979 resultados para reproductive isolation
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Uma das dez espécies de primatas presentes na Reserva Mamirauá (RDSM), Saimiri vanzolinii, possui alguns limites de sua distribuição ainda indefinidos. Considera-se sua área de distribuição como uma das menores dentre os primatas neotropicais, com cerca de 950 Km². Duas outras formas presentes do gênero Saimiri ainda não têm a sua taxonomia esclarecida. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi determinar características ecológicas e comportamentais que possam atuar como mecanismos de isolamento reprodutivo entre as formas de Saimiri na área da RDSM. Foram amostradas diversas áreas na RDSM, próximas às margens de rios e canais, coincidindo com as bordas da distribuição de S. vanzolinii. Ao longo do trajeto foram marcadas coordenadas geográficas no GPS. Em todos os pontos com presença de unidades sociais de Saimiri
foram identificados a localidade, a forma de Saimiri, o número de indivíduos, hábitat, marca d’água e primatas associados. As vocalizações do tipo “cackle” foram gravadas oportunamente. Foram percorridos 218 Km, registrando-se 328 unidades sociais do gênero: 41% de Saimiri vanzolinii, 30% de Saimiri sp.1 e 29% de Saimiri sp.2. Um dos animais. Áreas de simpatria e sintopia também foram localizadas. Saimiri vanzolinii ocupa uma área com 106 Km² a menos do que o conhecido, abrangendo apenas 870 Km², o que confirma a menor área de distribuição de um primata neotropical. Dentre os resultados mais relevantes que podem determinar o isolamento reprodutivo entre as social, uso do estrato vertical e freqüências máximas da vocalização “cackle”. Saimiri
tamanho médio de unidade social de Saimiri sp.2, na estação da seca, foi menor que para as outras formas. Quanto ao uso do estrato vertical, Saimiri vanzolinii ocupou níveis mais baixos, na estação da seca, do que Saimiri sp.1. Todas as formas ocuparam estratos mais baixos na estação da cheia. As freqüências máximas da vocalização “cackle” apresentaram diferenças entre as três formas, sendo Saimiri vanzolinii
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Although a large amount of data have been published in past years on the taxonomic status of the Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) species complex, there is still a need to know how many species this complex comprises, the distribution of each one, and their distinguishing features. In this study, we assessed the morphometric variability of 32 populations from the A. fraterculus complex, located in major biogeographical areas from the Neotropics. Multivariate techniques for analysis were applied to the measurements of 21 variables referring to the mesonotum, aculeus, and wing. For the first time, our results identified the presence of seven distinct morphotypes within this species complex. According to the biogeographical areas, populations occurring in the Mesoamerican dominion (Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama) were clustered within a single natural entity labeled as the "Mexican" morphotype; whereas in the northwestern South American dominion, samples fell into three distinct groups: the "Venezuelan" morphotype with a single population from the Caribbean lowlands of Venezuela, the "Andean" morphotype from the highlands of Venezuela and Colombia, and the third group or "Peruvian" morphotype comprised the samples from the Pacific coastal lowlands of Ecuador and Peru. Three additional groups were identified from the Chacoan and Paranaense sub-regions: the morphotype "Brazilian-1" was recognized as including the Argentinean samples with most pertaining to Brazil, and widely distributed in these biogeographical areas; the morphotype "Brazilian-2" was recognized as including two samples from the state of Sao Paulo (Ilha-Bela and Sao Sebastiao); whereas the morphotype "Brazilian-3" included a single population from Botucatu (state of Sao Paulo). Based on data published by previous authors showing genetic and karyotypic differentiation, as well as reproductive isolation, we have concluded that such morphotypes indeed represent natural groups and distinct taxonomic entities.
Tuber borchii (Ascomycota, order Pezizales) is highly valued truffle sold in local markets in Italy. Despite its economic importance, knowledge on its distribution and population variation is scarce. The objective of this work was to investigate the evolutionary forces shaping the genetic structure of this fungus using coalescent and phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the evolutionary history of populations in Italy. To assess population structure, 61 specimens were collected from 11 different Provinces of Italy. Sampling was stratified across hosts and habitats to maximize coverage in native oak and pine stands and both mychorrizae and fruiting bodies were collected. Samples were identified considering anatomo-morphological characters. DNA was extracted and both multilocus (AFLP) and single-locus (18 loci from rDNA, nDNA, and mtDNA) approaches were used to look for polymorphisms. Screening AFLP profiles, both Jaccard and Dice coefficients of similarity were utilized to transform binary matrix into a distance matrix and then to desume Neighbour-Joining trees. Though these are only preliminary examinations, phylogenetic trees were totally concordant with those deriving from single locus analyses. Phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear loci were performed using maximum likelihood with PAUP and a combined phylogenetic inference, using Bayesian estimation with all nuclear gene regions, was carried out. To reconstruct the evolutionary history, we estimated recurrent migration, migration across the history of the sample, and estimated the mutation and approximate age of mutations in each tree using SNAP Workbench. The combined phylogenetic tree using Bayesian estimation suggests that there are two main haplotypes that are difficult to be differentiated on the basis of morphology, of ecological parameters and symbiontic tree. Between these two lineages, that occur in sympatry within T. borchii populations, there is no evidence of recurrent migration. However, migration over the history of the sample was asymmetrical suggesting that isolation was a result of interrupted gene flow followed by range expansion. Low levels of divergence between the haplotypes indicate that there are likely to be two cryptic species within the T. borchii population sampled. Our results suggest that isolation between populations of T. borchii could have led to reproductive isolation between two lineages. This isolation is likely due to sympatric speciation caused by a multiple colonization from different refugia or a recent isolation. In attempting to determinate whether these haplotypes represent separate species or a partition of the same species we applied Biological and Mechanistic species Concepts. Notwithstanding, further analyses are necessary to evaluate if selection favoured premating or post-mating isolation.
Tephritis conura parasitiert verschiedene Kratzdistel-Arten (Cirsium sp.), darunter Cirsium heterophyllum und C. oleraceum. Vorhergehende Studien hatten gezeigt, dass T. conura auf diesen Wirten zumindest partiell reproduktiv isolierte Wirtsrassen ausgebildet hat. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es durch die Kombination von genetischen und morphometrischen Analysen mit direkten Untersuchungen von potentiellen Isolationsbarrieren einerseits, und die Einbeziehung verschiedener Verbreitungsmuster der Wirtspflanzen andererseits, die Artbildungsprozesse bei T. conura besser zu verstehen. Der Genfluss zwischen Heterophyllum- und Oleraceum-Fliegen wird durch eine Reihe von Isolationsbarrieren eingeschränkt: Habitatspräferenzen und Unterschiede im Zeitpunkt der sexuellen Aktivität wirken als präzygotische Barrieren, mangelnde Adaptation der Larven an den Alternativwirt sowie möglicherweise genomische Inkompatibilitäten bei Hybriden stellen postzygotische Barrieren dar. Das Maß der genetischen Differenzierung (Allozyme und mtDNA) lässt den Schluss zu, dass diese Barrieren in einer nahezu kompletten reproduktiven Isolation resultieren, so dass Heterophyllum- und Oleraceum-Fliegen eher als eigene Arten denn als Wirtsrassen angesehen werden können. Die mtDNA-Daten deuten darauf hin, dass C. heterophyllum der ursprüngliche Wirt gewesen ist und dass der Wirtswechsel im Laufe der letzten Eiszeit stattgefunden hat. Dabei scheint ein peripatrisches Szenario am wahrscheinlichsten, bei dem die relative Häufigkeit der Wirte für den Differenzierungsprozess die entscheidende Rolle spielte.
HintergrundrnDie hygrohalophytische Gattung Salicornia ist in Mittel- und Westeuropa durch vier nah verwandte, sympatrisch vorkommende Arten vertreten. Es handelt sich um die zwei tetraploiden Arten S. procumbens und S. stricta und die diploiden Arten S. europaea und S. ramosissima. Morphologisch lassen sich die Arten zwar nur schwer voneinander unterscheiden, die morphologische Variation ist aber wiederum so hoch, dass mehrere distinkte Arten/Morphotypen unterschieden werden können. Bezüglich ihrer Verteilung im hochdynamischen Lebensraum Salzwiese findet man die verschiedenen Arten/Morphotypen in überlappenden Bereichen des Habitats. Ihr relativ vorhersagbares Auftreten entlang eines ökologischen Gradienten innerhalb ihres Lebensraumes scheint jedoch für eine ökologische Differenzierung der verschiedenen Arten/Morphotypen zu sprechen. Aufgrund des sympatrischen Vorkommens der scheinbar ökologisch und morphologisch differenzierten Morphotypen stellt sich die Frage, durch welche Prozesse diese entstanden sein könnten (genetische und ökologische Differenzierung) aber auch welche Prozesse die dauerhafte Koexistenz der Arten (reproduktive Isolationsmechanismen) aufrechterhalten.rnZielsetzungrnZiel dieser Arbeit war es, die Entstehung und Diversifizierung der mittel- und westeuropäischen Salicornia-Arten anhand von molekulargenetischen, ökologischen und reproduktionsbiologischen Methoden zu untersuchen.rnMethodenrnAnhand einer AFLP-Fragmentanalyse mit 89 Herkünften aus Großbritannien, Frankreich und Deutschland wurden molekulare Phylogenien erstellt sowie eine Hauptkomponenten- und Clusteranalyse durchgeführt. Um die ökologische Differenzierung und phänotypische Plastizität der vier Arten/Morphotypen zu untersuchen wurde ein reziprokes Transplantationsexperiment durchgeführt. Um die reproduktiven Isolationsmechanismen der Arten/Morphotypen zu untersuchen, wurden verschiedene Beobachtungen und Experimente durchgeführt.rnErgebnissernDie molekularen Analysen konnten zwar die beiden Artengruppen (Ploidiestufen) trennen, lieferten aber innerhalb dieser weder ein taxonomisches noch ein geographisches Signal. Akzessionen mit identischer Morphologie aus der gleichen Population verteilten sich in den Analysen in verschiedene genetische Cluster. Identische Morphotypen aus verschiedenen geographischen Regionen gruppieren teilweise zusammen. Das Transplantationsexperiment zeigte für die beiden tetraploiden Arten S. procumbens und S. stricta eine deutliche ökologische Differenzierung, bei S. procumbens in Form von verminderter Fitness und einer beschleunigten Phänologie, bei S. stricta nur in Form einer veränderten Phänologie. Bezüglich der Plastizität zeigten beide tetraploiden Arten eine konstante Morphologie. Die beiden diploiden Taxa S. europaea und S. ramosissima zeigten weder eine klare ökologische Differenzierung noch eine konstante Morphologie. Bezüglich der Reproduktionsbiologie konnte bestätigt werden, dass Selbstung bei allen Taxa der hauptsächliche Reproduktionsmodus ist. Bei den tetraploiden Taxa zeigte sich zwar ein geringes Maß an Fremdbefruchtung, bei den diploiden Taxa führen dagegen morphologische Besonderheiten zu hochgradiger Selbstung.rnRésumérnDie in Mittel- und Westeuropa vorkommenden Salicornia-Arten stellen keine evolutionären Einheiten dar. Die beiden tetraploiden Taxa sollten auf Grund ihrer parallelen Entstehung und ökologischen Differenzierung als Ökotypen angesprochen werden. Beide Ökotypen weisen ein hohes Ausbreitungspotential aus und persistieren als Inzuchtlinien mit geringem Anteil an Fremdbestäubung. Die diploiden Taxa sind weder ökologisch differenziert noch morphologisch stabil und sollten deshalb als nur ein morphologisch sehr variables, aus zahlreichen weitverbreiteten Inzuchtlinien bestehendes Taxon angesehen werden.
Rapid speciation in Lake Victoria cichlid fish of the genus Pundamilia may be facilitated by sexual selection: female mate choice exerts sexual selection on male nuptial coloration within species and maintains reproductive isolation between species. However, declining water transparency coincides with increasingly dull coloration and increasing hybridization. In the present study, we investigated the mechanism underlying this pattern in Pundamilia nyererei, a species that interbreeds with a sister species in turbid but not in clear water. We compared measures of intraspecific sexual selection between two populations from locations that differ in water transparency. First, in laboratory mate-choice experiments, conducted in clear water and under broad-spectrum illumination, we found that females originating from turbid water have significantly weaker preferences for male coloration than females originating from clear water. Second, both the hue and body coverage of male coloration differ between populations, which is consistent with adaptation to different photic habitats. These findings suggest that the observed relationship between male coloration and water transparency is not mediated by environmental variation alone. Rather, female mating preferences are indicated to have changed in response to this variation, constituting the first evidence for intraspecific preference-trait co-evolution in cichlid fish. (C) 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99, 398-406.