801 resultados para problem solving research
This paper shows a comparative study between the Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving and the Human Problem Solving. The study is based on the solution by many ways of problems proposed via multiple-choice questions. General techniques used by humans to solve this kind of problems are grouped in blocks and each block is divided in steps. A new architecture for ITS - Intelligent Tutoring System is proposed to support experts' knowledge representation and novices' activities. Problems are represented by a text and feasible answers with particular meaning and form, to be rigorously analyzed by the solver to find the right one. Paths through a conceptual space of states represent each right solution.
Pepperberg (The Alex studies: cognitive and communicative abilities of gray parrots. Harvard University Press, Cambridge;1999) showed that some of the complex cognitive capabilities found in primates are also present in psittacine birds. Through the replication of an experiment performed with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus) by Hauser et al. (Anim Behav 57:565-582; 1999), we examined a blue-fronted parrot`s (Amazona aestiva) ability to generalize the solution of a particular problem in new but similar cases. Our results show that, at least when it comes to solving this particular problem, our parrot subject exhibited learning generalization capabilities resembling the tamarins`.
For the last two decades American police experts developed new police philosophies in order to tackle more successful the increasing crime problems. Community Policing tries to improve the cooperation between the population and the police and to increase the trust in the police. A crucial factor is a meaningful cooperation between the police and the citizens. Problem Oriented Policing aims at structural changes in the organisation and the procedures of the police in public. The police have to investigate the hidden problems and conflicts of an individual offence and to create proactive and long term concepts for the social area of conflicts beyond the specific case. It is doubtful whether these philosophies can be implemented in Germany since the legality principle prohibits meaningful, trustworthy relationships between citizens and police officers. However, if one examines the results of surveys on citizens views and expectations towards the police one finds that the majority of the German citizens favour the postulates of community and problem oriented policing. They expect through these measures an improvement of their life situation in the community and the feelings of safety. If one takes these results seriously one has to question if the legality principle is still appropriate. It seems to hamper new, more promising policing styles which seem to improve life of it's citizens and reflect what the citizens want and expect from their police force.
This study assessed the effectiveness of an online mathematical problem solving course designed using a social constructivist approach for pre-service teachers. Thirty-seven pre-service teachers at the Batu Lintang Teacher Institute, Sarawak, Malaysia were randomly selected to participate in the study. The participants were required to complete the course online without the typical face-to-face classes and they were also required to solve authentic mathematical problems in small groups of 4-5 participants based on the Polya’s Problem Solving Model via asynchronous online discussions. Quantitative and qualitative methods such as questionnaires and interviews were used to evaluate the effects of the online learning course. Findings showed that a majority of the participants were satisfied with their learning experiences in the course. There were no significant changes in the participants’ attitudes toward mathematics, while the participants’ skills in problem solving for “understand the problem” and “devise a plan” steps based on the Polya’s Model were significantly enhanced, though no improvement was apparent for “carry out the plan” and “review”. The results also showed that there were significant improvements in the participants’ critical thinking skills. Furthermore, participants with higher initial computer skills were also found to show higher performance in mathematical problem solving as compared to those with lower computer skills. However, there were no significant differences in the participants’ achievements in the course based on gender. Generally, the online social constructivist mathematical problem solving course is beneficial to the participants and ought to be given the attention it deserves as an alternative to traditional classes. Nonetheless, careful considerations need to be made in the designing and implementing of online courses to minimize problems that participants might encounter while participating in such courses.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed
This paper describes a proposal of a language called Link which has been designed to formalize and operationalize problem solving strategies. This language is used within a software environment called KSM (Knowledge Structure Manager) which helps developers in formulating and operationalizing structured knowledge models. The paper presents both its syntax and dynamics, and gives examples of well-known problem-solving strategies of reasoning formulated using this language.
This paper presents some brief considerations on the role of Computational Logic in the construction of Artificial Intelligence systems and in programming in general. It does not address how the many problems in AI can be solved but, rather more modestly, tries to point out some advantages of Computational Logic as a tool for the AI scientist in his quest. It addresses the interaction between declarative and procedural views of programs (deduction and action), the impact of the intrinsic limitations of logic, the relationship with other apparently competing computational paradigms, and finally discusses implementation-related issues, such as the efficiency of current implementations and their capability for efficiently exploiting existing and future sequential and parallel hardware. The purpose of the discussion is in no way to present Computational Logic as the unique overall vehicle for the development of intelligent systems (in the firm belief that such a panacea is yet to be found) but rather to stress its strengths in providing reasonable solutions to several aspects of the task.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem-solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide a homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provides the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem-solving competence.
This article describes a knowledge-based application in the domain of road traffic management that we have developed following a knowledge modeling approach and the notion of problem-solving method. The article presents first a domain-independent model for real-time decision support as a structured collection of problem solving methods. Then, it is described how this general model is used to develop an operational version for the domain of traffic management. For this purpose, a particular knowledge modeling tool, called KSM (Knowledge Structure Manager), was applied. Finally, the article shows an application developed for a traffic network of the city of Madrid and it is compared with a second application developed for a different traffic area of the city of Barcelona.
The assessment of learning outcomes is a key concept in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) since credits are awarded when the assessment shows the competences which were aimed at have been developed at an appropriate level. This paper describes a study which was first part of the Bologna Experts Team-Spain project and then developed as an independent study. It was carried out with the overall goal to gain experience in the assessment of learning outcomes. More specifically it aimed at 1) designing procedures for the assessment of learning outcomes related to these compulsory generic competences; 2) testing some basic psychometric features that an assessment device with some consequences for the subjects being evaluated needs to prove; 3) testing different procedures of standard setting, and 4) using assessment results as orienting feedback to students and their tutors. The process of development of tests to carry out the assessment of learning outcomes is described as well as some basic features regarding their reliability and validity. First conclusions on the comparison of the results achieved at two academic levels are also presented.
The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide an homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provided the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem solving competence.