962 resultados para sctp protocollo trasporto reti tcp multihoming multistreaming


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花对称性,作为花器官的一个基本而又非常重要的特征,它的进化发育过程,越来越吸引着科学家们的注意力。次生辐射对称花的形成也越来越受到关注。然而在分子发育水平上,除了模式植物金鱼草(Antirrhinum majus)和少数其他种外,次生辐射对称花演化的机制仍然是一个巨大的未被探索的领域。 在金鱼草和柳穿鱼(Linaria vulgaris)中,腹部化反常整齐花的形成各自是由CYC和LCYC基因沉默所致,二者基因沉默分别是由于转座子的插入和DNA广泛甲基化所导致;而在豆科(legumes)中,辐射对称花的形成是由于legCYC基因在五个花瓣上都有表达,这种情况和金鱼草中CYC基因同源异位表达所形成的背部化辐射对称花相似。然而,自然起源的两侧对称花支系中的次生辐射对称花的形成似乎并不是简单的花对称性基因功能丢失或获得。自然形成的次生辐射对称花究竟可能经历了怎样的进化途径?对此,我们选择了广义唇形目(Lamiales sensu lato)中苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物——四数苣苔(Bouenea sinensis)作为研究对象,通过和模式植物金鱼草的突变体中花对称性基因表达特征比较,结合其近缘种——五数苣苔(Bournea leiophylla)中DIVARICATA在时间和空间上的表达特征,试图揭示苦苣苔科中可能的两侧对称向次生辐射对称花转变的新的演化途径,以及在这种进化过程中所产生的可能的器官丢失或融合现象。 四数苣苔和五数苣苔同属于苦苣苔亚科(Cyrtandroideae)苦苣苔族(Trib.Ramondeae Eritsch)中的四数苣苔属(Bournea Oliv)。该属仅仅有两个种——四数苣苔和五数苣苔,它们都是次生辐射对称花类群中的典型代表,而且两者花发育过程都显示出了由腹部向背部顺序发生和生长的特征。然而和五数苣苔相比,四数苣苔花瓣和雄蕊数目分别少了一枚,拥有四枚花瓣(背部花瓣两枚、两侧花瓣两枚)和四枚雄蕊(背部雄蕊一枚、两侧雄蕊两枚、腹部雄蕊一枚)。从形态特征比较来看,很有可能是四数苣苔在次生辐射对称花形成的过程中,发生了腹部花瓣的丢失和两枚腹部雄蕊愈合成了一枚较大的腹部雄蕊。那么,我们推测在四数苣苔次生辐射对称花形成过程中,花对称性基因即CYC类和DIV类基因在分子水平上发生了变化,这种变化和四数苣苔中次生辐射对称花的形成有关。 基于上述考虑,我们开展了对四数苣苔中花对称性基因——BsCYCLOIDEA、BsDIVARICATA、BsRADALIS以及BsCYCLIND3四个基因共9个拷贝进行了在花组织中表达模式研究。我们在四数苣苔中共分离到了五个拷贝的CYC类基因,分别命名为BsCYC1C-1、BsCYC1C-2、BsCYC1D、BsCYC2A、BsCYC2B。这五个拷贝在保守的TCP区和R区保持了高度的同源性。BsDIV的两个拷贝BsDIV1、BsDIV2也是如此,在保守的两个区domain I、domain II,尤其是在那些螺旋和环结构处,保守性相当高。组织原位杂交结果显示,BsDIV在四数苣苔中的表达非常特别,在金鱼草和五数苣苔中该类基因的表达分两个不同时期,即早期表达和晚期特异性表达,BsDIV在四数苣苔中似乎没有早期表达模式或者在很早期就已经进入到了晚期的表达模式。它在四个花瓣的两侧边缘和四个雄蕊上均等表达,而且这种表达持续时间相对比较长。组织原位杂交结果也得到了RT-PCR结果的支持。有趣的是BsRAD的RT-PCR结果显示,BsRAD在晚期花瓣上只在背部表达,但是在雄蕊上的表达却和金鱼草中AmRAD在背部区域表达不同,它的表达从背部延伸到了两侧和腹部。BsRAD在花器官的第二轮和第三轮的表达显然发生了分化。这种现象可能暗示着BsRAD功能发生了分化。BsRAD和BsDIV在腹部雄蕊上精细的时间空间调控关系可能正是导致腹部雄蕊愈合的原因。RT-PCR结果并没有检测到BsCYC2在晚期花上的表达。原位杂交结果显示BsCYC2在第8期以后表达就基本消失了,从而验证了RT-PCR结果。BsCYC2在早期花原基和早期花器官上都是均匀表达,但在表达消失之前,它在花瓣裂片和花冠筒的分界处则有表达信号,BsCYC2可能和调控花冠筒高度有关。根据Almeida 和 Galego(2002)所说,花冠筒高度的改变依赖于CYC 、DIV基因和其它非主动生长决定因子之间的相互作用。BsCYC1C晚期的RT-PCR结果显示它在背部花瓣、背部雄蕊和两侧雄蕊上均有表达信号,但在腹部花瓣和雄蕊上则没有表达信号,这似乎和四数苣苔由腹部向背部顺序发育的形态特征相符合,说明BsCYC1C可能起到了抑制背部花瓣和背部雄蕊生长的作用。


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TCP Vegas通过往返时间的最小值baseRTT来进行拥塞控制,因此获取准确baseRTT的值至关重要.在MANET中,不断变化的网络拓扑会导致baseRTT的测量出现严重偏差,从而降低了吞吐量,而TCP Vegas在拥塞避免阶段发生路由变化但没有引起丢包或失序现象时,已有的端到端启发式方案很难进行识别.采用回落探测方法识别路由变化,进而调节往返时间的最小值以改善TCP Vegas拥塞控制算法在MANET中的性能.


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随着Internet技术的飞速发展,流媒体分发技术取得了长足的进步,同时,日益增加的用户、视频数据和流媒体交互式需求,也给大规模流媒体分发服务带来了新的挑战。另外一方面,随着宽带无线接入技术发展的日新月异,如何有效利用多种接入方式为用户提供更高质量的流媒体服务是当前通信技术领域迫切需要解决的问题。本文对基于应用层支持交互式的P2P流媒体分发技术及基于传输层支持MultihomingSCTP流媒体传输技术进行了相关研究,主要贡献和创新点如下: 第一、提出了一种支持随机访问的协作式P2P流媒体分发方案。该方案采用平衡二叉树将媒体对象进行分布式分段预取缓存,用于媒体流快速定位,利用缓存重叠机制构建非结构化网络,用于节点间常规媒体流分发。分别设计了媒体预取算法及邻居节点搜索算法,给出了节点失效恢复策略及支持随机访问的协作过程。仿真试验结果表明,在随机访问及网络波动过程中,该方案能够提供高平滑质量的P2P媒体流服务。 第二、提出了一种基于数据驱动及分布式存储的P2P VoD解决方案。该方案融合了平衡多叉树与基于数据驱动的随机图网络两种拓扑。利用gossip算法构建和维护随机图网络中的邻居节点关系,采用数据驱动机制进行邻居节点间媒体流的分发,进一步降低了源服务器的负载。设计了一种基于平衡多叉树的分布式预取缓存算法,提高了随机访问的搜索效率。仿真试验结果和分析表明,两种网络拓扑的协作机制有效地解决了P2P VoD中视频传输及交互式操作问题。 第三、设计和实现了一种基于Trace驱动及SCTP的MPEG-4视频传输评估平台Evalvid-SCTP。Evalvid-SCTP提供了在仿真环境下SCTP流媒体实时传输及视频质量评估的解决方案。在Multihoming环境下,Evalvid-SCTP可以有效地分析SCTP在不同网络条件和负载下的流媒体传输行为特征和传输质量。 第四、提出了SCTP流媒体单路径传输最佳协议参数配置策略及多路径并行传输策略。评估了在单路径传输机制下快速重传策略、超时重传策略、路径故障检测门限值设置,三者配合时在多种网络条件下的流媒体传输性能,并综合以上各种发现提出了在不同的路径条件下应该采取的重传路径选择策略以及路径故障检测门限值设置方案。评估了在多路径并行传输下融合SCTP部分可靠特性的流媒体传输性能,提出了针对流媒体传输,多路径并行传输应采取的策略。


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This paper discuss a Ion-pump Power Supply control system making use of RS232 series bus and Intranet.The system s hardware VAC800 is composed of MSP430F149 mixed-signal processors produced by TI and UA7000A network model.MSP430F149 has advantages of ultra-low-power and high-integration.The Ion-pump Power Supply control system has the characteristics of strong function,simple structure,high reliability,strong resistance of noise,no peripheral chip,etc.Visual studio 2005 is used to design the system s softwa...中文文摘:论述了通过RS-232总线和Intranet网络,来实现对远端的离子泵电源的监测与控制。系统硬件VAC800由TI公司的MSP430F149混合信号处理器和UA7000A网络模块构成。MSP430F149具有超低功耗和高集成度等优点,利用它构建的离子泵电源监控系统功能强大,结构简单,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强。系统软件采用visual studio 2005设计。本监控系统能够很好地完成对加速器离子泵电源监视与控制。


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论述了通过RS-232总线和Intranet网络,来实现对远端的离子泵电源的监测与控制。系统硬件VAC800由TI公司的MSP430F149混合信号处理器和UA7000A网络模块构成。MSP430F149具有超低功耗和高集成度等优点,利用它构建的离子泵电源监控系统功能强大,结构简单,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强。系统软件采用visual studio 2005设计。本监控系统能够很好地完成对加速器离子泵电源监视与控制。


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IEEE Computer Society; IEEE Technical Committee on Simulation (TCSIM)


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The identification of subject-specific traits extracted from patterns of brain activity still represents an important challenge. The need to detect distinctive brain features, which is relevant for biometric and brain computer interface systems, has been also emphasized in monitoring the effect of clinical treatments and in evaluating the progression of brain disorders. Graph theory and network science tools have revealed fundamental mechanisms of functional brain organization in resting-state M/EEG analysis. Nevertheless, it is still not clearly understood how several methodological aspects may bias the topology of the reconstructed functional networks. In this context, the literature shows inconsistency in the chosen length of the selected epochs, impeding a meaningful comparison between results from different studies. In this study we propose an approach which aims to investigate the existence of a distinctive functional core (sub-network) using an unbiased reconstruction of network topology. Brain signals from a public and freely available EEG dataset were analyzed using a phase synchronization based measure, minimum spanning tree and k-core decomposition. The analysis was performed for each classical brain rhythm separately. Furthermore, we aim to provide a network approach insensitive to the effects that epoch length has on functional connectivity (FC) and network reconstruction. Two different measures, the phase lag index (PLI) and the Amplitude Envelope Correlation (AEC), were applied to EEG resting-state recordings for a group of eighteen healthy volunteers. Weighted clustering coefficient (CCw), weighted characteristic path length (Lw) and minimum spanning tree (MST) parameters were computed to evaluate the network topology. The analysis was performed on both scalp and source-space data. Results about distinctive functional core, show highest classification rates from k-core decomposition in gamma (EER=0.130, AUC=0.943) and high beta (EER=0.172, AUC=0.905) frequency bands. Results from scalp analysis concerning the influence of epoch length, show a decrease in both mean PLI and AEC values with an increase in epoch length, with a tendency to stabilize at a length of 12 seconds for PLI and 6 seconds for AEC. Moreover, CCw and Lw show very similar behaviour, with metrics based on AEC more reliable in terms of stability. In general, MST parameters stabilize at short epoch lengths, particularly for MSTs based on PLI (1-6 seconds versus 4-8 seconds for AEC). At the source-level the results were even more reliable, with stability already at 1 second duration for PLI-based MSTs. Our results confirm that EEG analysis may represent an effective tool to identify subject-specific characteristics that may be of great impact for several bioengineering applications. Regarding epoch length, the present work suggests that both PLI and AEC depend on epoch length and that this has an impact on the reconstructed network topology, particularly at the scalp-level. Source-level MST topology is less sensitive to differences in epoch length, therefore enabling the comparison of brain network topology between different studies.


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The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) has been the protocol of choice for many Internet applications requiring reliable connections. The design of TCP has been challenged by the extension of connections over wireless links. We ask a fundamental question: What is the basic predictive power of TCP of network state, including wireless error conditions? The goal is to improve or readily exploit this predictive power to enable TCP (or variants) to perform well in generalized network settings. To that end, we use Maximum Likelihood Ratio tests to evaluate TCP as a detector/estimator. We quantify how well network state can be estimated, given network response such as distributions of packet delays or TCP throughput that are conditioned on the type of packet loss. Using our model-based approach and extensive simulations, we demonstrate that congestion-induced losses and losses due to wireless transmission errors produce sufficiently different statistics upon which an efficient detector can be built; distributions of network loads can provide effective means for estimating packet loss type; and packet delay is a better signal of network state than short-term throughput. We demonstrate how estimation accuracy is influenced by different proportions of congestion versus wireless losses and penalties on incorrect estimation.


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We consider the problem of architecting a reliable content delivery system across an overlay network using TCP connections as the transport primitive. We first argue that natural designs based on store-and-forward principles that tightly couple TCP connections at intermediate end-systems impose fundamental performance limitations, such as dragging down all transfer rates in the system to the rate of the slowest receiver. In contrast, the ROMA architecture we propose incorporates the use of loosely coupled TCP connections together with fast forward error correction techniques to deliver a scalable solution that better accommodates a set of heterogeneous receivers. The methods we develop establish chains of TCP connections, whose expected performance we analyze through equation-based methods. We validate our analytical findings and evaluate the performance of our ROMA architecture using a prototype implementation via extensive Internet experimentation across the PlanetLab distributed testbed.


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The best-effort nature of the Internet poses a significant obstacle to the deployment of many applications that require guaranteed bandwidth. In this paper, we present a novel approach that enables two edge/border routers-which we call Internet Traffic Managers (ITM)-to use an adaptive number of TCP connections to set up a tunnel of desirable bandwidth between them. The number of TCP connections that comprise this tunnel is elastic in the sense that it increases/decreases in tandem with competing cross traffic to maintain a target bandwidth. An origin ITM would then schedule incoming packets from an application requiring guaranteed bandwidth over that elastic tunnel. Unlike many proposed solutions that aim to deliver soft QoS guarantees, our elastic-tunnel approach does not require any support from core routers (as with IntServ and DiffServ); it is scalable in the sense that core routers do not have to maintain per-flow state (as with IntServ); and it is readily deployable within a single ISP or across multiple ISPs. To evaluate our approach, we develop a flow-level control-theoretic model to study the transient behavior of established elastic TCP-based tunnels. The model captures the effect of cross-traffic connections on our bandwidth allocation policies. Through extensive simulations, we confirm the effectiveness of our approach in providing soft bandwidth guarantees. We also outline our kernel-level ITM prototype implementation.