108 resultados para recriação
O artigo examina a recriação de notas de A boiada (diário de viagem de Guimarães Rosa) referentes ao discurso direto em Uma estória de amor. A retomada dessas anotações, ocorrendo preferencialmente no discurso citado das personagens, reforça a presença de regionalismos lingüísticos nessa instância, sem estabelecer a dicotomia entre o discurso citado e do narrador.
Procura-se com este trabalho apresentar e discutir alguns aspectos teóricos da tradução de uma obra literária. Geralmente julgada impossível, ela tem-se tornado uma prática cada vez mais freqüente no mundo das letras. E é provável que as melhores traduções dessa espécie ocorram quando são encaradas como um ato de leitura.
Este artigo analisa alguns ensaios de Eisenstein escritos entre 1945 e 1947, que se encontram na antologia francesa intitulada La non-indifférente nature, de 1976. Fio condutor dos escritos é uma indagação sobre a natureza orgânica da obra de arte, encontrada nas mais variadas manifestações artísticas: em cinema, teatro, literatura, pintura, arquitetura, música. A “organicidade” das obras artísticas decorria do fato de elas serem construídas conforme os elementos estruturais do fenômeno representado: a ligação entre realidade e obra não consistiria numa reprodução de conteúdos, mas na recriação, em todos os níveis formais da obra, da lei dialética que rege a realidade. This paper analyses some essays by Eisenstein written between 1945 and 1947, included in a French anthology of 1976 entiled La non-différente in nature. The guideline of such writings is a quest for the “organic nature” of the work of art, found in the most varied artistic manifestations: cinema, drama, literature, painting, architecture, music. The “organicity” of works of art derived from the that they were built according to the structural elements of the phenomenon represented: the connection between reality and work would not consist of a duplication of contents, but in the recreation, in all the formal levels of the work, of the dialectic law which rules reality.
In the contemporary world, the Internet enables the development of a Collaborative Web where the decentralization and sharing of information and knowledge generate new cultural configurations of increasing representation in informational flows. In this environment, collaboration and remix practices are covered by a legislation established for another context, and an imbalance is created between what is provided by the technology and what is established by Copyright. Therefore, it is necessary to address, under the perspective of the third time in Information Science, contemporary issues concerning creation, recreation, use, reuse, sharing and dissemination of intellectual content under the legislation which regulates them. This article seeks to highlight the dilemma that contemporaneity is experiencing and how important is for both society as a whole and specially the professional of Information Science to know the legal conditions for the processes of generating, processing, using, recovering and, especially, re-using information on the Web at a larger scale. The Creative Commons licenses are emerging alternatives that offer individuals options to become not only users but also holders and creators of intellectual content under legal conditions.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A questão agrária é da essência do modo capitalista de produção. A existência ou não do campesinato nesse modo de produção é justamente o cerne da discussão. A questão agrária pode ser interpretada de diferentes formas, por meio de correntes teóricas ou até mesmo paradigmas, como o caso do Paradigma da questão Agrária e o Paradigma do Capitalismo Agrário. Neste trabalho procuro defender a ideia de que a questão agrária é um problema estrutural do capitalismo, atualizada conjunturalmente por diferentes elementos, sejam eles de cunho social, político ou econômico. Um destes elementos, destacado nesta pesquisa, é justamente a luta pela terra em escala nacional e regional. A criação e recriação do campesinato no Brasil tem se dado, principalmente, a partir da luta pela terra, materializada em ocupações, acampamentos e, conseqüente, criação de assentamentos rurais. Em escala nacional, discuto a diminuição das ocupações de terra e de novos acampamentos nos últimos anos, com o intuito de compreender as possíveis causas. Já, em escala regional, no Pontal do Paranapanema-SP, algumas mudanças no que diz respeito à mobilização das famílias semterra e a esporacidade da vida nos acampamentos são apresentadas a fim de colaborar com a discussão sobre a dinâmica, contemporaneidade e perspectiva da luta pela terra
This paper aims at observing the particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style concerning normalisation features present in the self-translation. Our study has its theoretical starting point based on Baker’s proposal (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000) and Scott’s investigation in order to carry out an analysis of the use of linguistic choices involving evidence of normalization. The results point out that, while participating as a self-translator, Ubaldo Ribeiro reveals individual, distinctive and preferred stylistic options which present less lexical variation; in contrast, in the situation of participating as an author, Ubaldo Ribeiro shows stylistic choices of higher lexical diversity. Observed normalisation features reveal conscious or subconscious use of fluency strategies, making the target text easier to read. Due to his renowned sound command of the target language, the results may also suggest the challenges during the translated text re-creation process faced as a self-translator could have been greater than the challenges during the previous original text creation process faced as an author
Este capítulo investiga algumas adaptações feitas nos textos publicados originalmente nos bas de page dos periódicos franceses, os quais foram, um pouco mais tarde, traduzidos, nos jornais brasileiros do XIX. Discutiremos aqui, por meio de dois romances folhetins de Alexandre Dumas, os critérios da publicação, as modificações operadas e as possíveis leituras que podemos fazer das novidades que o processo de recriação do folhetim francês em terras brasileiras estabeleceu. Igualmente, discutiremos o papel que o bas de page teve no desenvolvimento do gênero “crônica” no Brasil. Assim sendo, as indagações a respeito do “espaço” são a maior preocupação deste texto, uma vez que critérios editoriais e tipográficos determinaram, por exemplo, que dois textos de gêneros diferentes compartilhassem o mesmo espaço; ou, ainda, que o romance-folhetim fosse interrompido de maneira diversa em relação ao original francês. Essa flexibilidade do bas de page, onde era possível a coexistência de textos de natureza diferente — críticos, imaginários, faits divers —, será pensada como uma das principais razões para o desenvolvimento da crônica como um gênero literário no Brasil.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Adolescents are commonly seen in a “sexless” way so that when the first sexual expressions appear in our young people they are permeated by worry and fear. In this context, the school spread the vision of sex and sexuality, as hazardous due to risks of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. Thus, seeking to encourage reflection on the part of adolescents with regard to sexual life, workshops were developed with 15 students in a seventh grade student at a state school in the city of Jaboticabal, São Paulo. The findings of this research indicate that adolescents have conceptions of sexuality marked by repression, including the maintenance of sex roles traditionally established. The implementation of interventions in the form of workshops revealed that the group has become an area that favors the reconstruction and rebuilding of meanings through the questions and judgment of values and attitudes socially imposed.
The university environment is in metamorphosis, in a possibility of its recreation in the presence of a knowledge revolution at full XXI century. Its structure, based at a science model, presents itself undermined by not breaking the stagnation in a world that inaugurates boundaries of uncertainty for all humanity participants. From that perception, this work intend to understand how the globalization has been reduced the workforce of the university teacher. Moreover, how the hegemonic groups, derived from insertion of capitalism and globalization, root themselves in the academic environment – before considered a space of autonomy – is transforming the teaching profession through mechanisms of alienation and doctrinairism that disseminate the heteronomy as alternative for maintenance of dogmas and, therefore, certainties.
From August 2005 to March 2007, the two seasons (with 12 and 10 episodes respectively) of the award winning miniseries HBO‟s ROME were aired by the Home Box Office (HBO) channel. With screenplay signed by various writers and directors, the TV series was a coproduction of HBO (USA) and BBC (UK) with support from RAI (Italy), and the show was filmed in multiple locations, but mainly in Cinecittà Film Studios in Rome, very famous for having been headquarters also for Federico Fellini‟s movies. In the first season, the miniseries depicts the conquest of Gaul, made by the military genius of Gaius Julius Caesar, and the political trajectory that made him accumulate power to such an extent that this divided Roman citizens into two factions, one supporting and the other opposing him, the latter focused mainly on the historic figure of General Gnaeus Pompey Magnus. The second season shows the period of civil war following the assassination of Caesar, and the future rise to power of his nephew, adopted son and sole heir, Gaius Octavian Augustus, who was destined to overcome his rivals as well as their allies in the triumvirate that had been formed to pursue and punish Caesar‟s assassins. These facts are well known and usually crowd the mind and imagination of every minimally educated person. The HBO series broke new ground not only for the talent of its writers, directors and actors, not only for its visual effects and locations nor for the vibrancy and grandeur of historical scenes – after all, “historical movies” in general do the same – but it has done so also by the (re)construction of historical events from the perspective of a pair of protagonists of whom too little is known: the centurions Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus, who are the only low-rank soldiers mentioned by Caesar in his book Commentaries on the Gallic War (Commentarii de Bello Gallico V.44). Thus, the fictionalization of events also took into account several Roman civilization data which were scattered through historical sources and also those that belong to the modern knowledge of material culture, resulting in a TV series whose filmic aesthetics has rare beauty and creativity. From the survey of textual, historical and cultural data put together in this film, as well as the distance featuring the creative space in the dimension of the gap between them, this paper aims to highlight two pivotal moments of visual and narrative strategies of the show: the opening credits footage and the final scenes of the first season of HBO's Rome.
The present study is a reflection on the representation of the literary myth of Dom Juan in the work El estudiante de Salamanca (1836-1840), by Joseph de Espronceda. It highlights the most significant aspects of their recreation donjuanesca, since the classic elements taken from the founding work of Tirso de Molina to Romantic Titan which characterizes Dom Félix de Montemar.
Using the concept of influence, well explored by Sandra Nitrini (2000), the purpose of this study is to verify the characterization of the main characters of O Xangô de Baker Street (1995) and Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter (1928) – Sherlock Holmes and Macunaíma – as rogues in their novels, heirs to the Spanish picaresque, a genre that has taken on new meaning in Brazilian literature, as pointed out since the 1960s by Antonio Candido in his famous essay “Dialética da malandragem” (2010). With these theories, we analyze the composition of the tricksters, whose starting point is the question facing the country, the Brazilian. Although the distances in time and style of separating the protagonists created by Jô Soares and Mário de Andrade, we have noticed the interesting procedure of re-creation of the renowned English detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle and the reinterpretation of aspects of Brazilian folklore a convergence of interests with regard to representation of the national character.