963 resultados para process analysis


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In the semiconductor manufacturing environment it is very important to understand which factors have the most impact on process outcomes and to control them accordingly. This is usually achieved through design of experiments at process start-up and long term observation of production. As such it relies heavily on the expertise of the process engineer. In this work, we present an automatic approach to extracting useful insights about production processes and equipment based on state-of-the-art Machine Learning techniques. The main goal of this activity is to provide tools to process engineers to accelerate the learning-by-observation phase of process analysis. Using a Metal Deposition process as an example, we highlight various ways in which the extracted information can be employed.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Otimização Energética na Indústria Química


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo contribuir para aprofundar o conhecimento da temática que envolve a qualidade de execução da perfuração em maciços rochosos fracturados. A necessidade de conhecimento prévio sobre os resultados que podem ocorrer no desmonte de maciços rochosos após a realização da perfuração, leva a uma procura de indicadores que possibilitem obter mais conhecimento nessa matéria. No encadeamento do processo de análise de projecto, está o conhecimento adquirido, a caracterização do maciço rochoso, a implementação de correcções na componente da perfuração ajustadas ao maciço estudado e uma potencial previsão de granulometria final por emergência de um índice de qualidade, “Índice de Dispersão Volumétrica” que correlacione os elementos constituintes da geometria do diagrama de fogo e da envolvente intrínseca da matriz rochosa e aponte uma expectável granulometria final. Para atingir um nível de qualidade na operação global do processo de desmonte, a perfuração que está no topo da pirâmide assume papel de guia para as seguintes etapas, pelo que a qualidade dos equipamentos e acessórios e a sua correcta operação são fundamentais para obter o rigor da perfuração projectada, com vista a atingir uma determinada granulometria.


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The purpose ofthis study was to explore the perceptions of wellness and bidance amongst female health care professionals negotiating career, family aiul continuing education commitments. Five women who met the criteria of having a family (with children), holding a full-time professional career in health care, and who were presently pursuing continuing education were interviewed. This paper begins with the introduction to the topic of research and the questions to be answered. The review of literature explores the theory and research A^ch precede this study and addresses the surrounding areas of: wellness, balance, multiple roles, stress and continuing education. < This study has assumed a qualitative, phenomenological approach. The data collected through the use of individual interviews were analyzed using a two-part process. Analysis using both (a) methodological interpretation and (b) The Listening Guide method has allowed for the uncovering of major themes, and the portrayal of each participant's unique experience. Some of the major themes which emerged from this research include: wellness as multidimensional and fluctuating, making personal sacrifices, the presence of stress, professional as a vital role, and continuing education as something for me. Perhaps the most significant finding this research has identified is the positive role continuing education can hold in the lives of women already negotiating multiple commitments. The notion that continuing education can act as a means of enhancing perceptions of wellness and balance holds a number of implications in theory, practice, and for future research.


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L’amélioration de la qualité de l’utilisation des médicaments dans les soins primaires est devenue un enjeu crucial. Les pharmaciens communautaires se présentent comme des acteurs centraux dans l’atteinte de cet objectif, en réclamant une extension de leur rôle. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment les technologies de prescription informatisée (eRx) influencent la transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires. Le premier article présente les résultats d’une étude de cas qui aborde la transformation du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires à partir du concept de professionnalisation. Elle propose un modèle logique des influences d’une technologie de eRx sur cette professionnalisation, élaboré à partir de la typologie de Davenport. Ce modèle logique a été validé en interviewant douze pharmaciens communautaires participant à un projet pilote typique de technologie de eRx. A partir des perceptions des pharmaciens communautaires, nous avons établi que la technologie était susceptible de soutenir la professionnalisation des pharmaciens en passant par cinq mécanismes : la capacité analytique, l’élimination des intermédiaires, l’intégration, l’automatisation et la diffusion des connaissances. Le deuxième article analyse les perturbations induites par les différentes fonctions des technologies de eRx sur la stabilité de la juridiction des pharmaciens communautaires, en se basant sur un cadre de référence adapté d’Abbott. À partir de trente-trois entrevues, avec des praticiens (médecins et pharmaciens) et des élites, cette étude de cas a permis de décrire en détail les influences des différentes fonctions sur les modalités d’action des professionnels, ainsi que les enjeux soulevés par ces possibilités. La perturbation principale est liée aux changements dans la distribution des informations, ce qui influence les activités de diagnostic et d’inférence des professionnels. La technologie peut redistribuer les informations relatives à la gestion des médicaments autant au bénéfice des médecins qu’au bénéfice des pharmaciens, ce qui suscite des tensions entre les médecins et les pharmaciens, mais aussi parmi les pharmaciens. Le troisième article présente une revue systématique visant à faire une synthèse des études ayant évalué les effets des technologies de eRx de deuxième génération sur la gestion des médicaments dans les soins primaires. Cette revue regroupe dix-neuf études menées avec des méthodes observationnelles. Les résultats rapportés révèlent que les technologies sont très hétérogènes, le plus souvent immatures, et que les effets ont été peu étudiés au-delà des perceptions des utilisateurs, qui sont mitigées. Le seul effet positif démontré est une amélioration de la qualité du profil pharmacologique accessible aux professionnels, alors que des effets négatifs ont été démontrés au niveau de l’exécution des prescriptions, tels que l’augmentation du nombre d’appels de clarification du pharmacien au prescripteur. Il semble donc que l’on en connaisse peu sur les effets des technologies de eRx de deuxième génération. Ces trois études permettent de constater que les nouvelles technologies de eRx peuvent effectivement influencer la transformation du rôle du pharmacien communautaire en perturbant les caractéristiques des prescriptions, et surtout, l’information et sa distribution. Ces perturbations génèrent des possibilités pour une extension du rôle des pharmaciens communautaires, tout en soulignant les défis intra et interprofessionnels associés à l’actualisation de ces possibilités. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats soulignent que les perturbations associées aux technologies de eRx dépassent les éléments techniques du travail des utilisateurs, pour englober de multiples perturbations quant à la nature même du travail et du rôle des professionnels. Les décideurs et acteurs impliqués dans le déploiement des technologies de eRx auraient avantage à prendre en compte l’ensemble de ces considérations pour rapprocher les effets observés des bénéfices promis de ces technologies.


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Les penseurs de l’herméneutique du XXe siècle ont redéfini essentiellement l’humain comme un être en quête de sens, interprétant sans cesse le ‘monde’ à travers ‘son propre monde’, cette compréhension transformante contribuant à son devenir. Serait-il pertinent dans une recherche de sens qui caractérise une démarche de foi, d’utiliser des outils herméneutiques ouvrant les Écritures sur d’autres possibles que ce que la Tradition chrétienne propose aujourd’hui ? Le présent mémoire veut répondre par l’affirmative à ce défi, en appliquant une approche processuelle sur le chapitre 16 du livre d’Ézéchiel, un prophète avec lequel la tradition juive a gardé une certaine prudence et un texte particulièrement osé que la pastorale chrétienne a ignoré. Après une mise en situation qui trace les paramètres fondamentaux de la démarche entreprise dans ce mémoire (chapitre 1), une traduction littérale du texte hébreu est proposée, faisant ressortir les nuances que suggèrent les formes verbales et les éléments particuliers que révèle une analyse macro-syntaxique (chapitre 2); la méthode d’analyse processuelle choisie pour interpréter le texte est inédite dans le monde francophone, tout comme la perspective processuelle de l’étude telle qu’elle se déploie dans les chapitres 3 et 4 du mémoire. L’analyse débouche sur des propositions théologiques originales, redéfinissant notamment la Toute-Puissance divine comme un entêtement qui cherche à convaincre, et inscrivant le pardon divin au creux de la liberté et de la responsabilité humaines.


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“What is value in product development?” is the key question of this paper. The answer is critical to the creation of lean in product development. By knowing how much value is added by product development (PD) activities, decisions can be more rationally made about how to allocate resources, such as time and money. In order to apply the principles of Lean Thinking and remove waste from the product development system, value must be precisely defined. Unfortunately, value is a complex entity that is composed of many dimensions and has thus far eluded definition on a local level. For this reason, research has been initiated on “Measuring Value in Product Development.” This paper serves as an introduction to this research. It presents the current understanding of value in PD, the critical questions involved, and a specific research design to guide the development of a methodology for measuring value. Work in PD value currently focuses on either high-level perspectives on value, or detailed looks at the attributes that value might have locally in the PD process. Models that attempt to capture value in PD are reviewed. These methods, however, do not capture the depth necessary to allow for application. A methodology is needed to evaluate activities on a local level to determine the amount of value they add and their sensitivity with respect to performance, cost, time, and risk. Two conceptual tools are proposed. The first is a conceptual framework for value creation in PD, referred to here as the Value Creation Model. The second tool is the Value-Activity Map, which shows the relationships between specific activities and value attributes. These maps will allow a better understanding of the development of value in PD, will facilitate comparison of value development between separate projects, and will provide the information necessary to adapt process analysis tools (such as DSM) to consider value. The key questions that this research entails are: · What are the primary attributes of lifecycle value within PD? · How can one model the creation of value in a specific PD process? · Can a useful methodology be developed to quantify value in PD processes? · What are the tools necessary for application? · What PD metrics will be integrated with the necessary tools? The research milestones are: · Collection of value attributes and activities (September, 200) · Development of methodology of value-activity association (October, 2000) · Testing and refinement of the methodology (January, 2001) · Tool Development (March, 2001) · Present findings at July INCOSE conference (April, 2001) · Deliver thesis that captures a formalized methodology for defining value in PD (including LEM data sheets) (June, 2001) The research design aims for the development of two primary deliverables: a methodology to guide the incorporation of value, and a product development tool that will allow direct application.


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Neste trabalho dá-se conta de uma intervenção pedagógica realizada junto de um aluno e da sua turma. A intervenção foi implementado em parceria com o professor titular de turma e teve como objectivo a melhoria do comportamento dos alunos e o processo de ensino aprendizagem. Fizemos uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre problemas emocionais, comporta-mentais e de aprendizagem, ensino de competências sociais e aprendizagem cooperativa, a qual constituiu o suporte teórico da intervenção. Para esta desencadeámos metodologias de investigação em educação, identificando a problemática de relacionamento social vivido pela turma e a situação particular de um dos alunos que evidenciava problemas emocionais, comportamentais e dificuldades cognitivas. A partir do conhecimento adquirido, definimos uma estratégia global, elaborámos a planificação e implementámos a intervenção pedagógica. A reflexão sobre cada sessão e no final da intervenção evidenciaram a mudança que se foi operando nos comportamentos individuais e do grupo/turma. A mudança contribuiu para o sucesso educativo e o desenvolvimento integral de todos e de cada um.


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This paper will present a conceptual framework for the examination of land redevelopment based on a complex systems/networks approach. As Alvin Toffler insightfully noted, modern scientific enquiry has become exceptionally good at splitting problems into pieces but has forgotten how to put the pieces back together. Twenty-five years after his remarks, governments and corporations faced with the requirements of sustainability are struggling to promote an ‘integrated’ or ‘holistic’ approach to tackling problems. Despite the talk, both practice and research provide few platforms that allow for ‘joined up’ thinking and action. With socio-economic phenomena, such as land redevelopment, promising prospects open up when we assume that their constituents can make up complex systems whose emergent properties are more than the sum of the parts and whose behaviour is inherently difficult to predict. A review of previous research shows that it has mainly focused on idealised, ‘mechanical’ views of property development processes that fail to recognise in full the relationships between actors, the structures created and their emergent qualities. When reality failed to live up to the expectations of these theoretical constructs then somebody had to be blamed for it: planners, developers, politicians. However, from a ‘synthetic’ point of view the agents and networks involved in property development can be seen as constituents of structures that perform complex processes. These structures interact, forming new more complex structures and networks. Redevelopment then can be conceptualised as a process of transformation: a complex system, a ‘dissipative’ structure involving developers, planners, landowners, state agencies etc., unlocks the potential of previously used sites, transforms space towards a higher order of complexity and ‘consumes’ but also ‘creates’ different forms of capital in the process. Analysis of network relations point toward the ‘dualism’ of structure and agency in these processes of system transformation and change. Insights from actor network theory can be conjoined with notions of complexity and chaos to build an understanding of the ways in which actors actively seek to shape these structures and systems, whilst at the same time are recursively shaped by them in their strategies and actions. This approach transcends the blame game and allows for inter-disciplinary inputs to be placed within a broader explanatory framework that does away with many past dichotomies. Better understanding of the interactions between actors and the emergent qualities of the networks they form can improve our comprehension of the complex socio-spatial phenomena that redevelopment comprises. The insights that this framework provides when applied in UK institutional investment into redevelopment are considered to be significant.


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This paper identifies characteristics of knowledge intensive processes and a method to improve their performance based on analysis of investment banking front office processes. The inability to improve these processes using standard process improvement techniques confirmed that much of the process was not codified and depended on tacit knowledge and skills. This led to the use of a semi-structured analysis of the characteristics of the processes via a questionnaire to identify knowledge intensive processes characteristics that adds to existing theory. Further work identified innovative process analysis and change techniques that could generate improvements based on an analysis of their properties and the issue drivers. An improvement methodology was developed to harness a number of techniques that were found to effective in resolving the issue drivers and improving these knowledge intensive processes.


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Traditional!y, the simulation of buildings has focused 011 operational energy consumption in an attempt to determine the potential for energy savings. Whilst operational energy of Australian buildings accounts for around 20% of total energy consumption nationally, embodied energy represents 20 to 50 times the annual operational energy of 1110st Australian buildings. Lower values have been shown through a number of studies that have analysed the embodied energy of buildings and their products, however these have now shown to be incomplete in system boundary. Many of these studies have used traditional embodied energy analysis methods, such as process analysis and input-output analysis, Hybrid embodied energy analysis methods have been developed, but these need to be compared and validated. This paper reports on preliminary work on this topic. The findings so far suggest that current best-practice methods are sufficiently accurate for most typical applications, but this is heavily dependant upon data quality and availability.


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We analyse the wood and concrete designs of the Wälludden building described by Börjesson et al. (Energy Policy 28 (2000) 575) in terms of their embodied energy, employing an environmentally extended input–output framework in a tiered hybrid life-cycle assessment, and in a structural path analysis. We illustrate the complexity of the inter-industry supply chains underlying the upstream energy requirements for the building options, and demonstrate that higher-order inputs are difficult to capture in a conventional process analysis. Our calculations show that Börjesson and Gustavsson's estimates of energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions are underestimated by a factor of about 2, and that corresponding greenhouse gas balances are positive at about 30 t C-eq. Nevertheless, Börjesson and Gustavsson's general result—the concrete-framed building causing higher emissions—still holds.


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Approximate models are often used for the following purposes: in on-line control systems of metal forming processes where calculation speed is critical; to obtain quick, quantitative information on the magnitude of the main variables in the early stages of process design; to illustrate the role of the major variables in the process; as an initial check on numerical modelling; and as a basis for quick calculations on processes in teaching and training packages. The models often share many similarities; for example, an arbitrary geometric assumption of deformation giving a simplified strain distribution, simple material property descriptions - such as an elastic, perfectly plastic law - and mathematical short cuts such as a linear approximation of a polynomial expression. In many cases, the output differs significantly from experiment and performance or efficiency factors are developed by experience to tune the models. In recent years, analytical models have been widely used at Deakin University in the design of experiments and equipment and as a pre-cursor to more detailed numerical analyses. Examples that are reviewed in this paper include deformation of sandwich material having a weak, elastic core, load prediction in deep drawing, bending of strip (particularly of ageing steel where kinking may occur), process analysis of low-pressure hydroforming of tubing, analysis of the rejection rates in stamping, and the determination of constitutive models by an inverse method applied to bending tests.


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A pimenta vermelha é rica em vitamina C e outros fitoquímicos e pode ser consumida como produto desidratado. A avaliação das melhores condições de secagem pode garantir melhor qualidade do produto. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da temperatura do ar de secagem (55, 65, 75 ºC) sobre a cinética de secagem, conteúdos de vitamina C e fenólicos totais e cor do produto desidratado, comparando-os à pimenta in natura. A desidratação foi feita por convecção forçada em estufa. A cinética de secagem foi determinada por pesagens periódicas até peso constante. A umidade da pimenta in natura foi de aproximadamente 86%. As curvas de secagem foram ajustadas por três modelos diferentes, avaliados na literatura. O modelo de Page apresentou o melhor ajuste para este processo. A análise de variância mostrou que a temperatura de secagem influenciou significativamente (p < 0,05) os parâmetros de qualidade (conteúdo de vitamina C, conteúdo de fenólicos totais, cor) da pimenta desidratada quando comparados aos da pimenta in natura. Após a secagem, a retenção de vitamina C aumentou com a redução da temperatura de secagem. de maneira geral, a qualidade do produto foi favorecida na secagem com menor temperatura, devido à redução nas perdas de compostos bioativos.


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This paper presents a simple, fast, and sensitive method to determine zinc in samples of feces and fish feed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry through the direct introduction of slurries of the samples into the spectrometer's graphite tube. The procedure is based on the injection of 10 mu L of an acidified aqueous solution containing 0.50% w/v of feces or feed and 0.50% v/v HNO(3) into graphite tube. The limits of detection and quantification calculated for 20 readings of the blank of the standard slurries (0.50% w/v of feces or feed devoid of zinc) were 0.04 and 0.13 mu g L(-1) for the standard feces slurries and 0.05 and 0.17 mu g L(-1) for the standard feed slurries. The proposed method was applied in studies of digestibility of zinc in different fish feeds, and their results proved compatible with that obtained from samples mineralized by acid digestion using microwave oven.