947 resultados para seasons of seeding


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, estudar o efeito de auxinas sintéticas e do boro, sobre o enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensisPlanch. cv Bruno). As estacas continham dois nós com aproximadamente 10 cm de comprimento, contendo 2 folhas cortadas ao meio. As bases das estacas receberam os seguintes tratamentos: control (H2O); NAA 300 mg.L-1; IBA 300 mg.L-1; NAA 300 mg.L-1 + B; IBA 300 mg.L-1 + B; NAA 0,5%-pó e IBA 0,5%-pó. Após os tratamentos as estacas foram plantadas em bandejas de enraizamento contendo vermiculita pura e colocadas em câmara de nebulização por 120 dias até a coleta das mesmas. Para a avaliação do efeito das auxinas e boro, foram realizadas as seguintes observações: 1. porcentagem de estacas enraizadas; 2. análise de açúcares redutores e açúcares totais (em g/100 g de matéria seca); 3. análise de triptofano (em µg/100 mg de matéria seca). Além disso, foram verificados o efeito dos tratamentos em quatro épocas, que corresponderam às estações do ano (primavera, verão, outono e inverno). Através dos resultados obtidos no processo de enraizamento de estacas caulinares de kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch. cv Bruno), conclui-se ser o verão a melhor época de coleta dos ramos para a produção das estacas sem a necessidade do tratamento com auxinas.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a demanda energética de uma semeadora-adubadora, em função do tipo e manejo da cultura de cobertura vegetal e da profundidade da haste de deposição de adubo. Foi utilizado um trator Valtra BM100, instrumentado, para tracionar uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão equipada com quatro fileiras de semeadura espaçadas de 0,9 m para cultura de milho. O experimento foi conduzido em parcelas subsubdivididas, na área experimental do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP-Jaboticabal, utilizando duas culturas de cobertura (mucuna-preta e crotalária), três manejos dessas coberturas, sendo dois mecânicos (triturador de palhas e rolo-faca) e um químico (pulverização com herbicida), realizados 120 dias após a semeadura das culturas de cobertura e três profundidades da haste de deposição do adubo (0,11; 0,14 e 0,17 m), perfazendo 18 tratamentos, com quatro repetições, totalizando 72 observações. Foram avaliados os parâmetros velocidade de deslocamento, patinagem, força na barra de tração, força de pico, potência na barra de tração, potência de pico e consumo de combustível. Pôde-se concluir que a força na barra de tração foi menor para as profundidades de 0,11 e 0,14 m da haste sulcadora de adubo, o mesmo ocorrendo para força de pico, potência na barra de tração e consumo volumétrico. O consumo específico foi menor na profundidade de 0,17 m da haste sulcadora de adubo. As culturas de cobertura e seus manejos não interferiram no desempenho das máquinas estudadas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Seasonal variation in growth and yield of cultured brown mussels Perna perna was studied in Ubatuba, south-east Brazilian coastline. Young mussels were transplanted (seeded) into four groups of 16 polyethylene net tubes 2 m long, suspended from a wooden raft (18 m 2). The first group was set out in April (autumn), the next in July (winter), the next in October (spring) 1984 and the final group in January (summer) 1985. One net tube of each group was sampled monthly and biometric data were collected. Growth was initially faster for the spring group, but at the end of the culture period length and weight were not statistically different between groups. L(∞) and W(∞) were 73.9, 71.3, 72.7 and 73.8 mm and 26.3, 23.9, 25.7 and 25.7 g for the autumn, winter, spring and summer groups, respectively. Maximum yield was attained 9 months after seeding for groups of autumn, winter and spring (7.2, 5.2 and 6.3 kg x m -1, respectively) and after 10 months for the summer group (6.9 kg X m -1). The conclusion of this study is that, growth and yield were unaffected by the season of seeding at the study site and that it is not commercially worthwhile to farm mussels more than 9 months, due to yield decrease.


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The project is being conducted in the town of Analândia, São Paulo, Brazil. The constructed wetlands system for water supply consists of a channel with floating aquatic macrophytes, HDS system (Water Decontamination with Soil - Patent PI 850.3030), chlorinating system, filtering system and distribution. The project objectives include investigating the process variables to further optimize design and operation factors, evaluating the relation of nutrients and plants development, biomass production, shoot development, nutrient cycling and total and fecal coliforms removal, comparing the treatment efficiency among the seasons of the year; and moreover to compare the average values obtained between February and June 1998 (Salati et al., 1998) with the average obtained for the same parameters between March and June 2000. Studies have been developed in order to verify during one year the drinking quality of the water for the following parameters: turbidity, color, pH, dissolved oxygen, total of dissolved solids, COD, chloride, among others, according to the Ministry of Health's Regulation 36. This system of water supply projected to treat 15 L s-1 has been in continuous operation for 2 years, it was implemented with support of the National Environment Fund (FNMA), administered by the Center of Environmental Studies (CEA-UNESP), while the technical supervision and design were performed by the Institute of Applied Ecology. The actual research project is being supported by FAPESP.


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There is no agreement among authors that study fish condition by the allometric method (K=W/Lb) with regard to the best procedure for b coefficient calculation. Some authors use a constant coefficient for all sub-samples (seasons of the year, for instance), whilst others calculate b value for each sub-sample. To demonstrate which of these methods fits better, this study verified that the use of one b value for each sub-sample leads to distortion of Condition Factor values. Comparing the two tested methods, it may be concluded that the method which calculates b coefficient from groupings of all individuals and uses b as a constant value for all sub-samples is the most convenient method to study fish condition.


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The comet assay has been described as an efficient tool for the detection of changes in the DNA molecule of cells exposed to contaminating agents in vivo and in vitro. The possible environmental contamination due to the persistence of chromium residues from tannery effluents was determined in the waters of the Córrego dos Bagres stream, Municipal district of Franca/SP, by the comet assay on CHO-K1 cells. Water samples were collected during the four seasons of the year 2001 at three distinct stations along the river. The data suggest that the comet test showed good sensitivity for the environmental monitoring of these waters and indicated that this test can be efficient for the determination of the quality of waters contaminated with effluents containing heavy metal residues such as chromium.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate dry matter yield and nutritional value of palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) using nitrogen doses and sprinkler irrigation in two periods of the year, aiming at reducing seasonality of forage production. It was used a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme, with five doses of nitrogen (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha/cut), and the sub-plots were defined by the seasons of the year (wet and dry season), with and without irrigation. During the wet season, in the plots with and without irrigation, doses of 175 and 161 kg/ha/cut promoted the highest dry matter yields. During the dry season, 171 kg ha -1N with irrigation resulted in the highest dry matter yield. During the same season, there was no response to N fertilization in the lack of irrigation. Average contents of CP were 10% with and without irrigation. Contents of neutral detergent fiber decreased with nitrogen doses, while acid detergent fiber was not affected by fertilization. Plots under irrigation reached the maximal acid detergent fiber content at N dose of 60 kg ha -1. Irrigation promotes increase of 15% increase in dry matter yield and it increases contents of neutral detergent fiber. © 2010 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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The relative growths of Persephona lichtensteinii, P. mediterranea, and P. punctata were investigated on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, focusing on differences in the growth rates between immature and mature phases, the onset of morphological sexual maturity, and the breeding seasons of these species. Crabs were collected every two months from January 1991 through to November 1992, from a shrimp fishing boat equipped with two otter-trawl nets. Significant differences in the patterns of body growth were observed between immature and mature phases of all three species. Changes in the growth rates of the chelipeds (males) and abdomen (females) observed for P. lichtensteinii, P. mediterranea, and P. punctata, seem to be related to the puberty moult for both sexes. Males of P. mediterranea and P. punctata reached larger mean sizes of carapace width than females, whereas no difference was recorded for P. lichtensteinii. The body size at which 50% of males attained sexual maturity was also larger in P. mediterranea and P. punctata, and smaller in P. lichtensteinii. The absence of a pronounced sexual dimorphism and the size at the onset of sexual maturity observed only for P. lichtensteinii might be explained by distinct reproductive strategies of males. The presence of ovigerous females during the entire sampling period suggests that all three species have a continuous reproduction pattern at the Ubatuba region. Future studies on the population structure, functional maturity, and mating system should improve the understanding of factors driving the biology and ecology of these species at a subtropical region. © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2013.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar parâmetros genéticos e avaliar a seleção simultânea quanto à produtividade de raízes e à adaptabilidade e estabilidade de genótipos de mandioca. Os efeitos dos genótipos foram considerados como fixos e aleatórios, e a metodologia de modelos mistos (REML/Blup) foi utilizada para estimar os parâmetros genéticos e a média harmônica do desempenho relativo dos valores genotípicos (MHPRVG), para seleção simultânea. Dez genótipos foram avaliados em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. O experimento foi realizado nos municípios de Altamira, Santarém e Santa Luzia do Pará, PA, nos anos agrícolas de 2009/2010, 2010/2011 e 2011/2012. As raízes foram colhidas 12 meses após o plantio, em todos os locais testados. A produtividade de raízes apresentou baixo coeficiente de variação genotípica (4,25%) e herdabilidade de parcelas individuais no sentido amplo (0,0424), o que resultou em baixo ganho genético. Em razão da baixa correlação genotípica (0,15), a classificação dos genótipos quanto à produtividade de raízes variou de acordo com o ambiente. Os genótipos CPATU 060, CPATU 229 e CPATU 404 destacaram-se quanto à produtividade, adaptabilidade e estabilidade.