964 resultados para rhegmatogenous retinal detachment


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Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento del desprendimiento del vítreo posterior (DVP) en pacientes expuestos a cirugía de catarata mediante la biomicroscopia, la ecografía ocular y la tomografía de coherencia óptica macular. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, una serie de casos clínicos de 13 pacientes expuestos a cirugía de catarata en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional entre febrero a julio de 2015, con seguimiento a 12 meses. Durante 6 visitas se les realizó toma de agudeza visual mejor corregida y biomicroscopía. Tambíen se les realizó ecografia ocular y tomografia de coherencia óptica macular. Resultados: El porcentaje de DVP por biomicroscopia cambió desde un 7.7% a un 38.4%. El porcentaje de DVP por ecografía en el área nasal cambió de 92.3% a 76.9%. En el área temporal la tasa de DVP cambió de 84.6% y a 76.9%. En al área superior se mantuvo en un 61.5%. En el área inferior varió de un 69.2% a un 76.9%. Y por último, en el área macular de un 53.8% a un 76.9%. El porcentaje de DVP por OCT cambio desde un 69.2% a un 76.9%, en la visita cero y la visita cuatro, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La cirugía de catarata acelera el proceso del DVP. Hubo una progresión del DVP según la biomicroscopia y el OCT, la ecografía no la consideramos una herramiento eficaz para describir la progresión del DVP. 


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as causas de baixa visão e cegueira em indivíduos facectomizados, de amostra da população de cidades da região centrooeste do estado de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional, feito em cinco cidades da região centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo, em amostra domiciliar e baseada nos dados do último Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 1995), com escolha sistemática dos domicílios. Foi considerada para o presente estudo uma subamostra de indivíduos facectomizados, dos quais foram obtidos dados de identificação e exame oftalmológico completo. Os dados foram avaliados por estatísticas descritivas, análise de freqüência de ocorrência e proporção de concordância, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Dos indivíduos amostrados, 2,37% haviam sido submetidos à facectomia. Dos 201 olhos operados, 26,9% apresentavam acuidade visual compatível com cegueira ou deficiência visual. Com a melhor correção óptica, a acuidade visual permaneceu <0,3 em 19,0%. O exame refracional proporcionou melhora da acuidade visual para 27,9% dos indivíduos facectomizados. As causas de baixa visão foram os erros refrativos não corrigidos, opacidade de cápsula posterior (19,4%), ceratopatia bolhosa (8,3%) coriorretinite cicatricial (8,3%), afacia (8,3%), degeneração macular relacionada a idade (5,5%), leucoma (5,5%), glaucoma (5,5%), atrofia de papila (5,5,%), descolamento de retina (2,8%), atrofia de epitelio pigmentado da retina (2,8%) e alta miopia (2,8%). CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da catarata ser causa de cegueira que pode ser evitável, mesmo após a correção cirúrgica porcentagem expressiva de indivíduos permanece com baixa visão, em geral, em decorrência de fatores relacionados ao seguimento pós-operatório negligenciado.


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This study aimed to describe and compare the ultrasonographic alterations in dogs' eyes submitted to facectomy with or without intraocular lens implant (IOL), to assist in the diagnosis of possible alterations related to the surgical procedure and IOL implantation. Nineteen dogs with cataract (21 eyes) were submitted to phacoemulsification and late postoperative evaluation (at five years). The animals were initially submitted to complete ophthalmological exams which preceded the sonogram. Dogs were divided in three groups: (CA) aphakic dogs (n= 11); (PP) pseudophakic dogs with implantation of two IOLs in piggyback (n=5) and (PL) pseudophakic dogs with implantation of a veterinary IOL (n = 5). The ultrasound was carried under the administration of a topic local anesthetic, with a multi frequency linear transducer of 10 MHz. Biometric eye measurements were also performed. The clinical alterations observed were IOL dislocation, retinal detachment, asteroid hyalosis, and vitreous degeneration. Ultrasound examination was an excellent diagnostic tool, as it was possible to confirm and classify these changes. The piggyback implant reduced the measurements between the ciliary body and the vitreous chamber obtained from the ocular biometry when compared to other usual procedures, with no difference between the axial length and the anterior chamber.


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Objective: The study aims to investigate a possible correlation between the main clinical and ophthalmological characteristics, age and Robin sequence in patients with the Stickler syndrome. Introduction: The Stickler syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, characterised by ocular, orofacial and skeletal anomalies and/or auditory loss. Patients with Robin sequence features and respiratory complications are frequently diagnosed with the Stickler syndrome. The heterogeneous phenotypic manifestations may present a challenge for early clinical diagnosis. Methods: We performed a retrospective study of the 98 patients with the Stickler syndrome, between November 1995 and June 2009. The data were compared to investigate their ocular alterations and association with the Robin sequence. To be included, patients had to present with the following triad: cleft palate, facial features (hypoplastic midface, micrognathia and prominent eyes) and ocular anomalies (myopia and/or abnormalities of the retina). Results: Fifty-one percent of the patients presenting with Robin sequence features had been diagnosed with the Stickler syndrome. Ocular alterations were found in 50% of the patients. Discussion: The Robin sequence may appear as an isolated condition or associated with other features, or else as part of other known syndromes. Currently, the diagnosis of the Stickler syndrome is based on clinical signs. Affected individuals eventually develop hearing loss, retinal detachment and blindness. The ophthalmological complications associated are usually progressive and can lead to blindness.


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Obiettivo Valutare l’ipotesi secondo cui la movimentazione manuale di carichi possa essere un fattore di rischio per il di distacco di retina. Metodi Si è condotto uno studio caso-controllo ospedaliero multicentrico, a Bologna, (reparto di Oculistica del policlinico S. Orsola Malpighi, Prof. Campos), e a Brescia (reparto di oculistica “Spedali Civili” Prof. Semeraro). I casi sono 104 pazienti operati per distacco di retina. I controlli sono 173 pazienti reclutati tra l’utenza degli ambulatori del medesimo reparto di provenienza dei casi. Sia i casi che i controlli (all’oscuro dall’ipotesi in studio) sono stati sottoposti ad un’intervista, attraverso un questionario strutturato concernente caratteristiche individuali, patologie pregresse e fattori di rischio professionali (e non) relativi al distacco di retina. I dati relativi alla movimentazione manuale di carichi sono stati utilizzati per creare un “indice di sollevamento cumulativo―ICS” (peso del carico sollevato x numero di sollevamenti/ora x numero di anni di sollevamento). Sono stati calcolati mediante un modello di regressione logistica unconditional (aggiustato per età e sesso) gli Odds Ratio (OR) relativi all’associazione tra distacco di retina e vari fattori di rischio, tra cui la movimentazione manuale di carichi. Risultati Oltre alla chirurgia oculare e alla miopia (fattori di rischio noti), si evidenzia un trend positivo tra l’aumento dell’ICS e il rischio di distacco della retina. Il rischio maggiore si osserva per la categoria di sollevamento severo (OR 3.6, IC 95%, 1.5–9.0). Conclusione I risultati, mostrano un maggiore rischio di sviluppare distacco di retina per coloro che svolgono attività lavorative che comportino la movimentazione manuale di carichi e, a conferma di quanto riportato in letteratura, anche per i soggetti miopi e per coloro che sono stati sottoposti ad intervento di cataratta. Si rende quindi evidente l’importanza degli interventi di prevenzione in soggetti addetti alla movimentazione manuale di carichi, in particolare se miopi.


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Alcune patologie dell’occhio come la retinopatia diabetica, il pucker maculare, il distacco della retina possono essere curate con un intervento di vitrectomia. I rischi associati all’intervento potrebbero essere superati ricorrendo alla vitrectomia enzimatica con plasmina in associazione o in sostituzione della vitrectomia convenzionale. Inoltre, l’uso di plasmina autologa eviterebbe problemi di rigetto. La plasmina si ottiene attivando il plasminogeno con enzimi quali l’attivatore tissutale (tPA) e l’urochinasi ( uPA ) . La purificazione del plasminogeno dal sangue avviene normalmente attraverso cromatografia di affinità con resina. Tuttavia, le membrane di affinità costituiscono un supporto ideale per questa applicazione poiché possono essere facilmente impaccate prima dell’intervento, permettendo la realizzazione di un dispositivo monouso che fornisce un processo rapido ed economico. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è la preparazione di membrane di affinità per la purificazione del plasminogeno utilizzando L-lisina come ligando di affinità. Per questo scopo sono state usate membrane in cellulosa rigenerata ad attivazione epossidica, modificate con due diversi protocolli per l’immobilizzazione di L-lisina. La densità ligando è stata misurata mediante un saggio colorimetrico che usa l’acido arancio 7 come indicatore. La resa di immobilizzazione è stata studiata in funzione del tempo di reazione e della concentrazione di L-lisina. Le membrane ottimizzate sono state caratterizzate con esperimenti dinamici usando siero bovino e umano, i risultati sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti in esperimenti paralleli condotti con una resina commerciale di affinità con L-lisina. Durante gli esperimenti con siero, le frazioni provenienti da ogni fase cromatografica sono state raccolte e analizzate con HPLC ed elettroforesi SDS-PAGE. In particolare, l’elettroforesi dei campioni eluiti presenta una banda del plasminogeno ben definita indicando che le membrane di affinità con L-lisina sono adatte alla purificazione del plasminogeno. Inoltre, è emerso che le membrane hanno maggiore produttività della resina commerciale di riferimento.


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Hintergrund: Die antimetabolitgestützte Trabekulektomie stellt seit längeren denrnGoldstandard bei medikamentös nicht ausreichend therapierbaren Glaukomen dar. Kurz- und mittelfristige Erfolge wurden durch viele Studien bestätigt. Allerdings unterliegen diese sehr unterschiedlichen Erfolgsdefinitionen. Eine strikte Druckkontrolle ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne zusätzliche medikamentöse Therapie erscheint sinnvoll einen risikofreien Therapieerfolg zu bewerten. Es existieren nur wenige Langzeitstudien mit diesem Erfolgskriterium. Die durchgeführte Studie soll einen Eindruck der ophthalmologischen Versorgung trabekulektomierter Patienten an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mainz über einen bewusst langen Zeitraum bieten. Patienten und Methoden: In diese retrospektiven Studie wurden alle Patienten, die aufgrund einer fortgeschrittenen Glaukomerkrankung in den Jahren 1996, 2001 oder 2006 eine Trabekulektomie erhielten, aufgenommen. Von den 723 Augen der 664 Patienten dieser Jahrgänge konnten 447 (61,8%) nachverfolgt werden. Die Zusammensetzung der Patienten war mit anderen Studien vergleichbar. 28% konnten mindestens 7 Jahre, 10% sogar 10 Jahre nachverfolgt werden. Esrnwurde untersucht, ob ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem ophthalomologisch-internistischem Entlassstatus (Visus, Tensio, Gesichtsfeld,rnGlaukomtyp, Voroperationen, Medikation, Vorerkrankungen, Art der Operation) undrnder erstrebten Kontrolle des Intraokulardruckes besteht. Ergebnisse: Die mittlere Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug 4,3 ± 3,4 Jahre. Nach 1, 3,rn5, 7 und 10 Jahren wiesen 217 (82,1%) (p < 0,001), 133 (67,7%) (p < 0,001), 70rn(50%) (p < 0,001), 59 (47,7%) (p = 0,056) und 16 (38,1%) (p = 0,06) Augen Intraokulardrücke ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne zusätzliche Antiglaukomatosa auf. Nichtrnstatistisch signifikant waren die 7- und 10-Jahresergebnisse. Mit Hilfe von Antiglaukomatosa waren es insgesamt, 225 (85,1%), 156 (79,7%), 87 (62,5%), 93 (75%) und 23 (54,7%) (alle p < 0,001). Die mediane Überlebenszeit für IOD ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne Medikation betrug 7,4 Jahre ± 5 Monate. Druckobergrenzen von ≤ 18 bzw. 21 mm Hg erfüllten bis zu 20% mehr Patienten. Der mittlere Visus von 0,32 ± 6 Stufen blieb nach einem mittleren postoperativen Abfall auf 0,25 ± 5 Stufen in den Folgeuntersuchungen stabil. Er zeigte ab dem 3-Jahresintervall keine statistisch signifikante Verschlechterung zum präoperativen Visus. 5,8 Jahre ± 80 Tage betrug die mediane Überlebenszeit für ein stabiles Gesichtsfeld. Gesichtsfelddaten, MD und PSD zeigten keine statistisch signifikante Verschlechterung (p > 0,05). Risikofaktoren für ein Scheitern der Operation waren Patientenalter (RR = 1,01, KI: 0,95 - 1,34, p = 0,043), arterielle Hypertonie (RR = 1,87, KI: 1,21-2,9, p = 0,005) und männliches Geschlecht (RR = 1,24; KI: 1,07 – 1,43; p = 0,004). Komplikationen waren passagere okuläre Hypotonien an 85 (19%), Fistulation an 46(10,2%), Aderhautschwellung an 29 (6,4%) –abhebung an 14 (3,1%), retinale Amotio an 9 (2%), hypotone Makulopathie an 5 (1,1%) und Hypertonien an 70 (15,6%) Augen. 150 (33,5%) Augen erhielten einen Folgeeingriff, 117 (26%) eine Phakoemulsifikation, 149 (33%) eine Fadenlockerung, 122 (27%) 5-FU-Injektionen, 42 (9,4%) eine Fadennachlegung, 33 (7,4%) ein Needling, 26 (5,8%) eine Zyklophotokoagulation, 19 (4,3%) eine Re-TE und 9 (2%) sonstige chirurgische Revisionen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Kontrolle des Augeninnendruckes ≤ 15 mm Hg ohne zusätzliche Medikation erreichten viele Patienten über einen langen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum. Die Häufigkeit der Komplikationen oder nötiger Folgeeingriffe war meist niedriger als in vergleichbaren Studien. Selbst Patienten mit hohem Risikoprofil hatten gute Ergebnisse. Aufgrund mangelnder Gesichtsfelddaten fanden sich keine Hinweise auf statistisch relevantes Fortschreiten des Glaukoms zur angestrebten medikationsfreien Druckkontrolle. Weitere Studien für einen Untersuchungszeitraum von 10 Jahren mit gleichen Erfolgskriterien wie in der vorliegenden Arbeit mit genauer Analyse der Gesichtsfelddaten wären wünschenswert, um zu belegen, dass die guten Langzeitergebnisse nach Trabekulektomie an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mainz auch eine Glaukomprogredienz dauerhaft verhindern. Damit stellt die an der Universitätsaugenklinik Mainz durchgeführte antimetabolitgestützte Trabekulektomie und deren postoperative Nachbetreuung an einer repräsentativen Population eine sichere und komplikationsarme Methode dar.


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Abstract. This article provides the reader with practical information to be applied to the various remaining causes of macular edema. Some macular edemas linked to ocular diseases like radiotherapy after ocular melanomas remained of poor functional prognosis due to the primary disease. On the contrary, macular edemas occurring after retinal detachment or after some systemic or local treatment use are often temporary. Macular edema associated with epiretinal membranes or vitreomacular traction is the main cause of poor functional recovery. However, the delay to observe a significant improvement of vision after surgery should be long, as usually observed in tractional myopic vitreoschisis. Finally, some circumstances of macular edemas such as hemangiomas or macroaneurysms should be treated, if symptomatic, with the treatments currently used in diabetic macular edema or exudative macular degeneration.


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This chapter provides the reader with practical information to be applied to the various remaining causes of macular edema. Some clinical cases of macular edema linked to ocular diseases like postradiotherapy for ocular melanomas remained of poor functional prognosis due to the primary disease. On the contrary, macular edema occurring after retinal detachment or after diverse systemic or local treatment use is often temporary. Macular edema associated with epiretinal membranes or vitreomacular traction is the main cause of poor functional recovery. In other cases, as in tractional myopic vitreoschisis, the delay to observe a significant improvement of the vision after surgery should be long. Finally, macular edema associated with hemangiomas or macroaneurysms should be treated, if symptomatic, using the same current treatment as in diabetic macular edema or exudative macular degeneration.


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BACKGROUND: Following vitrectomy for PVR-associated retinal detachment, placement of an encircling band, filling with silicone oil (SO) and successful retinal reattachment, a recurrence of PVR can develop. Retinal redetachment after SO removal is usually due to secondary or residual PVR. We wanted to ascertain whether the anatomical and functional outcomes of surgery in patients with a reattached retina and recurrent PVR can be improved by delaying the removal of SO. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 112 consecutive patients with PVR-associated retinal detachment who had undergone vitrectomy with SO filling, were monitored for at least 6 months after SO removal. Prior to SO removal, the retina posterior to the encircling band had to be completely reattached. Patients who developed PVR after SO filling were divided into two groups according to the duration of SO retention: 12 - 18 months (group 2: n = 48); > 18 months (group 3: n = 21). Individuals without PVR recurrence after SO filling and in whom the SO was consequently removed within 4 - 12 months served as control (group 1: n = 43). Anatomical success, intraocular pressure (IOP) and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) served as the primary clinical outcome parameters. RESULTS: Six months after SO removal, the anatomical success rates (86.3 %, 88.8 % and 84.6 %, in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively; log rank = 0.794) and the BCVAs (p = 0.861) were comparable in the three groups. Mean IOP (p = 0.766), and the frequency of complications such as PVR recurrence (p = 0.936), bullous keratopathy (p = 0.981) and macular pucker (p = 0.943) were likewise similar. Patients in whom SO was retained for more than 18 months had the highest IOPs and required the heaviest dosage with anti-glaucoma drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In patients who develop a recurrence of PVR after vitrectomy and SO filling the surgeon can observe and treat retinal changes for up to 18 months without impairing the anatomical and functional outcomes. The retention of SO for more than 18 months does not improve the anatomical outcome. However, it can impair the functional outcome by precipitating the development of a persisting secondary glaucoma.


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PURPOSE: This study evaluated the long-term effect of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) in children and adolescents with chronic uveitis on visual function, anatomical outcome, and the requirement of systemic treatment. Further, predictive preoperative factors associated with a beneficial visual outcome were assessed. METHODS: Retrospective review of 29 eyes of 23 consecutive paediatric and juvenile patients below 20 years of age with chronic uveitis who underwent a PPV for visually significant opacities in 25 eyes, vitreous haemorrhage in three eyes, and retinal detachment in one eye. The clinical diagnosis was chronic intermediate uveitis in 22 eyes and retinal vasculitis of different origin in seven eyes. RESULTS: LogMAR visual acuity improved from an average of 0.91 to 0.33 (P<0.001). Cystoid macular oedema (CME) was significantly reduced in eight of 10 eyes postoperatively (P=0.021). In the multiple regression analysis, a low preoperative logMAR visual acuity and the presence of a CME had a negative influence on the final logMAR visual acuity. Furthermore, the appearance of chronic uveitis relapses was significantly reduced from 15 eyes before to seven eyes after surgery (P=0.042). CONCLUSIONS: PPV has a beneficial effect on the course and the complications of chronic uveitis in paediatric and juvenile patients with respect to the anatomical and visual outcome. Preoperative logMAR visual acuity and clinically significant CME were the most accurate predictors for the functional outcome.


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This study investigated the anatomical consequences of a photoreceptor toxin, iodoacetic acid (IAA), in the rabbit retina. Retinae were examined 2 weeks, 1, 3, and 6 months after systemic IAA injection. The retinae were processed using standard histological methods to assess the gross morphology and topographical distribution of damage, and by immunohistochemistry to examine specific cell populations in the retina. Degeneration was restricted to the photoreceptors and was most common in the ventral retina and visual streak. In damaged regions, the outer nuclear layer was reduced in thickness or eliminated entirely, with a concomitant loss of immunoreactivity for rhodopsin. However, the magnitude of the effect varied between animals with the same IAA dose and survival time, suggesting individual differences in the bioavailability of the toxin. In all eyes, the inner retina remained intact, as judged by the thickness of the inner nuclear layer, and by the pattern of immunoreactivity for protein kinase C-alpha (rod bipolar cells) and calbindin D-28 (horizontal cells). Müller cell stalks became immunoreactive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) even in IAA-treated retinae that had no signs of cell loss, indicating a response of the retina to the toxin. However, no marked hypertrophy or proliferation of Müller cells was observed with either GFAP or vimentin immunohistochemistry. Thus the selective, long lasting damage to the photoreceptors produced by this toxin did not lead to a reorganization of the surviving cells, at least with survival as long as 6 months, in contrast to the remodeling of the inner retina that is observed in inherited retinal degenerations such as retinitis pigmentosa and retinal injuries such as retinal detachment.


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PURPOSE: There is no general agreement on the best indication and timing of vitrectomy in patients suffering from Terson syndrome. Therefore, we reviewed our cases in order to assess factors interfering with the functional outcome and complication rates after vitrectomy. METHODS: In this retrospective consecutive case series, the records from all patients undergoing vitrectomy for Terson syndrome between 1975 and 2005 were evaluated. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients (45 eyes) were identified, 36 of whom (44 corresponding eyes) were eligible. The best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at first and last presentation was 0.07 +/- 0.12 and 0.72 +/- 0.31, respectively. Thirty-five eyes (79.5%) achieved a postoperative BCVA of > or = 0.5; 26 (59.1%) eyes achieved a postoperative BCVA of > or = 0.8. Patients operated on within 90 days of vitreous haemorrhage achieved a better final BCVA than those with a longer latency (BCVA of 0.87 +/- 0.27 compared to 0.66 +/- 0.31; P = 0.03). Patients younger than 45 years of age achieved a better final BCVA than older patients (0.85 +/- 0.24 compared to 0.60 +/- 0.33; P = 0.006). Retinal detachment developed in four patients between 6 and 27 months after surgery. Seven patients (16%) required epiretinal membrane peeling and seven cataract surgery. CONCLUSION: Ninety-eight per cent of our patients experienced a rapid and persisting visual recovery after removal of a vitreous haemorrhage caused by Terson syndrome. A shorter time between occurrence of vitreous haemorrhage and surgery as well as a younger patient age are predictive of a better outcome. Generally, the surgical risk is low, but complications (namely retinal detachment) may occur late after surgery.


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BACKGROUND: Secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is exposed to an increased risk of complications, including endophthalmitis and retinal detachment. The present analysis compares the outcomes and complications experienced in our own series of patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed a consecutive series of secondary posterior chamber IOL implantations performed in a single centre, two surgeon setting over a period of 8 years and with a follow up-time of at least 4 months. RESULTS: Between 1997 and 2005, 75 patients received a sulcus-supported secondary IOL without suture fixation, whereas suture fixation was required in 137 instances. Visual acuity improved in both groups (group 1: from 0.36 +/- 0.39 (0.01-1.2) to 0.73 +/- 0.33 (0.02-1.0; p = 0.18); group 2: from 0.33 +/- 0.34 (0.02-1.0) to 0.46 +/- 0.33 (0.01-1.0; p = 0.006), but more pronounced in eyes not requiring suture fixation (p = 0.012). IOL placement was more likely to be combined with endophacoemulsification in the not suture-fixed IOLs (12.7 vs. 5.3 %). In contrast, retinal tears (10.6 vs. 8.6 %, respectively) and retinal detachment (5.3 vs. 2.2 %, respectively) were equally distributed. In the early postoperative phase, IOP was lower in suture-fixed eyes, which showed a higher incidence of minor intraocular haemorrhages and cystoid macular edema (5.3 vs. 8.0 %); late complications up to 5 years postoperatively were equally distributed. CONCLUSION: A preoperatively less complicated anterior segment situation and a lower incidence of postoperative macular edema may account for a better visual outcome after placement of a sulcus supported IOLs without suturing. If required, suture fixation may be performed without exposing the eye to an increased risk of late postoperative complications.


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PURPOSE: To assess the outcomes in patients who required 1 or more vitreoretinal interventions for posterior segment complications arising from elective uneventful cataract surgery. SETTING: Tertiary referral center, single-center study. METHODS: A retrospective interventional case series included 56 consecutive patients who were referred for surgical correction of posterior segment complications within 6 months of cataract surgery. The study period was between 1996 and 2003, and the minimum follow-up was 5 months. RESULTS: Posterior segment complications were resolved with a single surgical intervention in 40 cases (71.4%). Within 5 months of primary surgical correction, persisting or newly arising posterior segment complications were noted in 16 cases (28.6%). After a mean of 2.1 +/- 1.4 (SD) additional surgeries, the number of eyes with posterior segment problems decreased to 7 (12.5%) (P = .035). Posterior segment complications requiring more than 1 vitreoretinal intervention included retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, and choroidal hemorrhages. After primary correction surgery, the mean best corrected visual acuity increased from 0.15 +/- 0.24 to 0.37 +/- 0.33 (P = .001) after a single intervention and to 0.39 +/- 0.32 (P>.05) after additional interventions. Although the intraocular pressure (IOP) decreased from 21.8 +/- 16.6 mm Hg to 14.9 +/- 3.4 mm Hg (P = .008), 4 (7.1%) consecutive vascular optic atrophies occurred. A reduction in corneal transparency was observed in 46.4% of patients before primary surgical correction and 12.5% after primary surgical correction (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS: In many cases, posterior segment complications arising from cataract surgery could be repaired with favorable functional and anatomical outcomes by a single vitreoretinal intervention. Additional surgery, if requested, provided stabilization of the anatomical and functional outcomes.