118 resultados para reflectometry


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Nesta tese é proposta uma metodologia para identificação automática de topologias de linhas telefônicas compostas de uma ou mais seções de linha, as quais são utilizadas em sistemas de linhas digitais de assinante (DSL, do inglês digital subscriber line). Métodos com esta finalidade são fundamentais para a qualificação da linha com o objetivo de instalação do serviço DSL, em especial na atualização para serviços como o VDSL2 ou para adoção de "vetorização". Com o intuito de ser relevante para as operadoras na qualificação de uma rede inteira, composta de milhões de linhas, é fundamental que, além de precisão, métodos de qualificação tenham baixo custo computacional. Os métodos desenvolvidos são baseados nessa premissa e fazem análise da resposta ao impulso e da resposta à reflectometria no domínio do tempo de uma dada linha. Esses sinais são analisados utilizando-se um método de detecção de bordas, baseado em transformada wavelet, para identificar e extrair características de sinal que contenham informação sobre a topologia da linha. Dependendo das características disponíveis, é utilizado um dos três sistemas especialistas desenvolvidos para interpretação dessas informações e identificação da topologia. Estas metodologias são avaliadas através de um conjunto de teste de linhas reais medidas em laboratório. Seus resultados são comparados com os resultados de dois outros métodos implementados a partir da literatura. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os métodos propostos são eficientes na estimação de informações da topologia da linha e possuem reduzido custo computacional quando comparados às implementações das outras técnicas avaliadas.


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Redes Ópticas Passivas estão cada vez mais difundidas como rede de acesso de banda larga. Devido à sua importância, tais redes necessitam constantemente de supervisão. Diversas técnicas vêm sendo empregadas para supervisão de redes ópticas, dentre as quais se destacam as que utilizam reflectometria, pois agregam vantagens, tais como: baixo custo, em comparação com outros métodos de supervisão, e não exigência de intervenção na casa do usuário. Esta dissertação apresenta uma estratégia capaz de quantificar, por meio de simulações, o impacto que a técnica de reflectometria no domínio do tempo gera como interferência em transmissões típicas de uma rede WDM-PON.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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GPS multipath reflectometry (GPS-MR) is a technique that uses geodetic quality GPS receivers to estimate snow depth. The accuracy and precision of GPS-MR retrievals are evaluated at three different sites: grasslands, alpine, and forested. The assessment yields a correlation of 0.98 and an rms error of 6-8 cm for observed snow depths of up to 2.5 m. GPS-MR underestimates in situ snow depth by 10%-15% at these three sites, although the validation methods do not measure the same footprint as GPS-MR.


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Preferential adsorption of poly(2-vinylpyridine)-deuterated polystyrene-poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PVP-dPS-PVP) triblock copolymers from toluene onto silicon leads to the formation of dPS loops tethered by the PVP end blocks. Using neutron reflectometry, we have determined the segment density profiles of these looped polymer brushes in toluene, a good solvent for the dPS block, and in cyclohexane at 20 °C (poor solvent), 32 °C, (near-Θ solvent), and 50 °C (marginal solvent). While the swelling behavior qualitatively agrees with that observed for singly grafted brushes, there are interesting differences in the local structural details: In a good solvent, the segment density profiles are composed of an inner parabolic region and a long, extended tail. In cyclohexane, the profiles are described by exponential decays. We ascribe these features to a novel polydispersity effect that arises due to tethering the PS loops by both ends. The results also show that the less dense layers undergo more significant changes in swollen height as solvent quality is changed and that the looped brushes of different molecular weight, asymmetry, and tethering density adhere to scaling relationships derived for lightly cross-linked polymer gels.


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The plasma density evolution in sawtooth regime on the Tore Supra tokamak is analyzed. The density is measured using fast-sweeping X-mode reflectometry which allows tomographic reconstructions. There is evidence that density is governed by the perpendicular electric flows, while temperature evolution is dominated by parallel diffusion. Postcursor oscillations sometimes lead to the formation of a density plateau, which is explained in terms of convection cells associated with the kink mode. A crescent-shaped density structure located inside q = 1 is often visible just after the crash and indicates that some part of the density withstands the crash. 3D full MHD nonlinear simulations with the code XTOR-2F recover this structure and show that it arises from the perpendicular flows emerging from the reconnection layer. The proportion of density reinjected inside the q = 1 surface is determined, and the implications in terms of helium ash transport are discussed. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4766893]


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This paper presents laboratory and in situ studies carried out on a 200 000 m(3) large clayey silt compacted embankment. Laboratory studies carried out on undeformed block samples included index tests, strength tests and water retention curves using the filter paper technique. Grain size analyses with and without a deflocculating agent clearly showed the existence of grain clusters, which appear to be naturally formed. Field instrumentation installed at depths from 0.25 m to 1.0 m included tensiometers, equitensiometers, time domain reflectometry and geothermometers. Pluviometer data from a nearby weather station are also used to analyse the field data. The ranges of water content and suction values were measured, both of which correlated well with the pluviometer data. The water retention curves including laboratory and field data showed a bimodal shape, consistent with the presence of microand macropores shown in the grain size analysis.


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In this article we propose an efficient and accurate method for fault location in underground distribution systems by means of an Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier. We applied the time domains reflectometry method for signal acquisition, which was further analyzed by OPF and several other well-known pattern recognition techniques. The results indicated that OPF and support vector machines outperformed artificial neural networks and a Bayesian classifier, but OPF was much more efficient than all classifiers for training, and the second fastest for classification.


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Il lavoro è incentrato sull’applicazione ed integrazione di differenti tecniche di indagine geofisica in campo ambientale e ingegneristico/archeologico. Alcuni esempi sono stati descritti al fine di dimostrare l’utilità delle metodologie geofisiche nella risoluzione di svariate problematiche. Nello specifico l’attenzione è stata rivolta all’utilizzo delle tecniche del Ground Penetrating Radar e del Time Domain Reflectometry in misure condotte su un corpo sabbioso simulante una Zona Insatura. L’esperimento è stato realizzato all’interno di un’area test costruita presso l’azienda agricola dell’Università La Tuscia di Viterbo. Hanno partecipato al progetto le Università di Roma Tre, Roma La Sapienza, La Tuscia, con il supporto tecnico della Sensore&Software. Nello studio è stato condotto un approccio definito idrogeofisico al fine di ottenere informazioni da misure dei parametri fisici relativi alla Zona Insatura simulata nell’area test. Il confronto e l’integrazione delle due differenti tecniche di indagine ha offerto la possibilità di estendere la profondità di indagine all’interno del corpo sabbioso e di verificare l’utilità della tecnica GPR nello studio degli effetti legati alle variazioni del contenuto d’acqua nel suolo, oltre a determinare la posizione della superficie piezometrica per i differenti scenari di saturazione. Uno specifico studio è stato realizzato sul segnale radar al fine di stabilire i fattori di influenza sulla sua propagazione all’interno del suolo. Il comportamento dei parametri dielettrici nelle condizioni di drenaggio e di imbibizione del corpo sabbioso è stato riprodotto attraverso una modellizzazione delle proprietà dielettriche ed idrologiche sulla base della dimensione, forma e distribuzione dei granuli di roccia e pori, nonché sulla base della storia relativa alla distribuzione dei fluidi di saturazione all’interno del mezzo. La modellizzazione è stata operata sulle basi concettuali del Differential Effective Medium Approximation.


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In the present work a series of thiophene oligomers of three and six thiophene units were synthesized, starting from thiophene, and characterized. Polymers containing these electroative side groups were then prepared by two strategies. The oligomers were attached to existing polymer systems and were connected to a polymerizable unit leading to monomer containing the oligothiophenes as side groups. Subsequently the properties of the monomers and the polymers were investigated. A butylcellulose derivative carrying terthienyl side chains (BCTTE, 26) was synthesized starting from cellulose acetate and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-2,2':5',2'-terthiophene (4). The polymer had a degree of substitution (DS) of the butyl and terthienyl side chains of DSbutyl = 1.9 and DSterth = 0.35, respectively. It was successfully spread on a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) trough and then transferred to several solid substrates. X-rays reflectometry showed an ordered architecture of the cellulose backbones. However, the terthiophene side groups were found as isotropically aligned by polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. When used as anode material in the electropolymerization of 3-pentylthiophene (28), polythiophene was grafted onto the cellulose backbone through the terthienyl side groups. The polythiophene chains showed an average anisotropic alignment of 20 % along the LB dipping direction, calculated by means of polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. A second butylcellulose derivative carrying sexithienyl side chains (BCST) was synthesized and investigated, starting from butylcellulose and 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl p-toluensulfonate (7). The polymer showed formation of stable LB monolayers at the air-water interface, but its transfer onto solid substrates was not successful. A poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) bearing sexithienyl side chains (BzAcST, 31) was prepared by reaction of the two monomers 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diiodobenzoate (15) and 2-[b', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diethynylbenzoate (18). The polymer was obtained as insoluble product. Upon oxidation with FeCl3 (doping) of the polymer suspension, BzAcST showed an electrical conductivity of ó = 2.5 . 10 -6 S/cm, a typical value for semiconductors. The IR spectrum of the doped polymer presented the diagnostic bands of oxidized sexithiophene in good agreement with literature results. Along with the monomer and polymer synthesis, an a,a '-disubstituted sexithiophene, b ', b ''-dipentyl-5,5'''-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophene (6a),was synthesized and characterized. The UV-Vis absorption of the chromophore wasinvestigated as a function of temperature and different solvents, showing a blue-shift of the absorption maximum with increasing temperature and a red-shift changing the solvent from hexane to ethanol to toluene. Monitoring the change of the UV-Vis spectrum upon electrochemical oxidation, the oxidized chromophore showed a new broad absorption band, red shifted with respect to the p -p* transition of the neutral state. Upon reduction, the new band disappeared and the UV-Vis spectrum of the chromophore was restored. Such oxidation-reduction cycles were totally reversible. This feature, together with the absorption maximum falling in the visible region, makes this chromophore a suitable compound for the development of an electrochemical sensor.Attempts to polymerize acrylic monomers carrying sexythienyl side chains both via radical polymerization, as in the case of 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl acrylate (8), and anionic polymerization, as in the case of 2-{b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-[2-(tertbutyldimethylsiloxy)ethyl]-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'': 5'',2''' -sexithiophen-5-yl}-ethylacrylate (29), were not successful, probably due to the steric hindrance of the oligothiophene side group. However, due to the time consuming and therefore restricted availability of the monomers, a screening of the polymerization conditions towards the formation of polymeric material was not possible.


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The work presented in this thesis is focused on the open-ended coaxial-probe frequency-domain reflectometry technique for complex permittivity measurement at microwave frequencies of dispersive dielectric multilayer materials. An effective dielectric model is introduced and validated to extend the applicability of this technique to multilayer materials in on-line system context. In addition, the thesis presents: 1) a numerical study regarding the imperfectness of the contact at the probe-material interface, 2) a review of the available models and techniques, 3) a new classification of the extraction schemes with guidelines on how they can be used to improve the overall performance of the probe according to the problem requirements.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden Fluorkohlenstoff-basierte und siliziumorganische Plasmapolymerfilme hergestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und funktionalen Eigenschaften untersucht. Beide untersuchten Materialsysteme sind in der Beschichtungstechnologie von großem wissenschaftlichen und anwendungstechnischen Interesse. Die Schichtabscheidung erfolgte mittels plasmachemischer Gasphasenabscheidung (PECVD) an Parallelplattenreaktoren. Bei den Untersuchungen zur Fluorkohlenstoff-Plasmapolymerisation stand die Herstellung ultra-dünner, d. h. weniger als 5 nm dicker Schichten im Vordergrund. Dies wurde durch gepulste Plasmaanregung und Verwendung eines Gasgemisches aus Trifluormethan (CHF3) und Argon realisiert. Die Bindungsstruktur der Schichten wurden in Abhängigkeit der eingespeisten Leistung, die den Fragmentationsgrad der Monomere im Plasma bestimmt, analysiert. Hierzu wurden die Röntgen-Photoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS), Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM), Flugzeit-Sekundärionenmassenspektrometrie (ToF-SIMS) und Röntgenreflektometrie (XRR) eingesetzt. Es zeigte sich, dass die abgeschiedenen Schichten ein homogenes Wachstumsverhalten und keine ausgeprägten Interfacebereiche zum Substrat und zur Oberfläche hin aufweisen. Die XPS-Analysen deuten darauf hin, dass Verkettungsreaktionen von CF2-Radikalen im Plasma eine wichtige Rolle für den Schichtbildungsprozess spielen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass der gewählte Beschichtungsprozess eine gezielte Reduzierung der Benetzbarkeit verschiedener Substrate ermöglicht. Dabei genügen Schichtdicken von weniger als 3 nm zur Erreichung eines teflonartigen Oberflächencharakters mit Oberflächenenergien um 20 mN/m. Damit erschließen sich neue Applikationsmöglichkeiten ultra-dünner Fluorkohlenstoffschichten, was anhand eines Beispiels aus dem Bereich der Nanooptik demonstriert wird. Für die siliziumorganischen Schichten unter Verwendung des Monomers Hexamethyldisiloxan (HMDSO) galt es zunächst, diejenigen Prozessparameter zu identifizieren, die ihren organischen bzw. glasartigen Charakter bestimmen. Hierzu wurde der Einfluss von Leistungseintrag und Zugabe von Sauerstoff als Reaktivgas auf die Elementzusammensetzung der Schichten untersucht. Bei niedrigen Plasmaleistungen und Sauerstoffflüssen werden vor allem kohlenstoffreiche Schichten abgeschieden, was auf eine geringere Fragmentierung der Kohlenwasserstoffgruppen zurückgeführt wurde. Es zeigte sich, dass die Variation des Sauerstoffanteils im Prozessgas eine sehr genaue Steuerbarkeit der Schichteigenschaften ermöglicht. Mittels Sekundär-Neutralteilchen-Massenspektrometrie (SNMS) konnte die prozesstechnische Realisierbarkeit und analytische Quantifizierbarkeit von Wechselschichtsystemen aus polymerartigen und glasartigen Lagen demonstriert werden. Aus dem Intensitätsverhältnis von Si:H-Molekülen zu Si-Atomen im SNMS-Spektrum ließ sich der Wasserstoffgehalt bestimmen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch Abscheidung von HMDSO-basierten Gradientenschichten eine deutliche Reduzierung von Reibung und Verschleiß bei Elastomerbauteilen erzielt werden kann.


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This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the investigation of some chemical and sensorial analytical parameters linked to the quality and purity of different categories of oils obtained by olives: extra virgin olive oils, both those that are sold in the large retail trade (supermarkets and discounts) and those directly collected at some Italian mills, and lower-quality oils (refined, lampante and “repaso”). Concurrently with the adoption of traditional and well-known analytical procedures such as gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, I carried out a set-up of innovative, fast and environmentally-friend methods. For example, I developed some analytical approaches based on Fourier transform medium infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) and time domain reflectometry (TDR), coupled with a robust chemometric elaboration of the results. I investigated some other freshness and quality markers that are not included in official parameters (in Italian and European regulations): the adoption of such a full chemical and sensorial analytical plan allowed me to obtain interesting information about the degree of quality of the EVOOs, mostly within the Italian market. Here the range of quality of EVOOs resulted very wide, in terms of sensory attributes, price classes and chemical parameters. Thanks to the collaboration with other Italian and foreign research groups, I carried out several applicative studies, especially focusing on the shelf-life of oils obtained by olives and on the effects of thermal stresses on the quality of the products. I also studied some innovative technological treatments, such as the clarification by using inert gases, as an alternative to the traditional filtration. Moreover, during a three-and-a-half months research stay at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, I also carried out a study related to the application of statistical methods for the elaboration of sensory results, obtained thanks to the official Swiss Panel and to some consumer tests.