974 resultados para service improvement


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Sonae MC is constantly innovating and keeping up with the new market trends, being increasingly focused on E-commerce due to its growing importance. In that area, a telephone line is available to support customers with their problems. However, rare were the cases in which those problems were solved in the first contact. Therefore, the goal of this work was to reengineer these processes to improve the service performance and consequently the customer’s satisfaction. Following an evolutionary approach, improvement opportunities were suggested and if correctly implemented the cases resolution time could decrease 1 day and Sonae MC will save €7.750 per month.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Emergency room (ER) interpretation of the ECG is critical to assessment of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Our aim was to assess its reliability in our institution, a tertiary teaching hospital. METHODS: Over a 6-month period all consecutive patients admitted for ACS were included in the study. ECG interpretation by emergency physicians (EPs) was recorded on a preformatted sheet and compared with the interpretation of two specialist physicians (SPs). Discrepancies between the 2 specialists were resolved by an ECG specialist. RESULTS: Over the 6-month period, 692 consecutive patients were admitted with suspected ACS. ECG interpretation was available in 641 cases (93%). Concordance between SPs was 87%. Interpretation of normality or abnormality of the ECG was concordant between EPs and SPs in 475 cases (74%, kappa = 0.51). Interpretation of ischaemic modifications was concordant in 69% of cases, and as many ST segment elevations were unrecognised as overdiagnosed (5% each). The same findings occurred for ST segment depressions and negative T waves (12% each). CONCLUSIONS: Interpretation of the ECG recorded during ACS by 2 SPs was discrepant in 13% of cases. Similarly, EP interpretation was discrepant from SP interpretation in 25% of cases, equally distributed between over- and underdiagnosing of ischaemic changes. The clinical implications and impact of medical education on ECG interpretation require further study.


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Malgré l’intérêt accru du public et de la recherche durant les deux dernières décennies pour le phénomène des jeunes de la rue, certains aspects de leurs réalités sont encore peu examinés et mal connus. L’un de ces aspects concerne la parentalité. Pour mieux comprendre les besoins des jeunes en situation de rue qui sont parents ou en voie de l’être et comprendre dans quelle mesure un service s’adressant spécifiquement à eux arrive à y répondre, cette étude a cherché à décrire et comprendre l’expérience d’utilisation du Service à la famille de l’organisme Dans la rue, telle que vécue par des jeunes qui s’y sont adressés. Plus précisément, les objectifs étaient de : situer le Service à la famille dans la démarche de recherche d’aide des jeunes; comprendre ce qui amène un jeune à utiliser le Service à la famille et les activités qui y sont offertes; décrire l’expérience d’utilisation du service; connaître la perception qu’en ont les jeunes; et estimer leur appréciation du service. Pour ce faire, des entrevues semi-dirigées par téléphone ont eu lieu avec neuf jeunes ayant eu un suivi au Service à la famille, au cours desquelles certains thèmes ont été explorés : la recherche d’aide en lien avec la situation parentale, l’expérience d’utilisation des services et des activités du Service à la famille, le portrait de celui-ci, et la satisfaction à son égard. Au moment de l’entrevue, tous les jeunes étaient parents d’au moins un enfant et la majorité d’entre eux avait fait appel au Service à la famille la première fois durant la grossesse pour de l’aide sous diverses formes en rapport à celle-ci. Des besoins de divers ordres ont amené les jeunes à faire appel au Service à la famille. Ceux-ci pouvaient être comblés, mais pas nécessairement toujours, par le biais des rencontres avec les intervenantes du Service à la famille et par la participation aux activités de groupe offertes par la ressource et, par ailleurs, pouvaient concorder avec les objectifs d’intervention explicites du service. Dans l’ensemble, les entrevues suggèrent que les jeunes perçoivent le Service à la famille et, plus précisément, les intervenantes qui y travaillent, d’un œil favorable. Les interviewés formulent en effet une appréciation positive sur un bon nombre d’éléments se rapportant à leur expérience d’utilisation de la ressource. Des jeunes perçoivent néanmoins des limites dans la capacité du Service à la famille à fournir l’aide attendue, notamment des restrictions budgétaires et une surcharge de travail des intervenantes liée à une forte demande de services. Même si les jeunes n’ont pas nécessairement demandé de l’aide de la ressource dans l’optique de prévenir la violence familiale et la négligence, mandat premier du Service à la famille, une bonne part d’entre eux reconnaissent avoir reçu de l’aide utile à cet égard de la part des intervenantes, notamment lorsqu’ils ont rapporté avoir vécu des relations amoureuses teintées de violence conjugale. Ils reconnaissent également différentes façons par le biais desquelles les intervenantes les auraient encouragés à être bien et à prendre soin d’eux-mêmes afin de pouvoir bien s’occuper de leur(s) enfant(s). Tous les jeunes interviewés ont exprimé une satisfaction à l’égard du suivi reçu au Service à la famille et ils ont affirmé qu’ils le recommanderaient à d’autres personnes. L’approche d’intervention préconisée par la ressource est considérée comme un point fort dans la réponse aux besoins des jeunes. Cette approche aurait permis aux jeunes devenus parents d’être aidés en fonction de ce dont ils avaient besoin à un moment précis. L’un des aspects de l’utilisation du service qui gagneraient à être améliorés, aux yeux des jeunes, est l’accessibilité; l’aide dont les interviewés considéraient avoir besoin n’ayant pas toujours été à leur disposition alors qu’ils l’avaient demandée. Devant la perception d’un manque de disponibilité des intervenantes, des jeunes proposent des pistes d’amélioration qui permettraient à l’aide dispensée par le Service à la famille d’être plus accessible aux jeunes quand ils considèrent en avoir besoin.


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Objective: To evaluate CBTp delivered by non-expert therapists, using CBT relevant measures. Methods: Participants (N=74) were randomised into immediate therapy or waiting list control groups. The therapy group was offered six months of therapy and followed up three months later. The waiting list group received therapy after waiting nine months (becoming the delayed therapy group). Results: Depression improved in the combined therapy group at both the end of therapy and follow-up. Other significant effects were found in only one of the two therapy groups (positive symptoms; cognitive flexibility; uncontrollability of thoughts) or one of the two timepoints (end of therapy: PANSS general symptoms, anxiety, suicidal ideation, social functioning, resistance to voices; follow-up: power beliefs about voices, negative symptoms). There was no difference in costs between the groups. Conclusions: The only robust improvement was in depression. Nevertheless, there were further encouraging but modest improvements in both emotional and cognitive variables, in addition to psychotic symptoms.


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The availability of a network strongly depends on the frequency of service outages and the recovery time for each outage. The loss of network resources includes complete or partial failure of hardware and software components, power outages, scheduled maintenance such as software and hardware, operational errors such as configuration errors and acts of nature such as floods, tornadoes and earthquakes. This paper proposes a practical approach to the enhancement of QoS routing by means of providing alternative or repair paths in the event of a breakage of a working path. The proposed scheme guarantees that every Protected Node (PN) is connected to a multi-repair path such that no further failure or breakage of single or double repair paths can cause any simultaneous loss of connectivity between an ingress node and an egress node. Links to be protected in an MPLS network are predefined and an LSP request involves the establishment of a working path. The use of multi-protection paths permits the formation of numerous protection paths allowing greater flexibility. Our analysis will examine several methods including single, double and multi-repair routes and the prioritization of signals along the protected paths to improve the Quality of Service (QoS), throughput, reduce the cost of the protection path placement, delay, congestion and collision.


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The current research agenda for construction process improvement is heavily influenced by the rhetoric of business process re-engineering (BPR). In contrast to the wider literature on BPR, there is little evidence of critical thought within the construction management research community. A postmodernist interpretation is advocated whereby the reality of management practice is defined by the dominant management discourse. The persuasiveness of BPR rhetoric is analysed with particular reference to the way in which it plays on the insecurity of modern managers. Despite the lip service given to ‘empowerment’ and ‘teamwork’, the dominant theme of the re-engineering movement is that of technocratic totalitarianism. From a critical perspective, it is suggested that BPR is imposed on construction organizations to ensure continued control by the industry's dominant power groups. Whilst industry leaders are fond of calling for ‘attitudinal and cultural improvement’, the language of the accepted research agenda continually reinforces the industry's dominant culture of ‘control and command’. Therefore, current research directions in process improvement perpetuate existing attitudes rather than facilitating cultural change. The concept of lean construction is seen to be the latest manifestation of this phenomenon.


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The p-median problem is often used to locate p service centers by minimizing their distances to a geographically distributed demand (n). The optimal locations are sensitive to geographical context such as road network and demand points especially when they are asymmetrically distributed in the plane. Most studies focus on evaluating performances of the p-median model when p and n vary. To our knowledge this is not a very well-studied problem when the road network is alternated especially when it is applied in a real world context. The aim in this study is to analyze how the optimal location solutions vary, using the p-median model, when the density in the road network is alternated. The investigation is conducted by the means of a case study in a region in Sweden with an asymmetrically distributed population (15,000 weighted demand points), Dalecarlia. To locate 5 to 50 service centers we use the national transport administrations official road network (NVDB). The road network consists of 1.5 million nodes. To find the optimal location we start with 500 candidate nodes in the network and increase the number of candidate nodes in steps up to 67,000. To find the optimal solution we use a simulated annealing algorithm with adaptive tuning of the temperature. The results show that there is a limited improvement in the optimal solutions when nodes in the road network increase and p is low. When p is high the improvements are larger. The results also show that choice of the best network depends on p. The larger p the larger density of the network is needed. 


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Inequalities in health and wellbeing within low socioeconomic (SES)  environments are well documented. Factors inherent to the health care system itself, such as inaccessible, inflexible or inappropriate seroiceprovision, contribute to the poorer health status ofresidents oflow SES areas. This paper explores the issues ofseroice provision in low SES areas, documenting the perceptions of seroice providers about the seroice needs of residents, in order to understand the systemic factors that negatively impact on health and wellbeing. A total of54 health and welfare seroice providers from two adjacent low SES suburbs within regional Victoria were interoiewed using qualitative research methods. Keyfindings indicate that successful navigation of health care seroices by residents within these low SES environments is being impeded by issues ofaccess, a lack ofappropriate early interoention options or measures, and general resident disempowerment. Central to the improvement of seroice provision is the need for seroices to become economically, geographically and culturally accessible. In particular, the importance of community involvement in health planning and health promoting seroices must be reflected in the ethos ofseroice provision.


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Dynamic composition of services provides the ability to build complex distributed applications at run time by combining existing services, thus coping with a large variety of complex requirements that cannot be met by individual services alone. However, with the increasing amount of available services that differ in granularity (amount of functionality provided) and qualities, selecting the best combination of services becomes very complex. In response, this paper addresses the challenges of service selection, and makes a twofold contribution. First, a rich representation of compositional planning knowledge is provided, allowing the expression of multiple decompositions of tasks at arbitrary levels of granularity. Second, two distinct search space reduction techniques are introduced, the application of which, prior to performing service selection, results in significant improvement in selection performance in terms of execution time, which is demonstrated via experimental results.


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A question frequently asked in multi-agent systems (MASs) concerns the efficient search for suitable agents to solve a specific problem. To answer this question, different types of middle agents are usually employed. The performance of middle agents relies heavily on the matchmaking algorithms used. Matchmaking is the process of finding an appropriate provider for a requester through a middle agent. There has been substantial work on matchmaking in different kinds of middle agents. To our knowledge, almost all currently used matchmaking algorithms missed one point when doing matchmaking -- the matchmaking is only based on the advertised capabilities of provider agents. The actual performance of provider agents in accomplishing delegated tasks is not considered at all. This results in the inaccuracy of the matchmaking outcomes as well as the random selection of provider agents with the same advertised capabilities. The quality of service of different service provider agents varies from one agent to another even though they claimed they have the same capabilities. To this end, it is argued that the practical performance of service provider agents has a significant impact on the matchmaking outcomes of middle agents. An improvement to matchmaking algorithms is proposed, which makes the algorithms have the ability to consider the track records of agents in accomplishing delegated tasks. How to represent, accumulate, and use track records as well as how to give initial values for track records in the algorithm are discussed. A prototype is also built to verify the algorithm. Based on the improved algorithm, the matchmaking outcomes are more accurate and reasonable.


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Corporate information technology (IT) management is increasingly service-oriented, offering continuous evaluation and improvement of application, communication, delivery and support services to internal and external customers. Service-oriented requirements engineering (SoRE) plays a significant role in identifying and specifying service requirements, formally defined through service-level agreements (SLAs). However, the new frameworks and approaches emerging to guide these developments have not yet addressed how requirements for such services can be effectively developed, nor identified the diverse issues involved. We report a case study of a web services team development of requirements for an internal Service Desk service. The study revealed five main issues of concern when developing service provider requirements: service roles, responsibilities and accountability; service performance metrics; resolution of conflicting stakeholder service requirements; customer acceptance of service change; and service provider team structure. This study suggests that in the new IT services era, new techniques and approaches are needed for eliciting and determining provider and customer requirements that involve key stakeholder groups equitably and more closely negotiate the sometimes-conflicting provider and customer needs.


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The study assesses the quality and content of Individual Program Plans for 284 Victorian adults with profound intellectual disabilities living in one residential service. A checklist was developed for improving plan quality, and measurement difficulties with checklists discussed. Recommends that a quality improvement process be implemented.


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Objective The Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI) is established as a core metric in psychiatric research. This study aims to test the validity of CGI as a clinical outcome measure suitable for routine use in a private inpatient setting.

Methods The CGI was added to a standard battery of routine outcome measures in a private psychiatric hospital. Data were collected on consecutive admissions over a period of 24 months, which included clinical diagnosis, demographics, service utilization and four routine measures (CGI, HoNOS, MHQ-14 and DASS-21) at both admission and discharge. Descriptive and comparative data analyses were performed.

Results Of 786 admissions in total, there were 624 and 614 CGI-S ratings completed at the point of admission and discharge, respectively, and 610 completed CGI-I ratings. The admission and discharge CGI-S scores were correlated (r = 0.40), and the indirect improvement measures obtained from their differences were highly correlated with the direct CGI-I scores (r = 0.71). The CGI results reflected similar trends seen in the other three outcome measures.

Conclusions The CGI is a valid clinical outcome measure suitable for routine use in an inpatient setting. It offers a number of advantages, including its established utility in psychiatric research, sensitivity to change, quick and simple administration, utility across diagnostic groupings, and reliability in the hands of skilled clinicians.


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The thesis has covered a range of algorithms that help to improve the security of web services. The research focused on the problems of DDoS attack and traffic analysis attack against service availability and information privacy respectively. Finally, this research significantly advantaged DDoS attack detection and web access anonymity.


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This paper reports on a small trial with 6 pre-service teachers who videoed their own teaching practices. The pre-service teachers used the tool to reflect on practice and to enhance their own understandings of themselves as teachers. The initial footage was used to by the pre-service teachers to gauge quite specific elements of their teaching: for example, were they asking effective questions, or were they responding appropriately to questions children asked and as always, what management strategies seemed to be working? Critical feedback from other students was initially „less than critical‟, but again over time, this also appeared to sharpen as they had more opportunity to use the technology. Initial embarrassment of being on screen was replaced with a professional approach to seeing the video as a tool for providing the opportunity to systematically deconstruct practices and for providing concrete feedback for improvement. Used in conjunction with teaching preparation courses, the videoed segments of teaching practice could be used to highlight exemplars, to show what actually happens in classrooms and to explain certain practices. Cunningham and Benedetto (2002) state “Recent developments in digital video technologies permit teacher candidates to collect, review, and manipulate video to demonstrate their growth as a professional and as a reflective practitioner.” However, in the development of the trial, the issue was raised by the pre-service teachers that they would be interested in keeping the videos as evidence of their teaching competence to be used in applications for teaching positions. In the small trial, ethics permission had not been gained for that to happen, but it is certainly a valid and viable possibility for the future. Currently prospective employers have to rely on paper applications which respond to selection criteria, evidence from pre-service teachers‟ teaching rounds and the subjective impressions of an interview. If students were able to present a 5 minute segment of them teaching, it might count for much more than any other evidence. Video capture of teaching practice would provide potential employers with an indication of a pre-service teacher‟s management strategies, relationships with children and a snapshot of a pre-service teacher‟s instructional practice. The idea of video-capture as a tool for pre-service teachers to illustrate teaching capabilities will be more fully investigated in this paper.