171 resultados para rehydration


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Green bean is considered as one of most traditional Brazilian Northeast dishes. Green beans drying preliminary experiments show that combine processes, fixed-bed/spouted bed, resulted in dehydrated beans with uniform humidity and the recovery of the beans properties after their rehydration. From this assays was defined an initial humidity suited for the spouted bed process. A fixed-bed pre-drying process until a level of 40% humidity gave the best results. The spouted bed characteristic hydrodynamic curves were presented for different beans loads, where changes in the respective beans physical properties were evidenced during the fluidynamic assay, due simultaneous drying process. One 22 factorial experimental design was carried out with three repetition in the central point, considering as entry variables: drying air velocity and temperature. The response variables were the beans brakeage, water fraction evaporated during 20 and 50 minutes of drying and the humidity ratio. They are presented still the modeling of the drying of the green beans in fine layer in the drier of tray and the modeling of the shrinking of the beans of the drying processes fixed-bed and spouted bed


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The green bean has organoleptic and nutritional characteristics that make it an important food source in tropical regions such as the Northeast of Brazil. It is a cheap source of protein and important for nutrition of rural population contributing significantly in subsistence farming of the families from Brazil s northeast. It is consumed in entire region and together with the dry meat and other products composes the menu of typical restaurants, being characterized as an important product for economy of Northeast. The green bean is consumed freshly harvested and has short cycle, being characterized as a very perishable food, which hampers your market. The drying method is an alternative to increase the lifetime and provide a reduction volume of this product making easier your transportation and storage. However is necessary to search ways of drying which keep the product quality not only from the nutritional standpoint but also organoleptic. Some characteristics may change with the drying process such as the coloring, the rehydration capacity and the grains cooking time. The decrease of drying time or of exposure of the grains to high temperature minimizes the effects related with the product quality loss. Among the techniques used to reduce the drying time and improve some characteristics of the product, stands out the osmotic dehydration, widely used in combined processes such as the pretreatment in drying food. Currently the use of the microwaves has been considered an alternative for drying food. The microwave energy generates heat inside of materials processed and the heating is practically instantaneous, resulting in shorter processing times and product quality higher to that obtained by conventional methods. Considering the importance of the green beans for the Northeast region, the wastefulness of production due to seasonality of the crop and your high perishability, the proposal of this thesis is the study of drying grain by microwaves with and without osmotic pretreatment, focusing on the search of conditions of processes which favor the rehydration of the product preserving your organoleptic characteristics. Based on the analysis of the results of osmotic dehydration and dielectric properties was defined the operating condition to be used in pretreatment of the green bean, with osmotic concentration in saline solution containing 12,5% of sodium chloride, at 40°C for 20 minutes. The drying of green bean by microwave was performed with and without osmotic pretreatment on the optimized condition. The osmotic predehydration favored the additional drying, reducing the process time. The rehydration of dehydrated green bean with and without osmotic pretreatment was accomplished in different temperature conditions and immersion time according to a factorial design 22, with 3 repetitions at the central point. According to results the better condition was obtained with the osmotically pretreated bean and rehydrated at a temperature of 60°C for 90 minutes. Sensory analysis was performed comparing the sample of the green bean in natura and rehydrated in optimized conditions, with and without osmotic pretreatment. All samples showed a good acceptance rate regarding the analyzed attributes (appearance, texture, color, odor and taste), with all values above 70%. Is possible conclude that the drying of green bean by microwave with osmotic pretreatment is feasible both in respect to technical aspects and rehydration rates and sensory quality of the product


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INTRODUÇÃO: a necessidade de reposição ao máximo das perdas hídricas tornou-se estabelecida e difundida nos consensos internacionais. Entretanto, permanece pouco compreendida a influência da reposição quando administrada, igualmente, durante e após o exercício sobre parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios. OBJETIVO: analisar os efeitos da reposição hidroeletrolítica na frequência cardíaca (FC), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD), saturação parcial de oxigênio (SpO2) e frequência respiratória (f) de jovens durante e após um exercício de longa duração. MÉTODOS: 31 jovens (21,55 ± 1,89 anos) realizaram três visitas ao laboratório (intervalo de 48 horas entre elas), sendo na primeira aplicado um teste incremental, para determinação da carga utilizada nas visitas seguintes, e nas duas últimas, denominadas protocolo controle (PC) e protocolo experimental (PE), os sujeitos foram submetidos a 10 min de repouso supino, 90 min de exercício em esteira ergométrica (60% do VO2pico) e 60 min de repouso supino. No PC não houve hidratação e no PE houve ingestão de solução isotônica. Os parâmetros FC, PAS, PAD, SpO2 e f foram mensurados no final do repouso; nos minutos 30, 60 e 90 do exercício, com exceção da f; e nos minutos 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 e 60 pós-exercício. Foi aplicado o teste t de Student ou teste de Mann-Whitney e ANOVA para medidas repetidas ou teste de Friedman seguidos de testes post hoc, com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: a solução hidroeletrolítica proporcionou manutenção da PAS e da PAD, e menor incremento da FC durante o exercício; e promoveu retorno mais rápido da FC e conservou PAD, SpO2, PAS (a partir do 5º min) e f (a partir do 30º min) no período de recuperação. CONCLUSÃO: o protocolo de hidratação influenciou parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios de jovens durante e após a realização de atividade física submáxima de intensidade constante e longa duração.


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Among athletes strenuous exercise, dehydration and gastric emptying (GE) delay are the main causes of gastrointestinal (GI) complaints, whereas gut ischemia is the main cause of their nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (blood) diarrhea. Additionally any factor that limits sweat evaporation, such as a hot and humid environment and/or body dehydration, has profound effects on muscle glycogen depletion and risk for heat illness. A serious underperfusion of the gut often leads to mucosal damage and enhanced permeability so as to hide blood loss, microbiota invasion (or endotoxemia) and food-born allergen absorption (with anaphylaxis). The goal of exercise rehydration is to intake more fluid orally than what is being lost in sweat. Sports drinks provide the addition of sodium and carbohydrates to assist with intestinal absorption of water and muscle-glycogen replenishment, respectively. However GE is proportionally slowed by carbohydrate-rich (hyperosmolar) solutions. on the other hand, in order to prevent hyponatremia, avoiding overhydration is recommended. Caregiver's responsibility would be to inform athletes about potential dangers of drinking too much water and also advise them to refrain from using hypertonic fluid replacements.


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One of the important factors accounting for successful delayed replantation of avulsed teeth is seemingly the type of root surface treatment. Removal of necrotic cemental periodontal ligament remnants may prevent the occurrence of external root resorption, which is the major cause of loss of teeth replanted in such conditions. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of two mechanical techniques for removal of root-adhered periodontal ligament. Preservation or removal of the cementum layer concomitantly with these procedures was also assessed. Forty-five roots of healthy premolars extracted for orthodontic purposes were selected. After extraction, the teeth were kept dry at room temperature for 1 h and then immersed in saline for rehydration for an additional 10 min. Thereafter, the roots were assigned to three groups, as follows: group 1 (control) - the cemental periodontal ligament was preserved; group 2 - removal of the periodontal ligament by scraping root surface with a scalpel blade (SBS); group 3 - periodontal ligament remnants were removed using a Robinson bristle brush at low-speed with pumice/water slurry (RBP). The specimens were analysed histomorphometrically and examined by scanning electron microscopy. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the results showed that the RBP technique was significantly more effective than the SBS technique for removal of the periodontal ligament remnants adhered to root surface. Both techniques preserved the cementum layer.


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Adult rats deprived of water for 24-30 h were allowed to rehydrate by ingesting only water for 1-2 h. Rats were then given access to both water and 1.8% NaCl. This procedure induced a sodium appetite defined by the operational criteria of a significant increase in 1.8% NaCl intake (3.8 +/- 0.8 ml/2 h; n = 6). Expression of Fos (as assessed by immunohistochemistry) was increased in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), subfornical organ (SFO), and supraoptic nucleus (SON) after water deprivation. After rehydration with water but before consumption of 1.8% NaCl, Fos expression in the SON disappeared and was partially reduced in the OVLT and MnPO. However, Fos expression did not change in the SFO. Water deprivation also 1) increased plasma renin activity (PRA), osmolality, and plasma Na+; 2) decreased blood volume; and 3) reduced total body Na+; but 4) did not alter arterial blood pressure. Rehydration with water alone caused only plasma osmolality and plasma Na+ concentration to revert to euhydrated levels. The changes in Fos expression and PRA are consistent with a proposed role for ANG II in the control of the sodium appetite produced by water deprivation followed by rehydration with only water.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effects and interaction of drought and UV-B radiation were studied in sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. var. Catissol-01), growing in a greenhouse under natural photoperiod conditions. The plants received approximately 1.7 W m(-2) (controls) or 8.6 W m(-2) (+UV-B) of UV-B radiation for 7 h per day. The UV-B and water stress treatments started 18 days after sowing. After a period of 12 days of stress, half of the water-stressed plants (including both UV-B irradiated or non-irradiated) were rehydrated. Both drought and UV-B radiation treatments resulted in lower shoot dry matter per plant, but there was no significant interaction between the two treatments. Water stress and UV-B radiation reduced photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration. However, the amplitude of the effects of both stressors was dependent on the interactions. This resulted in alleviation of the negative effect of drought on photosynthesis and transpiration by UV-B radiation as the water stress intensified. Intercelluar CO(2) concentration was initially reduced in all treatments compared to control plants but it increased with time. Photosynthetic pigments were not affected by UV-B radiation. Water stress reduced photosynthetic pigments only under high UV-B radiation. The decrease was more accentuated for chlorophyll a than for chlorophyll b. As a measure for the maximum efficiency of photosystem II in darkness F (v)/F (m) was used, which was not affected by drought stress but initially reduced by UV-B radiation. Independent of water supply, UV-B radiation increased the activity of pirogalol peroxidase and did not increase the level of malondialdehyde. on the other hand, water stress did not alter the activity of pirogalol peroxidase and caused membrane damage as assessed by lipid peroxidation. The application of UV-B radiation together with drought seemed to have a protective effect by lowering the intensity of lipid peroxidation caused by water stress. The content of proline was not affected by UV-B radiation but was increased by water stress under both low and high UV-B radiation. After 24 h of rehydration, most of the parameters analyzed recovered to the same level as the unstressed plants.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a cinética de secagem e os parâmetros de qualidade - conteúdo de vitamina C, reidratação e textura - de fatias de abacaxi liofilizadas em função da espessura e da temperatura de congelamento. Abacaxis do tipo Havaí, variedade Smooth Cayenne, foram fatiados transversalmente em espessuras de 0,5, 1,0 e 1,5 cm. As fatias foram congeladas nas temperaturas de -14, -24 e -34 °C, sendo, em seguida, conduzidas ao liofilizador. Uma parcela das amostras era destinada ao estudo da cinética de secagem pela pesagem periódica das mesmas, enquanto outra foi reservada para os testes de qualidade. O teor de vitamina C foi quantificado por adição de ácido oxálico na amostra e titulado com 2,6-diclorofenolindofenol. O parâmetro de textura avaliado foi a dureza, por testes de compressão em texturômetro, enquanto a reidratação foi obtida pela pesagem das amostras antes e após a imersão em água destilada por 5 min. Os resultados do presente trabalho mostraram que existe uma forte dependência da cinética de secagem e dos atributos de qualidade de fatias de abacaxi liofilizadas em função das condições utilizadas durante a etapa de congelamento, mesmo sendo este classificado como congelamento lento. Por outro lado, a taxa de congelamento não é a única variável que tem influência sobre a cinética de secagem e os atributos de qualidade. A combinação de temperatura e umidade, tanto durante a liofilização propriamente dita, quanto durante a etapa de reidratação, tem influência sobre a transição vítrea do material que, por sua vez, afeta a extensão do colapso estrutural sofrido pelo produto.


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The effects of chemical pretreatment and air drying temperature on drying kinetics, shrinkage, density and rehydration ratio of grapes were determined at various moisture contents. It was observed that the chemical pretreatment employed - a solution of 2% CaCO3 with 0 to 3% ethyl oleate - increased considerably the drying rate. It was established that the shrinkage increased with drying temperature between 40 to 80 degrees C and decreased with increasing concentration of ethyl oleate in the chemical pretreatment solution.


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Analytical methods for sweetpotato, cassava and maize were developed. In orange and salmon-fleshed sweetpotatoes, (all-E)-beta-carotene predominated and results of spectrophotometric screening and HPLC quantification did not differ significantly. In yellow-fleshed sweetpotato and cassava, however, spectrophotometric screening overestimated the HPLC values because of the presence of several minor carotenoids. Aside from (all-E)-beta-carotene, Z-isomers were present in cassava in appreciable amounts. For both crops, extraction with acetone or tetrahydrofuran: methanol. (1: 1), using a mortar and pestle or a Polytron homogenizer, gave equivalent results. Rehydration of dry maize at room temperature for 30 min or at 85 degrees C for 5, 10 or 15 min gave equivalent results. Concentrations obtained with the C18 and C30 columns did not differ significantly for zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene in the all-E-configuration, but their Z-isomers were difficult to locate in the chromatogram obtained with the C30 column. Extraction with tetrahydrofuran:methanol (1:1) gave significantly lower results for zeaxanthin and lutein. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The water restriction can damage the performance of crops, especially in the flowering period. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate the response of genotypes of wheat submitted to water deficit in the beginning of flowering. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, in a completely randomized design, in factorial scheme 3 x 2, with five replications. The factors studied were: three wheat cultivars (Coodetec (CD) 105, 108 and 111) and 2 irrigation managements (with and without imposition of water deficit). During the period of water deficit imposition, gravimetric soil moisture and the relative content of water in leaf were evaluated, while at the moment of rehydration the biometric variables were determined. At the end of the crop cycle the components of production were evaluated. Reduction was found in the gravimetric soil moisture, in the relative levels of water and in all biometric variables, in function of the water deficit. The grain production showed difference only among the water regimes, in which the cultivar CD 111 is more efficient in the maintenance of the productive potential in conditions of water deficit, through the quick recovery in the relative content of water in leaves.