989 resultados para ribosomal spacer DNA


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We analyzed the ITS-1 spacer region of the rDNA in Drosophila mulleri and D. arizonae, two sibling species belonging to the mulleri complex (repleta group) and in hybrids obtained in both cross directions. In spite of several previous studies showing the incompatibility of crosses involving D. arizonae females and D. mulleri males, we were able to obtain hybrids in this direction. Complete ITS-1 region was amplified using primers with homology at the 3'-end of the 18S rDNA and the 5'-end of the 5.8S rDNA genes. Our data demonstrated that D. mulleri and D. arizonae can be differentiated as they present a difference in length for the ITS-1 region. The amplified fragment for this region in D. mulleri has a length of 600 bp, whereas in D. arizonae this fragment is about 500 bp. It was also observed that male and female hybrids obtained in both cross directions present two amplified fragments, confirming the location of the ribosomal cistrons in the X chromosomes and microchromosomes of both parental species.


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We present data supporting cytogenetic observations on nucleolar dominance in hybrids between Drosophila arizonae and D. mulleri. Our approach was to compare the rDNA restriction patterns between the parental species and their hybrids. Results demonstrated that the minichromosome attached to the nucleolus in hybrid males is derived from D. arizonae.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to compare automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) techniques to assess bacterial diversity in the rumen of sheep. Sheep were fed 2 diets with 70% of either alfalfa hay or grass hay, and the solid (SOL) and liquid (LIQ) phases of the rumen were sampled immediately before feeding (0 h) and at 4 and 8 h postfeeding. Both techniques detected similar differences between forages, with alfalfa hay promoting greater (P < 0.05) bacterial diversity than grass hay. In contrast, whereas ARISA analysis showed a decrease (P < 0.05) of bacterial diversity in SOL at 4 h postfeeding compared with 0 and 8 h samplings, no variations (P > 0.05) over the postfeeding period were detected by DGGE. The ARISA technique showed lower (P < 0.05) bacterial diversity in SOL than in LIQ samples at 4 h postfeeding, but no differences (P > 0.05) in bacterial diversity between both rumen phases were detected by DGGE. Under the conditions of this study, the DGGE was not sensitive enough to detect some changes in ruminal bacterial communities, and therefore ARISA was considered more accurate for assessing bacterial diversity of ruminal samples. The results highlight the influence of the fingerprinting technique used to draw conclusions on factors affecting ruminal bacterial diversity.


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Homobasidiomycete fungi display many complex fruiting body morphologies, including mushrooms and puffballs, but their anatomical simplicity has confounded efforts to understand the evolution of these forms. We performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of homobasidiomycetes, using sequences from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA, with an emphasis on understanding evolutionary relationships of gilled mushrooms and puffballs. Parsimony-based optimization of character states on our phylogenetic trees suggested that strikingly similar gilled mushrooms evolved at least six times, from morphologically diverse precursors. Approximately 87% of gilled mushrooms are in a single lineage, which we call the “euagarics.” Recently discovered 90 million-year-old fossil mushrooms are probably euagarics, suggesting that (i) the origin of this clade must have occurred no later than the mid-Cretaceous and (ii) the gilled mushroom morphology has been maintained in certain lineages for tens of millions of years. Puffballs and other forms with enclosed spore-bearing structures (Gasteromycetes) evolved at least four times. Derivation of Gasteromycetes from forms with exposed spore-bearing structures (Hymenomycetes) is correlated with repeated loss of forcible spore discharge (ballistospory). Diverse fruiting body forms and spore dispersal mechanisms have evolved among Gasteromycetes. Nevertheless, it appears that Hymenomycetes have never been secondarily derived from Gasteromycetes, which suggests that the loss of ballistospory has constrained evolution in these lineages.


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The accelerated protein accumulation characteristic of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy results from increased cellular protein synthetic capacity (elevated ribosome content). The rate limiting step in ribosome accumulation is transcription of the rRNA genes. During neonatal cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by norepinephrine or spontaneous contraction, changes in the expression of a ribosomal DNA transcription factor, UBF, correlated with increased rates of ribosome biogenesis. We hypothesized that elevated expression of UBF was part of the mechanism by which these hypertrophic stimuli effected increases in the rate of transcription from the rDNA promoter. In this study, we have examined directly the effect of overexpressing UBF on rDNA transcription in neonatal cardiomyocytes in culture. In control experiments, a novel reporter construct for rDNA transcription (pSMECAT) showed similar increases in activity in response to hypertrophic stimuli (10(-4) M phenylephrine, 10(-7) M endothelin, and spontaneous contraction) as did the endogenous rRNA genes. When contraction-arrested cardiomyocytes were cotransfected with pSMECAT and increasing amounts of a UBF1 expression vector; a dose-dependent (3-5 fold) increase in rDNA transcription was observed. Western blot analysis confirmed that the overexpressed, FLAG-tagged UBF accumulated in the cardiomyocyte nuclei. The observation that overexpression of UBF1 is sufficient to increase rDNA transcription in neonatal cardiomyocytes provides evidence in support of the hypothesis that the regulation of UBF is a key component of the increased ribosome biogenesis and protein accumulation associated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.


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The APTX gene, mutated in patients with the neurological disorder ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 (AOA1), encodes a novel protein aprataxin. We describe here, the interaction and interdependence between aprataxin and several nucleolar proteins, including nucleolin, nucleophosmin and upstream binding factor-1 (UBF-1), involved in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and cellular stress signalling. Interaction between aprataxin and nucleolin occurred through their respective N-terminal regions. In AOA1 cells lacking aprataxin, the stability of nucleolin was significantly reduced. On the other hand, down-regulation of nucleolin by RNA interference did not affect aprataxin protein levels but abolished its nucleolar localization suggesting that the interaction with nucleolin is involved in its nucleolar targeting. GFP-aprataxin fusion protein co-localized with nucleolin, nucleophosmin and UBF-1 in nucleoli and inhibition of ribosomal DNA transcription altered the distribution of aprataxin in the nucleolus, suggesting that the nature of the nucleolar localization of aprataxin is also dependent on ongoing rRNA synthesis. In vivo rRNA synthesis analysis showed only a minor decrease in AOA1 cells when compared with controls cells. These results demonstrate a cross-dependence between aprataxin and nucleolin in the nucleolus and while aprataxin does not appear to be directly involved in rRNA synthesis its nucleolar localization is dependent on this synthesis.


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A study was undertaken in 2004 and 2005 to characterize pathogens associated with damping-off of greenhouse-grown cucumber seedlings in 13 districts in Oman. Identification of Pythium to the species level was based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the ribosomal DNA. Of the 98 Pythium isolates collected during the survey, Pythium aphanidermatum, P. spinosum, P. splendens and P. oligandrum accounted for 76%, 22%, 1% and 1%, respectively. Pythium aphanidermatum was isolated from all of the districts, while P. spinosum was isolated from seven districts. Pathogenicity tests showed inter- and intraspecific variation in aggressiveness between Pythium species. Pythium aphanidermatum, P. spinosum and P. splendens were found to be highly aggressive at 25°C. However, the aggressiveness of P. spinosum decreased when the temperature was raised to 30°C, which was found to correspond to the lower frequency of isolation of P. spinosum in the warmer seasons, compared to the cooler time of the year. Pythium aphanidermatum exhibited limited intraspecific variation in the sequences of the ITS region of the rDNA and showed 100% similarity to the corresponding P. aphanidermatum sequences from GenBank. The ITS sequence data, as well as morphological characteristics of P. spinosum isolates, showed a high level of similarity within and between P. spinosum and P. kunmingense, and suggested that the two species were synonymous. This study represents the first report of P. spinosum, P. splendens and P. oligandrum in Oman.


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A total of 24 isolates of Pythium spinosum from cucumber obtained from five regions in Oman were characterized for genetic diversity using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and three isolates from the Netherlands, South Africa and Japan were included for comparison. Isolates from Oman were also characterized for aggressiveness on cucumber seedlings and sensitivity to metalaxyl. Identity of all isolates was confirmed using sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA), which showed more than 99% nucleotide similarity among all isolates. Using six primer-pair combinations, AFLP fingerprinting resolved 295 AFLP markers of which 193 were polymorphic among isolates from other countries and only six were polymorphic among isolates of P. spinosum from Oman. Seven different AFLP phenotypes of P. spinosum were recovered in Oman; two of them were found to contain over 79% of isolates and one was recovered from all regions in Oman. Phenotypes from Oman showed very high (?99%) levels of genetic similarity to each other compared to moderate (mean =53%) levels of genetic similarity with phenotypes from other countries. In addition, all isolates from Oman were found to be highly sensitive to metalaxyl and all were aggressive on cucumber seedlings at 25°C. The high genetic similarity among phenotypes of P. spinosum in Oman as well as recovering two major clones across regions may suggest that P. spinosum has been recently introduced in Oman via a common source.


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The ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region was amplified and sequenced from a selection of specimens of the Sporobolus smut Ustilago sporoboli-indici. Phylogenetic comparison with other Ustilago and Sporisorium species revealed strong support for an evolutionary radiation of Ustilago species infecting the Chloridoideae and Pooideae, of which U. sporoboli-indici forms a major lineage. Comparisons are made with other groups of plant pathogenic fungi, and it is concluded that phylogenetic analyses of potential biocontrol agents are useful for identifying pathogens that are derived from evolutionary lineages that parasitize a wide range of unrelated plants. Such pathogens are less desirable as biocontrol agents as they may have a greater likelihood of infecting plants outside their normal host ranges.