99 resultados para silkworm


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, quantitativamente, as características morfo-anatômicas e bromatológicas das folhas de dez cultivares de amoreira, e estabelecer as relações de preferência do bicho-da-seda, por essas cultivares. Foram coletadas as folhas superior (5ª) e mediana (15ª) da planta, contadas a partir do ápice. As cultivares foram comparadas pelos métodos estatísticos multivariados de análise de agrupamento e análise de componentes principais. As cultivares Korin, Calabresa, IZ 5/2 e IZ 15/7 foram consideradas as mais recomendáveis para a alimentação das lagartas do bicho-da-seda, pois apresentaram valores altos de porcentagem de folha consumida, atribuídos à ocorrência de características desejáveis nas folhas, tais como menor teor de fibra bruta, menor quantidade de idioblastos de cistólito e de mucilagem, menor proporção de epiderme e maior de parênquima, comparativamente, às outras cultivares estudadas. As cultivares IZ 13/6 e IZ 57/2 foram consideradas as menos recomendáveis. As demais cultivares comportaram-se como intermediárias na preferência do bicho-da-seda.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a suplementação da dieta do bicho-da-seda com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS) interfere na produção de casulos e no consumo de folhas de amoreira (Morus alba L.) de diferentes cultivares pelas lagartas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4x5, com quatro cultivares de amoreira ('IZ64', 'IZ56/4', 'FM86' e 'FMSM') e cinco dietas (folhas não tratadas, folhas umedecidas com água, folhas enriquecidas com EHS, em três níveis: suplementação da dieta com 5, 10 e 20% de PB). O EHS foi aspergido sobre as folhas, tendo a água como agente dispersante. O consumo foi verificado pela diferença entre a quantidade de folhas fornecidas e a quantidade não consumida pelas lagartas. A ingestão de alimento apresentou-se de forma quadrática, diminuindo à medida que o EHS foi adicionado à dieta. Houve interação dos fatores cultivar e dieta. O fornecimento de folhas de amoreira com acréscimo proteico de 10% por meio do EHS melhorou a qualidade dos casulos do bicho-da-seda com a utilização das cultivares 'IZ56/4' e 'FMSM'. A pulverização de EHS nas folhas da cultivar 'IZ64' prejudicou a produção de casulos. Lagartas do bicho-da-seda, alimentadas com folhas de amoreira sem suplementação, produziram cascas séricas mais pesadas com folhas das cultivares 'IZ64' e 'FMSM'. A aspersão de água nas folhas incrementou o peso de cascas séricas produzidas a partir da cultivar 'FM86'. A suplementação da dieta com EHS diminui o consumo da lagarta do bicho-da-seda. A aplicação de EHS influencia a produção de casulos em função da cultivar utilizada.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The cocoon, produced by most holometabolous insects, is built with silk that is usually produced by the larval salivary gland. Although this silk has been widely studied in the Lepidoptera, its composition and macromolecular arrangement remains unknown in the Hymenoptera. The macromolecular array patterns of the silk in the larval salivary gland of some meliponids, wasps, and ants were analyzed with polarized-light microscopy, and they were compared with those of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera). There is a birefringent secretion in the glandular lumen of all larvae, due to filamentous structural proteins that display anisotropy. The silk in the distal, middle and proximal regions of the secretory portion of Formicidae and Vespidae glands presented a lattice optical pattern. We found a different pattern in the middle secretory portion of the Meliponini, with a zigzag rather than a lattice pattern. This indicates that the biopolymer fibers begin their macromolecular reorganization at this glandular region, different from the Formicidae and the Vespidae, in which the zigzag optical pattern was only found at the lateral duct. Probably, the mechanism of silk production in the Hymenoptera is a characteristic inherited from a common ancestor of Vespoidea and Sphecoidea; the alterations in the pattern observed in the Meliponini could be a derived characteristic in the Hymenoptera. We found no similarity in the macromolecular reorganization patterns of the silk between the Hymenoptera species and the silkworm.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of adding different concentrations of the leaf additives nandrolone decanoate, ascorbic acid, retinol palmitate and retinol acetate on biological parameters of Bombyx mori larvae. The results showed that nandrolone and ascorbic acid, both at 0.5%, provide the best value for the development of the larvae of B. mori, values which do not correspond to significant increases in cocoon and silk production; 1.0% of retinol palmitate show negative effect to larvae development.


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Sericiculture is characterized by the possibility of income generation in areas smaller than 10.0 ha and by the rationalization of family labor. Even considering this favorable scenario for the development of this activity, there is still a gap in the management of its economic factors in most of the rural properties within this chain, contributing negatively to their expansion. This study aimed at assessing the production cost and economic viability for producing silkworm cocoons, by using a case study conducted in a property located in Quatá, São Paulo State, Brazil. The main results for a production of 1,904 kg-1 of silkworm cocoons, with labor costs reaching 51.5% of the Effective Operating Cost and 35.5% of the Total Operating Cost, were a profitability index higher than 50% and an Internal Rate of Return of 9.68%, for the second production year, providing a good profitability rate for this agricultural segment, when we consider that the improved profitability of the producer is proportional to the best production indicators, particularly due to the fast return that this activity provides.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos e os métodos de aplicação dos aditivos foliares decanoato de nandrolona (esteroide anabolizante) a 0,5%, ácido ascórbico (vitamina C) a 0,5%, palmitato de retinol (vitamina A) a 0,5% e acetato de retinol (vitamina A) a 1,0% em alguns parâmetros biológicos do bicho-da-seda. No experimento do modo de aplicação (pulverização foliar antes do fornecimento, depois do fornecimento e por imersão antes do fornecimento) foram utilizados: decanoato de nandrolona 0,5%; ácido ascórbico 0,5%; e palmitato de retinol 0,5%. No ensaio de desenvolvimento do inseto foram avaliados: duração e viabilidade larval; peso de casulo; taxa de encasulamento; teor líquido de seda; longevidade de adultos; número de ovos por fêmea; e duração do período de subida ao bosque. Para o modo de aplicação determinaram-se: ganho de peso, comprimento, diâmetro do tórax e diâmetro do abdome de lagartas de 5º ínstar, assim como comprimento, diâmetro e peso de glândula sericígena. Os resultados mostraram que, apesar de o ácido ascórbico proporcionar os melhores valores para o desenvolvimento corpóreo das lagartas, este não corresponde a incrementos significativos na produção; o palmitato de retinol não melhora o desenvolvimento das lagartas; o acetato de retinol e o palmitato de retinol prolongam o período larval, sem, no entanto, alterar significativamente os parâmetros de produção; a imersão de folhas antes do fornecimento às lagartas é mais viável para a aplicação dos aditivos.


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This work shows the preparation and characterization of the new nanocomposites based on fibroin and biocellulose. Bacterial cellulose (BC) is an exopolysaccharide produced by bacteria of the genus Gluconacetobacter, which it has identical chemical structure of the cellulose from plants and it has gained attention in the field of research for its unique properties as excellent mechanical properties when dry and hydrated , higher capacity of water retention, moldability , biodegradability and excellent biological affinity . Silk fibroin (SF) is a structural protein present in the cocoon of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, has been identified as suitable for developing optical devices, tissue engineering application, enzyme immobilization, controlled release drug agent biopolymer. Silk fibroin/bacterial cellulose nanocomposite films were prepared impregnating different cellulose charges (0.5 %, 1.0 %, 1.5 %, 2.5 %, 5.0 % and 10.0 %) weight/weight. According mechanical tests and water and Paynes's cup permeability showed that SF/BC 1% nanocomposite has the most relevant results. Poliethylenoglicol (PEG) containing SF films improved optical and mechanical properties when compared to pristine SF film. New SF/BC nanocomposites could be applied in Medicine, as biodegradable packaging and flexible substrates for OLEDs.


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Mulberry leaves (IZ 56/4 cultivar) in the pos-harvest, had been taken to the laboratory and submitted to six storage environments (8 hours in open ambient-O, 8 hours in cover ambientC, 1hO/7hC, 2hO/6hC, 3hO/5hC and 4hO/4hC), aiming to evaluate moisture exchange capacity . It was utilized the experimental design split plot with five replications (blocks), six principal treatments (parcels) and nine secondary treatments (sub parcels, weighing of hour in hour, of 08h00min. until 16h00min.). In the period of eight hours of experimentation mulberry leaves moisturedevreased in all the ambients evaluated. However, for cover leaves with wet cloth, for all periods, the water purport (74,63%) was maintained close to the original value (08h00min.- 76,07%), demonstrating the efficiency technique in the conservation of the humidity of leaves for feeding silkworm.


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Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) is a fruit with a great potential for technological uses, which could be employed to manufacture of syrups, ice cream, candies, yoghurts, beverages, jam, etc. Only the leaf from mulberry trees is commercially used for silkworm feeding. This tree is cultivated on many agricultural environments such as small rural proprieties and settlements. Small farmers waste a great amount of their production for not knowing about mulberry technology. Thus, the objective of this work was to access extraction yield and physical-chemical properties of mulberry whole juice from ripe, green and a mixture of both by using press and depulper. Statistical analysis of results was carried by media and standard deviation calculations. 173 kg of mulberry were picked being 49.31% ripe and 50.68% green. Press delivered greater extraction yield of whole juice (80.50% to 81.60%) when compared to press (71.43% to 77.50%). Whole juice obtained from both equipments has shown the following values: soluble solids 7.45% - 12.11%, titrable acidity 0.45 – 1.23%, ratio 6.03 – 26.84, pH 3.69 – 4.35, total reducing sugar 4.05% – 9.96%, reducing sugar 3.95% - 9.15%, sucrose 0.00% - 0.04%, turbidity 221.25 NTU - >4,000 NTU. Whole juices obtained from both equipments has shown similar physical-chemical characteristics except turbidity. The authors concluded that press was the best extraction equipment due to its greater yield and whole juice quality regarding turbidity


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Mobile elements are widely present in eukaryotic genomes. They are repeated DNA segments that are able to move from one locus to another within the genome. They are divided into two main categories, depending on their mechanism of transposition, involving RNA (class I) or DNA (class II) molecules. The mariner-like elements are class II transposons. They encode their own transposase, which is necessary and sufficient for transposition in the absence of host factors. They are flanked by a short inverted terminal repeat and a TA dinucleotide target site, which is duplicated upon insertion. The transposase consists of two domains, an N-terminal inverted terminal repeat binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic domain. We identified a transposable element with molecular characteristics of a mariner-like element in Atta sexdens rubropilosa genome. Identification started from a PCR with degenerate primers and queen genomic DNA templates, with which it was possible to amplify a fragment with mariner transposable-element homology. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that this element belongs to the mauritiana subfamily of mariner-like elements and it was named Asmar1. We found that Asmar1 is homologous to a transposon described from another ant, Messor bouvieri. The predicted transposase sequence demonstrated that Asmar1 has a truncated transposase ORF. This study is part of a molecular characterization of mobile elements in the Atta spp genome. Our finding of mariner-like elements in all castes of this ant could be useful to help understand the dynamics of mariner-like element distribution in the Hymenoptera.


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The protein silk fibroin (SF) from the silkworm Bombyx mori is a FDA-approved biomaterial used over centuries as sutures wire. Importantly, several evidences highlighted the potential of silk biomaterials obtained by using so-called regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) in biomedicine, tissue engineering and drug delivery. Indeed, by a water-based protocol, it is possible to obtain protein water-solution, by extraction and purification of fibroin from silk fibres. Notably, RSF can be processed in a variety of biomaterials forms used in biomedical and technological fields, displaying remarkable properties such as biocompatibility, controllable biodegradability, optical transparency, mechanical robustness. Moreover, RSF biomaterials can be doped and/or chemical functionalized with drugs, optically active molecules, growth factors and/or chemicals In this view, activities of my PhD research program were focused to standardize the process of extraction and purification of protein to get the best physical and chemical characteristics. The analysis of the chemo-physical properties of the fibroin involved both the RSF water-solution and the protein processed in film. Chemo-physical properties have been studied through: vibrational (FT-IR and Raman-FT) and optical (absorption and emission UV-VIS) spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C NMR), thermal analysis and thermo-gravimetric scan (DSC and TGA). In the last year of my PhD, activities were focused to study and define innovative methods of functionalization of the silk fibroin solution and films. Indeed, research program was the application of different methods of manufacturing approaches of the films of fibroin without the use of harsh treatments and organic solvents. New approaches to doping and chemical functionalization of the silk fibroin were studied. Two different methods have been identified: 1) biodoping that consists in the doping of fibroin with optically active molecules through the addition of fluorescent molecules in the standard diet used for the breeding of silkworms; 2) chemical functionalization via silylation.