208 resultados para reporters


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Die Erforschung posttranslationaler Veränderungen von Chromatin-Komponenten stellt einen wichtigen Pfeiler der Epigenetik dar. Epigenetische Mechanismen verändern die Aussagekraft der DNA-Sequenz und entscheiden somit beispielsweise über die Aktivierung oder Stilllegung von Genen. Ein häufiges Ziel der Stilllegung sind springende genetische Elemente, die ansonsten zur Destabilisierung des Genoms führen können. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei unterschiedliche Stilllegungsmechanismen der Transpo-sons DIRS-1 und Skipper aus Dictyostelium discoideum untersucht. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, auf welche Weise die RNA-Interferenz (RNAi) zur Zerstörung des DIRS-1 Transkripts führt und dass die Ursache dafür in der Promotor-Aktivität des Elements selbst liegt. Eine überraschende Erkenntnis konnte auch für das zweite Element gewonnen werden. Experimente legen nahe, dass die in der kodierenden Skipper-Sequenz gefundene Chromo-Domäne zu einer gezielten Integration des Elements in bereits stillgelegte heterochromatische Bereiche führt. Diese zeichnen sich vor allem durch eine spezielle posttranslationale Histon-Modifikation, der Methylierung von Lysin 9 des Histons H3 (H3K9), aus. Während zu der Methylierung von H3K9 bereits Arbeiten erschienen sind, war ein Großteil der anderen in Dictyostelium discoideum kodierten Histon-Modifikationen bislang unbekannt. Mit Hilfe der Massenspektrometrie konnte erstmalig eine umfassende Karte der veränderten Aminosäuren erstellt werden. Dabei konnten neue, bislang für keinen Organismus beschriebene Modifikationsziele identifiziert werden. Weitere lassen durch einen Vergleich mit Modellorganismen wie Hefe und Fruchtfliege Schlüsse auf die Evolution des Histon-Codes zu. Die erstellte Karte kann in Zukunft Forschern als Grundlage dienen, um weitergehende Fragestellungen in Bezug auf die Funktionen der hier vorgestellten Modifikationen zu erforschen. Ein weiteres Ergebnis dieser Arbeit stellt die Charakterisierung posttranslationaler Veränderungen des an H3K9 bindenden Heterochromatin-Proteins 1 (HP1) dar. Neben einer ersten Analyse der in Dictyostelium discoideum vorhandenen Modifikationen der beiden Homologe HcpA und HcpB, wurde auch die Funktion der in der Chromoshadow-Domäne lokalisierten Acetylierung erforscht. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein Fehlen des veränderten Lysins zu einem deutlichen Phänotyp in der Sporenform und im Wachstum der Zellen führt. Als Ursache dafür konnte eine Veränderung in der Fähigkeit zur Gen-Stilllegung durch das mutierte HP1-Protein nachgewiesen werden. Dies gelang mit Hilfe eines dafür etablierten Reporters auf Basis des Gal4/UAS-Systems aus der Fruchtfliege und beweist erstmalig die Funktion einer Acetylierung der HP1-Proteine.


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Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia de síntomas músculo esqueléticos, relacionados con las características demográficas y el área de trabajo, en empleados de una empresa de telecomunicaciones en Bogotá D.C., Colombia en el 2013. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, en una empresa de telecomunicaciones de la cuidad de Bogotá en el 2013, con una población de 100 trabajadores del área técnica, comercial y administrativa. Se utilizó el Cuestionario Nórdico Estandarizado de síntomas músculo-esqueléticos1 y la Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo, del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo de España (INSHT). Resultados: La prevalencia de síntomas músculo-esqueléticos fue de 58%. El promedio de edad de la población que presentó síntomas fue 32.8 años. Respecto al área de trabajo el 44% pertenece al área técnica, el 32% al área comercial y el 24% al área administrativa. Se encontró mayor porcentaje de síntomas de columna lumbar en la población del área administrativa (p= 0.02), manos/muñecas (p= 0,001), hombros (p= 0.044) y cuello (p= 0.003), comparado con comerciales y técnicos, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa. En el área técnica se encontró mayor porcentaje de síntomas en columna dorsal (p= 0.0052). Conclusiones: Se estableció una prevalencia de síntomas musculo esqueléticos similar a la reportada en la literatura nacional con poblaciones de características similares. Se pone en evidencia la presencia de síntomas musculo esqueléticos relacionados con el área de trabajo, principalmente con el área administrativa. El síntoma más frecuente se ubicó en columna lumbar. Se requiere de estudios posteriores con una muestra poblacional mayor y asociando factores de riesgo que permitan establecer causalidad.


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En la Ley 1607 de 2012 se introdujo a nuestra legislación una cláusula general antiabuso en materia tributaria. Este trabajo busca analizar y determinar su aplicabilidad práctica, considerando sus elementos descriptivos y las circunstancias de realización de conductas abusivas, que concluyen en la elusión o reducción de un tributo.


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Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o wpływ modelu organizacyjnego Investigative Reporters and Editors na powstające od kilku dekad na całym świecie stowarzyszenia dziennikarzy śledczych. Autor omawia rozwój struktur zrzeszających reporterów dochodzeniowych w różnych państwach, w szczególności przyjętych przez nie form działania oraz celów. Rosnąca liczba oraz globalny charakter tego zjawiska prowadzi do instytucjonalizacji dziennikarstwa śledczego na świecie. Scharakteryzowane zostały w artykule wybrane organizacje, w szczególności te, które zaadaptowały model wypracowany przez IRE. W odniesieniu do pozostałych stowarzyszeń dziennikarskich autor wskazuje na przyczyny odrzucenia formuły wypracowanej przez amerykańskich muckrakerów.


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TGR5 is a G protein-coupled receptor that mediates bile acid (BA) effects on energy balance, inflammation, digestion and sensation. The mechanisms and spatiotemporal control of TGR5 signaling are poorly understood. We investigated TGR5 signaling and trafficking in transfected HEK293 cells and colonocytes (NCM460) that endogenously express TGR5. BAs (deoxycholic acid, DCA, taurolithocholic acid, TLCA) and the selective agonists oleanolic acid (OA) and 3-(2-chlorophenyl)-N-(4-chlorophenyl)-N, 5-dimethylisoxazole-4-carboxamide (CCDC) stimulated cAMP formation but did not induce TGR5 endocytosis or recruitment of β-arrestins, assessed by confocal microscopy. DCA, TLCA and OA did not stimulate TGR5 association with β-arrestin 1/2 or G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) 2/5/6, determined by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. CCDC stimulated a low level of TGR5 interaction with β-arrestin2 and GRK2. DCA induced cAMP formation at the plasma membrane and cytosol, determined using exchange factor directly regulated by cAMP (Epac2)-based reporters, but cAMP signals did not desensitize. AG1478, an inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase, the metalloprotease inhibitor batimastat, and methyl-β-cyclodextrin and filipin, which block lipid raft formation, prevented DCA stimulation of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK1/2). BRET analysis revealed TGR5 and EGFR interactions that were blocked by disruption of lipid rafts. DCA stimulated TGR5 redistribution to plasma membrane microdomains, localized by immunogold electron microscopy. Thus, TGR5 does not interact with β-arrestins, desensitize or traffic to endosomes. TGR5 signals from plasma membrane rafts that facilitate EGFR interaction and transactivation. An understanding of the spatiotemporal control of TGR5 signaling provides insights into the actions of BAs and therapeutic TGR5 agonists/antagonists.


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The aim of the present study was to determine whether under-reporting rates vary between dietary pattern Clusters. Subjects were sixty-five Brazilian women. During 3 weeks, anthropometric data were collected. total energy expenditure (TEE) was determined by the doubly labelled water method and diet Was Measured. Energy intake (El) and the daily frequency of consumption per 1000 kJ of twenty-two food groups were obtained from a FFQ. These frequencies were entered into a Cluster analysis procedure in order to obtain dietary patterns. Under-reporters were defined Lis those who did not lose more than 1 kg of body weight during the study and presented EI:TEE less than 0.82. Three dietary pattern clusters were identified and named according to their most recurrent food groups: sweet foods (SW). starchy foods (ST) and health), (H). Subjects from the healthy cluster had the lowest mean EI:TEE (SW = 0.86, ST = 0.71 and H = 0.58: P = 0.003) and EI - TEE (SW = -0.49 MJ, ST = - 3.20 MJ and H = -5.09 MJ; P = 0.008). The proportion of Under-reporters was 45.2 (95 % CI 35.5, 55.0) % in the SW Cluster: 58.3 (95 % CI 48.6, 68.0) % in the ST Cluster and 70.0 (95 % CI 61.0, 79) % in the H cluster (P=0.34). Thus, in Brazilian women, Under-reporting of El is not uniformly distributed among, dietary pattern clusters and tends to be more severe among subjects from the healthy cluster. This cluster is more consistent with both dietary guidelines and with what lay individuals usually consider `healthy eating`.


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Essa dissertação tem por objetivo investigar de que maneira o repórter esportivo contemporâneo se relaciona com o futebol e como essa relação interfere no seu ofício e na construção do texto jornalístico. Mais especificamente, busca identificar as práticas adotadas e as estratégias narrativas utilizadas na construção de seus textos. O estudo dos elementos presentes na prática jornalística tem como perspectiva que a mídia participou ativamente da construção do imaginário futebolístico nacional e é na contemporaneidade a grande mediadora entre o público e os eventos esportivos. É sob este prisma que se pretende apurar como se dá a relação com o trabalho do profissional de imprensa que se identifica com seu objeto, analisar qual o lugar da emoção na composição da notícia esportiva e verificar que valores imbuem esse profissional na construção do texto jornalístico. A análise tem como corpus entrevistas de história oral temática com seis jornalistas que atuam ou atuaram como repórteres esportivos em jornais diários da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, todos com expressiva trajetória no meio esportivo, o que lhes confere credibilidade e autoridade públicas para protagonizar a constituição da memória da imprensa esportiva brasileira. O trabalho é constituído por três etapas: 1) a contextualização – quando se relaciona futebol e formação social brasileira, imprensa e jornalismo esportivo -; 2) o estudo do jornalismo como ofício a partir das teorias da Sociologia das Profissões e das estratégias narrativas utilizadas no texto noticioso esportivo nos jornais; e 3) a análise qualitativa das entrevistas temáticas.


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This thesis is the result of an extensive research on print media discourse on the inclusion of disabled people in society. Articles published in the newspapers Diário de Natal/O Poti and Tribuna do Norte from 1992 to 2002 have been analyzed. Beginning with the very same questions that moved Moscovici (1978) in his classic study La Psychalyse son image et son public , according to which the media play a predominant role in the formation and propagation of social representations as well as in the construction of human behaviors, we have chosen this mass media as our investigation field. Understanding the importance of the communication theory, we intend to associate it to the social representation theory, since communication, as an aspiration, relates to the fundamentals of all humanity (WOLTON, 2004, p. 56). Moreover, means of communication represent an important space for symbolic production and representational process, allowing the analysis of the circulating discourses on social inclusion and disability. Based on these questions, we have determined social representations present in print media on the subject to be our study object. This objective was elected due to the fact that the thematic of disability and inclusion is scarcely and sporadically found in journalistic speech. The research questions have been: which is the representation of disabled people s condition in print media? What changes have occurred during the analyzed period and which was the role played by print media in this process? The research corpus was composed of newspaper articles about various aspects concerning disability and of free word association by reporters. We have analysed: 1) graphical language promoted by the picture of the substances propagated in the period from 1992 a 2002; 2) free word association experiments carried out with reporters of both newspapers; and 3) texts published from 1996 to 1997 using the high-tech program ALCESTE (Contextual Lexical Analysis of a Set of Segments of Texts). The results revealed that the print media in Natal/RN refer to the topic in a discontinuous way, and depend on specific events to highlight disabled people s fight for their rights. Social inclusion is still a great challenge for these people in all levels. We believe that this incapacity to overcome all kinds of obstacles is established in a dialectic relation between society and the media: society remains silent (the manifestation of interest for the cause only attracts some people s or groups attention) and the media, which selects which information is to be broadcasted, gives no evidence to the issue. This representation may be noticed in the infrequency in which articles about the subject are published, as well as in the emphasis to sports, a more important issue for the media. An implication of this study is that a new perspective is opened for analysis and reflection: the Paralympics games as both an inclusive and a segregating social phenomenon. It would be beautiful to have all of us together!


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)