931 resultados para signal-averaged


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Hyperspectral imaging sensors provide image data containing both spectral and spatial information from the Earth surface. The huge data volumes produced by these sensors put stringent requirements on communications, storage, and processing. This paper presents a method, termed hyperspectral signal subspace identification by minimum error (HySime), that infer the signal subspace and determines its dimensionality without any prior knowledge. The identification of this subspace enables a correct dimensionality reduction yielding gains in algorithm performance and complexity and in data storage. HySime method is unsupervised and fully-automatic, i.e., it does not depend on any tuning parameters. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated data based on U.S.G.S. laboratory spectra and real hyperspectral data collected by the AVIRIS sensor over Cuprite, Nevada.


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Given an hyperspectral image, the determination of the number of endmembers and the subspace where they live without any prior knowledge is crucial to the success of hyperspectral image analysis. This paper introduces a new minimum mean squared error based approach to infer the signal subspace in hyperspectral imagery. The method, termed hyperspectral signal identification by minimum error (HySime), is eigendecomposition based and it does not depend on any tuning parameters. It first estimates the signal and noise correlation matrices and then selects the subset of eigenvalues that best represents the signal subspace in the least squared error sense. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated using simulated data based on U.S.G.S. laboratory spectra and real hyperspectral data collected by the AVIRIS sensor over Cuprite, Nevada.


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Thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência.


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The Electromyography (EMG) is an important tool for gait analyzes and disorders diagnoses. Traditional methods involve equipment that can disturb the analyses, being gradually substituted by different approaches, like wearable and wireless systems. The cable replacement for autonomous systems demands for technologies capable of meeting the power constraints. This work presents the development of an EMG and kinematic data capture wireless module, designed taking into account power consumption issues. This module captures and converts the analog myoeletric signal to digital, synchronously with the capture of kinetic information. Both data are time multiplexed and sent to a PC via Bluetooth link. The work carried out comprised the development of the hardware, the firmware and a graphical interface running in an external PC. The hardware was developed using the PIC18F14K22, a low power family of microcontrollers. The link was established via Bluetooth, a protocol designed for low power communication. An application was also developed to recover and trace the signal to a Graphic User Interface (GUI), coordinating the message exchange with the firmware. Results were obtained which allowed validating the conceived system in static and with the subject performing short movements. Although it was not possible to perform the tests within more dynamic movements, it is shown that it is possible to capture, transmit and display the captured data as expected. Some suggestions to improve the system performance also were made.


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In this paper we study several natural and man-made complex phenomena in the perspective of dynamical systems. For each class of phenomena, the system outputs are time-series records obtained in identical conditions. The time-series are viewed as manifestations of the system behavior and are processed for analyzing the system dynamics. First, we use the Fourier transform to process the data and we approximate the amplitude spectra by means of power law functions. We interpret the power law parameters as a phenomenological signature of the system dynamics. Second, we adopt the techniques of non-hierarchical clustering and multidimensional scaling to visualize hidden relationships between the complex phenomena. Third, we propose a vector field based analogy to interpret the patterns unveiled by the PL parameters.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Biologia, na especialidade de Genética Molecular, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor neurons degeneration, which reduces muscular force, being very difficult to diagnose. Mathematical methods are used in order to analyze the surface electromiographic signal’s dynamic behavior (Fractal Dimension (FD) and Multiscale Entropy (MSE)), evaluate different muscle group’s synchronization (Coherence and Phase Locking Factor (PLF)) and to evaluate the signal’s complexity (Lempel-Ziv (LZ) techniques and Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA)). Surface electromiographic signal acquisitions were performed in upper limb muscles, being the analysis executed for instants of contraction for ipsilateral acquisitions for patients and control groups. Results from LZ, DFA and MSE analysis present capability to distinguish between the patient group and the control group, whereas coherence, PLF and FD algorithms present results very similar for both groups. LZ, DFA and MSE algorithms appear then to be a good measure of corticospinal pathways integrity. A classification algorithm was applied to the results in combination with extracted features from the surface electromiographic signal, with an accuracy percentage higher than 70% for 118 combinations for at least one classifier. The classification results demonstrate capability to distinguish members between patients and control groups. These results can demonstrate a major importance in the disease diagnose, once surface electromyography (sEMG) may be used as an auxiliary diagnose method.


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The Electrohysterogram (EHG) is a new instrument for pregnancy monitoring. It measures the uterine muscle electrical signal, which is closely related with uterine contractions. The EHG is described as a viable alternative and a more precise instrument than the currently most widely used method for the description of uterine contractions: the external tocogram. The EHG has also been indicated as a promising tool in the assessment of preterm delivery risk. This work intends to contribute towards the EHG characterization through the inventory of its components which are: • Contractions; • Labor contractions; • Alvarez waves; • Fetal movements; • Long Duration Low Frequency Waves; The instruments used for cataloging were: Spectral Analysis, parametric and non-parametric, energy estimators, time-frequency methods and the tocogram annotated by expert physicians. The EHG and respective tocograms were obtained from the Icelandic 16-electrode Electrohysterogram Database. 288 components were classified. There is not a component database of this type available for consultation. The spectral analysis module and power estimation was added to Uterine Explorer, an EHG analysis software developed in FCT-UNL. The importance of this component database is related to the need to improve the understanding of the EHG which is a relatively complex signal, as well as contributing towards the detection of preterm birth. Preterm birth accounts for 10% of all births and is one of the most relevant obstetric conditions. Despite the technological and scientific advances in perinatal medicine, in developed countries, prematurity is the major cause of neonatal death. Although various risk factors such as previous preterm births, infection, uterine malformations, multiple gestation and short uterine cervix in second trimester, have been associated with this condition, its etiology remains unknown [1][2][3].


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Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2015.09.169.


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Trypanosoma cruzi es un protozoo primitivo agente causal de la enfermedad de Chagas. La transmisión de esta enfermedad depende tanto del desarrollo y de la diferenciación del microorganismo en el intestino del vector. Las diferentes formas del parásito se han adaptado a una serie de condiciones impuestas por los distintos ambientes en donde debió habitar. Esta capacidad de sobrevivir a medios externos tan variados está dada por la diversidad en las vías de transducción de señales en el parásito. T. cruzi se multiplica y diferencia (metaciclogénesis) en el recto de los triatominos. A este nivel, los parásitos se enfrentan a un incremento en la osmolaridad causado por un elevado contenido de NaCl en la orina. En nuestro laboratorio se observó que diferentes estímulos son capaces de producir incrementos en los niveles de IP3 y de Ca2+ intracelular, consecuencia de la activación del ciclo del inositol fosfato, y activación de fosfolipasa D (PLD) y fosfatidilinositol 3 quinasa (PI3K). En un medio carente de Na+ los epimastigotes estimulados con carbacol, mostraron una señal de calcio disminuida mientras que la acumulación de IP3 no se modificó. Además, esta señal se incrementó en presencia de PMA, activador de proteína quinasa C, mientras que la acumulación de IP3 se anuló completamente. Estos resultados indujeron a pensar en un mecanismo alternativo y/o paralelo a IP3 en la liberación de Ca2+, en el cual la presencia de un intercambiador Na+/H+ favorecería la liberación del ion desde organelas acídicas. Es conocido que la señal de calcio es requerida para la metaciclogénesis, y que esta señal es independiente del Ca2+ extracelular (Lammel y col. 1996, Marchesini y col., 2002). De este modo se propone que "los epimastigotes de T. cruzi utilizan como elementos conservados a lo largo de la evolución a los elementos del ciclo del inositol fosfato, uno de los sistemas de transducción de señales más antiguo, para responder a estímulos que inducen la diferenciación del parásito". Por lo tanto, para el desarrollo de este proyecto se propone determinar la presencia de un RcIP3 en epimastigotes y conocer su compromiso en la liberación de Ca2+ desde reservorios intracelulares. Además, establecer si un intercambiador Na+/H+ en membrana de acidocalcisomas estaría relacionado con la señal de calcio intracelular y su posible regulación por proteina quinasa C y A (PKC y PKA, respectivamente). Por otro lado, para dilucidar la implicancia de estos mecanismos en el proceso de metaciclogénesis, se propone estudiar la activación del intercambiador Na+/H+ y la señal de calcio en condiciones de hiperosmolaridad, tal como ocurre en el recto del triatomino. Ademas, ya que el proceso de diferenciación involucra una reorganización de los microtubulos del citoesqueleto se pretende estudiar el compromiso del metabolismo de fosfolípidos y tubulina en procesos que contribuyen a la inducción de la metaciclogenesis. El alcance de los objetivos mencionados ayudará a dilucidar la presencia de componentes tales como RcIP3 y el intercambiador Na+/H+ involucrados en la señalización del ion bivalente. Por otro lado, se espera demostrar que los isotipos de tubulina encontrados en T. cruzi cambien en cantidad relativa y nivel de expresión cuando los epimastigotes sean estimulados con posibles inductores de la diferenciación. Además, se espera observar simultáneamente un aumento en la actividad de dos enzimas relacionadas con la reorganización de microtúbulos: PI-3K y PLD. En tal caso, y para comprobar su implicancia en el proceso, se espera que la inhibición de tales enzimas sea capaz de revertir el efecto producido por los estímulos. Como la PLC se expresa principalmente en las forma epimastigotes mas que en los tripomastigotes (forma infectiva), la señal de Ca2+ inducida por IP3 se relacionaría con la capacidad del parásito para responder a ciertos cambios de pH y osmolaridad que enfrenta el microorganismo en el tracto digestivo del insecto vector.


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Ground penetrating radar; landmine; background clutter removal, buried targets detecting


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Modularity, signaling networks, sytems biology