983 resultados para scale-free rete reti invarianza scala simulazione repast
In Australia more than 300 vertebrates, including 43 insectivorous bat species, depend on hollows in habitat trees for shelter, with many species using a network of multiple trees as roosts, We used roost-switching data on white-striped freetail bats (Tadarida australis; Microchiroptera: Molossidae) to construct a network representation of day roosts in suburban Brisbane, Australia. Bats were caught from a communal roost tree with a roosting group of several hundred individuals and released with transmitters. Each roost used by the bats represented a node in the network, and the movements of bats between roosts formed the links between nodes. Despite differences in gender and reproductive stages, the bats exhibited the same behavior throughout three radiotelemetry periods and over 500 bat days of radio tracking: each roosted in separate roosts, switched roosts very infrequently, and associated with other bats only at the communal roost This network resembled a scale-free network in which the distribution of the number of links from each roost followed a power law. Despite being spread over a large geographic area (> 200 km(2)), each roost was connected to others by less than three links. One roost (the hub or communal roost) defined the architecture of the network because it had the most links. That the network showed scale-free properties has profound implications for the management of the habitat trees of this roosting group. Scale-free networks provide high tolerance against stochastic events such as random roost removals but are susceptible to the selective removal of hub nodes. Network analysis is a useful tool for understanding the structural organization of habitat tree usage and allows the informed judgment of the relative importance of individual trees and hence the derivation of appropriate management decisions, Conservation planners and managers should emphasize the differential importance of habitat trees and think of them as being analogous to vital service centers in human societies.
Topological measures of large-scale complex networks are applied to a specific artificial regulatory network model created through a whole genome duplication and divergence mechanism. This class of networks share topological features with natural transcriptional regulatory networks. Specifically, these networks display scale-free and small-world topology and possess subgraph distributions similar to those of natural networks. Thus, the topologies inherent in natural networks may be in part due to their method of creation rather than being exclusively shaped by subsequent evolution under selection. The evolvability of the dynamics of these networks is also examined by evolving networks in simulation to obtain three simple types of output dynamics. The networks obtained from this process show a wide variety of topologies and numbers of genes indicating that it is relatively easy to evolve these classes of dynamics in this model. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
In studies of complex heterogeneous networks, particularly of the Internet, significant attention was paid to analyzing network failures caused by hardware faults or overload, where the network reaction was modeled as rerouting of traffic away from failed or congested elements. Here we model another type of the network reaction to congestion - a sharp reduction of the input traffic rate through congested routes which occurs on much shorter time scales. We consider the onset of congestion in the Internet where local mismatch between demand and capacity results in traffic losses and show that it can be described as a phase transition characterized by strong non-Gaussian loss fluctuations at a mesoscopic time scale. The fluctuations, caused by noise in input traffic, are exacerbated by the heterogeneous nature of the network manifested in a scale-free load distribution. They result in the network strongly overreacting to the first signs of congestion by significantly reducing input traffic along the communication paths where congestion is utterly negligible. © Copyright EPLA, 2012.
We are in an era of unprecedented data volumes generated from observations and model simulations. This is particularly true from satellite Earth Observations (EO) and global scale oceanographic models. This presents us with an opportunity to evaluate large scale oceanographic model outputs using EO data. Previous work on model skill evaluation has led to a plethora of metrics. The paper defines two new model skill evaluation metrics. The metrics are based on the theory of universal multifractals and their purpose is to measure the structural similarity between the model predictions and the EO data. The two metrics have the following advantages over the standard techniques: a) they are scale-free, b) they carry important part of information about how model represents different oceanographic drivers. Those two metrics are then used in the paper to evaluate the performance of the FVCOM model in the shelf seas around the south-west coast of the UK.
We are in an era of unprecedented data volumes generated from observations and model simulations. This is particularly true from satellite Earth Observations (EO) and global scale oceanographic models. This presents us with an opportunity to evaluate large scale oceanographic model outputs using EO data. Previous work on model skill evaluation has led to a plethora of metrics. The paper defines two new model skill evaluation metrics. The metrics are based on the theory of universal multifractals and their purpose is to measure the structural similarity between the model predictions and the EO data. The two metrics have the following advantages over the standard techniques: a) they are scale-free, b) they carry important part of information about how model represents different oceanographic drivers. Those two metrics are then used in the paper to evaluate the performance of the FVCOM model in the shelf seas around the south-west coast of the UK.
With the development of information technology, the theory and methodology of complex network has been introduced to the language research, which transforms the system of language in a complex networks composed of nodes and edges for the quantitative analysis about the language structure. The development of dependency grammar provides theoretical support for the construction of a treebank corpus, making possible a statistic analysis of complex networks. This paper introduces the theory and methodology of the complex network and builds dependency syntactic networks based on the treebank of speeches from the EEE-4 oral test. According to the analysis of the overall characteristics of the networks, including the number of edges, the number of the nodes, the average degree, the average path length, the network centrality and the degree distribution, it aims to find in the networks potential difference and similarity between various grades of speaking performance. Through clustering analysis, this research intends to prove the network parameters’ discriminating feature and provide potential reference for scoring speaking performance.
Neste trabalho é estudado o modelo de Kuramoto num grafo completo, em redes scale-free com uma distribuição de ligações P(q) ~ q-Y e na presença de campos aleatórios com magnitude constante e gaussiana. Para tal, foi considerado o método Ott-Antonsen e uma aproximação "annealed network". Num grafo completo, na presença de campos aleatórios gaussianos, e em redes scale-free com 2 < y < 5 na presença de ambos os campos aleatórios referidos, foram encontradas transições de fase contínuas. Considerando a presença de campos aleatórios com magnitude constante num grafo completo e em redes scale-free com y > 5, encontraram-se transições de fase contínua (h < √2) e descontínua (h > √2). Para uma rede SF com y = 3, foi observada uma transição de fase de ordem infinita. Os resultados do modelo de Kuramoto num grafo completo e na presença de campos aleatórios com magnitude constante foram comparados aos de simulações, tendo-se verificado uma boa concordância. Verifica-se que, independentemente da topologia de rede, a constante de acoplamento crítico aumenta com a magnitude do campo considerado. Na topologia de rede scale-free, concluiu-se que o valor do acoplamento crítico diminui à medida que valor de y diminui e que o grau de sincronização aumenta com o aumento do número médio das ligações na rede. A presença de campos aleatórios com magnitude gaussiana num grafo completo e numa rede scale-free com y > 2 não destrói a transição de fase contínua e não altera o comportamento crítico do modelo de Kuramoto.
International audience
Understanding the complexity of live pig trade organization is a key factor to predict and control major infectious diseases, such as classical swine fever (CSF) or African swine fever (ASF). Whereas the organization of pig trade has been described in several European countries with indoor commercial production systems, little information is available on this organization in other systems, such as outdoor or small-scale systems. The objective of this study was to describe and compare the spatial and functional organization of live pig trade in different European countries and different production systems. Data on premise characteristics and pig movements between premises were collected during 2011 from Bulgaria, France, Italy, and Spain, which swine industry is representative of most of the production systems in Europe (i.e., commercial vs. small-scale and outdoor vs. indoor). Trade communities were identified in each country using the Walktrap algorithm. Several descriptive and network metrics were generated at country and community levels. Pig trade organization showed heterogeneous spatial and functional organization. Trade communities mostly composed of indoor commercial premises were identified in western France, northern Italy, northern Spain, and north-western Bulgaria. They covered large distances, overlapped in space, demonstrated both scale-free and small-world properties, with a role of trade operators and multipliers as key premises. Trade communities involving outdoor commercial premises were identified in western Spain, south-western and central France. They were more spatially clustered, demonstrated scale-free properties, with multipliers as key premises. Small-scale communities involved the majority of premises in Bulgaria and in central and Southern Italy. They were spatially clustered and had scale-free properties, with key premises usually being commercial production premises. These results indicate that a disease might spread very differently according to the production system and that key premises could be targeted to more cost-effectively control diseases. This study provides useful epidemiological information and parameters that could be used to design risk-based surveillance strategies or to more accurately model the risk of introduction or spread of devastating swine diseases, such as ASF, CSF, or foot-and-mouth disease.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si basa sull’esperienza di tirocinio effettuata presso un’Azienda italiana che opera nel settore della lavorazione plastica e produce contenitori. L’Azienda, a seguito di un’innovazione su tutta la linea di prodotto, ha da poco preso la decisione di investire nell’inserimento di due nuove presse per lo stampaggio e nella realizzazione di un nuovo impianto di assemblaggio automatizzato. Questi verranno inseriti all’interno dell’attuale stabilimento ed andranno ad aumentare la capacità produttiva. Se da un lato ci sono grandi vantaggi in ciò, dall’altro va analizzato il contorno. In particolare: Come va ad impattare l’inserimento di questi elementi nelle logiche aziendali? Come cambiano i flussi di materiale all’interno dello stabilimento? Sarà sufficiente lo spazio attuale per lo stoccaggio dei semilavorati? Poste queste domande, l’obiettivo dell’elaborato è di rispondervi, attraverso l’analisi delle principali attività logistiche dell’Azienda, focalizzando l’attenzione sul layout attuale del reparto magazzino semilavorati e dei flussi di materiale. L’analisi del magazzino nella situazione As Is evidenzia una serie di criticità. Il problema principale è di definire l’adeguato layout del magazzino, che consente un utilizzo ottimale della superficie a disposizione, in modo da garantire l’efficienza e l’efficacia delle operazioni che ivi si svolgono. L’analisi ha condotto alla progettazione di un nuovo layout e di una nuova politica di allocazione dei materiali. Infine, viene effettuata un’attenta analisi dei flussi logistici, ed in particolare delle movimentazioni di materiale, sviluppata attraverso il software simulativo AutoMod. Quindi, vengono simulati degli ipotetici scenari, successivi all’inserimento del nuovo impianto di assemblaggio, per valutare le criticità che potrebbe dover affrontare l’Azienda.
Privacy issues and data scarcity in PET field call for efficient methods to expand datasets via synthetic generation of new data that cannot be traced back to real patients and that are also realistic. In this thesis, machine learning techniques were applied to 1001 amyloid-beta PET images, which had undergone a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: the evaluations were 540 positive, 457 negative and 4 unknown. Isomap algorithm was used as a manifold learning method to reduce the dimensions of the PET dataset; a numerical scale-free interpolation method was applied to invert the dimensionality reduction map. The interpolant was tested on the PET images via LOOCV, where the removed images were compared with the reconstructed ones with the mean SSIM index (MSSIM = 0.76 ± 0.06). The effectiveness of this measure is questioned, since it indicated slightly higher performance for a method of comparison using PCA (MSSIM = 0.79 ± 0.06), which gave clearly poor quality reconstructed images with respect to those recovered by the numerical inverse mapping. Ten synthetic PET images were generated and, after having been mixed with ten originals, were sent to a team of clinicians for the visual assessment of their realism; no significant agreements were found either between clinicians and the true image labels or among the clinicians, meaning that original and synthetic images were indistinguishable. The future perspective of this thesis points to the improvement of the amyloid-beta PET research field by increasing available data, overcoming the constraints of data acquisition and privacy issues. Potential improvements can be achieved via refinements of the manifold learning and the inverse mapping stages during the PET image analysis, by exploring different combinations in the choice of algorithm parameters and by applying other non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithms. A final prospect of this work is the search for new methods to assess image reconstruction quality.
Lo scopo delle reti mobili è fornire ai dispositivi wireless accesso a una grande varietà di servizi dati, in un’ampia area geografica. Nonostante le reti cellulari odierne, basate sulla tecnologia Massive MIMO, possano raggiungere elevate performance in condizioni favorevoli (centro cella) esse, presentano all’interno dell’area di copertura, zone soggette a data-rate notevolmente ridotti. In questo elaborato, viene brevemente descritta la rete cell-free; una nuova architettura di rete pensata per superare i vecchi limiti delle reti cellulari tradizionali. Successivamente, vengono presentati attraverso simulazioni i due principali vantaggi che queste nuove reti cell-free offrono. Inoltre, viene analizzato uno schema random access in grado di gestire l’accesso multiplo per queste nuove architetture di rete. Questo schema rappresenta un’estensione di un protocollo già presente in letteratura e perfettamente funzionante per reti Massive MIMO, appartenente alla famiglia dei protocolli Coded Slotted ALOHA. Infine, un'analisi delle prestazioni e alcuni possibili scenari sono stati presentati, con lo scopo di valutare l'effetto che algoritmi di tipo SIC possono avere su queste reti.
Le tecniche di fluidodinamica computazionale vengono utilizzate in numerosi settori dell’ingegneria per risolvere in modo efficiente i problemi di flusso e di termodinamica nei fluidi. Uno di questi settori in cui si è diffuso l’utilizzo delle tecniche CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) è il settore dell’ingegneria antincendio. Tra i vari software di simulazione presenti, FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) è quello più diffuso nella comunità antincendio e utilizzato all’interno della presente analisi. L’elaborato introduce le basi dell’ingegneria antincendio spiegando le varie fasi attraverso il quale passa la metodologia prestazionale, passando poi ad approfondire le dinamiche d’incendio, in particolare nelle gallerie stradali e le tecniche di modellazione termo fluidodinamica degli incendi. L’analisi tratta il confronto tra delle prove d’incendio in scala reale effettuate all’interno di una galleria e le relative simulazioni fluidodinamiche realizzate al fine di verificare la corrispondenza tra la modellazione con software e l’effettiva evoluzione dell’incendio. Nell’analisi verranno confrontati diversi metodi di modellazione, evidenziando i vantaggi e i limiti incontrati nel corso delle simulazioni, confrontandoli al tempo stesso con i risultati ottenuti dai test in scala reale. I modelli ottenuti hanno permesso di estendere le simulazioni a focolari di potenza maggiore al fine di effettuare un’analisi delle prestazioni antincendio della galleria oggetto di studio.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)