991 resultados para scattering parameters


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In the ocean, natural and artificial processes generate clouds of bubbles which scatter and attenuate sound. Measurements have shown that at the individual bubble resonance frequency, sound propagation in this medium is highly attenuated and dispersive. Theory to explain this behavior exists in the literature, and is adequate away from resonance. However, due to excessive attenuation near resonance, little experimental data exists for comparison. An impedance tube was developed specifically for exploring this regime. Using the instrument, unique phase speed and attenuation measurements were made for void fractions ranging from 6.2 × 10^−5 to 2.7 × 10^−3 and bubble sizes centered around 0.62 mm in radius. Improved measurement speed, accuracy and precision is possible with the new instrument, and both instantaneous and time-averaged measurements were obtained. Behavior at resonance was observed to be sensitive to the bubble population statistics and agreed with existing theory, within the uncertainty of the bubble population parameters. Scattering from acoustically compact bubble clouds can be predicted from classical scattering theory by using an effective medium description of the bubbly fluid interior. Experimental verification was previously obtained up to the lowest resonance frequency. A novel bubble production technique has been employed to obtain unique scattering measurements with a bubbly-liquid-filled latex tube in a large indoor tank. The effective scattering model described these measurements up to three times the lowest resonance frequency of the structure.


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Stabilized micron-sized bubbles, known as contrast agents, are often injected into the body to enhance ultrasound imaging of blood flow. The ability to detect such bubbles in blood depends on the relative magnitude of the acoustic power backscattered from the microbubbles (‘signal’) to the power backscattered from the red blood cells (‘noise’). Erythrocytes are acoustically small (Rayleigh regime), weak scatterers, and therefore the backscatter coefficient (BSC) of blood increases as the fourth power of frequency throughout the diagnostic frequency range. Microbubbles, on the other hand, are either resonant or super-resonant in the range 5-30 MHz. Above resonance, their total scattering cross-section remains constant with increasing frequency. In the present thesis, a theoretical model of the BSC of a suspension of red blood cells is presented and compared to the BSC of Optison® contrast agent microbubbles. It is predicted that, as the frequency increases, the BSC of red blood cell suspensions eventually exceeds the BSC of the strong scattering microbubbles, leading to a dramatic reduction in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This decrease in SNR with increasing frequency was also confirmed experimentally by use of an active cavitation detector for different concentrations of Optison® microbubbles in erythrocyte suspensions of different hematocrits. The magnitude of the observed decrease in SNR correlated well with theoretical predictions in most cases, except for very dense suspensions of red blood cells, where it is hypothesized that the close proximity of erythrocytes inhibits the acoustic response of the microbubbles.


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We use an information-theoretic method developed by Neifeld and Lee [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25, C31 (2008)] to analyze the performance of a slow-light system. Slow-light is realized in this system via stimulated Brillouin scattering in a 2 km-long, room-temperature, highly nonlinear fiber pumped by a laser whose spectrum is tailored and broadened to 5 GHz. We compute the information throughput (IT), which quantifies the fraction of information transferred from the source to the receiver and the information delay (ID), which quantifies the delay of a data stream at which the information transfer is largest, for a range of experimental parameters. We also measure the eye-opening (EO) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the transmitted data stream and find that they scale in a similar fashion to the information-theoretic method. Our experimental findings are compared to a model of the slow-light system that accounts for all pertinent noise sources in the system as well as data-pulse distortion due to the filtering effect of the SBS process. The agreement between our observations and the predictions of our model is very good. Furthermore, we compare measurements of the IT for an optimal flattop gain profile and for a Gaussian-shaped gain profile. For a given pump-beam power, we find that the optimal profile gives a 36% larger ID and somewhat higher IT compared to the Gaussian profile. Specifically, the optimal (Gaussian) profile produces a fractional slow-light ID of 0.94 (0.69) and an IT of 0.86 (0.86) at a pump-beam power of 450 mW and a data rate of 2.5 Gbps. Thus, the optimal profile better utilizes the available pump-beam power, which is often a valuable resource in a system design.


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Double beam modulation is widely used in atomic collision experiments in the case where the noise arising froth each of the beams exceeds the measured signal. A method for minimizing the statistical uncertainty in a measured signal in a given time period is discussed, and a flexible modulation and counting system based on a low cost PIC microcontroller is described. This device is capable of modifying the acquisition parameters in real time during the course of an experimental run. It is shown that typical savings in data acquisition time of approximately 30% can be achieved using this optimized modulation scheme.


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Extreme states of matter such as Warm Dense Matter “WDM” and Dense Strongly Coupled Plasmas “DSCP” play a key role in many high energy density experiments, however creating WDM and DSCP in a manner that can be quantified is not readily feasible. In this paper, isochoric heating of matter by intense heavy ion beams in spherical symmetry is investigated for WDM and DSCP research: The heating times are long (100 ns), the samples are macroscopically large (mm-size) and the symmetry is advantageous for diagnostic purposes. A dynamic confinement scheme in spherical symmetry is proposed which allows even ion beam heating times that are long on the hydrodynamic time scale of the target response. A particular selection of low Z-target tamper and x-ray probe radiation parameters allows to identify the x-ray scattering from the target material and use it for independent charge state measurements Z* of the material under study.


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We present here a detailed study of the complex relationship between the electromagnetic near-field and far-field responses of "real" nanostructured metallic surfaces. The near-field and far-field responses are specified in terms of (spectra of) the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering enhancement factor (SERS EF) and optical extinction, respectively. First, it is shown that gold nanorod- and nanotube-array substrates exhibit three distinct localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs): a longitudinal, a transverse, and a cavity mode. The cavity mode simultaneously has the largest impact on the near-field behavior (as observed through the SERS EF) and the weakest optical interaction: It has a "near-field-type" character. The transverse and longitudinal modes have a significant impact on the far-field behavior but very little impact on SERS: They have a "far-field-type" character. We confirm the presence of the cavity mode using a combination of SERS EF spectra, electron microscopy, and electromagnetic modeling and thus clearly illustrate and explain the (lack of) correlation between the SERS EF spectra and the optical response in terms of the contrasting character of the three LSPRs. In doing so, we experimentally demonstrate that, for a surface that supports multiple LSPRs, the near-field and far-field properties can in fact be tuned almost independently. It is further demonstrated that small changes in geometrical parameters that tune the spectral location of the LPSRs can also drastically influence the character of these modes, resulting in certain unusual behavior, such as the far-field resonance redshift as the near-field resonance blueshifts. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.3.011001


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of binary layers of anisotropic nonlinear dielectrics is examined. The products of nonlinear scattering are characterised in terms of the three-wave mixing processes. It is shown that the intensity of the scattered waves of combinatorial frequencies is strongly influenced by the constitutive and geometrical parameters of the anisotropic layers, and the frequency ratio and angles of incidence of pump waves. The enhanced efficiency of the frequency conversion at Wolf-Bragg resonances has been demonstrated for the lossless and lossy-layered structures. © 2012 O. V. Shramkova and A. G. Schuchinsky.


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Multiple Gaussian pulse interactions and scattering in the nonlinear layered dielectric structures have been examined. The Gaussian pulses with different centre frequencies and lengths are incident at oblique angles on the finite stack of nonlinear dielectric layers. The properties of the reflected and refracted waveforms and the effects of the structure and the incident pulses' parameters on the mixing process are discussed. It is shown that the efficiency of forward emission at the combinatorial frequency can be considerably increased when the wavelengths of interacting pulses are close to the edges of electromagnetic bandgap. © 2012 IEEE.


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The pulse mixing and scattering by finite nonlinear Thue-Morse quasi-periodic dielectric multilayered structure illuminated by two Gaussian pulses with different centre frequencies and lengths are investigated. The three-wave mixing technique is applied to study the nonlinear processes. The properties of the scattered waveforms and the effects of the structure and the incident pulses' parameters on the mixing process are discussed.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by a Fibonacci type quasi-periodic dielectric multilayered structure illuminated by two plane waves has been analysed. The effects of the layer parameters and Fibonacci sequence order on the properties of the combinatorial frequency waves emitted from the stacked nonlinear layers are discussed.


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The nonlinear scattering of pulses by periodic stacks of semiconductor layers with magnetic bias has been studied in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account mobility of carriers. The three-wave mixing technique has been applied to the analysis of the waveform evolution in the stacks illuminated by two Gaussian pulses with different central frequencies and lengths. The effects of external magnetic bias, and stack physical and geometrical parameters on the properties of the scattered waveforms are discussed. © 2013 IEEE.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of magnetically biased semiconductor layers has been modelled in a self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account the nonlinear dynamics of carriers. It is shown that magnetic bias not only renders nonreciprocity of the three-wave mixing process but also significantly enhances the nonlinear interactions in the stacks, especially at the frequencies close to the intrinsic magneto-plasma resonances of the constituent layers. The main mechanisms and properties of the combinatorial frequency generation and emission from the stacks are illustrated by the simulation results, and the effects of the individual layer parameters and the structure arrangement on the stack nonlinear and nonreciprocal response are discussed. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have used optical Rayleigh and Thomson scattering to investigate the expansion dynamics of laser induced plasma in atmospheric helium and to map its electron parameters both in time and space. The plasma is created using 9 ns duration, 140 mJ pulses from a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm, focused with a 10 cm focal length lens, and probed with 7 ns, 80 mJ, and 532 nm Nd:YAG laser pulses. Between 0.4 μs and 22.5 μs after breakdown, the electron density decreases from 3.3 × 1017 cm−3 to 9 × 1013 cm−3, while the temperature drops from 3.2 eV to 0.1 eV. Spatially resolved Thomson scattering data recorded up to 17.5 μs reveal that during this time the laser induced plasma expands at a rate given by R ∼ t0.4 consistent with a non-radiative spherical blast wave. This data also indicate the development of a toroidal structure in the lateral profile of both electron temperature and density. Rayleigh scattering data show that the gas density decreases in the center of the expanding plasma with a central scattering peak reemerging after about 12 μs. We have utilized a zero dimensional kinetic global model to identify the dominant particle species versus delay time and this indicates that metastable helium and the He2 + molecular ion play an important role.


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The combinatorial frequency generation by the periodic stacks of magnetically biased semiconductor layers has been modelled in the self-consistent problem formulation, taking into account the nonlinear dynamics of carriers. It has been shown that the nonlinear response of the magnetoactive semiconductor periodic structure is strongly enhanced by magnetic bias and combinations of the layer physical and geometrical parameters. The effects of the pump wave nonreciprocal reflectance and field displacement on the efficiency of three-wave mixing process is illustrated by the simulation results


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The question of stability of black hole was first studied by Regge and Wheeler who investigated linear perturbations of the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. Further work on this problem led to the study of quasi-normal modes which is believed as a characteristic sound of black holes. Quasi-normal modes (QNMs) describe the damped oscillations under perturbations in the surrounding geometry of a black hole with frequencies and damping times of oscillations entirely fixed by the black hole parameters.In the present work we study the influence of cosmic string on the QNMs of various black hole background spacetimes which are perturbed by a massless Dirac field.