977 resultados para ricostruzione 3D triangolazione laser computervision


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Recently using KrF high power laser (248 nm; 350 fs; 5.0x10(16) W/cm(2)) in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory an experimental search for recombination extreme ultraviolet (XUV) laser action in Li-like nitrogen ions was performed. To understand the experimental results of line emission at 24.7 nm in the 3d(5/2)-2p(3/2) transition of the Li-like nitrogen ion a simulation was undertaken using a one-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic code. From the simulation results, we confirmed that there was nonlinear dependence of spectral line emission on the gas density which was well matched to the experimental results. Only a six times increase of the 24.7 nm emission intensity was obtained when the plasma length was increased 1000 times from 1 mu m as an optically thin case to 1 mm. Also, the spatial profile of the electron density and temperature was obtained and the electron temperature was about 40-50 eV which was too high for the optical field ionization x-ray lasing. We could not find evidence of x-ray laser gain. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Relativistic self-channeling of a picosecond laser pulse in a preformed plasma near critical density has been observed both experimentally and in 3D particle-in-cell simulations. Optical probing measurements indicate the formation of a single pulsating propagation channel, typically of about 5 mu m in diameter. The computational results reveal the importance in the channel formation of relativistic electrons traveling with the light pulse and of the corresponding self-generated magnetic field.


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Two spatially separated toroidal magnetic fields in the megagauss range have been detected with Faraday rotation during and after propagation of a relativistically intense laser pulse through preionized plasmas. Besides a field in the outer region of the plasma oriented as a conventional thermoelectric field, a field with the opposite orientation closely surrounding the propagation axis is observed, in conditions under which relativistic channeling occurs. A 3D particle-in-cell code was used to simulate the interaction under the conditions of the experiment.


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In the present study an experimental investigation of the time-averaged velocity and turbulence intensity distributions from a ship’s propeller, in “bollard pull” condition (zero speed of advance), is reported. Previous studies have focused mainly on the velocity profile of not a rotating ship propeller but a plain jet. The velocity profile of a propeller is investigated experimentally in this study.
The velocity measurements were performed in laboratory by using a Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA). The measurements demonstrated two-peaked ridges velocity profile with a low velocity core at the centre within the near wake. The two-peaked ridges combined to be one-peaked ridge at 3.68 diameters downstream indicating the end of the zone of flow establishment. The study
provides useful information from a rotating ship’s propeller rather than a simplified plain jet to researchers investigating flow velocity generated from a propeller and probably resulting local scouring.


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Proton bursts with a narrow spectrum at an energy of (2.8 +/- 0.3 MeV) are accelerated from sub-micron water spray droplets irradiated by high-intensity (similar to 5 x 10(19)W/cm(2)), high-contrast (similar to 10(10)), ultra-short (40 fs) laser pulses. The acceleration is preferentially in the laser propagation direction. The explosion dynamics is governed by a residual ps-scale laser pulse pedestal which "mildly" preheats the droplet and changes its density profile before the arrival of the high intensity laser pulse peak. As a result, the energetic electrons extracted from the modified target by the high-intensity part of the laser pulse establish an anisotropic electrostatic field which results in anisotropic Coulomb explosion and proton acceleration predominantly in the forward direction. Hydrodynamic simulations of the target pre-expansion and 3D particle-in-cell simulations of the measured energy and anisotropy of the proton emission have confirmed the proposed acceleration scenario. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4731712]


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Spatially and temporally varying neutral, ion and electron number densities have been mapped out within laser ablated plasma plumes expanding into vacuum. Ablation of a magnesium target was performed using a KrF laser, 30 ns pulse duration and 248 nm wavelength. During the initial stage of plasma expansion (t <EQ 100 ns) interferometry has been used to obtain line averaged electron number densities, for laser power densities on target in the range 1.3 - 3.0 X 108 W/cm2. Later in the plasma expansion (t equals 1 microsecond(s) ) simultaneous absorption and laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to determine 3D neutral and ion number densities, for a power density equal to 6.7 X 107 W/cm2. Two distinct regions within the plume were identified. One is a fast component (approximately 106 cm-1) consisting of ions and neutrals with maximum number densities observed to be approximately 30 and 4 X 1012 cm-3 respectively, and the second consists of slow moving neutral material at a number density of up to 1015 cm-3. Additionally a Langmuir probe has been used to obtain ion and electron number densities at very late times in the plasma expansion (1 microsecond(s) <EQ t <EQ 15 microsecond(s) ). A copper target was ablated using a Nd:YAG laser, 7.5 ns duration and 532 nm (2 (omega) ) wavelength, with a power density on target equal to 6 X 108 W/cm2. Two regions within the plume with different velocities were observed. Within a fast component (approximately 3 X 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 5 X 1012 cm-3 were observed and within the second slower component (approximately 106 cms-1) electron and ion number densities of the order 1 - 2 X 1013 cm-3 were determined.


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Studies have been carried out to recognize individuals from a frontal view using their gait patterns. In previous work, gait sequences were captured using either single or stereo RGB camera systems or the Kinect 1.0 camera system. In this research, we used a new frontal view gait recognition method using a laser based Time of Flight (ToF) camera. In addition to the new gait data set, other contributions include enhancement of the silhouette segmentation, gait cycle estimation and gait image representations. We propose four new gait image representations namely Gait Depth Energy Image (GDE), Partial GDE (PGDE), Discrete Cosine Transform GDE (DGDE) and Partial DGDE (PDGDE). The experimental results show that all the proposed gait image representations produce better accuracy than the previous methods. In addition, we have also developed Fusion GDEs (FGDEs) which achieve better overall accuracy and outperform the previous methods.


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La structuration laser femtoseconde de verres d’oxydes est aujourd’hui un domaine de recherche en pleine expansion. L’interaction laser-matière est de plus en plus utilisée pour sa facilité de mise en œuvre et les nombreuses applications qui découlent de la fabrication des composants photoniques, déjà utilisés dans l’industrie des hautes technologies. En effet, un faisceau d’impulsions ultracourtes focalisé dans un matériau transparent atteint une intensité suffisante pour modifier la matière en trois dimensions sur des échelles micro et nanométriques. Cependant, l’interaction laser-matière à ces régimes d’intensité n’est pas encore complètement maîtrisée, et les matériaux employés ne sont pas entièrement adaptés aux nouvelles applications photoniques. Par ce travail de thèse, nous nous efforçons donc d’apporter des réponses à ces interrogations. Le mémoire est articulé autour de deux grands volets. Le premier aborde la question de l’interaction de surface de verres avec de telles impulsions lumineuses qui mènent à l’auto-organisation périodique de la matière structurée. L’influence du dopage en ions photosensibles et des paramètres d’irradiation est étudiée afin d’appuyer et de conforter le modèle d’incubation pour la formation de nanoréseaux de surface. À travers une approche innovante, nous avons réussi à apporter un contrôle de ces structures nanométriques périodiques pour de futures applications. Le second volet traite de cristallisation localisée en volume induite en grande partie par l’interaction laser-matière. Plusieurs matrices vitreuses, avec différents dopages en sel d’argent, ont été étudiées pour comprendre les mécanismes de précipitation de nanoparticules d’argent. Ce travail démontre le lien entre la physicochimie de la matrice vitreuse et le caractère hors équilibre thermodynamique de l’interaction qui influence les conditions de nucléation et de croissance de ces nano-objets. Tous ces résultats sont confrontés à des modélisations de la réponse optique du plasmon de surface des nanoparticules métalliques. Les nombreuses perspectives de ce travail ouvrent sur de nouvelles approches quant à la caractérisation, aux applications et à la compréhension de l’interaction laser femtoseconde pour l’inscription directe de briques photoniques dans des matrices vitreuses.


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An electronic theory is developed, which describes the ultrafast demagnetization in itinerant ferromagnets following the absorption of a femtosecond laser pulse. The present work intends to elucidate the microscopic physics of this ultrafast phenomenon by identifying its fundamental mechanisms. In particular, it aims to reveal the nature of the involved spin excitations and angular-momentum transfer between spin and lattice, which are still subjects of intensive debate. In the first preliminary part of the thesis the initial stage of the laser-induced demagnetization process is considered. In this stage the electronic system is highly excited by spin-conserving elementary excitations involved in the laser-pulse absorption, while the spin or magnon degrees of freedom remain very weakly excited. The role of electron-hole excitations on the stability of the magnetic order of one- and two-dimensional 3d transition metals (TMs) is investigated by using ab initio density-functional theory. The results show that the local magnetic moments are remarkably stable even at very high levels of local energy density and, therefore, indicate that these moments preserve their identity throughout the entire demagnetization process. In the second main part of the thesis a many-body theory is proposed, which takes into account these local magnetic moments and the local character of the involved spin excitations such as spin fluctuations from the very beginning. In this approach the relevant valence 3d and 4p electrons are described in terms of a multiband model Hamiltonian which includes Coulomb interactions, interatomic hybridizations, spin-orbit interactions, as well as the coupling to the time-dependent laser field on the same footing. An exact numerical time evolution is performed for small ferromagnetic TM clusters. The dynamical simulations show that after ultra-short laser pulse absorption the magnetization of these clusters decreases on a time scale of hundred femtoseconds. In particular, the results reproduce the experimentally observed laser-induced demagnetization in ferromagnets and demonstrate that this effect can be explained in terms of the following purely electronic non-adiabatic mechanism: First, on a time scale of 10–100 fs after laser excitation the spin-orbit coupling yields local angular-momentum transfer between the spins and the electron orbits, while subsequently the orbital angular momentum is very rapidly quenched in the lattice on the time scale of one femtosecond due to interatomic electron hoppings. In combination, these two processes result in a demagnetization within hundred or a few hundred femtoseconds after laser-pulse absorption.


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Die laserinduzierte Plasmaspektroskopie (LIPS) ist eine spektrochemische Elementanalyse zur Bestimmung der atomaren Zusammensetzung einer beliebigen Probe. Für die Analyse ist keine spezielle Probenpräparation nötig und kann unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen an Proben in jedem Aggregatzustand durchgeführt werden. Femtosekunden Laserpulse bieten die Vorteile einer präzisen Ablation mit geringem thermischen Schaden sowie einer hohen Reproduzierbarkeit. Damit ist fs-LIPS ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug für die Mikroanalyse technischer Proben, insbesondere zur Untersuchung ihres Ermüdungsverhaltens. Dabei ist interessant, wie sich die initiierten Mikrorisse innerhalb der materialspezifschen Struktur ausbreiten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte daher ein schnelles und einfach zu handhabendes 3D-Rasterabbildungsverfahren zur Untersuchung der Rissausbreitung in TiAl, einer neuen Legierungsklasse, entwickelt werden. Dazu wurde fs-LIPS (30 fs, 785 nm) mit einem modifizierten Mikroskopaufbau (Objektiv: 50x/NA 0.5) kombiniert, welcher eine präzise, automatisierte Probenpositionierung ermöglicht. Spektrochemische Sensitivität und räumliches Auflösungsvermögen wurden in energieabhängigen Einzel- und Multipulsexperimenten untersucht. 10 Laserpulse pro Position mit einer Pulsenergie von je 100 nJ führten in TiAl zum bestmöglichen Kompromiss aus hohem S/N-Verhältnis von 10:1 und kleinen Lochstrukturen mit inneren Durchmessern von 1.4 µm. Die für das Verfahren entscheidende laterale Auflösung, dem minimalen Lochabstand bei konstantem LIPS-Signal, beträgt mit den obigen Parametern 2 µm und ist die bislang höchste bekannte Auflösung einer auf fs-LIPS basierenden Mikro-/Mapping-Analyse im Fernfeld. Fs-LIPS Scans von Teststrukturen sowie Mikrorissen in TiAl demonstrieren eine spektrochemische Sensitivität von 3 %. Scans in Tiefenrichtung erzielen mit denselben Parametern eine axiale Auflösung von 1 µm. Um die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und ein besseres Verständnis für die physikalischen Prozesse während der Laserablation zu erhalten, wurde in Pump-Probe-Experimenten untersucht, in wieweit fs-Doppelpulse den laserinduzierten Abtrag sowie die Plasmaemission beeinflussen. Dazu wurden in einem Mach-Zehnder-Interferometer Pulsabstände von 100 fs bis 2 ns realisiert, Gesamtenergie und Intensitätsverhältnis beider Pulse variiert sowie der Einfluss der Materialparameter untersucht. Sowohl das LIPS-Signal als auch die Lochstrukturen zeigen eine Abhängigkeit von der Verzögerungszeit. Diese wurden in vier verschiedene Regimes eingeteilt und den physikalischen Prozessen während der Laserablation zugeordnet: Die Thermalisierung des Elektronensystems für Pulsabstände unter 1 ps, Schmelzprozesse zwischen 1 und 10 ps, der Beginn des Abtrags nach mehreren 10 ps und die Expansion der Plasmawolke nach über 100 ps. Dabei wird das LIPS-Signal effizient verstärkt und bei 800 ps maximal. Die Lochdurchmesser ändern sich als Funktion des Pulsabstands wenig im Vergleich zur Tiefe. Die gesamte Abtragsrate variiert um maximal 50 %, während sich das LIPS-Signal vervielfacht: Für Ti und TiAl typischerweise um das Dreifache, für Al um das 10-fache. Die gemessenen Transienten zeigen eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit, jedoch kaum eine Energie- bzw. materialspezifische Abhängigkeit. Mit diesen Ergebnissen wurde eine gezielte Optimierung der DP-LIPS-Parameter an Al durchgeführt: Bei einem Pulsabstand von 800 ps und einer Gesamtenergie von 65 nJ (vierfach über der Ablationsschwelle) wurde eine 40-fache Signalerhöhung bei geringerem Rauschen erzielt. Die Lochdurchmesser vergrößerten sich dabei um 44 % auf (650±150) nm, die Lochtiefe um das Doppelte auf (100±15) nm. Damit war es möglich, die spektrochemische Sensitivität von fs-LIPS zu erhöhen und gleichzeitig die hohe räumliche Auflösung aufrecht zu erhalten.


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We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc


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L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi de les diferents tècniques per alinear vistes tridimensionals. Aquest estudi ens ha permès detectar els principals problemes de les tècniques existents, aprotant una solució novedosa i contribuint resolent algunes de les mancances detectades especialment en l'alineament de vistes a temps real. Per tal d'adquirir les esmentades vistes, s'ha dissenyat un sensor 3D manual que ens permet fer adquisicions tridimensionals amb total llibertat de moviments. Així mateix, s'han estudiat les tècniques de minimització global per tal de reduir els efectes de la propagació de l'error.


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Tradicionalment, la reproducció del mon real se'ns ha mostrat a traves d'imatges planes. Aquestes imatges se solien materialitzar mitjançant pintures sobre tela o be amb dibuixos. Avui, per sort, encara podem veure pintures fetes a ma, tot i que la majoria d'imatges s'adquireixen mitjançant càmeres, i es mostren directament a una audiència, com en el cinema, la televisió o exposicions de fotografies, o be son processades per un sistema computeritzat per tal d'obtenir un resultat en particular. Aquests processaments s'apliquen en camps com en el control de qualitat industrial o be en la recerca mes puntera en intel·ligència artificial. Aplicant algorismes de processament de nivell mitja es poden obtenir imatges 3D a partir d'imatges 2D, utilitzant tècniques ben conegudes anomenades Shape From X, on X es el mètode per obtenir la tercera dimensió, i varia en funció de la tècnica que s'utilitza a tal nalitat. Tot i que l'evolució cap a la càmera 3D va començar en els 90, cal que les tècniques per obtenir les formes tridimensionals siguin mes i mes acurades. Les aplicacions dels escàners 3D han augmentat considerablement en els darrers anys, especialment en camps com el lleure, diagnosi/cirurgia assistida, robòtica, etc. Una de les tècniques mes utilitzades per obtenir informació 3D d'una escena, es la triangulació, i mes concretament, la utilització d'escàners laser tridimensionals. Des de la seva aparició formal en publicacions científiques al 1971 [SS71], hi ha hagut contribucions per solucionar problemes inherents com ara la disminució d'oclusions, millora de la precisió, velocitat d'adquisició, descripció de la forma, etc. Tots i cadascun dels mètodes per obtenir punts 3D d'una escena te associat un procés de calibració, i aquest procés juga un paper decisiu en el rendiment d'un dispositiu d'adquisició tridimensional. La nalitat d'aquesta tesi es la d'abordar el problema de l'adquisició de forma 3D, des d'un punt de vista total, reportant un estat de l'art sobre escàners laser basats en triangulació, provant el funcionament i rendiment de diferents sistemes, i fent aportacions per millorar la precisió en la detecció del feix laser, especialment en condicions adverses, i solucionant el problema de la calibració a partir de mètodes geomètrics projectius.


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Due to their broad differentiation potential and their persistence into adulthood, human neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) harbour great potential for autologous cellular therapies, which include the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and replacement of complex tissues containing various cell types, as in the case of musculoskeletal injuries. The use of serum-free approaches often results in insufficient proliferation of stem cells and foetal calf serum implicates the use of xenogenic medium components. Thus, there is much need for alternative cultivation strategies. In this study we describe for the first time a novel, human blood plasma based semi-solid medium for cultivation of human NCSCs. We cultivated human neural crest-derived inferior turbinate stem cells (ITSCs) within a blood plasma matrix, where they revealed higher proliferation rates compared to a standard serum-free approach. Three-dimensionality of the matrix was investigated using helium ion microscopy. ITSCs grew within the matrix as revealed by laser scanning microscopy. Genetic stability and maintenance of stemness characteristics were assured in 3D cultivated ITSCs, as demonstrated by unchanged expression profile and the capability for self-renewal. ITSCs pre-cultivated in the 3D matrix differentiated efficiently into ectodermal and mesodermal cell types, particularly including osteogenic cell types. Furthermore, ITSCs cultivated as described here could be easily infected with lentiviruses directly in substrate for potential tracing or gene therapeutic approaches. Taken together, the use of human blood plasma as an additive for a completely defined medium points towards a personalisable and autologous cultivation of human neural crest-derived stem cells under clinical grade conditions.


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The structure of laser glasses in the system (B(2)O(3))(0.6){(Al(2)O(3))(0.4-x)(Y(2)O(3))(x)} (0.1 <= x <= 0.25) has been investigated by means of (11)B, (27)Al, and (89)Y solid state NMR as well as Y-3d core-level X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, (11)B magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra reveal that the majority of the boron atoms are three-coordinated, and a slight increase of four-coordinated boron content with increasing x can be noticed. (27)Al MAS NMR spectra show that the alumina species are present in the coordination states four, five and six. All of them are in intimate contact with both the three- and the four-coordinate boron species and vice versa, as indicated by (11)B/(27)Al rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data. These results are consistent with the formation of a homogeneous, nonsegregated glass structure. For the first time, (89)Y solid state NMR has been used to probe the local environment of Y(3+) ions in a glass-forming system. The intrinsic sensitivity problem associated with (89)Y NMR has been overcome by combining the benefits of paramagnetic doping with those of signal accumulation via Carr-Purcell spin echo trains. Both the (89)Y chemical shifts and the Y-3d core level binding energies are found to be rather sensitive to the yttrium bonding state and reveal that the bonding properties of the yttrium atoms in these glasses are similar to those found in the model compounds YBO(3) and YAl(3)(BO(3))(4), Based on charge balance considerations as well as (11)B NMR line shape analyses, the dominant borate species are concluded to be meta- and pyroborate anions.