881 resultados para sensor-based control


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This paper describes the fabrication of an ion-selective electrode in which a polymeric Schiff base complex of cobalt(II) is used as the ionophore.The main advantage of the electrode is that it is mechanically stable upto 3 months..The electrode shows a linear response in the range of 2.5 × 10-5-0.5 × 10-1 mol dm-3. The response time of the electrode is 30 s.The pH range at which the electrode works is 3.8 to 6.8. The electrode was found to be selective towards chloride ion in the presence of ions like Na+, Ca2+, Mn2+, ,Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, CH3COO-, NO3-, SO42- ,Br- and NO2-.


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This thesis concerns with the main aspects of medical trace molecules detection by means of intracavity laser absorption spectroscopy (ICLAS), namely with the equirements for highly sensitive, highly selective, low price, and compact size sensor. A novel two modes semiconductor laser sensor is demonstrated. Its operation principle is based on the competition between these two modes. The sensor sensitivity is improved when the sample is placed inside the two modes laser cavity, and the competition between the two modes exists. The effects of the mode competition in ICLAS are discussed theoretically and experimentally. The sensor selectivity is enhanced using external cavity diode laser (ECDL) configuration, where the tuning range only depends on the external cavity configuration. In order to considerably reduce the sensor cost, relative intensity noise (RIN) is chosen for monitoring the intensity ratio of the two modes. RIN is found to be an excellent indicator for the two modes intensity ratio variations which strongly supports the sensor methodology. On the other hand, it has been found that, wavelength tuning has no effect on the RIN spectrum which is very beneficial for the proposed detection principle. In order to use the sensor for medical applications, the absorption line of an anesthetic sample, propofol, is measured. Propofol has been dissolved in various solvents. RIN has been chosen to monitor the sensor response. From the measured spectra, the sensor sensitivity enhancement factor is found to be of the order of 10^(3) times of the conventional laser spectroscopy.


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Aquesta tesi proposa l'ús d'un seguit de tècniques pel control a alt nivell d'un robot autònom i també per l'aprenentatge automàtic de comportaments. L'objectiu principal de la tesis fou el de dotar d'intel·ligència als robots autònoms que han d'acomplir unes missions determinades en entorns desconeguts i no estructurats. Una de les premisses tingudes en compte en tots els passos d'aquesta tesis va ser la selecció d'aquelles tècniques que poguessin ésser aplicades en temps real, i demostrar-ne el seu funcionament amb experiments reals. El camp d'aplicació de tots els experiments es la robòtica submarina. En una primera part, la tesis es centra en el disseny d'una arquitectura de control que ha de permetre l'assoliment d'una missió prèviament definida. En particular, la tesis proposa l'ús de les arquitectures de control basades en comportaments per a l'assoliment de cada una de les tasques que composen la totalitat de la missió. Una arquitectura d'aquest tipus està formada per un conjunt independent de comportaments, els quals representen diferents intencions del robot (ex.: "anar a una posició", "evitar obstacles",...). Es presenta una recerca bibliogràfica sobre aquest camp i alhora es mostren els resultats d'aplicar quatre de les arquitectures basades en comportaments més representatives a una tasca concreta. De l'anàlisi dels resultats se'n deriva que un dels factors que més influeixen en el rendiment d'aquestes arquitectures, és la metodologia emprada per coordinar les respostes dels comportaments. Per una banda, la coordinació competitiva és aquella en que només un dels comportaments controla el robot. Per altra banda, en la coordinació cooperativa el control del robot és realitza a partir d'una fusió de totes les respostes dels comportaments actius. La tesis, proposa un esquema híbrid d'arquitectura capaç de beneficiar-se dels principals avantatges d'ambdues metodologies. En una segona part, la tesis proposa la utilització de l'aprenentatge per reforç per aprendre l'estructura interna dels comportaments. Aquest tipus d'aprenentatge és adequat per entorns desconeguts i el procés d'aprenentatge es realitza al mateix temps que el robot està explorant l'entorn. La tesis presenta també un estat de l'art d'aquest camp, en el que es detallen els principals problemes que apareixen en utilitzar els algoritmes d'aprenentatge per reforç en aplicacions reals, com la robòtica. El problema de la generalització és un dels que més influeix i consisteix en permetre l'ús de variables continues sense augmentar substancialment el temps de convergència. Després de descriure breument les principals metodologies per generalitzar, la tesis proposa l'ús d'una xarxa neural combinada amb l'algoritme d'aprenentatge per reforç Q_learning. Aquesta combinació proporciona una gran capacitat de generalització i una molt bona disposició per aprendre en tasques de robòtica amb exigències de temps real. No obstant, les xarxes neurals són aproximadors de funcions no-locals, el que significa que en treballar amb un conjunt de dades no homogeni es produeix una interferència: aprendre en un subconjunt de l'espai significa desaprendre en la resta de l'espai. El problema de la interferència afecta de manera directa en robòtica, ja que l'exploració de l'espai es realitza sempre localment. L'algoritme proposat en la tesi té en compte aquest problema i manté una base de dades representativa de totes les zones explorades. Així doncs, totes les mostres de la base de dades s'utilitzen per actualitzar la xarxa neural, i per tant, l'aprenentatge és homogeni. Finalment, la tesi presenta els resultats obtinguts amb la arquitectura de control basada en comportaments i l'algoritme d'aprenentatge per reforç. Els experiments es realitzen amb el robot URIS, desenvolupat a la Universitat de Girona, i el comportament après és el seguiment d'un objecte mitjançant visió per computador. La tesi detalla tots els dispositius desenvolupats pels experiments així com les característiques del propi robot submarí. Els resultats obtinguts demostren la idoneïtat de les propostes en permetre l'aprenentatge del comportament en temps real. En un segon apartat de resultats es demostra la capacitat de generalització de l'algoritme d'aprenentatge mitjançant el "benchmark" del "cotxe i la muntanya". Els resultats obtinguts en aquest problema milloren els resultats d'altres metodologies, demostrant la millor capacitat de generalització de les xarxes neurals.


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While building provides shelter for human being, the previous models for assessing the intelligence of a building seldom consider the responses of occupants. In addition, the assessment is usually conducted by an authority organization on a yearly basis, thus can seldom provide timely assistance for facility manager to improve his daily facility maintenance performance. By the extending the law of entropy into the area of intelligent building, this paper demonstrate that both energy consumption and the response of occupants are important when partially assessing the intelligence of a building. This study then develops a sensor based real time building intelligence (BI) assessment model. An experimental case study demonstrates how the model can be implemented. The developed model can address the two demerits of the previous BI assessment model.


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A number of commonly encountered simple neural network types are discussed, with particular attention being paid to their applicability in automation and control when applied to food processing. In the first instance n-tuple networks are considered, these being particularly useful for high speed production checking operations. Subsequently backpropagation networks are discussed, these being useful both in a more familiar feedback control arrangement and also for such things as recipe prediction.


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This paper addresses the problem of decentralized implementation of a global state feedback controller for multi-agent systems. The system is assumed to be under the constraint of a complete decentralized information structure. The decentralization of the control task is achieved through the construction of low-order decentralized functional observers with the purpose of generating the required corresponding control signal for each local control station. A design procedure is developed for obtaining an approximate solution to the design of the observers. Stability analysis is provided for the global system using the proposed observer-based approach. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedure and cases when the observers' order increases from the lowest value.


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It has been demonstrated that considering the knowledge of drive cycle as a priori in the PHEV control strategy can improve its performance. The concept of power cycle instead of drive cycle is introduced to consider the effect of noise factors in the prediction of future drivetrain power demand. To minimize the effect of noise factors, a practical solution for developing a power-cycle library is introduced. A control strategy is developed using the predicted power cycle which inherently improves the optimal operation of engine and consequently improves the vehicle performance. Since the control strategy is formed exclusively for each PHEV rather than a preset strategy which is designed by OEM, the effect of different environmental and geographic conditions, driver behavior, aging of battery and other components are considered for each PHEV. Simulation results show that the control strategy based on the driver library of power cycle would improve both vehicle performance and battery health.


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Deakin University’s futuristic Universal Motion simulator will overcome the limitations of current motion simulator platforms by employing an anthropomorphic robot arm to provide the motion fidelity necessary to exploit the potential of modern simulation environments. Full motion simulators frequently utilize Stewart platforms to mimic the movement of vehicles during simulation. However, due to the limited motion range and dexterity of such systems, and their inability to convey realistic accelerations, they are unable to represent accurate motion characteristics. The Universal Motion Simulation aims to close the gap between the limitations of the current motion technology and real world, by introducing a flexible, modular, high-fidelity motion system that can be used for a variety of immersive training applications. The modular nature of the design allows interchangeable and configurable simulation pods to be attached to the end effectors.


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A new enzymeless glucose sensor has been fabricated via electrospinning technology and subsequent calcination. The morphology and structure of the as-prepared nanofibers have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose in alkaline medium at nickel oxide modified glassy carbon electrodes has been investigated. The modified electrodes offer excellent electrocatalytic activity toward the glucose oxidation at low positive potential (0.3 V). Glucose has been determined chronoamperometrically at the surface of NiO nanofibers modified electrode in 0.5 mM NaOH. Under the optimized condition, the calibration curve is linear in the concentration range of 2 × 10−3 mM∼1 mM, and 1 mM∼9.5 mM. The detection limit (signal-to-noise 3) and response time are 3.394 × 10−6 M and 2 s, respectively. The NiO electrospun nanofibers is easy to prepare and feasible in economy. The modified electrode is steady and can be used repeatedly, so it is reasonable to expect its broad use in non-enzymatic glucose sensor.


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An increasing number of Android devices are being infected and at risk of becoming part of a botnet. Among all types of botnets, control and cornmand based botnets are very popular. In this paper we introduce an effective and efficient method to ddect SMS-based control commands ftvm infected Android devices. Specifically, we rely on the important radio activities recorded in Android log files. These radio activities are currently overlooked by researchers. We show the effectiveness of our rnethod by using the examples frorn published literature. Our method requires much less user knowledge but is more generic than traditional approaches.