953 resultados para road safety application


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Public authorities and road users alike are increasingly concerned by recent trends in road safety outcomes in Barcelona, which is the European city with the highest number of registered Powered Two-Wheel (PTW) vehicles per inhabitant,. In this study we explore the determinants of motorcycle and moped accident severity in a large urban area, drawing on Barcelona’s local police database (2002-2008). We apply non-parametric regression techniques to characterize PTW accidents and parametric methods to investigate the factors influencing their severity. Our results show that PTW accident victims are more vulnerable, showing greater degrees of accident severity, than other traffic victims. Speed violations and alcohol consumption provide the worst health outcomes. Demographic and environment-related risk factors, in addition to helmet use, play an important role in determining accident severity. Thus, this study furthers our understanding of the most vulnerable vehicle types, while our results have direct implications for local policy makers in their fight to reduce the severity of PTW accidents in large urban areas.


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La recent qualificació de certs comportaments en la conducció de vehicles, amb conseqüències letals i indesitjables per a les víctimes, com a conductes delictives ha impactat de manera notable en la reducció de la freqüència i la gravetat d'aquestes conductes. La gestió i la intervenció juridicopenal amb aquests nous tipus d'infractors requereix conèixer les seves característiques individuals psicològiques i criminològiques que els fan especialment susceptibles de reincidir en el futur en aquests tipus delictius. L'objectiu d'aquest treball era avaluar les possibles diferències actitudinals i de personalitat entre un grup de condemnats per delictes contra la seguretat del trànsit, que estaven seguint una MPA, i un grup de controls. Es van seleccionar dues mostres de conductors, infractors i no-infractors, i es van avaluar mitjançant el NEO-FFI i el JI-R simultàniament. Els resultats indiquen que, respecte a les actituds antisocials, els membres del grup d'infractors mostren més actituds antisocials en general que els del grup control. Els infractors de trànsit mostren actituds antisocials compartides amb d'altres delinqüents. Tanmateix, en relació amb el segon objectiu de l'estudi, no es van detectar diferències significatives respecte a la personalitat entre els dos grups. És important ressenyar que la combinació de les mesures de personalitat i actitudinals emprades en aquest estudi permet classificar els conductors amb un bon nivell de precisió en les categories de presència/absència d'una condemna judicial per delicte de trànsit. Cal remarcar la necessitat d'un estudi més ampli i perllongat en el temps per tal de replicar aquests resultats i especialment verificar el seu efecte en la reincidència a un any, ja que en aquesta mostra no hem pogut contrastar-ho.


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En este trabajo hemos explorado las diferencias de personalidad y actitudinales entre un grupo de penados por delitos contra la seguridad del tráfico y un grupo de control. Ambos grupos presentan perfiles diferentes, especialmente por lo que se refiere a las actitudes. Las implicaciones se discuten en el texto.


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Com a conseqüència dels canvis legislatius introduïts en el Codi penal i l’augment de la població penitenciària per delictes contra la seguretat de trànsit, s’ha elaborat i implementat el programa CONTE (Conducció Temerària) en el Centre Penitenciari d’Homes de Barcelona. Des de la seva implementació a l’abril del 2008, 93 interns han participat en el programa en onze edicions. El programa té una durada d’un mes, amb 16 sessions, quatre setmanals d’una hora i mitja cadascuna. Es descriu el contingut i objectiu de les sessions. Els interns que han participat han manifestat la seva satisfacció amb el programa. En un futur caldria establir mesures per avaluar l’eficàcia d’aquest tipus de programes.


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Como consecuencia de los cambios introducidos en el Código Penal y el aumento de población penitenciaria por delitos contra la seguridad del tráfico, se ha elaborado e implementado el programa CONTE (conducción temeraria) en el Centro penitenciario de Hombres de Barcelona. Desde su implementación en abril de 2008, 93 internos han participado en el programa en 11 ediciones. El programa tiene una duración de un mes, con 16 sesiones, cuatro semanales de una hora y media cada una. Se describe el contenido y objetivo de las sesiones. Los internos que han participado han manifestado su satisfacción con el programa. En un futuro convendría establecer indicadores de evaluación para medir la eficacia de este tipo de programas.


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Across Ireland, there is considerable scope to replace many short car journeys with walking and cycling which would bring about a range of benefits to health as well as saving money for individuals and society.'Active travel, healthy lives' presents a summary of international evidence on the health and economic benefits of active travel and makes recommendations on how active travel can become a viable, safe and attractive alternative to car use.


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The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.IPH has a keen interest in the interactions between transport and health. IPH has produced two papers in the recent past on this topic, the most recent being Active travel – healthy lives published in January 2011 which built on the 2005 publication Health impacts of transport. The IPH welcomes the draft transport strategy in terms of addressing each of the key messages outlined in the Active travel – healthy lives paper.IPH is interested in this area not only in terms of increasing ‘active travel’ for healthier lives, but also in terms of the environmental and social impacts of inequitable access to forms of private and public transport.


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Conall McDevitt (SDLP MLA) launched a consultation regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restrictions in residential streets as part of his bid to introduce legislation through a Private Members Bill in the Northern Ireland Assembly.  The purpose of the Bill is to increase road safety, particularly for pedestrians and other road users, with additional health and environmental benefits. IPH submitted a response to the Private Members’ Bill regarding the introduction of 20mph speed restriction on smaller residential roads.  IPH recognises the potential public health benefits of this proposal in terms of reduced injuries and fatalities in built up areas; more opportunities for walking and cycling (helping to tackle obesity and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke); greater social cohesion among communities and improved mental health; and reduced emissions that contribute to climate change, air and noise pollution.


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The Department for Regional Development (NI) recently consulted on policy proposals for a Belfast rapid transit.   The IPH response highlighted the need for the proposal to maximise potential for health and a coordinated approach to the development of active travel in Northern Ireland providing alternatives to private transport, increasing physical activity and reducing obesity.


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This is the IPH response to the Department for Regional Development's public transport reform consultation.


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The remit of the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) is to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in the areas of research and information, capacity building and policy advice. Our approach is to support Departments of Health and their agencies in both jurisdictions, and maximise the benefits of all-island cooperation to achieve practical benefits for people in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. IPH have previously responded to consultations to the Department of Health’s Discussion Paper on the Proposed Health Information Bill (June 2008), the Health Information and Quality Authority on their Corporate Plan (Oct 2007), and the Road Safety Authority of Ireland Road Safety Strategy (Jul 2012). IPH supports the development of a national standard demographic dataset for use within the health and social care services. Provided necessary safeguards are put in place (such as ethics and data protection) and the purpose of collecting the information is fully explained to subjects, mandatory provision of a minimum demographic dataset is usually the best way to achieve the necessary coverage and data quality. Demographic information is needed in several forms to support the public health function: Detailed aggregated information for comparison to population counts in order to assess equity of access to healthcare as well as examining population patterns and trends in morbidity and mortality Accurate demographic information for the surveillance of infectious disease outbreaks, monitoring vaccination programmes, setting priorities for public health interventions Linked to other data outside of health and social care such as population data, survey data, and longitudinal studies for research and analysis purposes.   Identify and address public health issues to tackle health inequalities, and to monitor the success of such efforts to tackle them.


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Monthly newsletter for public safety


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Monthly newsletter for public safety


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Monthly newsletter for public safety


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Monthly newsletter for public safety