1000 resultados para potencial de síntese microbiana
Neste trabalho é apresentada a síntese e a caracterização de compostos do tipo 2-(2'-hidroxifenil)benzazólicos, fluorescentes e com um grande deslocamento de Stokes, devido a um mecanismo de transferência protônica intramolecular no estado excitado (ESIPT). Estes derivados possuem a função amino, de grande versatilidade sintética. A possibilidade de aplicação dos compostos sintetizados foi testada em cinco diferentes sistemas. Os derivados foram utilizados como monômetros vinilênicos e acriloilamida para a polimerização com metacrilato de metila para a produção de novos materiais poliméricos orgânicos fluorescentes; como sondas fluorescentes para proteínas, marcando com sucesso albumina sérica bovina, apresentando conjugados com maior fotoestabilidade em relação a sondas comerciais; como uma molécula com propriedades altamente não-lineares, possuindo o maior valor para a primeira hiperpolarizabilidade conhecido até hoje; como ligante para a complexação com metais de transição. com potencial aplicação em dispositivos orgânicos emissores de luz, e como derivados silifuncionalizados para a obtenção de materiais híbridos através de reação sol-gel, e a partir destes, obter os primeiros aerogéis de sílica fluorescentes por ESIPT.
Este trabalho relata a síntese de uma série de novos ligantes quirais (+) e (-)-syn-1,3-aminoálcoois derivados do norbornano. Através da reação de transesterificação enzimática com a lípase da Candida rugosa em acetato de vinila do álcool racêmico 7,7-dimetoxi-1,4,5,6-tetraclorobiciclo[2.2.1]heptan-5-en-2-ol, (±)-3, foram obtidos os álcoois quirais (+)-3 e (-)-3 (Esquema 1). Através da reação de redução e descloração destes álcoois com Na0/NH3/etanol foram obtidos os respectivos álcoois (+)-4 e (-)-4 (Esquema 2). Os álcoois quirais (+)-4 e (-)-4 foram utilizados como produtos de partida para a síntese dos 1,3-aminoálcoois quirais (+)-9 e (-)-9 em 5 etapas. Deste modo, a partir destes aminoálcoois (9), foi possível sintetizar 12 novos compostos (Esquema 2), todos inétidos na literatura. Os 1,3-aminoálcoois 10, 11, 13, 14 e 15 foram empregados como catalisadores quirais na adição enantiosseletiva de ZnEt2 ao benzaldeído. Excelentes rendimentos e excessos enantioméricos (até 91%) foram obtidos. A relação entre a configuração absoluta do 1-fenilpropanol com a configuração do carbono ligado ao grupo hidroxila dos ligantes foi estudada e, de acordo, com a enantiosseletividade observada foi sugerido um mecanismo para a reação Os produtos com esqueleto ciclopentila são importantes compostos com potencial atividade biológica, fazendo parte da estrutura de prostaglandinas, agentes antitumorais e inibidores da glicosidase. Portanto, nós decidimos usar o acetato clorado quiral 2 para preparar ciclopentanóides quirais altamente funcionalizados. Para isso, o acetato clorado quiral 2 foi submetido à oxidação usando uma quantidade catalítica de RuCl3 anidro na presença de NaIO4 obtendo-se a dicetona 16 (Esquema 3). A dicetona 16 foi clivada com H2O2 em meio alcalino fornecendo os diácidos 17a e 17b, que foram esterificados in situ com excesso de CH2N2 para fornecer uma mistura do hidroxi e acetoxi diéster 18 e 19, respectivamente. A redução da mistura 18 e 19 ou da mistura 17a e 17b com BH3.THF fornece a lactona 20 com excelentes rendimentos.
O poli (ácido L-láctico) (PLLA) é um material de grande interesse na área científica, por ser um polímero biodegradável e bioabsorvível, e pela sua grande utilização na área biomédica. Este estudo teve como objetivo a síntese de PLA através de policondensação direta e em meio supercrítico (scCO2) e sua caracterização. As duas rotas buscam um processo limpo de síntese dos polímeros, livre de solvente orgânico. Além disso, procurou-se reduzir os custos de obtenção utilizando matéria-prima nacional (ácido láctico P.A. comercial). As reações de polimerização de PLLA realizada por policondensação e em scCO2 foram feitas em dois estágios. No primeiro estágio da síntese, para ambos os processos, o pré-polímero do ácido láctico foi obtido através de uma reação simples de condensação, com retirada de água, sob atmosfera inerte de N2 e 160ºC. Na segunda etapa, para a reação de policondensação, o polímero PLLA, foi obtido a partir do pré-polímero em uma temperatura de 140ºC e sob pressão reduzida por o tempo desejado (100h, 200h e 350h). As reações em meio scCO2 foram realizadas em um reator de aço inoxidável de 100 mL equipado com uma barra de agitação magnética, sob pressão de CO2 (80atm) e a 90ºC por 4 horas. Em ambas as reações de polimerização foram usadas complexos de estanho como catalisador. No início deste trabalho foram realizadas algumas reações utilizando o D, L-ácido láctico em scCO2. Também foi realizada a síntese do lactide e a polimerização deste por abertura de anel. Para efeito comparativo, também foi realizada a polimerização do lactide comercial. Os polímeros obtidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de Próton (1HRMN), por espectroscopia de infravermelho (IV), por cromatografia de permeação em gel (GPC), por calorimetria exploratória de varredura (DSC) e pela técnica de análise termogravimétrica (TGA) A reação de policondensação revelou ser uma rota sintética excelente na obtenção de polímeros de PLA com peso molecular variados. A formação dos polímeros a partir do monômero de ácido láctico foi confirmada pelo desaparecimento da banda de OH em 3500 cm-1 no espectro de infravermelho. O espectro de 1H-RMN de ambos os polímeros, mostrou um sinal atribuído ao hidrogênio do grupo CH3 em 1,52 ppm e um sinal atribuído aos hidrogênios do grupo do CH em 5,16 ppm, que estão de acordo com a literatura. Os polímeros obtidos possuem potencial para uso clínico como materiais de implante.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a adição nucleofílica de aminas secundárias cíclicas (pirrolidina, piperidina e morfolina) e a-aminoácidos (L-prolina e derivados) a alcinos ativados. Em todos os casos obteve-se sempre o aduto de Michael com estereoquímica E independente do alcino ser substituído ou não e das condições reacionais. Este fato evidencia uma adição do tipo sin, cujos possíveis estados de transição são discutidos. As reações de Michael foram sempre realizadas em condições brandas com rendimentos moderados a bons.Foram estudadas várias alternativas para a conversão de compostos enaminocarbonílios derivados da L-prolina a esqueletos do tipo cetopirrolizidínicos substituídos, possíveis precursores de alcalóides da classe das hiacintacinas. As tentativas de anelação direta dos compostos enaminoésteres, tanto em condições térmicas ou de adição-eliminação quanto em reações tandem não lograram sucesso. Estudou-se então condições redutivas (hidrogenação ou adição de hidreto) para obtenção de compostos do tipo aminodiésteres, substratos em ciclização do tipo Dieckmann. Testou-se tanto condições próticas (ROH / RONa) quanto apróticas (LDA, LHMDS), em diferentes solventes e catalisadores e, em todos os casos, obteve-se ou a recuperação do produto de partida ou sua degradação.Construiu-se desta forma intermediários avançados com potencial aplicação na síntese de alcalóides da família das hiacintacinas de forma curta e eficiente.
Este trabalho descreve a síntese e caracterização de novos sistemas fotoluminescentes com conjugações π-estendidas com potencial para aplicação tecnológica em sistemas OLEDs. Novos sistemas fotoluminescente com a unidades 2,1,3-benzotiadiazola (BTD) com extensão da conjugação π nas posições 4 e 7 foram sintetizadas em altos rendimentos. As novas estruturas foram plenamente caracterizadas e suas propriedades eletroquímicas e fotofísicas investigadas. Os moléculas BTDs foram utilizados para o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de extrusão de enxofre nesses sistemas utilizando-se o sistema catalítico redutor CoCl2⋅6H2O(cat)/NaBH4/EtOH. Um novo ligante fotoluminescente de conjugação π-estendida nas posições 2 e 3 da unidade quinoxalina (QX) foi sintetizado em alto rendimento global. O ligante é apropriado para testes de formação de um novo sistema paladaciclo fotoluminescente com dois átomos de paládio na estrutura. Também sintetizou-se um novo ligante fotoluminescente contendo a unidade fenazina (FN) em um alto rendimento global. Essa estrutura com o grupo FN serve em testes para a formação de novos complexos fotoluminescentes de rutênio (II) ou cobre (II) com potencial aplicação na tecnologia de OLEDs. Novas estruturas BTDs fotoluminescentes foram sintetizadas e testado o seu comportamento de cristal líquido, para uma possível aplicação como mesofases emissivas em tecnologia de sistemas OLEDs.
The occurrence of bioactive compounds in marine organisms comes awaking the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. Heparin, a sulfated polysaccharide which presence was already identified in several marine invertebrates, is very attractive due its remarkable functional versatility. Besides to intervene in blood coagulation, this molecule has a great anti-inflammatory potential. However, its strong anticoagulant activity difficult the clinical exploitation of its anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the aims of this work were to evaluate the effect of a heparin-like compound (heparinoid), isolated from the cephalotorax of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, on the inflammatory response, hemostasia and synthesis of antithrombotic heparan sulfate by endothelial cells, besides studying some aspects concerning its structure. The purified heparinoid was structurally characterized following an analytical boarding, involving electrophoresis and chromatography. The structural analysis have shown that this compound possess a high content of glucuronic acid residues and disulfated disaccharide units. In contrast to mammalian heparin, the heparinoid was incapable to stimulate the synthesis of heparan sulfate by endothelial cells in the tested concentrations, beyond to show reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect. In a model of acute inflammation, the compound isolated from the shrimp reduced more than 50% of the cellular infiltration. Besides reduce the activity of MMP-9 and proMMP-2 of the peritoneal lavage of inflamed animals, the heparinoid also reduced the activity of MMP-9 secreted by activated human leukocytes. These results demonstrate the potential of heparinoid from L. vannamei to intervene in the inflammatory response. For possessing reduced anticoagulant activity and hemorrhagic effect, this compound can serve as a structural model to direct the development of more specific therapeutical agents to the treatment of inflammatory diseases
The cerium oxide has a high potential for use in removing pollutants after combustion, removal of organic matter in waste water and the fuel-cell technology. The nickel oxide is an attractive material due to its excellent chemical stability and their optical properties, electrical and magnetic. In this work, CeO2-NiO- systems on molars reasons 1:1(I), 1:2(II) e 1:3(III) metal-citric acid were synthesized using the Pechini method. We used techniques of TG / DTG and ATD to monitor the degradation process of organic matter to the formation of the oxide. By thermogravimetric analysis and applying the dynamic method proposed by Coats-Redfern, it was possible to study the reactions of thermal decomposition in order to propose the possible mechanism by which the reaction takes place, as well as the determination of kinetic parameters as activation energy, Ea, pre-exponential factor and parameters of activation. It was observed that both variables exert a significant influence on the formation of complex polymeric precursor. The model that best fitted the experimental data in the dynamic mode was R3, which consists of nuclear growth, which formed the nuclei grow to a continuous reaction interface, it proposes a spherical symmetry (order 2 / 3). The values of enthalpy of activation of the system showed that the reaction in the state of transition is exothermic. The variables of composition, together with the variable temperature of calcination were studied by different techniques such as XRD, IV and SEM. Also a study was conducted microstructure by the Rietveld method, the calculation routine was developed to run the package program FullProf Suite, and analyzed by pseudo-Voigt function. It was found that the molar ratio of variable metal-citric acid in the system CeO2-NiO (I), (II), (III) has strong influence on the microstructural properties, size of crystallites and microstrain network, and can be used to control these properties
Continuous Synthesis by Solution Combustion was employed in this work aiming to obtain tin dioxide nanostructured. Basically, a precursor solution is prepared and then be atomized and sprayed into the flame, where its combustion occurs, leading to the formation of particles. This is a recent technique that shows an enormous potential in oxides deposition, mainly by the low cost of equipment and precursors employed. The tin dioxide (SnO2) nanostructured has been widely used in various applications, especially as gas sensors and varistors. In the case of sensors based on semiconducting ceramics, where surface reactions are responsible for the detection of gases, the importance of surface area and particle size is even greater. The preference for a nanostructured material is based on its significant increase in surface area compared to conventional microcrystalline powders and small particle size, which may benefit certain properties such as high electrical conductivity, high thermal stability, mechanical and chemical. In this work, were employed as precursor solution tin chloride dehydrate diluted in anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Were utilized molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 with the purpose of investigate its influence in the microstructure of produced powder. The solution precursor flux was 3 mL/min. Analysis with X-ray diffraction appointed that a solution precursor with molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 leads to crystalline powder with single phase and all peaks are attributed to phase SnO2. Parameters as distance from the flame with atomizer distance from the capture system with the pilot, molar ratio and solution flux doesn t affect the presence of tin dioxide in the produced powder. In the characterization of the obtained powder techniques were used as thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermodiferential analysis (DTA), particle size by laser diffraction (GDL), crystallographic analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area (BET) and electrical conductivity analysis. The techniques used revealed that the SnO2 exhibits behavior of a semiconductor material, and a potentially promising material for application as varistor and sensor systems for gas
The present work has as objective the development of ceramic pigments based in iron oxides and cobalt through the polymeric precursor method, as well as study their characteristics and properties using methods of physical, chemical, morphological and optical characterizations.In this work was used iron nitrate, and cobalt citrate as precursor and nanometer silica as a matrix. The synthesis was based on dissolving the citric acid as complexing agent, addition of metal oxides, such as chromophores ions and polymerization with ethylene glycol. The powder obtained has undergone pre-ignition, breakdown and thermal treatments at different calcination temperatures (700 °C, 800 °C, 900 °C, 1000 °C and 1100 °C). Thermogravimetric analyzes were performed (BT) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), in order to evaluate the term decomposition of samples, beyond characterization by techniques such as BET, which classified as microporous materials samples calcined at 700 ° C, 800 º C and 900 º C and non-porous when annealed at 1000 ° C and 1100 º C, X-ray diffraction (XRD), which identified the formation of two crystalline phases, the Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) and Cristobalite (SiO2), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed the formation of agglomerates of particles slightly rounded;and Analysis of Colorimetry, temperature of 700 °C, 800 °C and 900 °C showed a brown color and 1000 °C and 1100 °C violet
Magnetic ceramics have been widely investigated, especially with respect to intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of these materials. Among the magnetic ceramic materials of technological interest, there are the ferrites. On the other hand, the thermal treatment of ceramic materials by microwave energy has offered various advantages such as: optimization of production processes, high heat control, low consumption of time and energy among others. In this work were synthesized powders of Ni-Zn ferrite with compositions Ni1- xZnxFe2O4 (0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.75 mols) by the polymeric precursor route in two heat treatment conditions, conventional oven and microwave energy at 500, 650, 800 and 950°C and its structural, and morphological imaging. The materials were characterized by thermal analysis (TG/ DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray spectroscopy and energy dispersive (EDS) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed the formation of ferrite with spinel-type cubic structure. The extrinsic characteristics of the powders obtained by microwave calcination and influence significantly the magnetic behavior of ferrites, showing particles ferrimagnéticas characterized as soft magnetic materials (soft), is of great technological interest. The results obtained led the potential application of microwave energy for calcining powders of Ni-Zn ferrite
The program PROBIODIESEL from the Ministry of Science and Technology has substantially increased glycerine, obtained as a sub-product of biodiesel production process, making it necessary to seek alternatives for the use of this co-product. On the other hand, herbicides although play a role of fundamental importance in the agricultural production system in force, have been under growing concern among the various segments of society because of their potential environmental risk. In this work, we used glycerin in microemulsion systems for application of herbicides, to improve efficiency and lower environmental pollution caused by the loss of those products to the environment. To obtain the systems of microemulsinados were used Unitol L90 NP and Renex 40 as surfactants, butanol as co-surfactant, coconut oil as oil phase and aqueous phase as we used solutions of glycerin + water. Through the determination of phase diagrams, the microemulsion region was found in the system E (L90 Unitol, coconut oil and glycerin + water 1:1). Three points were chosen to the aqueous phase rich in characterization and application in the solubilization of glyphosate and atrazine. Three experiments were performed in Horta, Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Science Sector, UFERSA, Mossoró-RN. The first experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide glyphosate (0.0, 0.45, 0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity of Brachiaria brizantha was measured at 7, 14, 28 and 60 DAA (days after application). At 60 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The second experiment was developed in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide atrazine (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays and Talinum paniculatum was evaluated at 2, 7, 20 DAA. The experiment III was developed in randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and three repetitions. The treatments consisted of 16 combinations among the constituents of the microemulsion: Unitol L90 surfactant (0.0, 1.66, 5.0, 15 %) and glycerin (0.0, 4.44, 13.33 and 40.0 %). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 DAA. At 14 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The control plants using the microemulsions was lower than in the water due to the poisoning caused by the initial microemulsions in the leaves of the plants, a fact that hinders the absorption and translocation of the herbicide. There was no toxicity in Zea mays plants caused by the herbicide, however, were highly intoxicated by microemulsions. T. paniculatum was better controlled in spraying with the microemulsions, regardless of the dose of the herbicide. The glycerine did not cause plant damage. Higher poisoning the plants are caused by tensoactive Unitol L90 and higher rates occur with the use of higher concentrations of surfactant and glycerin, or microemulsion. The microemulsions used hampered the action of glyphosate in controlling B. brizantha and caused severe poisoning in corn, and these poisonings attributed mainly to the action of surfactant
Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic compounds liquid at room temperature, good electrical conductors, with the potential to form as a means for electrolyte on electrolysis of water, in which the electrodes would not be subjected to such extreme conditions demanding chemistry [1]. This paper describes the synthesis, characterization and study of the feasibility of ionic liquid ionic liquid 1-methyl-3(2,6-(S)-dimethyloct-2-ene)-imidazole tetrafluoroborate (MDI-BF4) as electrolyte to produce hydrogen through electrolysis of water. The MDI-BF4 synthesized was characterized by thermal methods of analysis (Thermogravimetric Analysis - TG and Differential Scanning Calorimetry - DSC), mid-infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transform by method of attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR), nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of hydrogen (NMR 1H) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). Where thermal methods were used to calculate the yield of the synthesis of MDI-BF4 which was 88.84%, characterized infrared spectroscopy functional groups of the compound and the binding B-F 1053 cm-1; the NMR 1H analyzed and compared with literature data defines the structure of MDI-BF4 and the current density achieved by MDI-BF4 in the voltammogram shows that the LI can conduct electrical current indicating that the MDI-BF4 is a good electrolyte, and that their behavior does not change with the increasing concentration of water
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This work of research presents an investigation into the knowledge related to the ostensive policing activities of a group of the Rio Grande do Norte State Military Police Captains. This knowledge, which is decisive and part of Brazilian Military Police Constitutional matters, must be taken into consideration when it comes down to planning and putting into force the services related to ostensive public security. Thus, a historical and social analysis about the formation of the police by starting from foreigner experiences down to Rio Grande do Norte s reality, led by such knowledge, was made. Further, studying Brazilian and local scene, this knowledge was analyzed on the ostensive policing activities as for the principles of the Brazilian National Public Security Plan, Brazilian Classification of Occupations / CBO 2002, the reference documents and studies for police graduation Curricular Basis and Matrix; the Variables of Ostensive Policing, as well as some important competences of police service. Arguing that this knowledge is somehow related to what is presented in this work as Orientation Axis to Military Police Service , research tools such as Critical Case Solution and the answers to the Questionnaire on Fundamental Areas of Military Police Service , having in the end six knowledge models related to ostensive policing activities were used within that group. This knowledge can be classified in three distinct categories of connotations within the military police activity: one with reactive/repressive characteristics being the most predominant; the second as preventive; and another one that revealed that the military police activity is being misused for actions and/or missions outside the scope of action of military police
Avaliou-se o fornecimento de concentrado para bezerros mantidos em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu durante a época seca do ano. Utilizaram-se 16 machos não-castrados da raça Canchim, com 7 meses de idade e 250 kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2 × 2, no qual os fatores foram suplementos balanceados para dois potenciais de fermentação microbiana - 9,5 e 11,0 g de proteína bruta microbiana/MJ energia metabolizável fermentável e para ganhos de peso corporal (GPC) de 0,5 e 1,0 kg/dia. Os animais receberam suplementação individual diária por 168 dias, após 21 dias de adaptação. A ingestão diária de forragem foi estimada em 5,91 kg matéria seca/animal. A suplementação para ganho de peso corporal de 0,5 kg/dia proporcionou ganhos de peso e conversão alimentar de 0,94 kg/dia e 2,08 kg suplemento/kg ganho, respectivamente, resultados inferiores aos obtidos para ganho de peso corporal de 1 kg/dia (1,09 kg/dia e 3,18 kg suplemento/kg ganho, respectivamente). Não houve efeito do potencial de fermentação sobre o ganho de peso corporal, a conversão alimentar e a área de olho-de-lombo, no entanto, a espessura final de gordura de cobertura foi maior com o potencial de fermentação mais elevado. A suplementação para ganho de peso corporal de 0,5 kg/dia mostrou melhor resultado econômico, mas não permitiu obter peso apropriado para abate. A suplementação com concentrado formulado para aumentar a eficiência de síntese de proteína microbiana no rúmen, porém reduziu a rentabilidade do sistema.