997 resultados para sea salt
Continuous sea salt and mineral dust aerosol records have been studied on the two EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) deep ice cores. The joint use of these records from opposite sides of the East Antarctic plateau allows for an estimate of changes in dust transport and emission intensity as well as for the identification of regional differences in the sea salt aerosol source. The mineral dust flux records at both sites show a strong coherency over the last 150 kyr related to dust emission changes in the glacial Patagonian dust source with three times higher dust fluxes in the Atlantic compared to the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean (SO). Using a simple conceptual transport model this indicates that transport can explain only 40% of the atmospheric dust concentration changes in Antarctica, while factor 5-10 changes occurred. Accordingly, the main cause for the strong glacial dust flux changes in Antarctica must lie in environmental changes in Patagonia. Dust emissions, hence environmental conditions in Patagonia, were very similar during the last two glacials and interglacials, respectively, despite 2-4 °C warmer temperatures recorded in Antarctica during the penultimate interglacial than today. 2-3 times higher sea salt fluxes found in both ice cores in the glacial compared to the Holocene are difficult to reconcile with a largely unchanged transport intensity and the distant open ocean source. The substantial glacial enhancements in sea salt aerosol fluxes can be readily explained assuming sea ice formation as the main sea salt aerosol source with a significantly larger expansion of (summer) sea ice in the Weddell Sea than in the Indian Ocean sector. During the penultimate interglacial, our sea salt records point to a 50% reduction of winter sea ice coverage compared to the Holocene both in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean sector of the SO. However, from 20 to 80 ka before present sea salt fluxes show only very subdued millennial changes despite pronounced temperature fluctuations, likely due to the large distance of the sea ice salt source to our drill sites.
The ice cap on Berkner Island is grounded on bedrock within the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf and is, therefore, expected to be a well-suited place to retrieve long-term ice-core records reflecting the environmental situation of the Weddell Sea region. Shallow firn cores were drilled to 11 m at the two main summits of Berkner Island and analysed in high depth resolution for electrical d.c. conductivity (ECM), stable isotopes, chloride, sulphate, nitrate and methane-sulphonate (MSA). From the annual layering of dD and non-sea-salt (nss) sulphate, a mean annual snow accumulation of 26.6 cm water at the north dome and 17.4 cm water at the south dome are obtained. As a result of ineffective wind scouring indicated by a relatively low near-surface snow density, regular annual cycles are found for all species at least in the upper 4-5 m. Post depositional changes are responsible for a substantial decrease of the seasonal dD and nitrate amplitude as well as for considerable migration of the MSA signal operating below a depth of 3-4 m. The mean chemical and isotopic firn properties at the south dome correspond to the situation on the Filchner-Ronne Ice shelf at a comparable distance to the coast, whereas the north dome is found to be more influenced by maritime air masses. Persistent high sea-salt levels in winter snow at Berkner Island heavily obscure the determination of nss sulphate probably due to sulphate fractionation in the Antartic sea-salt aerosols. Estimated time-scales predict ages at 400 m depth to be ca. 2000 years for the north and ca. 3000 years for the south dome. Pleistocene ice is expected in the bottom 200 and 300 m, respectively.
In the framework of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA), a comprehensive glaciological pre-site survey has been carried out on Amundsenisen, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, in the past decade. Within this survey, four intermediate-depth ice cores and 13 snow pits were analyzed for their ionic composition and interpreted with respect to the spatial and temporal variability of volcanic sulphate deposition. The comparison of the non-sea-salt (nss)-sulphate peaks that are related to the well-known eruptions of Pinatubo and Cerro Hudson in AD 1991 revealed sulphate depositions of comparable size (15.8 ± 3.4 kg/km**2) in 11 snow pits. There is a tendency to higher annual concentrations for smaller snow-accumulation rates. The combination of seasonal sodium and annually resolved nss-sulphate records allowed the establishment of a time-scale derived by annual-layer counting over the last 2000 years and thus a detailed chronology of annual volcanic sulphate deposition. Using a robust outlier detection algorithm, 49 volcanic eruptions were identified between AD 165 and 1997. The dating uncertainty is ±3 years between AD 1997 and 1601, around ±5 years between AD 1601 and 1257, and increasing to ±24 years at AD 165, improving the accuracy of the volcanic chronology during the penultimate millennium considerably.
Aerosol samples collected over the North Atlantic from ship were analysed for Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium and Chloride. A found dependence of sea salt concentrations from wind velocity is compared with earlier results. The mean of the ratio Cl/Na was close to that for sea water; the Mg-, K- and Ca-concentrations in the aerosol, however, were enriched with respect to sea water. It is shown that continental advection influences the measured aerosol components over the North Atlantic.
In this monograph on the basis of materials obtained by the author and his colleagues in Arctic expeditions of 1991-2005 and of published data results of studies effect of aerosols on environmental conditions and marine sedimentation in the Arctic are summarizes. Processes of aeolian transport and transformation of sedimentary material from sources to places of its accumulation in bottom sediments are described. Results of this study can be used to assess current state of ecosystem of Arctic seas and as a background for evaluation of possible human impact on nature during exploration of mineral resources of the Arctic shelf. For oceanographers, geochemists, geoecologists.