence of fumonisin in sorghum grains, correlating the results with the environment and abiotic factors. RESULTS: Fifty samples (five collections of ten samples each) of sorghum were analysed. All samples were found to be contaminated with fungi, with higher frequencies of Cladosporium spp. (61.8%) and Helminthosporium spp. (33.4%). Fusarium verticillioides was isolated from 15.1% of the samples, with 38% of them being contaminated with fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) at levels ranging from 50 to 368.78 ng g(-1). Regarding abiotic factors, temperature, water activity and rainfall showed a positive correlation with the frequency of F. verticillioides and FB(1) production. There was a significant positive correlation between relative air humidity and FB(1) production. The results obtained from sexual crosses between standard F mating tester strains and the isolated strains confirmed that the strains isolated were F. verticillioides. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the decrease in F. verticillioides and fumonisin contamination occurred owing to atypical climatic factors during the period of sorghum cultivation, when there was any occurrence of rain and the level of water activity of grains did not reach 0.58. (C) 2010 Society of Chemical Industry


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This study was developed to evaluate the fungal burden, toxigenic molds, and mycotoxin contamination and to verify the effects of gamma radiation in four kinds of medicinal plants stored before and after 30 days of irradiation treatment. Eighty samples of medicinal plants (Peumus boldus, Camellia sinensis, Maytenus ilicifolia. and Cassia angustifolia) purchased from drugstores, wholesale, and open-air markets in Sao Paulo city, Brazil, were analyzed. The samples were treated using a (60)Co gamma ray source (Gammacell) with doses of 5 and 10 kGy. Nonirradiated samples were used as controls of fungal isolates. For enumeration of fungi on medicinal plants, serial dilutions of the samples were plated in duplicate onto dichloran 18% glycerol agar. The control samples revealed a high burden of molds, including toxigenic fungi. The process of gamma radiation was effective in reducing the number of CFU per gram in all irradiated samples of medicinal plants after 30 days of storage, using a dose of 10 kGy and maintaining samples in a protective package. No aflatoxins were detected. Gamma radiation treatment can be used as an effective method for preventing fungal deterioration of medicinal plants subject to long-term storage.


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Purpose: The aim of the present paper was to determine the effect of different types of ionizing radiation on the bond strength of three different dentin adhesive systems. Materials and Methods: One hundred twenty specimens of 60 human teeth (protocol number: 032/2007) sectioned mesiodistally were divided into 3 groups according to the adhesives systems used: SB (Adper Single Bond Plus), CB (Clearfil SE Bond) and AP (Adper Prompt Self-Etch). The adhesives were applied on dentin and photo-activated using LED (Lec 1000, MMoptics, 1000 mW/cm(2)). Customized elastomer molds (0.5 mm thickness) with three orifices of 1.2 mm diameter were placed onto the bonding areas and filled with composite resin (Filtek Z-250), which was photo-activated for 20 s. Each group was subdivided into 4 Subgroups for application of the different types of ionizing radiation: ultraviolet radiation (UV), diagnostic x-ray radiation (DX), therapeutic x-ray radiation (TX) and without irradiation (control group, CG). Microshear tests were carried out (Instron, model 4411), and afterwards the modes of failure were evaluated by optical and scanning electron microscope and classified using 5 scores: adhesive failure, mixed failures with 3 significance levels, and cohesive failure. The results of the shear bond strength test were submitted to ANOVA with Tukey`s test and Dunnett`s test, and the data from the failure pattern evaluation were analyzed with the Mann Whitney test (p = 0.05). Results: No change in bond strength of CB and AP was observed after application of the different radiation types, only SB showed increase in bond strength after UV (p = 0.0267) irradiation. The UV also changed the failure patterns of SB (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: The radio-induced changes did not cause degradation of the restorations, which means that they can be exposed to these types of ionizing radiation without weakening the bond strength.


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A trajetória da Rádio Sociedade do Rio de Janeiro e o papel crucial desempenhado por Edgard Roquette-Pinto em sua criação e desenvolvimento é o que o presente trabalho retrata, por meio de uma coletânea de documentos do acervo daquela instituição. São apresentados arquivos audiovisuais, entrevistas e depoimentos que comprovam a importância desempenhada pela primeira rádio brasileira, cujo objetivo era difundir educação e cultura a todos os povos, estreitando o liame ciência, tecnologia e informação. O período de sua existência (1923-1936) foi marcado por uma conjuntura política peculiar cujas determinações inviabilizaram a continuidade da Rádio Sociedade nos moldes determinados pelos seus precursores, ou seja: difusão educativa. A rádio foi doada ao governo federal no ano de 1936, passando a se chamar Rádio Ministério da Educação.