964 resultados para real-scale battery
Many lab-scale studies have been carried out regarding the effect of feed strategy on the performance of anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR); however, more detailed pilot-scale studies should be performed to assess the real applicability of this type of operation. Therefore, the objective of this work was to assess the effect of feed strategy or fill time in a 1-m(3) mechanically stirred pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor, treating 0.65 m(3) sanitary wastewater in 8-h cycles at ambient temperature. Two reactor configurations were used: one containing granular biomass (denominated ASBR) and the other immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam as inert support (denominated anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR)). The reactors were operated under five distinct feed strategies, namely: typical batch and fed-batch for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the cycle length. Stirring frequency in the ASBR was 40 rpm with two flat-blade turbine impellers and 80 rpm in the AnSBBR with two helix impellers. The results showed that both the ASBR and AnSBBR when operated under typical batch, fed-batch for 50% and 75% of the cycle length, presented improved organic matter removal efficiencies, without significant differences in performance, thus showing important operational flexibility. In addition, the reactors presented operation stability under all conditions.
Model for facilities or vendors location in a global scale considering several echelons in the Chain
The facilities location problem for companies with global operations is very complex and not well explored in the literature. This work proposes a MILP model that solves the problem through minimization of the total logistic cost. Main contributions of the model are the pioneer carrying cost calculation, the treatment given to the take-or-pay costs and to the international tax benefits such as drawback and added value taxes in Brazil. The model was successfully applied to a real case of a chemical industry with industrial plants and sales all over the world. The model application recommended a totally new sourcing model for the company.
Crack cocaine-dependent individuals (CCDI) present abnormalities in both social adjustment and decision making, but few studies have examined this association. This study investigated cognitive and social performance of 30 subjects (CCDI x controls); CCDI were abstinent for 2 weeks. We used the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), and Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Disadvantageous choices on the IGT were associated with higher levels of social dysfunction in CCDI, suggesting the ecological validity of the IGT. Social dysfunction and decision making may be linked to the same underlying prefrontal dysfunction, but the nature of this association should be further investigated. (Am J Addict 2010;00: 1-9).
The frontal assessment battery (FAB) is a bedside cognitive scale designed to measure executive functions. Huntington`s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor, behavioral, and cognitive dysfunction. The aim of this study was to check the validity of the FAB for the evaluation of cognitive impairment in patients with HD. Forty-one patients diagnosed with HD and 53 healthy controls matched by education, sex and age were evaluated with a validated Brazilian version of the UHDRS, the VFT, the SDMT, the SIT, the MMSE, and the FAB. The diagnosis of HD was made by DNA analysis. FAB scores were lower in patients than in the controls (p < 0.001) and had significant correlations with the VFT (r = 0.79; p < 0.05), the SDMT (r = 0.80; p < 0.05), the SIT (r = 0.72; p < 0.05), the MMSE (r = 0.83; p < 0.05), the FCS (r = 0.79; p < 0.05) and the motor section of the UHDRS (r = -0.80; p < 0.05). The FAB differentiated between HD patients in the initial and later stages of the disease. The one-year longitudinal evaluation revealed a global trend toward a worsening in the second score of the FAB. The results demonstrate that the FAB presents good internal consistency and also convergent and discriminative validity; therefore it is a useful scale to assess executive functions and to evaluate cognitive impairment in patients with HD.
Despite their limitations, linear filter models continue to be used to simulate the receptive field properties of cortical simple cells. For theoreticians interested in large scale models of visual cortex, a family of self-similar filters represents a convenient way in which to characterise simple cells in one basic model. This paper reviews research on the suitability of such models, and goes on to advance biologically motivated reasons for adopting a particular group of models in preference to all others. In particular, the paper describes why the Gabor model, so often used in network simulations, should be dropped in favour of a Cauchy model, both on the grounds of frequency response and mutual filter orthogonality.
The Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratory (ACIRL) furnace is scaled to simulate slagging and fouling in operating boilers. This requires that the gas and target temperatures, the heat flux, and the flow pattern be the same as those in real boilers. The gas and target temperatures are maintained by insulating the wall and cooling the target respectively. The flow pattern of a small burner cannot be the same as a large furnace. However, this flow pattern is partially compensated for by placing the slagging panels in three vertical locations. The paper develops the models of radiant heat transfer from the flame to the deposits both in pilot-scale and full-scale furnaces. They are used to compare the effective radiant heat transfer of the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The experimental data both from the pilot- and full-scale furnaces are used to verify the incident heat flux and temperature profiles in the pilot- and full-scale furnaces. The results showed that the thermal condition in the pilot-scale furnace meets the requirements for studying the slagging regarding the gas temperature and the incident heat flux, particularly for the panel #1. The gas temperature in the convective section also meets the requirement for studying the fouling.
A esquizofrenia é uma perturbação mental grave caracterizada pela coexistência de sintomas positivos, negativos e de desorganização do pensamento e do comportamento. As alterações motoras são consistentemente observadas mas, ainda pouco estudadas na esquizofrenia, sendo relevantes para o seu diagnóstico. Neste quadro, o presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar se os indivíduos com esquizofrenia apresentam alterações na coordenação motora, comparativamente com o grupo sem esquizofrenia, bem como analisar se as disfunções dos sinais neurológicos subtis (SNS) motores se encontram correlacionadas com o funcionamento executivo e com os domínios psicopatológicos da perturbação. No total participaram 29 indivíduos (13 com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e 16 sem diagnóstico) equivalentes em termos de idade, género, escolaridade e índice de massa corporal. Para avaliar o desempenho motor recorreu-se ao sistema Biostage de parametrização do movimento em tempo real, com a tarefa de lançameto ao alvo; a presença de SNS foi examinada através da Brief Motor Scale; o funcionamento executivo pela aplicação do subteste do Vocabulário e da fluência verbal e a sintomatologia clínica através da Positive and Negative Sindrome Scale. Pela análise cinemática do movimento constatou-se que os indivíduos com esquizofrenia recrutam um padrão motor menos desenvolvido e imaturo de movimento, com menor individualização das componentes (principalmente do tronco e pélvis), necessitando de mais tempo para executar a tarefa, comparativamente com os sujeitos sem a perturbação que evidenciaram um movimento mais avançado de movimento. Os indivíduos com esquizofrenia mostraram índices elevados de disfunção dos SNS (média =6,01) estabelecendo este domínio uma relação boa e negativa com o desempenho verbal (rho Spearman=-0,62) e uma relação forte e positiva com todos os domínios psicopatológicos (rho Spearman=0,74). O estudo da existência de alterações motoras como parte intrínseca da esquizofrenia revela-se pertinente uma vez que possibilita uma compreensão mais aprofundada da sua fisiopatologia e permite que se desenvolvam práticas mais efetivas na área da saúde e reabilitação.
This paper focuses on evaluating the usability of an Intelligent Wheelchair (IW) in both real and simulated environments. The wheelchair is controlled at a high-level by a flexible multimodal interface, using voice commands, facial expressions, head movements and joystick as its main inputs. A Quasi-experimental design was applied including a deterministic sample with a questionnaire that enabled to apply the System Usability Scale. The subjects were divided in two independent samples: 46 individuals performing the experiment with an Intelligent Wheelchair in a simulated environment (28 using different commands in a sequential way and 18 with the liberty to choose the command); 12 individuals performing the experiment with a real IW. The main conclusion achieved by this study is that the usability of the Intelligent Wheelchair in a real environment is higher than in the simulated environment. However there were not statistical evidences to affirm that there are differences between the real and simulated wheelchairs in terms of safety and control. Also, most of users considered the multimodal way of driving the wheelchair very practical and satisfactory. Thus, it may be concluded that the multimodal interfaces enables very easy and safe control of the IW both in simulated and real environments.
Controller area network (CAN) is a fieldbus network suitable for small-scale distributed computer controlled systems (DCCS), being appropriate for sending and receiving short real-time messages at speeds up to 1 Mbit/sec. Several studies are available on how to guarantee the real-time requirements of CAN messages, providing preruntime schedulability conditions to guarantee the real-time communication requirements of DCCS traffic. Usually, it is considered that CAN guarantees atomic multicast properties by means of its extensive error detection/signaling mechanisms. However, there are some error situations where messages can be delivered in duplicate or delivered only by a subset of the receivers, leading to inconsistencies in the supported applications. In order to prevent such inconsistencies, a middleware for reliable communication in CAN is proposed, taking advantage of CAN synchronous properties to minimize the runtime overhead. Such middleware comprises a set of atomic multicast and consolidation protocols, upon which the reliable communication properties are guaranteed. The related timing analysis demonstrates that, in spite of the extra stack of protocols, the real-time properties of CAN are preserved since the predictability of message transfer is guaranteed.
A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms to inter alia enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a huge overhead of device transition. The technology enhancement has allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring the system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% in the best case when compared to the state-of-the-art.
A large part of power dissipation in a system is generated by I/O devices. Increasingly these devices provide power saving mechanisms, inter alia to enhance battery life. While I/O device scheduling has been studied in the past for realtime systems, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. These approaches are crafted considering a very large overhead of device transitions. Technology enhancements have allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition overhead and energy consumption. We propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real time systems that allows to shut-down devices while ensuring system schedulability. Our results show an energy gain of up to 90% when compared to the techniques proposed in the state-of-the-art.
Most research work on WSNs has focused on protocols or on specific applications. There is a clear lack of easy/ready-to-use WSN technologies and tools for planning, implementing, testing and commissioning WSN systems in an integrated fashion. While there exists a plethora of papers about network planning and deployment methodologies, to the best of our knowledge none of them helps the designer to match coverage requirements with network performance evaluation. In this paper we aim at filling this gap by presenting an unified toolset, i.e., a framework able to provide a global picture of the system, from the network deployment planning to system test and validation. This toolset has been designed to back up the EMMON WSN system architecture for large-scale, dense, real-time embedded monitoring. It includes network deployment planning, worst-case analysis and dimensioning, protocol simulation and automatic remote programming and hardware testing tools. This toolset has been paramount to validate the system architecture through DEMMON1, the first EMMON demonstrator, i.e., a 300+ node test-bed, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest single-site WSN test-bed in Europe to date.
We focus on large-scale and dense deeply embedded systems where, due to the large amount of information generated by all nodes, even simple aggregate computations such as the minimum value (MIN) of the sensor readings become notoriously expensive to obtain. Recent research has exploited a dominance-based medium access control(MAC) protocol, the CAN bus, for computing aggregated quantities in wired systems. For example, MIN can be computed efficiently and an interpolation function which approximates sensor data in an area can be obtained efficiently as well. Dominance-based MAC protocols have recently been proposed for wireless channels and these protocols can be expected to be used for achieving highly scalable aggregate computations in wireless systems. But no experimental demonstration is currently available in the research literature. In this paper, we demonstrate that highly scalable aggregate computations in wireless networks are possible. We do so by (i) building a new wireless hardware platform with appropriate characteristics for making dominance-based MAC protocols efficient, (ii) implementing dominance-based MAC protocols on this platform, (iii) implementing distributed algorithms for aggregate computations (MIN, MAX, Interpolation) using the new implementation of the dominance-based MAC protocol and (iv) performing experiments to prove that such highly scalable aggregate computations in wireless networks are possible.
Even though Software Transactional Memory (STM) is one of the most promising approaches to simplify concurrent programming, current STM implementations incur significant overheads that render them impractical for many real-sized programs. The key insight of this work is that we do not need to use the same costly barriers for all the memory managed by a real-sized application, if only a small fraction of the memory is under contention lightweight barriers may be used in this case. In this work, we propose a new solution based on an approach of adaptive object metadata (AOM) to promote the use of a fast path to access objects that are not under contention. We show that this approach is able to make the performance of an STM competitive with the best fine-grained lock-based approaches in some of the more challenging benchmarks. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
EMC2 finds solutions for dynamic adaptability in open systems. It provides handling of mixed criticality multicore applications in r eal-time conditions, withscalability and utmost flexibility, full-scale deployment and management of integrated tool chains, through the entire lifecycle.