984 resultados para rift-volcanism
[EN] The Canarian archipelago comprises seven main volcanic islands and several islets that form a chain extending for c. 500 km across the eastern Atlantic, with its eastern edge only 100 km from the NW African coast (Fig. 18.1). The islands have had a very long volcanic history, with formations over 20 million years old cropping out in the eastern Canaries. Thus all stages of the volcanic evolution of oceanic islands, including the submarine stage as well as the deep structure of the volcanoes, can be readily observed. Rainfall and vegetation cover are relatively low, with the exception of the island of La Palma, favouring both geological observation and rock preservation. Furthermore, the absence of surface water has promoted groundwater mining by means of up to 3000 km of subhorizontal tunnels (locally known as ‘galerías’).
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand in der Untersuchung der Störungsverteilung und der Störungskinematik im Zusammenhang mit der Hebung der Riftschultern des Rwenzori Gebirges.rnDas Rwenzori Gebirge befindet sich im NNE-SSWbis N-S verlaufenden Albertine Rift, des nördlichsten Segments des westlichen Armes des Ostafrikanischen Grabensystems. Das Albertine Rift besteht aus Becken unterschiedlicher Höhe, die den Lake Albert, Lake Edward, Lake George und Lake Kivu enthalten. Der Rwenzori horst trennt die Becken des Lake Albert und des Lake Edward. Es erstreckt sich 120km in N-S Richtung, sowie 40-50km in E-W Richtung, der h¨ochste Punkt befindet sich 5111 ü. NN. Diese Studie untersucht einen Abschnitt des Rifts zwischen etwa 1°N und 0°30'S Breite sowie 29°30' und 30°30' östlicher Länge ersteckt. Auch die Feldarbeit konzentrierte sich auf dieses Gebiet.rnrnHauptzweck dieser Studie bestand darin, die folgende These auf ihre Richtigkeit zu überprüfen: ’Wenn es im Verlauf der Zeit tatsächlich zu wesentlichen Änderungen in der Störungskinematik kam, dann ist die starke Hebung der Riftflanken im Bereich der Rwenzoris nicht einfach durch Bewegung entlang der Graben-Hauptst¨orungen zu erklären. Vielmehr ist sie ein Resultat des Zusammenspiels mehrerer tektonische Prozesse, die das Spannungsfeld beeinflussen und dadurch Änderungen in der Kinematik hervorrufen.’ Dadurch konzentrierte sich die Studie in erster Linie auf die Störungsanalyse.rnrnDie Kenntnis regionaler Änderungen der Extensionsrichtung ist entscheidend für das Verständnis komplexer Riftsysteme wie dem Ostafrikanischen Graben. Daher bestand der Kern der Untersuchung in der Kartierung von Störungen und der Untersuchung der Störungskinematik. Die Aufnahme strukturgeologischer Daten konzentrierte sich auf die Ugandische Seite des Rifts, und Pal¨aospannungen wurden mit Hilfe von St¨orungsdaten durch Spannungsinversion rekonstruiert.rnDie unterschiedliche Orientierung spr¨oder Strukturen im Gelände, die geometrische Analyse der geologischen Strukturen sowie die Ergebnisse von Mikrostrukturen im Dünnschliff (Kapitel 4) weisen auf verschiedene Spannungsfelder hin, die auf mögliche Änderungen der Extensionsrichtung hinweisen. Die Resultate der Spannungsinversion sprechen für Ab-, Über- und Blattverschiebungen sowie für Schrägüberschiebungen (Kapitel 5). Aus der Orientierung der Abschiebungen gehen zwei verschiedene Extensionsrichtungen hervor: im Wesentlichen NW-SE Extension in fast allen Gebieten, sowie NNE-SSW Extension im östlichen Zentralbereich.rnAus der Analyse von Blattverschiebungen ergaben sich drei unterschiedliche Spannungszustände. Zum Einen NNW-SSE bis N-S Kompression in Verbindung mit ENE-WSW bzw E-W Extension wurde für die nördlichen und die zentralen Ruwenzoris ausgemacht. Ein zweiter Spannungszustand mit WNW-ESE Kompression/NNE-SSW Extension betraf die Zentralen Rwenzoris. Ein dritter Spannungszustand mit NNW-SSE Extension betraf den östlichen Zentralteil der Rwenzoris. Schrägüberschiebungen sind durch dazu schräge Achsen charakterisiert, die für N-S bis NNW-SSE Kompression sprechen und ausschließlich im östlichen Zentralabschnitt auftreten. Überschiebungen, die hauptsächlich in den zentralen und den östlichen Rwenzoris auftreten, sprechen für NE-SW orientierten σ2-Achsen und NW-SE Extension.rnrnEs konnten drei unterschiedliche Spannungseinflüsse identifiziert werden: auf die kollisionsbedingte Bildung eines Überschiebungssystem folgte intra-kratonische Kompression und schließlich extensionskontrollierte Riftbildung. Der Übergang zwischen den beiden letztgenannten Spannungszuständen erfolgte Schrittweise und erzeugte vermutlich lokal begrenzte Transpression und Transtension. Gegenw¨artig wird die Störungskinematik der Region durch ein tensiles Spannungsregime in NW-SE bis N-S Richtung bestimmt.rnrnLokale Spannungsvariationen werden dabei hauptsächlich durch die Interferenzrndes regionalen Spannungsfeldes mit lokalen Hauptst¨orungen verursacht. Weitere Faktoren die zu lokalen Veränderungen des Spannungsfeldes führen können sind unterschiedliche Hebungsgeschwindigkeiten, Blockrotation oder die Interaktion von Riftsegmenten. Um den Einfluß präexistenter Strukturen und anderer Bedingungen auf die Hebung der Rwenzoris zu ermitteln, wurde der Riftprozeß mit Hilfe eines analogen ’Sandbox’-Modells rekonstruiert (Kapitel 6). Da sich die Moho-Diskontinuität im Bereich des Arbeitsgebietes in einer Tiefe von 25 km befindet, aktive Störungen aber nur bis zu einer Tiefe von etwa 20 km beobachtet werden können (Koehn et al. 2008), wurden nur die oberen 25 km im Modell nachbebildet. Untersucht und mit Geländebeobachtungen verglichen wurden sowohl die Reihenfolge, in der Riftsegmente entstehen, als auch die Muster, die sich im Verlauf der Nukleierung und des Wachstums dieser Riftsegmente ausbilden. Das Hauptaugenmerk wurde auf die Entwicklung der beiden Subsegmente gelegt auf denen sich der Lake Albert bzw. der Lake Edward und der Lake George befinden, sowie auf das dazwischenliegende Rwenzori Gebirge. Das Ziel der Untersuchung bestand darin herauszufinden, in welcher Weise das südwärts propagierende Lake Albert-Subsegment mit dem sinistral versetzten nordwärts propagierenden Lake Edward/Lake George-Subsegment interagiert.rnrnVon besonderem Interesse war es, in welcherWeise die Strukturen innerhalb und außerhalb der Rwenzoris durch die Interaktion dieser Riftsegmente beeinflußt wurden. rnrnDrei verschiedene Versuchsreihen mit unterschiedlichen Randbedingungen wurden miteinander verglichen. Abhängig vom vorherrschenden Deformationstyp der Transferzone wurden die Reihen als ’Scherungs-dominiert’, ’Extensions-dominiert’ und als ’Rotations-dominiert’ charakterisiert. Die Beobachtung der 3-dimensionalen strukturellen Entwicklung der Riftsegmente wurde durch die Kombination von Modell-Aufsichten mit Profilschnitten ermöglicht. Von den drei genannten Versuchsreihen entwickelte die ’Rotationsdominierten’ Reihe einen rautenförmiger Block im Tranferbereich der beiden Riftsegmente, der sich um 5−20° im Uhrzeigersinn drehte. DieserWinkel liegt im Bereich des vermuteten Rotationswinkel des Rwenzori-Blocks (5°). Zusammengefasst untersuchen die Sandbox-Versuche den Einfluss präexistenter Strukturen und der Überlappung bzw. Überschneidung zweier interagierender Riftsegmente auf die Entwicklung des Riftsystems. Sie befassen sich darüber hinaus mit der Frage, welchen Einfluss Blockbildung und -rotation auf das lokale Stressfeld haben.
La realtà virtuale è un campo in continua crescita e in costante studio, in particolare nell'applicazione nel campo del gaming e nella formazione. In questa tesi sono stati confrontati e testati due visori per la realtà virtuale di tipo immersivo: OSVR e Oculus Rift DK2. Per il confronto dei due dispositivi sono stati creati su Blender due modelli: una rappresentazione tridimensionale di Times Square molto realistica (sfruttando Google Street View per la visualizzazione degli edifici e dei banner pubblicitari) e un circuito di Go Kart stile cartoon. Successivamente alla creazione di questi, è stato utilizzato il motore grafico Unity per l'aggiunta della dinamica dei componenti dei visori e il completamento dei due progetti, per esempio l'utilizzo degli script per il movimento del go kart. Tramite lo strumento Profiler e il Frame Debugger di Unity sono stati eseguiti i test sulle performance e sono state svolte le considerazioni finali sui visori. I risultati ottenuti possono essere d'aiuto per uno studio successivo sulla realtà virtuale immersiva ed essere una base di partenza per le migliorie da adottare con lo scopo di ottenere migliori prestazioni ed una maggiore interattività con l'utente.
New geochronologic, geochemical, sedimentologic, and compositional data from the central Wrangell volcanic belt (WVB) document basin development and volcanism linked to subduction of overthickened oceanic crust to the northern Pacific plate margin. The Frederika Formation and overlying Wrangell Lavas comprise >3 km of sedimentary and volcanic strata exposed in the Wrangell Mountains of south-central Alaska (United States). Measured stratigraphic sections and lithofacies analyses document lithofacies associations that reflect deposition in alluvial-fluvial-lacustrine environments routinely influenced by volcanic eruptions. Expansion of intrabasinal volcanic centers prompted progradation of vent-proximal volcanic aprons across basinal environments. Coal deposits, lacustrine strata, and vertical juxtaposition of basinal to proximal lithofacies indicate active basin subsidence that is attributable to heat flow associated with intrabasinal volcanic centers and extension along intrabasinal normal faults. The orientation of intrabasinal normal faults is consistent with transtensional deformation along the Totschunda-Fairweather fault system. Paleocurrents, compositional provenance, and detrital geochronologic ages link sediment accumulation to erosion of active intrabasinal volcanoes and to a lesser extent Mesozoic igneous sources. Geochemical compositions of interbedded lavas are dominantly calc-alkaline, range from basaltic andesite to rhyolite in composition, and share geochemical characteristics with Pliocene-Quaternary phases of the western WVB linked to subduction-related magmatism. The U/Pb ages of tuffs and Ar-40/Ar-39 ages of lavas indicate that basin development and volcanism commenced by 12.5-11.0 Ma and persisted until at least ca. 5.3 Ma. Eastern sections yield older ages (12.5-9.3 Ma) than western sections (9.6-8.3 Ma). Samples from two western sections yield even younger ages of 5.3 Ma. Integration of new and published stratigraphic, geochronologic, and geochemical data from the entire WVB permits a comprehensive interpretation of basin development and volcanism within a regional tectonic context. We propose a model in which diachronous volcanism and transtensional basin development reflect progressive insertion of a thickened oceanic crustal slab of the Yakutat microplate into the arcuate continental margin of southern Alaska coeval with reported changes in plate motions. Oblique northwestward subduction of a thickened oceanic crustal slab during Oligocene to Middle Miocene time produced transtensional basins and volcanism along the eastern edge of the slab along the Duke River fault in Canada and subduction-related volcanism along the northern edge of the slab near the Yukon-Alaska border. Volcanism and basin development migrated progressively northwestward into eastern Alaska during Middle Miocene through Holocene time, concomitant with a northwestward shift in plate convergence direction and subduction collision of progressively thicker crust against the syntaxial plate margin.
Region-specific empirically based ground-truth (EBGT) criteria used to estimate the epicentral-location accuracy of seismic events have been developed for the Main Ethiopian Rift and the Tibetan plateau. Explosions recorded during the Ethiopia-Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment (EAGLE), the International Deep Profiling of Tibet, and the Himalaya (INDEPTH III) experiment provided the necessary GT0 reference events. In each case, the local crustal structure is well known and handpicked arrival times were available, facilitating the establishment of the location accuracy criteria through the stochastic forward modeling of arrival times for epicentral locations. In the vicinity of the Main Ethiopian Rift, a seismic event is required to be recorded on at least 8 stations within the local Pg/Pn crossover distance and to yield a network-quality metric of less than 0.43 in order to be classified as EBGT5(95%) (GT5 with 95% confidence). These criteria were subsequently used to identify 10 new GT5 events with magnitudes greater than 2.1 recorded on the Ethiopian Broadband Seismic Experiment (EBSE) network and 24 events with magnitudes greater than 2.4 recorded on the EAGLE broadband network. The criteria for the Tibetan plateau are similar to the Ethiopia criteria, yet slightly less restrictive as the network-quality metric needs to be less than 0.45. Twenty-seven seismic events with magnitudes greater than 2.5 recorded on the INDEPTH III network were identified as GT5 based on the derived criteria. When considered in conjunction with criteria developed previously for the Kaapvaal craton in southern Africa, it is apparent that increasing restrictions on the network-quality metric mirror increases in the complexity of geologic structure from craton to plateau to rift. Accession Number: WOS:000322569200012
[1] The evolution of the rift shoulder and the sedimentary sequence of the Morondava basin in western Madagascar was mainly influenced by a Permo-Triassic continental failed rift (Karroo rift), and the early Jurassic separation of Madagascar from Africa. Karroo deposits are restricted to a narrow corridor along the basement-basin contact and parts of this contact feature a steep escarpment. Here, apatite fission track (AFT) analysis of a series of both basement and sediment samples across the escarpment reveals the low-temperature evolution of the exhuming Precambrian basement in the rift basin shoulder and the associated thermal evolution of the sedimentary succession. Seven basement and four Karroo sediment samples yield apparent AFT ages between ∼330 and ∼215 Ma and ∼260 and ∼95 Ma, respectively. Partially annealed fission tracks and thermal modeling indicate post-depositional thermal overprinting of both basement and Karroo sediment. Rocks presently exposed in the rift shoulder indicate temperatures of >60°C associated with this reheating whereby the westernmost sample in the sedimentary plain experienced almost complete resetting of the detrital apatite grains at temperatures of about ∼90–100°C. The younging of AFT ages westward indicates activity of faults, re-activating inherited Precambrian structures during Karroo sedimentation. Furthermore, our data suggest onset of final cooling/exhumation linked to (1) the end of Madagascar's drift southward relative to Africa during the Early Cretaceous, (2) activity of the Marion hot spot and associated Late Cretaceous break-up between Madagascar and India, and (3) the collision of India with Eurasia and subsequent re-organization of spreading systems in the Indian Ocean.
The Kenya (a.k.a., Gregory) Rift is a geologically active area located within the eastern branch of the larger East African Rift System (EARS). The study area is located in the southern Kenya Rift between 1° South and the Kenya-Tanzania border (covering approximately 1.5 square degrees, semi-centered on Lake Magadi) and is predominantly filled with extrusive igneous rocks (mostly basalts, phonolites and trachytes) of Miocene age or younger. Sediments are thin, less than 1.5Ma, and are confined to small grabens. The EARS can serve both as an analogue for ancient continental rifting and as a modern laboratory to observe the geologic processes responsible for rifting. This study demonstrates that vintage (as in older, quality maps published by the Kenya Geological Survey, that may be outdated based on newer findings) quarter-degree maps can be successfully combined with recently published data, and used to interpret satellite (mainly Landsat 7) images to produce versatile, updated digital maps. The study area has been remapped using this procedure and although it covers a large area, the mapping retains a quadrangle level of detail. Additionally, all geologic mapping elements (formations, faults, etc.) have been correlated across older map boundaries so that geologic units don't end artificially at degree boundaries within the study area. These elements have also been saved as individual digital files to facilitate future analysis. A series of maps showing the evolution of the southern Kenya rift from the Miocene to the present was created by combining the updated geologic map with age dates for geologic formations and fault displacements. Over 200 age dates covering the entire length of the Kenya Rift have been compiled for this study, and 6 paleo-maps were constructed to demonstrate the evolution of the area, starting with the eruption of the Kishalduga and Lisudwa melanephelinites onto the metamorphic basement around 15Ma. These eruptions occurred before the initial rift faulting and were followed by a massive eruption of phonolites between 13-10 Ma that covered most of the Kenya dome. This was followed by a period of relative quiescence, until the initial faulting defined the western boundary of the rift around 7Ma. The resulting graben was asymmetrical until corresponding faults to the east developed around 3Ma. The rift valley was flooded by basalts and trachytes between 3Ma and 700ka, after which the volcanic activity slowed to a near halt. Since 700ka most of the deposition has been comprised of sediments, mainly from lakes occupying the various basins in the area. The main results of this study are, in addition to a detailed interpretation of the rift development, a new geologic map that correlates dozens of formations across old map boundaries and a compilation of over 300 age dates. Specific products include paleomaps, tables of fault timing and displacement, and volume estimates of volcanic formations. The study concludes with a generalization of the present environment at Magadi including discussions of lagoon chemistry, mantle gases in relation to the trona deposit, and biology of the hot springs. Several biologic samples were collected during the 2006 field season in an attempt to characterize the organisms that are commonly seen in the present Lake Magadi environment. Samples were selected to represent the different, distinctive forms that are found in the hotsprings. Each sample had it own distinctive growth habit, and analysis showed that each was formed by a different cyanobacterial. Actual algae was rare in the collected samples, and represented by a few scattered diatoms.