989 resultados para skill acquisition


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Learners can be provided with feedback in the form of knowledge of results (KR), under self-controlled and peer-controlled schedules. Recently, McRae, Hansen, and Patterson (2015), identified that inexperienced peers can provide KR that can facilitate motor skill acquisition. However, it is currently unknown whether previous task experience differentially impacts how peers present learners with KR and whether this KR impacts motor skill acquisition. In the present study, participants were randomly assigned to become inexperienced peer facilitators, learners with an inexperienced peer, learners with self-control who later became experienced peers, learners with an experienced peer, or learners in a control group. During acquisition learners completed a serial-timing task with a goal of 2500ms and returned approximately twenty four hours later for a delayed retention, time transfer, and pattern transfer test. We predicted that during the delayed tests, learners with self-control would outperform all other groups. Furthermore, we predicted that learners who received KR from experienced peers would outperform learners who received KR from inexperienced peers. However, our results indicated that participants who received peer-controlled and self-controlled KR schedules learned the task in an equivalent manner. Thus, our results are novel as they identify that inexperienced peers can provide KR that is as effective as KR provided by experienced peers and KR requested under self-controlled conditions.


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La pratique physique a longtemps été perçue comme le déterminant premier de l’apprentissage du mouvement. Souvent exprimée par l’expression « Vingt fois sur le métier remettez votre ouvrage», cette idée se base sur l’observation qu’une grande quantité de pratique est nécessaire pour maîtriser un geste technique complexe. Bien que l’importance de la pratique physique pour l’apprentissage du mouvement demeure indéniable, il a récemment été démontré que les changements neurobiologiques qui constituent les bases de la mémoire prennent place après la pratique. Ces changements, regroupés sous le terme « consolidation », sont essentiels à la mise en mémoire des habiletés motrices. L’objectif de cette thèse est de définir les processus de consolidation en identifiant certains facteurs qui influencent la consolidation d’une habileté motrice. À l’aide d’une tâche d’adaptation visuomotrice comportant deux niveaux de difficulté, nous avons démontré qu’une bonne performance doit être atteinte au cours de la séance de pratique pour enclencher certains processus de consolidation. De plus, nos résultats indiquent que l’évaluation subjective que l’apprenant fait de sa propre performance peut moduler la consolidation. Finalement, nous avons démontré que l’apprentissage par observation peut enclencher certains processus de consolidation, indiquant que la consolidation n’est pas exclusive à la pratique physique. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats des études expérimentales présentées dans cette thèse montrent que la consolidation regroupe plusieurs processus distincts jouant chacun un rôle important pour l’apprentissage du mouvement. Les éducateurs physiques, les entraineurs sportifs et les spécialistes de la réadaptation physique devraient donc planifier des entrainements favorisant non seulement l’acquisition de gestes moteurs mais également leur consolidation.


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A proposta de educação inclusiva fundamenta-se numa filosofia que aceita e reconhece a diversidade nas escolas, garantindo o acesso de todos à educação escolar, independentemente das suas diferenças individuais. A educação atual é reconhecida como elemento essencial para uma sociedade globalizada e centrada na aquisição de competências, constituindo um valor estratégico para o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos e da sociedade. Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender e analisar a perceção dos Professores de Educação Física relativamente a cinco indicadores de qualidade do processo educativo numa ótica inclusiva: Interdependência Aluno-Aluno; Interdependência Professor-Aluno; Negociação; Meta-Aprendizagem e Interdependência Professor-Professor (Variáveis Dependentes). Esta investigação verificou também se existem diferenças significativas na perceção dos professores de acordo com a experiência profissional docente. Para a realização desta investigação utilizou-se o método qualitativo de recolha de dados, sob a ótica de um estudo observacional de carater quantitativo, utilizando medidas numéricas para testar as hipóteses, em vinte e quatro escolas, através da aplicação e distribuição do questionário “As perceções dos professores sobre a aprendizagem na sala de aula” (ASA-PPP, Leitão, 2012), estruturado e formado por itens correlacionados. A amostra é constituída por cento e cinquenta e oito professores de Educação Física que lecionam nos três níveis de ensino: 1º, 2º e 3º ciclo e Secundário nas escolas regulares. Metodologicamente o procedimento estatístico utilizado para a interpretação dos resultados foi o teste de comparação de médias ANOVA, através do “EzAnalyse 3.0”, teste paramétrico utilizado com o propósito comparativo dos grupos em função da sua média de idade de experiência profissional. Os resultados deste estudo não confirmaram nenhuma das cinco hipóteses levantadas, indicando a não existência de diferenças significativas relativamente à perceção dos professores na Interdependência Aluno-Aluno, Interdependência Professor-Aluno, Negociação, Meta-Aprendizagem e Interdependência Professor-Professor em relação à experiência profissional docente. Verificou-se que não foram constatadas diferenças significativas em função da experiência profissional, tendo sido então consideradas nulas estas cinco hipóteses estudadas. Foi possível constatar a perceção dos professores de Educação Física em exercício de funções nos primeiros anos de docência, registaram uma tendência para apresentarem nas dimensões analisadas valores ligeiramente superiores, mas essa diferença não chega a ser significante, diminuindo progressivamente ao longo da evolução da experiência profissional.


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As information expands and comprehension becomes more complex, so the need increases to develop focused areas of knowledge and skill acquisition. However, as the number of specialty areas increases so the languages that define each separate knowledge base become increasingly remote. Hence, concepts and viewpoints that were once considered part of a whole become detached. This phenomenon is typical of the development of tertiary education, especially within professional oriented courses, where disciplines and sub-disciplines have grown further apart and the ability to communicate has become increasingly fragmented.
One individual and visionary who was well acquainted with the shortcomings of the piecemeal development between the disciplines was Professor Sir Edmond Happold, the leader of the prestigious group known as Structures 3 at Ove Arup and Partners, who were responsible for making happen some of the landmark buildings of their time, including Sydney Opera House and the Pompidou Centre, and the founding professor of the Bath school of Architecture and Civil Engineering in 1975. While still having a profound respect for the knowledge bases of the different professions within the building and construction industry, Professor Happold was also well aware of the extraordinary synergies in design and innovation which could come about when the disciplines of Architecture and Civil Engineering were brought together at the outset of the design process.
This paper discusses the rational behind Professor Happold’s cross-discipline model of education and reflects on the method, execution and pedagogical worth of the joint studio-based projects which formed a core aspect of the third year program at the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Bath University.


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A descriptive study was designed and implemented by the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) Workforce Planning Advisory Committee to capture data pertaining to workforce issues of intensive care nurses. All intensive care units (ICUs) within Australia were mailed a self reporting survey. Despite a low response rate (52 per cent) and difficulty reported by respondents in gaining the appropriate data requested, the results revealed an interesting snapshot of the intensive care nursing workforce.
Types of services offered by units varied considerably; paid overtime hours were low (<2 per cent of total hours worked) and use of both part-time and agency staff was also low (10 per cent of total hours worked). Private hospitals utilised a greater proportion of part-time and agency nursing staff than public hospitals (20:10 per cent). The turnover rate for registered nursing staff was estimated at 18 per cent, with education, skill acquisition and improved communication reported as the major incentives used by managers to attract and retain staff. This study demonstrated that valuable data are currently uncaptured and recommends a more refined process of a national database to record and manage this important information for future workforce planning.


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Purpose – The paper attempts to project the future trend of the gender wage gap in Great Britain up to 2031.
Design/methodology/approach – The empirical analysis utilises the British Household Panel Study Wave F together with Office for National Statistics (ONS) demographic projections. The methodology combines the ONS projections with assumptions relating to the evolution of educational attainment in order to project the future distribution of human capital skills and consequently the future size of the gender wage gap.
Findings – The analysis suggests that gender wage convergence will be slow, with little female progress by 2031 unless there is a large rise in returns to female experience.
Originality/value – The paper has projected the pattern of male and female skill acquisition together with the associated trend in wages up to 2031.


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The human central nervous system (CNS) has the ability to modulate its activity during the performance of different movements. Recent evidence, however, suggests that the CNS can also modulate its activity in the same movement but with increased precision during a visuomotor static task. This study aimed to extend on these findings by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to measure the CNS during the performance of two visuomotor dynamic tasks. Twelve volunteers participated in this study, performing two separate motor tasks. Study I (“Position Tracking”) involved participants to perform a visuomotor tracking task using a dial potentiometer and matching their response icon to the computer generated tracking icon whilst holding a pincer grip. Study II (“Force Tracking”) involved participants to perform a similar visuomotor tracking task by applying or releasing pressure against a fixed force transducer. Tasks were conducted at two speeds (“slow” being one tracking cycle in 10 s; and “fast” being two tracking cycles in 10 s) and compared to a visuomotor static task at a similar muscle contraction level. Results showed corticospinal changes with significant increases (p = 0.002) in excitability demonstrated during Study I (42.3 ± 16.8%) and Study II (56.3 ± 34.2%) slow speed tasks. Moreover, significant reduction in corticospinal inhibition was also observed during both tracking tasks at slow (59.3 ± 13.7%; p = 0.001) and fast speeds (31.9 ± 12.3%; p = 0.001). The findings may provide information on the underlying physiology during the early stages of motor skill acquisition.


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Knowledge and skill acquisition related to vascular access are traditionally individual institutional educational initiatives. Australia currently has no national evidence based education programme for renal nurses. A survey of Australian and New Zealand Nephrology Educators' conducted in 2009, identified the need for more effective and consistent delivery of clinical education for nurses using innovative, web-based approaches supporting the tenets of e-learning methodologies. This paper discusses the development, implementation and proposed evaluation of a peer reviewed Australasian e-learning programme on buttonhole cannulation. It will further highlight the benefits of inter-organisational partnerships and how these partnerships can facilitate positive change in teaching and learning practices. This project has unique characteristics that collectively provide value, distinction and innovation to nurses, patients and renal departments. As the e-learning programme was founded on a platform of evidence-based practice it is therefore easily transferable to an international context.


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The evidence for neural mechanisms underpinning rapid strength increases has been investigated and discussed for over 30 years using indirect methods, such as surface electromyography, with inferences made toward the nervous system. Alternatively, electrical stimulation techniques such as the Hoffman reflex, volitional wave, and maximal wave have provided evidence of central nervous system changes at the spinal level. For 25 years, the technique of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has allowed for noninvasive supraspinal measurement of the human nervous system in a number of areas such as fatigue, skill acquisition, clinical neurophysiology, and neurology. However, it has only been within the last decade that this technique has been used to assess neural changes after strength training. The aim of this brief review is to provide an overview of TMS, discuss specific strength training studies that have investigated changes, after short-term strength training in healthy populations in upper and lower limbs, and conclude with further research suggestions and the application of this knowledge for the strength and conditioning coach.


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Arteriovenous fistulae are considered the gold standard for haemodialysis vascular access. Their use can be fraught with complications for both the patient and cannulator, with knowledge, expertise and skills being key factors in reducing access associated morbidity. There is mounting evidence demonstrating the efficacy of the buttonhole technique. One disturbing problem noted with the buttonhole experience has been an increased rate in site infections, anecdotally attributed to poor buttonhole site preparation. Enhanced knowledge and skills for nurses are crucial in increasing patient comfort and improving outcomes.

Although knowledge and skill acquisition related to vascular access are often the focus of individual institutional educational initiatives, a national evidence based program that provides free equitable access to all nurses does not exist in Australasia. A survey of Australasian Nephrology Educators’ identified the need for more effective and consistent delivery of clinical education for nurses using innovative, web‐based approaches that support the tenets of e-learning methodologies. This paper will discuss the development and implementation of an e-learning program for buttonhole cannulation. The preparedness of participants to professionally engage with buttonhole cannulation and their self-efficacy (estimates) in undertaking learning about the clinical procedure using e-learning will be evaluated. In addition it will highlight the benefits of inter‐organizational partnerships and how they can facilitate positive change in teaching and learning practices aimed at improving patient outcomes. This project has unique characteristics that collectively provide value, distinction and innovation to patients, nurses, and renal departments across Australasia. As the e-learning program is founded on evidence based practice this project is easily transferable to an international context.


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Research has examined the energy cost associated with playing seated and active video games (AVGs), but not whether AVGs may benefit fundamental movement skills (FMS) in typically developing children. Improving FMS proficiency is a priority given its association with physical activity. This study aimed to identify children’s and parents’ perceptions of: (1) AVGs as a tool for developing FMS and (2) whether any skills gained during AVG play had potential to transfer to real life.

This qualitative descriptive study included 29 parents of children aged 9–10 years who participated in semi-structured telephone interviews and 34 children who participated in six group discussions at school. Interview and discussion group data were recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically.

Parents and children had different perspectives on the potential of AVGs for FMS, which largely rested on different views of ‘reality’. Parents felt AVGs were not a substitute for the ‘real thing’, and therefore had limited FMS benefits. Overall, parents thought any FMS gained through AVGs would have poor transferability to ‘real life’. In contrast, children had a more fluid and expansive view of reality which incorporated both ‘real life’ and ‘virtual’ space. Whilst children could articulate limitations of AVGs for skill learning, they still reported extensive use of AVGs as a learning tool for movement skill, and considered that skill acquisition was highly transferable.

Despite contrasting beliefs from parents and children, children used AVGs for FMS learning. Future research needs to determine whether actual FMS benefits are gained through AVGs.


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Objective: A new instrument, the Adolescent Depression Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (ADTSQ) was devised to measure the consumer satisfaction of depressed adolescents and their parents. The objectives of the paper were to present the psychometric proper ties ofthe ADTSQ and to investigate the relative consumer satisfaction with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), sertraline (SRT) and a combined treatment of CBT and SRT (COMBINED) for the treatment of adolescent depression. In addition, participants were asked to rank their most preferred treatment from the following approaches: medication, individual counselling, group program and family therapy.Method: Thirty-eight adolescents with a unipolar depressive disorder and 37 parents who participated in a randomized clinical trial of CBT versus SRT versus COMBINED completed the ADTSQ following the completion of acute treatment.Results: The ADTSQ was found to have high internal consistency and exploratory factor analysis detected three underlying factors. High levels of consumer satisfaction were reported by both adolescents and parents in all three treatments. Those treated with CBT treatments reported higher levels of skill acquisition than those treated with SRT. Of the four treatment approaches, most parents and adolescentsrated individual counsellingas their first preference.Conclusions: The ADTSQ is a useful measure of consumer satisfaction for depressed adolescents and their parents. CBT, SRT and COMBINED were shown to have high consumer satisfaction with CBT's higher skills training content reflected in the participants' reports. Individual counselling was perceived as the most favourable choice of treatment for adolescent depression. Although limitations associated with the measurement of consumer satisfaction and of the study are acknowledged, it is recommended that the inclusion of consumer satisfaction measures be considered in clinical trials that examine treatment efficacy.