960 resultados para productive performance


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Broiler production in Brazil has turned into a very competitive activity in the late years. Constant innovation leads to higher productivity maintaining the same cost of production, which is a desirable situation. Lately one characteristic for broiler housing in Brazil has been the increase in birds density requiring the use of controlled environment through the use of fan and fogging systems in order to achieve better birds productive performance. Most Brazilian producer already uses cooling equipment however it is still unknown the right way to control the wind speed and direction towards the birds. This present research has the objective to evaluate the effect of the wind speed on the heat transfer from the birds to the environment for broilers at 27 days old. There was used 200 birds, placed in a wind tunnel measuring 1.10 m high by 1.10m wide x 10.0 m of length, and the birds density varied from 9, 16 and 20 birds/m 2. Two wind speed were simulated 340 rpm (1.0 m/s) and 250 rpm (0.3 m/s). The increase in the wind velocity related to the smaller bird densityled to a higher heat loss and to a more uniform temperature distribution in its exposed areas.


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Sixty-six trairão (Hoplias lacerdae) fingerlings (average weight of 2.0±0.5 g and total length of 5.8±0.2 cm), trained to accept dry rations, were allotted to six 15-L aquariums, with aeration and controlled temperature (24.0±0.5°C), in a density of 0.7 juveniles/L, aiming to evaluate the effects of darkness on fish productive performance. The treatments consisted of two photoperiods: 12 hours light: 12 hours dark (12L:12D) and 0 hour light: 24 hours dark (OL:24D), with three replicates. Fingerlings were fed ad libitum a commercial extruded diet (42% CP), twice a day. The aquariums were cleaned daily for excrement withdrawal through siphoning, exchanging 1/4 total volume. At the end of the experiment (30 days), weight gain, feed:gain ratio and survival and cannibalism rates were evaluated. The results showed that darkness did not affect the productive performance of trairão juveniles.


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The adequate level (0.12, 0.16, 0.20, 0.24, and 0.28%) of the dietary digestible tryptophan was evaluated in 400 laying Japanese quail from 21 to 30 weeks old. The animals were housed in laying cages, with initial weight of 158.50 g and egg production average of 84.50%. A completely randomized blocks design, with eight blocks, five diets, eight replicates of ten birds per replicate and three experimental periods of 21 days each was used. Feed intake (g/bird/day), digestible tryptophan intake (mg/bird/day), egg production (%/bird/day), egg weight (g), egg mass (kg/bird/day) and feed conversion (kg feed intake per kg eggs and dozen eggs) were the characteristics evaluated. Only the characteristics digestible tryptophan intake and egg production rate show significant effects of digestible tryptophan levels in the diets. Performance response of the Japanese quails in posture, regarding the adjustment obtained through models of linear regression and broken-line regression model, and the biological interpretation, allow to conclude that to obtain the best productive performance, the Japanese quails diets should contain the level of 0.21% digestible tryptophan, that results in a daily intake of 45.0 mg/ bird of digestible tryptophan, corresponding to the digestible tryptophan: digestible lysine ratio of 21%. © 2008 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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This experiment had as objective to evaluate the effect of two probiotics, added in the commercial ration (40% PB) on the productive performance of bullfrog Rana catesbeiana. The test was lead with two dosages of each probiotic (5 g/kg of food and 10 g/kg of food), plus a control group, with three repetitions, totalizing five treatments. The weight gain, the feed conversion (CA) and the specific growth rate (TCE) have been analyzed. The results show that the probiotics affect the weight gain of Rana catesbeiana until reaching 200 g, thus decreasing the time of productivity in 28 days but not improving the CA and the TCE. With bases in these experimental conditions probiotic 1 (Lactobacillus acidofillus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Enterococcus faecium -3×10 6 UFC/g) at lower dose (5 g/kg of ration) provided the best performance of the animals.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fresh water shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) in performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in polyculture system and feeding with ration pelleted and mashed. The work was realized in Centro de Pesquisa em Aqüicultura Ambiental-CPAA/IAP - Toledo/PR during 37 days. Were utilized like experimental unit 16 ponds excavated, covered with concrete but with bottom of soil with dimension the 4 x 3 m and useful volume the 3,5 m 3. Were utilized 30 tilapias e 150 shrimps for experimental unit distributed at an entirely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications, where TF: tilapia feeding with ration mashed; TCF: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration mashed; TP: tilapia feeding with ration pelleted; TCP: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration pelleted. The density used were the 2,6 fishes/m 2 with medium initial weight the 5,58 ± 0,10 g and initial length the 5,56 cm, and the density of shrimp was the 13 shrimps/m 2 with initial length the 1,04 cm. The temperature was gauged daily, while the variables dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity, weekly. The quantity of ration supplied was the 10% of total biomass of fishes, with feed frequency the 4 times a day, being corrected weekly in function of the biometry. During the experimental period the medium values of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity of the ponds water were 23,42 ± 0,83°C, 5,32 ± 0,52 mg/L, 7,02 ± 0,39, e 100,96 ± 1,81 μS/ cm respectively. Won't registering any influence of shrimp during the cultivation and the ration pelleted provide the better conversion alimentary and performance of tilapias.


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Spanish version avalilable at the Library


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding management of pacu juveniles (P. mesopotamicus) under different feeding rates and its relation with productive performance, body composition and hematological characteristics. A total of 300 fish with initial weight of 84.75±4.52 g were distributed in a completely randomized design composed of four treatments (100, 90, 80 and 70% of feed supply) and five repetitions. The amount of feed was stipulated according to the quantity supplied in the treatment until apparent satiation (100%) of the day before. The decrease in the feeding rate to 70% over satiation apparently improves the apparent feed conversion without harming performance, body composition or biochemical and hematological characteristics of pacu juveniles reared in net cages. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of fish oil acidity on the growth of pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) juveniles. Two hundred juveniles with 10.53±0.65 g of weight and 8.74±0.13 cm of total length, were distributed in a totally randomized design in 20, 0.15 m3 meshmade tanks placed in a 25 m3 holding tank. Extruded commercial diets sprayed with soybean oil (control) with acidity index of 0.24 and fish oil with acidity index of 1.48, 6.40 and 9.85 were used. The fish were fed four times a day until apparent satiety. Productive performance, centesimal composition and blood biochemistry were analysed. At the end of the feeding period none of the analyzed parameters was affected by the use of acidified fish oil. Therefore, fish oil may be supplied to the pacu juveniles regardless of their pH.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplemental protein during the rainy season on body growth, ingestive behavior and reproductive performance of crossbred Gir x Holstein dairy heifers, with mean age of 21 ± 4.1 months and average initial body weight of 296.7 ± 57.3 kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicates per treatment. Heifers remained on Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture, managed according to a rotational grazing system and, as treatment, it was supplemented with protein concentrate (34%, 43%, 56% and 66% BW) and level of supply of 0.30% body weight (BW). The animals were weighed and the mean weight of the lot was used for the calculation of adjustment of the amount of concentrate offered. Heifers that reached 330.0 kg of live weight were artificially inseminated and, 45 days after insemination, pregnancy diagnosis was performed for the calculation of pregnancy rate and age at conception. No significant difference of protein levels was observed on grazing, eating behavior, productive performance and age at conception of dairy heifers on pasture. The average daily weight gain of BW and age at conception were, on average, 0.907 kg/animal and 24.03 months, respectively.


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Fourty-two White Leghorns laying hens, from the commercial Cuban hybrid L-33, were used for eight weeks during the laying peak (36 to 43 weeks of age), to assess the substitution of corn by cassava root meal (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and the crude soybean oil by crude oil of African palm tree (Elaeis guineensis J.) in the diets of laying hens. Analysis of variance was conducted, according to simple classification design, with three treatments and 14 repetitions (a cage with a hen). The treatments consisted of three diets (1- corn meal + soybean oil; 2- 25 % cassava meal + African palm tree oil; 3- 53 % cassava meal + African palm tree oil), with 15.71 % CP; 3.83 % Ca and 0.36 % P available. The viability was of 100 % in all treatments. No differences were found for laying (92.21, 92.09 and 91.59 %), which surpassed the potential of this hybrid during the laying peak (90 %), conversion (118g feedstuff/egg in the three treatments), egg mass produced (3066, 3114 and 3071 g/bird) and mass conversion (1.99, 1.95 y 1.98 feed consumed/egg mass). The pigmentation of the egg yolk was reduced as the level of cassava meal increased in the diets (6, 4 and 3 at Roche's scale), as well as the cost of the feed consumed in 56 d per hen (2.56, 2.15 and 1.83 USD/bird). The possibility of substituting, totally, corn meal by that of cassava and soybean oil by that of the African palm tree in the diets of laying hens during the laying peak was determined, with positive economic effect and without damaging the productive performance of birds.


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Aiming to evaluate the enzymatic complex supplementation in diets for goldfish fingerlings (Carassius auratus), 240 fish weighing initially 1,36 ± 0,02g, randomly distributed in 20 tanks with 150L, in four treatments and five replications, with twelve fish in each experimental unit were used. The fish were fed at 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. with diets containing different inclusion levels (0; 0,033; 0,066 e 0,099%) of enzymatic complex (amilase, protease, celulase, lipase, â-glucanase and phytase), and formulated with 32,36% of digestible protein and 3.023kcal of digestible energy kg-1. There were no differences observed (P>0,05) in the mean final weight, weight gain, total length, standard length, survival and carcass composition. However, the fish apparent feed conversion was impaired by the supplementation of enzymatic complex with 0,099% in diet. The use of enzymatic complex does not provides benefits in the productive performance for goldfish fingerlings.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)