900 resultados para potential distribution
Prompted reports of recall of spontaneous, conscious experiences were collected in a no-input, no-task, no-response paradigm (30 random prompts to each of 13 healthy volunteers). The mentation reports were classified into visual imagery and abstract thought. Spontaneous 19-channel brain electric activity (EEG) was continuously recorded, viewed as series of momentary spatial distributions (maps) of the brain electric field and segmented into microstates, i.e. into time segments characterized by quasi-stable landscapes of potential distribution maps which showed varying durations in the sub-second range. Microstate segmentation used a data-driven strategy. Different microstates, i.e. different brain electric landscapes must have been generated by activity of different neural assemblies and therefore are hypothesized to constitute different functions. The two types of reported experiences were associated with significantly different microstates (mean duration 121 ms) immediately preceding the prompts; these microstates showed, across subjects, for abstract thought (compared to visual imagery) a shift of the electric gravity center to the left and a clockwise rotation of the field axis. Contrariwise, the microstates 2 s before the prompt did not differ between the two types of experiences. The results support the hypothesis that different microstates of the brain as recognized in its electric field implement different conscious, reportable mind states, i.e. different classes (types) of thoughts (mentations); thus, the microstates might be candidates for the `atoms of thought'.
Map landscape-based segmentation of the sequences of momentary potential distribution maps (42-channel recordings) into brain microstates during spontaneous brain activity was used to study brain electric field spatial effects of single doses of piracetam (2.9, 4.8, and 9.6 g Nootropil® UCB and placebo) in a double-blind study of five normal young volunteers. Four 15-second epochs were analyzed from each subject and drug condition. The most prominent class of microstates (covering 49% of the time) consisted of potential maps with a generally anterior-posterior field orientation. The map orientation of this microstate class showed an increasing clockwise deviation from the placebo condition with increasing drug doses (Fisher's probability product, p < 0.014). The results of this study suggest the use of microstate segmentation analysis for the assessment of central effects of medication in spontaneous multichannel electroencephalographic data, as a complementary approach to frequency-domain analysis.
We investigated the spontaneous brain electric activity of 13 skeptics and 16 believers in paranormal phenomena; they were university students assessed with a self-report scale about paranormal beliefs. 33-channel EEG recordings during no-task resting were processed as sequences of momentary potential distribution maps. Based on the maps at peak times of Global Field Power, the sequences were parsed into segments of quasi-stable potential distribution, the 'microstates'. The microstates were clustered into four classes of map topographies (A-D). Analysis of the microstate parameters time coverage, occurrence frequency and duration as well as the temporal sequence (syntax) of the microstate classes revealed significant differences: Believers had a higher coverage and occurrence of class B, tended to decreased coverage and occurrence of class C, and showed a predominant sequence of microstate concatenations from A to C to B to A that was reversed in skeptics (A to B to C to A). Microstates of different topographies, putative "atoms of thought", are hypothesized to represent different types of information processing.The study demonstrates that personality differences can be detected in resting EEG microstate parameters and microstate syntax. Microstate analysis yielded no conclusive evidence for the hypothesized relation between paranormal belief and schizophrenia.
The study assessed the brain electric mechanisms of light and deep hypnotic conditions in the framework of EEG temporal microstates. Multichannel EEG of healthy volunteers during initial resting, light hypnosis, deep hypnosis, and eventual recovery was analyzed into temporal EEG microstates of four classes. Microstates are defined by the spatial configuration of their potential distribution maps ([Symbol: see text]potential landscapes') on the head surface. Because different potential landscapes must have been generated by different active neural assemblies, it is reasonable to assume that they also incorporate different brain functions. The observed four microstate classes were very similar to the four standard microstate classes A, B, C, D [Koenig, T. et al. Neuroimage, 2002;16: 41-8] and were labeled correspondingly. We expected a progression of microstate characteristics from initial resting to light to deep hypnosis. But, all three microstate parameters (duration, occurrence/second and %time coverage) yielded values for initial resting and final recovery that were between those of the two hypnotic conditions of light and deep hypnosis. Microstates of the classes B and D showed decreased duration, occurrence/second and %time coverage in deep hypnosis compared to light hypnosis; this was contrary to microstates of classes A and C which showed increased values of all three parameters. Reviewing the available information about microstates in other conditions, the changes from resting to light hypnosis in certain respects are reminiscent of changes to meditation states, and changes to deep hypnosis of those in schizophrenic states.
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is wide-spread in pig populations globally. In many regions of Europe with intensive pig production and high herd densities, the virus is endemic and can cause disease and production losses. This fuels discussion about the feasibility and sustainability of virus elimination from larger geographic regions. The implementation of a program aiming at virus elimination for areas with high pig density is unprecedented and its potential success is unknown. The objective of this work was to approach pig population data with a simple method that could support assessing the feasibility of a sustainable regional PRRSV elimination. Based on known risk factors such as pig herd structure and neighborhood conditions, an index characterizing individual herds' potential for endemic virus circulation and reinfection was designed. This index was subsequently used to compare data of all pig herds in two regions with different pig- and herd-densities in Lower Saxony (North-West Germany) where PRRSV is endemic. Distribution of the indexed herds was displayed using GIS. Clusters of high herd index densities forming potential risk hot spots were identified which could represent key target areas for surveillance and biosecurity measures under a control program aimed at virus elimination. In an additional step, for the study region with the higher pig density (2463 pigs/km(2) farmland), the potential distribution of PRRSV-free and non-free herds during the implementation of a national control program aiming at national virus elimination was modeled. Complex herd and trade network structures suggest that PRRSV elimination in regions with intensive pig farming like that of middle Europe would have to involve legal regulation and be accompanied by important trade and animal movement restrictions. The proposed methodology of risk index mapping could be adapted to areas varying in size, herd structure and density. Interpreted in the regional context, this could help to classify the density of risk and to accordingly target resources and measures for elimination.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: There is limited information on potential diffusion of local anaesthetic solution after various diagnostic analgesic techniques of the proximal metacarpal region. OBJECTIVE: To document potential distribution of local anaesthetic solution following 4 techniques used for diagnostic analgesia of the proximal metacarpal region. METHODS: Radiodense contrast medium was injected around the lateral palmar or medial and lateral palmar metacarpal nerves in 8 mature horses, using 4 different techniques. Radiographs were obtained 0, 10 and 20 min after injection and were analysed subjectively. A mixture of radiodense contrast medium and methylene blue was injected into 4 cadaver limbs; the location of the contrast medium and dye was determined by radiography and dissection. RESULTS: Following perineural injection of the palmar metacarpal nerves, most of the contrast medium was distributed in an elongated pattern axial to the second and fourth metacarpal bones. The carpometacarpal joint was inadvertently penetrated in 4/8 limbs after injections of the palmar metacarpal nerves from medial and lateral approaches, and in 1/8 limbs when both injections were performed from the lateral approach. Following perineural injection of the lateral palmar nerve using a lateral approach, the contrast medium was diffusely distributed in all but one limb, in which the carpal sheath was inadvertently penetrated. In 5/8 limbs, following perineural injection of the lateral palmar nerve using a medial approach, the contrast medium diffused proximally to the distal third of the antebrachium. CONCLUSIONS AND POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Inadvertent penetration of the carpometacarpal joint is common after perineural injection of the palmar metacarpal nerves, but less so if both palmar metacarpal nerves are injected using a lateral approach. Following injection of the lateral palmar nerve using a medial approach, the entire palmar aspect of the carpus may be desensitised.
Species selection for forest restoration is often supported by expert knowledge on local distribution patterns of native tree species. This approach is not applicable to largely deforested regions unless enough data on pre-human tree species distribution is available. In such regions, ecological niche models may provide essential information to support species selection in the framework of forest restoration planning. In this study we used ecological niche models to predict habitat suitability for native tree species in "Tierra de Campos" region, an almost totally deforested area of the Duero Basin (Spain). Previously available models provide habitat suitability predictions for dominant native tree species, but including non-dominant tree species in the forest restoration planning may be desirable to promote biodiversity, specially in largely deforested areas were near seed sources are not expected. We used the Forest Map of Spain as species occurrence data source to maximize the number of modeled tree species. Penalized logistic regression was used to train models using climate and lithological predictors. Using model predictions a set of tools were developed to support species selection in forest restoration planning. Model predictions were used to build ordered lists of suitable species for each cell of the study area. The suitable species lists were summarized drawing maps that showed the two most suitable species for each cell. Additionally, potential distribution maps of the suitable species for the study area were drawn. For a scenario with two dominant species, the models predicted a mixed forest (Quercus ilex and a coniferous tree species) for almost one half of the study area. According to the models, 22 non-dominant native tree species are suitable for the study area, with up to six suitable species per cell. The model predictions pointed to Crataegus monogyna, Juniperus communis, J.oxycedrus and J.phoenicea as the most suitable non-dominant native tree species in the study area. Our results encourage further use of ecological niche models for forest restoration planning in largely deforested regions.
PREDICT POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION. Spatial and temporal evolution of the species under different climate scenarios. Generation of habitat suitability models (HSM) high degree of uncertainty and limitations. The importance of their validation has been stressed. In this work we discuss the present potential distribution of P. sylvestris and P. nigra in the Iberian Peninsula by using MaxEnt, and evaluate the influence of the different environmental variables. Our intention is to select a set of environmental variables that explains better their current distribution, to achieve the most accurate and reliable models. Then we project them to the past climatic conditions (21 to 0 kyrs BP), to evaluate the outputs with existing palaeo-ecological data.
Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae), especie endémica del Valle de Loja, ubicado en la región sur del Ecuador, es un recurso forestal de importancia medicinal y ecológica, además la especie ha sido catalogada como planta nacional y es un ícono de la región sur por su aporte a la farmacopea mundial. Esta especie, entre los siglos XVII-XIX sufrió una gran presión en sus poblaciones debido a la extracción masiva de la corteza para la cura del paludismo. Aunque la actividad extractiva generó grandes ingresos a la Corona Española y a la región Sur del Ecuador, ésta fue poco o nada sustentable ecológicamente, provocando la desaparición de la especie en muchos sitios de la provincia, pues, en su momento, no se consideraron alternativas de recuperación de las poblaciones naturales. Actualmente la extracción y consumo de la corteza en la zona de origen es baja o nula, sin embargo esta zona enfrenta nuevas amenazas. La deforestación a causa de proyectos de desarrollo en infraestructuras, la práctica de actividades agrícolas y de ganadería, y los efectos del cambio climático han ocasionado, en estos últimos años, la fragmentación de los ecosistemas. La mayoría de los bosques del sur del Ecuador se han convertido en parches aislados (los bosques en los que se distribuye C. officinalis no son la excepción) siendo esta la principal causa para que la especie se encuentre en estado de amenaza. Los individuos de la especie tienen una alta capacidad de rebrote y producen semillas durante todo el año; sin embargo la capacidad germinativa y la tasa de sobrevivencia son bajas, además de estas dificultades la especie requiere de la asociación con otras especies vegetales para su desarrollo, lo cual ha limitado su distribución en pequeños parches aislados. Con esta problemática, la recuperación natural de las poblaciones es una necesidad evidente. Varios trabajos y esfuerzos previos se han realizado a nivel local: i. Identificación de la distribución actual y potencial; ii. Determinación de la fenología y fructificación iii. Programas de educación ambiental, iv. Análisis moleculares para determinar la diversidad genética. v. Ensayos de propagación vegetativa; y otras acciones de tipo cultural. No obstante, el estado de conservación y manejo de las poblaciones naturales no ha mejorado significativamente, siendo necesaria la aplicación de estrategias integradas de conservación in situ y ex situ, que permitan la recuperación y permanencia de las poblaciones naturales a largo plazo. El presente trabajo tiene como fin dar alternativas para el cultivo de tejidos in vitro de Cinchona officinalis centrados en la propagación masiva a partir de semillas, análisis de la fidelidad genética y alternativas de conservación de tejidos. Los objetivos específicos que se plantean son: i. Analizar el proceso de germinación y proliferación in vitro. ii. Evaluar la estabilidad genética en explantes cultivados in vitro, mediante marcadores ISSR. iii. Establecer protocolos de conservación in vitro mediante limitación del crecimiento y criopreservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Los resultados más significativos de esta investigación fueron: i. El desarrollo de protocolos eficientes para mejorar los porcentajes de germinación y la proliferación de brotes en explantos cultivados in vitro. Para evaluar el efecto de los fenoles sobre la germinación, se determinó el contenido total de fenoles y el porcentaje de germinación en semillas de C. officinalis comparados con una especie de control, C. pubescens. Para inducir a proliferación, se utilizaron segmentos nodales de plántulas germinadas in vitro en medio Gamborg (1968) suplementado con diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento (auxinas y citoquininas). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el contenido de compuestos fenólicos es alto en las semillas de C. officinalis en comparación con las semillas de C. pubescens. Estos fenoles pueden eliminarse con peróxido de hidrógeno o con lavados de agua para estimular la germinación. La formación de nuevos brotes y callos en la mayoría de las combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento se observó en un período de 45 días. El mayor porcentaje de proliferación de brotes, formación de callos y presencia de brotes adventicios se obtuvo en medio Gamborg (B5) suplementado con 5.0 mg/l 6-bencil-aminopurina y 3.0 mg/l de ácido indol-3-butírico. ii. La evaluación de la fidelidad genética de los explantes obtenidos con distintas combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento vegetal y diversos subcultivos. Se realizó el seguimiento a los explantes obtenidos de la fase anterior, determinando el índice de multiplicación y analizando la fidelidad genética de los tejidos obtenidos por las dos vías regenerativas: brotación directa y regeneración de brotes a partir de callos. Este análisis se realizó por amplificación mediante PCR de las secuencias ubicadas entre microsatélites-ISSR (Inter simple sequence repeat). El medio Gamborg (B5) con 3.0 mg/l de AIB y 5.0 mg/l de BAP usado como medio de inducción en la primera etapa de cultivo generó el mayor índice de proliferación (11.5). Un total de 13 marcadores ISSR fueron analizados, 6 de éstos fueron polimórficos. El mayor porcentaje de variación somaclonal fue inducido en presencia de 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combinado con 0.2 mg/l Kin con un 1.8% en el segundo sub-cultivo de regeneración, la cual incrementó a 3.6% en el tercer sub-cultivo. Todas las combinaciones con presencia de 2,4-D produjeron la formación de callos y presentaron variación genética. Por su parte la fidelidad genética se mantuvo en los sistemas de propagación directa a través de la formación de brotes a partir de meristemos preformados. iii. El establecimiento de protocolos de conservación in vitro y crioconservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Para la conservación limitando el crecimiento, se cultivaron segmentos nodales en los medios MS y B5 en tres concentraciones de sus componentes (25, 50 y 100%); y en medio B5 más agentes osmóticos como el manitol, sorbitol y sacarosa en diferentes concentraciones (2, 4 y 8%); los cultivos se mantuvieron por 12 meses sin subcultivos. Para el establecimiento de protocolos para la crioconservación (paralización del metabolismo) se usaron yemas axilares y apicales a las cuales se les aplicaron los métodos de encapsulación-deshidratación y vitrificación. La efectividad de los protocolos usados se determinó en función de la sobrevivencia, reducción del crecimiento y regeneración. Los resultados obtenidos en este apartado reflejan que un crecimiento limitado puede mantener tejidos durante 12 meses de almacenamiento, usando medio B5 más manitol entre 2 y 8%. En los protocolos de crioconservación, se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de recuperación tras la congelación en NL en el tratamiento control seguido por el método crioprotector de encapsulación-deshidratación. Este trabajo brinda alternativas para la propagación de C. officinalis bajo condiciones in vitro, partiendo de material vegetal con alta diversidad genética. El material propagado puede ser fuente de germoplasma para la recuperación y reforzamiento de las poblaciones naturales así como una alternativa de producción para las comunidades locales debido a la demanda actual de corteza de la zona de origen para la elaboración de agua tónica. ABSTRACT Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae) is endemic to the Loja Valley, located in the southern area of Ecuador. The importance of this plant as medical and ecological resource is so great that it has been designated as the national flower and is an icon of the southern region for its contribution to the world pharmacopoeia. Between XVII-XIX centuries its population suffered great reduction due to massive harvesting of the bark to cure malaria. Although extraction activity generated large revenues to the Spanish Crown and the southern region of Ecuador, this was not ecologically sustainable, causing the disappearance of the species in many areas of the province, because during that time alternatives to prevent extinction and recover natural populations were not taken in account. Currently the extraction and consumption of bark in the area of origin is almost absent, but this species faces new threats. Deforestation due to infrastructure development, the practice of farming and ranching, and the effects of climate change had led to the fragmentation of ecosystems during the recent years. Most of the forests of southern Ecuador have become isolated patches, including those where C. officinalis is diffused. The lack of suitable habitat is today the main threat for the species. The species has a high capacity for regeneration and produces seeds throughout the year, but the germination rate is low and the growth is slow. In addition, the species requires the association with other plant species to develop. All these factors had limited its distribution to small isolated patches. The natural recovery of populations is essential to face this problem. Several studies and previous efforts had been made at local level: i. Identification of current and potential distribution; ii. Phenology determination. iii. Environmental education programs, iv. Molecular analisis to determine the genetic diversity. v. Testing of vegetative propagation; and other actions of cultural nature. Despite these efforts, the state of conservation and management of natural populations has not improved significantly. Implementation of integrated in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for the recovery and permanence of long-term natural populations is still needed. This work aims to provide alternatives for in vitro culture of tissue of Cinchona officinalis focused on mass propagation from seeds, genetic fidelity analysis and tissue conservation alternatives. The specific aims are: i. Analyze the process of germination and proliferation in vitro. ii. To evaluate the genetic stability of the explants cultured in vitro by ISSR markers. iii. Establish protocols for in vitro conservation by limiting growth and cryopreservation of nodal segments and buds. The most significant results of this research were: i. The development of efficient protocols to improve germination rates and proliferation of buds in explants cultured in vitro. To study the effect of phenols on germination, the total phenolic content and percentage germination was measured in C. officinalis and in a control species, C. pubescens, for comparison. The content of phenolic compounds in C. officinalis seeds is higher than in C. pubescens. These phenols can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or water washes to stimulate germination. To analyze the regeneration, we used nodal explants from seedlings germinated in vitro on Gamborg medium (1968) supplemented with different combinations of growth regulators (auxins and cytokinins) to induce proliferation. The formation of new shoots and calluses was observed within a period of 45 days in most combinations of growth regulators. The highest percentage of shoot proliferation, callus formation and adventitious buds were obtained in B5 medium supplemented with 5.0 mg/l 6-benzyl-aminopurine and 3.0 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid. ii. Evaluating genetic fidelity explants obtained with various combinations of plant growth regulators and different subcultures. The genetic fidelity was analyzed in tissues obtained by the two regenerative pathways: direct sprouting and shoot regeneration from callus. This analysis was performed by PCR amplification of the sequences located between microsatellite-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Among a total of 13 ISSR markers analyzed, 6 were polymorphic. The highest percentage of somaclonal variation was induced in the presence of 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combined with 0.2 mg/l Kin with 1.8% in the second round of regeneration, and increased to 3.6% in the third round. The presence of 2,4-D induced genetic variation in all the combinations of growth regulators. Meanwhile genetic fidelity remained systems propagation through direct shoot formation from meristems preformed. iii. Establishing conservation protocols in vitro and cryoconservation of nodal segments and buds. For medium-term conservation (limited growth) nodal segments were cultured in MS and B5 media at three concentrations (25, 50 and 100%); we tested B5 medium with different concentrations of osmotic agents such as mannitol, sorbitol and sucrose (2, 4 and 8%); cultures were maintained for 12 months with regular subculturing. To establish protocols for cryoconservation (cessation of metabolism) different methods of encapsulation-dehydration and vitrification were applied to axillary and apical buds. The effectiveness of the used protocols is determined based on the survival, growth and regeneration success. The results show that these tissues can be maintained in storage for 12 months, using B5 medium plus mannitol between 2 and 8%. The cryoconservation protocol with highest percentage of recovery was obtained by contral treatment, followed by freezing in NL with encapsulation-dehydration method. This work provides alternatives for the propagation in vitro of C. officinalis, starting from plant material with high genetic diversity. The obtained material represents a source of germplasm to support the recovery and strengthening of natural populations as well as a creation of alternative sources for local communities due to the current demand of bark for the preparation of tonic water.
O lobo-guará é uma espécie de ampla distribuição na América do Sul, tendo no Brasil sua maior área de ocorrência. No entanto, as modificações das áreas naturais principalmente destinadas à agropecuária tornam a espécie vulnerável à extinção. A investigação objetivou conhecer em larga escala a área de distribuição potencial gerada por atributos ambientais favoráveis e áreas adequadas à sua ocorrência nos biomas brasileiros e investigar como a espécie responde à estrutura da paisagem, avaliando os efeitos de ambientes modificados pelo homem na sua ecologia espacial, nos padrões de atividade e na movimentação. Modelos de distribuição de espécie foram gerados pelo Maxent, utilizando uma base de pontos de localização de presença a partir de 2000 para o Cerrado (Ce), Pantanal (Pa), Mata Atlântica (MA) e Pampas (Pp) e um conjunto de onze variáveis ambientais não correlacionadas (topográficas, climáticas e paisagísticas). Para análises de ecologia espacial, das atividades e de movimentação, utilizou-se localizações de telemetria (GPS) de animais habitantes de áreas protegidas (AP), e indivíduos em paisagens modificados (AM). Análises de áreas de vida (AV) foram realizadas utilizando o estimador AKDE e associadas com classificação da paisagem local. Os modelos de distribuição do lobo-guará apresentaram uma área de distribuição potencial de 78% do total dos biomas. Apesar de possuírem grandes proporções de áreas adequadas (Ce, 90%; Pa, 93%; MA, 65% e Pp, 6%), somente um pequeno percentual (4,4% do Ce e 4,7% da MA) possui adequabilidade ambiental acima de 50%. Dos atributos que favorecem sua presença, a altitude (para todos os biomas), a precipitação (Ce e Pa), diferenças de temperatura e uso e cobertura do solo (Ma e Pp) foram os mais importantes. Em nível local, animais apresentaram média de AV de 90Km2 em AP e 41Km2 em AM, uma diferença significativa (p<0,01) com áreas diretamente proporcionais ao percentual de áreas naturais na paisagem. Ainda, apesar dos padrões regulares de atividade não mostrarem grandes mudanças, o período de repouso foi significativamente maior (p<0,01) entre os animais AM (46% do dia) que em animais AP (25% do dia). Lobos-guarás de AP e AM não apresentaram grandes diferenças no deslocamento diário com média geral de 14km caminhados por dia, com comprimentos de passos de 1Km. Diferenças no comprimento de passo foram relacionadas à composição da diversidade de contato de classes da paisagem com a proporção de ambientes naturais no passo (quanto maior as variáveis, maior o passo). Passos menores refletem menor persistência de movimento interferindo no deslocamento diário. Com os resultados desse estudo identificou-se a MA e Pa muito importantes, mas o Ce como bioma mais adequado à espécie. Foram encontrados indícios de que a estrutura de suas AV, o uso da paisagem, as atividades e movimentação são afetados pela paisagem modificada. Isso pode comprometer a viabilidade populacional, interferindo na presença em uma área e refletindo no seu potencial de distribuição. As estratégias de manejo de uso do solo, e a recuperação e conexão de áreas adequadas são urgentes e necessárias para que o lobo-guará permaneça presente e funcional nas paisagens dos biomas brasileiros.
Se ha localizado en la Rambla de la Gavarnera en Ibi, Alicante una pequeña población de Ulmus laevis Pall., que no había sido citado expresamente en localidades valencianas, ni en las floras locales, regionales, ni nacionales, en unos casos por no haberse localizado, en otros por considerar a este árbol alóctono en España. Desde hace una década un equipo de la ETSIA de Montes de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, viene realizando diversos proyectos y tesis doctorales que han dado como resultado la puesta en valor de esta especie, a través de su localización a nivel nacional, estudio ecológico, fisiológico y genético, que arrojan numerosas pruebas a favor de la autoctonía de esta especie en España. Según los autores de este dilatado proyecto, U. laevis habría tenido en España uno de su principales refugios cuaternarios, aunque en la actualidad se encuentre fragmentado en poblaciones dispersas, con pocos individuos y problemas para su conservación y supervivencia. No obstante esta especie ha demostrado mayores tasas de supervivencia a la enfermedad de los olmos, que otros de sus congéneres como Ulmus minor y U. glabra. En cuanto a su presencia en Alicante, son precisamente estos autores los que localizan un primer ejemplar en Ibi, al que ahora añadimos dos ejemplares más repartidos en tres puntos muy próximos y situados a lo largo de la Rambla de la Gavarnera. Este es un cauce irregular pero con nivel freático permanente, como lo atestiguan la existencia de pozos, azudes, albercas que abastecieron a los pequeños regadíos de la zona, muchos de ellos abandonados en la actualidad. Dada la rareza de esta especie a nivel nacional y la excepcionalidad de su presencia en Ibi, consideramos que el ejemplar de mayor porte merece la consideración de árbol singular para la Comunidad Valenciana y por otra parte, los otros ejemplares merecen su protección y multiplicación, para incrementar la población existente. Es necesario desarrollar un mayor esfuerzo de localización en este paraje y zonas próximas de la Comarca, para conocer su potencial distribución en la provincia y determinar un estatus de protección adecuado.
One of the most pressing demands on electrophysiology applied to the diagnosis of epilepsy is the non-invasive localization of the neuronal generators responsible for brain electrical and magnetic fields (the so-called inverse problem). These neuronal generators produce primary currents in the brain, which together with passive currents give rise to the EEG signal. Unfortunately, the signal we measure on the scalp surface doesn't directly indicate the location of the active neuronal assemblies. This is the expression of the ambiguity of the underlying static electromagnetic inverse problem, partly due to the relatively limited number of independent measures available. A given electric potential distribution recorded at the scalp can be explained by the activity of infinite different configurations of intracranial sources. In contrast, the forward problem, which consists of computing the potential field at the scalp from known source locations and strengths with known geometry and conductivity properties of the brain and its layers (CSF/meninges, skin and skull), i.e. the head model, has a unique solution. The head models vary from the computationally simpler spherical models (three or four concentric spheres) to the realistic models based on the segmentation of anatomical images obtained using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Realistic models – computationally intensive and difficult to implement – can separate different tissues of the head and account for the convoluted geometry of the brain and the significant inter-individual variability. In real-life applications, if the assumptions of the statistical, anatomical or functional properties of the signal and the volume in which it is generated are meaningful, a true three-dimensional tomographic representation of sources of brain electrical activity is possible in spite of the ‘ill-posed’ nature of the inverse problem (Michel et al., 2004). The techniques used to achieve this are now referred to as electrical source imaging (ESI) or magnetic source imaging (MSI). The first issue to influence reconstruction accuracy is spatial sampling, i.e. the number of EEG electrodes. It has been shown that this relationship is not linear, reaching a plateau at about 128 electrodes, provided spatial distribution is uniform. The second factor is related to the different properties of the source localization strategies used with respect to the hypothesized source configuration.
It is important to the landscape architects to become acquainted with the results of the regional climate models so they can adapt to the warmer and more arid future climate. Modelling the potential distribution area of certain plants, which was the theme of our former research, can be a convenient method to visualize the effects of the climate change. A similar but slightly better method is modelling the Moesz-line, which gives information on distribution and usability of numerous plants simultaneously. Our aim is to display the results on maps and compare the different modelling methods (Line modelling, Distribution modelling, Isotherm modelling). The results are spectacular and meet our expectations: according to two of the three tested methods the Moesz-line will shift from South Slovakia to Central Poland in the next 60 years.
The importance and risk of vector-borne diseases (eg. leishmaniasis, West Nile Virus, Lyme borreliosis) is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. Our previous studies have shown that the potential distribution of Leishmania infantum and some Phlebotomus (sand fly) species – a parasite of leishmaniasis, and its vectors – may be expanded even to the southern coastline of the Baltic Sea by the end of the 21st century. The lowland areas of the Carpathian Basin and the main part of Hungary are projected to be suitable for the studied sand fly vectors in the near future. It is important to find some indicator plants to examine whether the sand flies are able to live in a certain climate at a certain time. We studied several Mediterranean and Sub-Mediterranean plant species, and we found that the aggregated distribution of three ligneous species (Juniperus oxycedrus L., Quercus ilex L. and Pinus brutia Ten.) shows high correlation with the union distribution of five sand flies (Phlebotomus ariasi Tonn., Ph. neglectus Tonn., Ph. perfiliewi Parrot, Ph. perniciosus Newst. and Ph. tobbi Adler, Theodor et Lourie). Since these Mediterranean species are highly tolerant of the edaphic characteristics of the planting site, they may prove to be good indicators. The present and upcoming climate of Hungary is seen to be suitable for the selected indicator plant species, and it draws attention to and verifies the potential of the expansion of sand flies, which has been proved by some recent observations of the vectors in Southern Hungary.
Leishmaniasis is a typical vectorial disease transmitted by Psycodidae vectors (Lutzomyans, Phlebotomus species). The worldwide observed 1,5-2 million new cases and 60,000 death caused by Leishmania parasites per year make leishmaniasis is one of the most important vectorial disease in the tropicals and warm temperate areas of the World. In the human environment dogs and cats are the most important hosts of the different leishmania agents. The different leishmania species cause symptomatically cutan or visceral disease forms, but many other type of the disease has recognised. Phlebotomus species are sensitive to climatic patterns, they require hight relative air humidity, mild winters and long and warm vegetation period, but the environmental requirements of the species naturally is not the same. Due to climate change in the near future the climate of Western and Central Europe could allow the colonisation of these highly populated areas with also the vectors and the parasites. Our aim was to analyse the environmental patterns of the current distribution area of 8 important sand flies (P. ariasi, P. perniciosus, P. perfiliewi, P. papatasi, P. tobbi, P. neglectus, P. similis and P. sergenti) using the 1960-1990 period’s climate as reference. Using climate envelope modeling we determined these climatic characters and using the REMO climate projection we created the recent and the near-future (2011-2040 and 2041-2070) potential distribution area of the sand flies. The current known area of many Phlebotomus species restricted either to the western or to the eastern Mediterranean Basin. We found that their climatic requirements are could not explain their segregation, it is maybe the consequence of their evolutionary history (geographical barriers and paleoclimatic history). By the end of the 2060’s most parts of Western Europe can be colonized by sand flies, mostly by P. ariasi and P. pernicosus. P. ariasi showed the greatest potential northward expansion. Our model resulted 1 to 2 months prolongation of the potentially active period of P. neglectus P. papatasi and P. perniciosus for the 2070’s in Southern Hungary. As the climate becomes drier and warmer, sand flies will occupy more and more parts of Hungary. Our findings confirm the concerns that leishmanisais can become a real hazard for the major part of the European population to the end of the 21th century and the Carpathian Basin is a particularly vulnerable area.