987 resultados para rearranged (4 -> 2)-abeo-clerodane


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The Archean (3.45-2.70Ga) rocks of the São José do Campestre Massif (SJCM) in the Borborema Province (NE Brazil) make up a small area (~6000km2) and are composed of granitoids and metasupracrustal rocks that define a complex magmatic and deformational history. The massif provides the opportunity to study mantle- and crustal-derived magmas generated since the Palaeoarchean. The orthogneisses of the SJCM are composed of: (1) tonalite to granodiorite with diorite enclaves (Bom Jesus gneiss, 3412±8Ma; TDM Nd model ages from 4.1 to 3.5Ga and negative epsilon Nd values); (2) biotite and ferroan-diopside monzogranite (Presidente Juscelino complex, 3356±21Ma and 3251±44Ma; TDM model ages range from 4.1 to 3.4Ga and epsilon Nd values that are slightly positive to negative); (3) hornblende tonalite to granodiorite (Brejinho complex, 3333±77Ma and 3187±8Ma; dominantly positive epsilon Nd values and TDM ages from 3.6 to 3.2Ga); (4) biotite monzogranite (São Pedro do Potengi gneiss, 3120±22Ma; TDM =3.5Ga; negative epsilon Nd value); (5) ferroan-diopside-grossular anorthosite and metagabbro (Senador Elói de Souza complex, 3033±3Ma); and (6) quartz diorite to syenogranite (São José do Campestre complex; 2685±9Ma and 2655±4Ma; negative epsilon Nd values and TDM ages from 3.9 to 3.3Ga). The orthogneisses are subalkaline to faintly alkaline, magnesian to ferroan, M- and I-type granitoids that follow either the K-enrichment or the trondhjemite trends. Each group has a subset with REE characteristics similar to Archean TTG and another that is analogous to Phanerozoic granitoids. They have negative Ta-Nb and Ti anomalies and have trace element contents of granitoids from subduction zones. Geochemical and Nd isotope data suggest that subducted oceanic crust and a depleted and metasomatised mantle wedge both acted as the magma sources. We propose a convergent tectonic model in which hybridisation of the upper mantle occurs through interactions with adakitic or trondhjemitic melts and recycling of earlier crust. The results imply that both the subducted oceanic crust and the mantle wedge played major roles in continent formation throughout successive episodes of arc accretion in Palaeo- and Mesoarchean times. The Archean rocks of the SJCM shares some similarities with the Pilbara, Kaapvaal, West African, and São Francisco cratons. However, the most reliable comparisons with the SJCM are with the neighbouring basement of the Nigeria and Cameroon shields. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Neuroblastoma é a neoplasia mais frequentemente diagnosticada na infância. O termo é comumente usado para se referir a uma ampla variedade de tumores neuroblásticos, incluindo os neuroblastomas, ganglioneuroblastomas e ganglioneuromas. Estimativas mostram que 8 milhões de crianças até 15 anos de idade por ano são atingidas por esta neoplasia, onde 80% dos casos são acometidos em até 4 anos de idade, o tumor é derivado de células malignas embrionárias advindas de células neuronais primordiais, desde gânglios simpáticos até medula adrenal e outros pontos. Neste estudo, foi avaliado o potencial citotóxico do composto 4,2´,3´,4´ tetrametoxi chalcona em modelo in vitro de neuroblastoma B103 de rato. Foram preparadas soluções estoques da droga a 50mM em dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) e armazenadas a -20ºC para o preparo de novas concentrações (150μM, 100 μM, 75 μM e 50 μM). A viabilidade celular foi testada a partir de cultura de células da glia do córtex de rato e de neuroblastoma b103. Ensaios de migração celular e formação de colônias também foram realizados. Para a análise estatística foi realizado a análise de variância um critério (ANOVA) seguido pelo teste de Tukey, utilizando-se o programa BioEstat 5.0. Na avaliação do efeito citotóxico das chalconas, foi observado que o tratamento com o composto 4,2`3`4´- tetrametoxi chalcona não demonstrou nenhum efeito citotóxico contra células normais do córtex de rato para as concentrações testadas, enquanto que em culturas de células de neuroblastoma B103 foi demonstrado que esta droga promove a morte celular de forma significativa.


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Surface modification of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) through covalent functionalization is vital for the development of high-performance composite materials, chemosensors, nanoelectronics, photovoltaic devices, as well as for a range of biomedical applications. Several methods have been developed to functionalize CNTs. The introduction of acid groups by acid digestion disrupts the structural integrity of CNTs. Apart from shortening the tubes, oxidatively generated acid groups are inhomogenously located at the tips of broken CNTs and, hence, functionalization using acid groups as precursors does not give a statistical distribution of functional groups throughout the surface of the CNTs.


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Gas-phase reactions of model carbosulfonium ions (CH3-S+?=?CH2; CH3CH2-S+?=?CH2 and Ph-S+?=?CH2) and an O-analogue carboxonium ion (CH3-O+?=?CH2) with acyclic (isoprene, 1,3-butadiene, methyl vinyl ketone) and cyclic (1,3-cyclohexadiene, thiophene, furan) conjugated dienes were systematically investigated by pentaquadrupole mass spectrometry. As corroborated by B3LYP/6-311?G(d,p) calculations, the carbosulfonium ions first react at large extents with the dienes forming adducts via simple addition. The nascent adducts, depending on their stability and internal energy, react further via two competitive channels: (1) in reactions with acyclic dienes via cyclization that yields formally [4?+?2+] cycloadducts, or (2) in reactions with the cyclic dienes via dissociation by HSR loss that yields methylenation (net CH+ transfer) products. In great contrast to its S-analogues, CH3-O+?=?CH2 (as well as C2H5-O+?=?CH2 and Ph-O+?=?CH2 in reactions with isoprene) forms little or no adduct and proton transfer is the dominant reaction channel. Isomerization to more acidic protonated aldehydes in the course of reaction seems to be the most plausible cause of the contrasting reactivity of carboxonium ions. The CH2?=?CH-O+?=?CH2 ion forms an abundant [4?+?2+] cycloadduct with isoprene, but similar to the behavior of such alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxonium ions in solution, seems to occur across the C?=?C bond. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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