962 resultados para reconstruction of the anophthalmic cavity


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRHa) on the peritoneal fluid microenvironment in women with endometriosis. STUDY DESIGN Peritoneal fluid was collected from 85 women with severe endometriosis (rAFS stage III and IV) during laparoscopic surgery during the proliferative phase. Prior to surgery clinical data were collected. The concentrations of specific markers for endometriosis in the peritoneal fluid were determined using an ELISA and a comparison between peritoneal fluid markers in women using GnRHa and no hormonal treatment was performed using a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS The study included peritoneal fluid from 39 patients who had been administered GnRHa (Zoladex(®)) in the three months prior to surgery and 46 from women with no hormonal treatment in this period. Concentrations of IL-8, PAPP-A, glycodelin-A and midkine were significantly reduced in the GnRHa treatment group compared to women receiving no hormonal treatment. RANTES, MCP-1, ENA-78, TNF-α, OPG, IP-10 and defensin showed no significant change between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS GnRHa mediate a significant regression in the inflammatory nature of the peritoneal microenvironment in women with endometriosis.


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The extraction of the finite temperature heavy quark potential from lattice QCD relies on a spectral analysis of the real-time Wilson loop. Through its position and shape, the lowest lying spectral peak encodes the real and imaginary part of this complex potential. We benchmark this extraction strategy using leading order hard-thermal loop (HTL) calculations. I.e. we analytically calculate the Wilson loop and determine the corresponding spectrum. By fitting its lowest lying peak we obtain the real- and imaginary part and confirm that the knowledge of the lowest peak alone is sufficient for obtaining the potential. We deploy a novel Bayesian approach to the reconstruction of spectral functions to HTL correlators in Euclidean time and observe how well the known spectral function and values for the real and imaginary part are reproduced. Finally we apply the method to quenched lattice QCD data and perform an improved estimate of both real and imaginary part of the non-perturbative heavy ǪǬ potential.


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An acute injury to the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) with avulsion of the foveal attachment can produce distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. The avulsed TFCC is translated distally so the footprint will be bathed in synovial fluid from the DRUJ and will become covered in synovitis. If the TFCC fails to heal to the footprint, then persistent instability can occur. The authors describe a surgical technique indicated for the treatment of persistent instability of the DRUJ due to foveal detachment of the TFCC. The procedure utilizes a loop of palmaris longus tendon graft passed through the ulnar aspect of the TFCC and into an osseous tunnel in the distal ulna to reconstruct the foveal attachment. This technique provides stability of the distal ulna to the radius and carpus. We recommend this procedure for chronic instability of the DRUJ due to TFCC avulsion, but recommend that suture repair remain the treatment of choice for acute instability. An arthroscopic assessment includes the trampoline test, hook test, and reverse hook test. DRUJ ballottement under arthroscopic vision details the direction of instability, the functional tear pattern, and unmasks concealed tears. If the reverse hook test demonstrates a functional instability between the TFCC and the radius, then a foveal reconstruction is contraindicated, and a reconstruction that stabilizes the radial and ulnar aspects of the TFCC is required. The foveal reconstruction technique has the advantage of providing a robust anatomically based reconstruction of the TFCC to the fovea, which stabilizes the DRUJ and the ulnocarpal sag.


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In order to reconstruct Late Quatemary variations of surface oceanography in the eastequatorial South Atlantic, time series of sea-surface temperatures (SST) and paleoproductivity were established from cores recovered in the Guinea and Angola Basins, and at the Walvis Ridge. These records, based on sedimentary alkenone and organic carbon concentrations, reveal that during the last 350,000 years surface circulation and productivity changes in the east-equatorial South Atlantic were highiy sensitive to climate forcing at 23- and 100-kyr periodicities. Covarying SST and paleoproductivity changes at the equator and at the Walvis Ridge appear to be driven by variations in zonal trade-wind intensity, which forces intensification or reduction of coastal and equatorial upwelling, as well as enhanced Benguela cold water advection from the South. Phase relationships of precessional variations in the paleoproductivity and SST records from the distinct sites were evaluated with respect to boreal summer insolation over Africa, movements of southem ocean thermal fronts, and changes in global ice volume. The 23-kyr phasing implies a sensitivity of eastem South Atlantic surface water advection and upwelling to West African monsoon intensity and to changes in the position ofthe subtropical high pressure cell over the South Atlantic, both phenomena which modulate zonal strength of southeasterly trades. SST and productivity changes north of 20°S lack significant variance at the 41-kyr periodicity; and at the Walvis Ridge and the equator lead changes in ice volume. This may indicate that obliquity-driven clirnate change, characteristic for northem high latitudes, e.g fluctuations in continental ice masses, did not substantially influence subtropical and tropical surface circulation in the South Atlantic. At the 23-kyr cycle SST and productivity changes in the eastern Angola Basin lag those in the equatorial Atlantic and at the Walvis Ridge by about 3500 years. This lag is explained by variations in cross-equatorial surface water transport and west-east countercurrent retum flow modifying precessional variations of SST and productivity in the eastem Angola Basin relative to those in the mid South Atlantic area under the central field of zonal trade winds. Sea level-related shifts of upwelling cells in phase with global clirnate change may be also recorded in SST and productivity variability along the continental margin off Southwest Africa. They may account for the delay of the paleoceanogreaphic signal from continental margin sites with respect to that from the pelagic sites at the equator and the Walvis Ridge.


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We investigate the redistribution of terrigenous materials in the northeastern (NE) South American continental margin during slowdown events of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The compilation of stratigraphic data from 108 marine sediment cores collected across the western tropical Atlantic shows an extreme rise in sedimentation rates off the Parnaíba River mouth (about 2°S) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka). Sediment core GeoB16206-1, raised offshore the Parnaíba River mouth, documents relatively constant 143Nd/144Nd values (expressed as epsilonNd(0)) throughout the last 30 ka. Whereas the homogeneous epsilonNd(0) data support the input of fluvial sediments by the Parnaíba River from the same source area directly onshore, the increases in Fe/Ca, Al/Si and Rb/Sr during HS1 indicate a marked intensification of fluvial erosion in the Parnaíba River drainage basin. In contrast, the epsilonNd(0) values from sediment core GeoB16224-1 collected off French Guiana (about 7°N) suggest Amazon-sourced materials within the last 30 ka. We attribute the extremely high volume of terrigenous sediments deposited offshore the Parnaíba River mouth during HS1 to (i) an enhanced precipitation in the catchment region and (ii) a reduced North Brazil Current, which are both associated with a weakened AMOC.


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The Baltic coast of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is located in the transition Zone between the region of Fennoscandian Uplift and the Central European Depression. In relation to the eustatic sea-level rise, the northeast coast shows a slower inundation, while for the southwestern area a faster transgression is indicated, which can be attributed to crustal movements. To determine the spatial and temporal differences since the onset of the Littorina Transgression, three relative sea-level curves have been established along a transect parallel to the gradient of upliftlsubsidence. The Wismar Bay area is one endpoint of the transect demonstrating today 10 Abb., 2 Tab. a relative sea-level rise of 1.4 mm/a. To determine the relative sea-level curve for the Wismar Bay, two sites were investigated on Rustwerder Spit (Poel) and Redentin. They provided reliable depth-age data, while the stratigraphy was additionally supported by lithological/geochemical, pollen, diatom and macrofossil data. Additional evidence was provided by archaeological submarine surveys and excavations. Comparing the new relative sea-level curve with a curve from the Vorpommern coast, it can be shown that for the period from 4000 cal BC until present, the differences between the two curves are caused by a constant neotectonic movement, while for the older periods an increasing isostatic component must be taken into account.


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DATED-1 comprises a compilation of dates related to the build-up and retreat of the Eurasian (British-Irish, Scandinavian, Svalbard-Barents-Kara Seas) Ice Sheets, and time-slice maps of the Eurasian Ice sheet margins. Dates are sourced from the published literature. Ice margins are based on published geological and chronological data and include uncertainty bounds (maximum, minimum) as well as what we consider to be the most-credible (mc) based on the available evidence. DATED-1 has a census date of 1 January 2013. Full description and caveats for use are given in: Hughes, A.L.C., Gyllencreutz, R., Lohne, Ø.S., Mangerud, J., Svendsen, J.I. (2015) The last Eurasian Ice Sheets - a chronological database and time-slice reconstruction, DATED-1.


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High performance materials are needed for the reconstruction of such a singular building as a cathedral, since in addition to special mechanical properties, high self compact ability, high durability and high surface quality, are specified. Because of the project’s specifications, the use of polypropylene fiber-reinforced, self-compacting concrete was selected by the engineering office. The low quality of local materials and the lack of experience in applying macro polypropylene fiber for structural reinforcement with these components materials required the development of a pretesting program. To optimize the mix design, performance was evaluated following technical, economical and constructability criteria. Since the addition of fibers reduces concrete self-compactability, many trials were run to determine the optimal mix proportions. The variables introduced were paste volume; the aggregate skeleton of two or three fractions plus limestone filler; fiber type and dosage. Two mix designs were selected from the preliminary results. The first one was used as reference for self-compactability and mechanical properties. The second one was an optimized mix with a reduction in cement content of 20 kg/m3and fiber dosage of 1 kg/m3. For these mix designs, extended testing was carried out to measure the compression and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, toughness, and water permeability resistance


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The period between 1570-1620 has left a remarkable amount of documents related to shipbuilding in the Iberian Peninsula. Among them, the Instrucción nautica written by Diego García de Palacio in 1587 is widely recognized as the first published book that includes an extensive discussion of ship design and construction. García de Palacio centres his discussion on a 400 toneladas nao, a series of woodcuts that illustrate the shape and dimensions of the ship accompany the explanation. In the late XVI century ship hulls were designed following procedures based upon an old shipwrightry tradition born in the Mediterranean. By simple rules the master shipwright plots the central frame and tail frames and complete the hull body using wooden ribbands. Computer software for 3D modelling using NURBs surfaces helps to recreate ships hulls. In this work the 400 toneladas nao is reconstructed and her hydrostatic parameters are compared with other ships.


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A physical map of the 31-megabase Aspergillus nidulans genome is reported, in which 94% of 5,134 cosmids are assigned to 49 contiguous segments. The physical map is the result of a two-way ordering process, in which clones and probes were ordered simultaneously on a binary DNA/DNA hybridization matrix. Compression by elimination of redundant clones resulted in a minimal map, which is a chromosome walk. Repetitive DNA is nonrandomly dispersed in the A. nidulans genome, reminiscent of heterochromatic banding patterns of higher eukaryotes. We hypothesize gene clusters may arise by horizontal transfer and spread by transposition to explain the nonrandom pattern of repeats along chromosomes.