952 resultados para polysaccharide-protein complex
The bacterial RNase P holoenzyme catalyzes the formation of the mature 5′-end of tRNAs and is composed of an RNA and a protein subunit. Among the two folding domains of the RNase P RNA, the catalytic domain (C-domain) contains the active site of this ribozyme. We investigated specific binding of the Bacillus subtilis C-domain with the B.subtilis RNase P protein and examined the catalytic activity of this C-domain–P protein complex. The C-domain forms a specific complex with the P protein with a binding constant of ∼0.1 µM. The C-domain–P protein complex and the holoenzyme are equally efficient in cleaving single-stranded RNA (∼0.9 min–1 at pH 7.8) and substrates with a hairpin–loop 3′ to the cleavage site (∼40 min–1). The holoenzyme reaction is much more efficient with a pre-tRNA substrate, binding at least 100-fold better and cleaving 10–500 times more efficiently. These results demonstrate that the RNase P holoenzyme is functionally constructed in three parts. The catalytic domain alone contains the active site, but has little specificity and affinity for most substrates. The specificity and affinity for the substrate is generated by either the specificity domain of RNase P RNA binding to a T stem–loop-like hairpin or RNase P protein binding to a single-stranded RNA. This modular construction may be exploited to obtain RNase P-based ribonucleoprotein complexes with altered substrate specificity.
The origin recognition complex (ORC) binds origins of replication and directs the assembly of a higher order protein complex at these sites. ORC binds and hydrolyzes ATP in vitro. ATP binding to the largest subunit of ORC, Orc1p, stimulates specific binding to origin DNA; however, the function of ATP hydrolysis by ORC is unknown. To address the role of ATP hydrolysis, we have generated mutants within Orc1p that are dominant lethal. At physiological ATP concentrations, these mutants are defective for ATP hydrolysis but not ATP binding in the absence of DNA. These mutants inhibit formation of the prereplicative complex when overexpressed. The dominant lethal phenotype of these mutant ORC complexes is suppressed by simultaneous overexpression of wild-type, but not mutant, Cdc6p. Our findings suggest that these hydrolysis-defective mutants inhibit growth by titrating Cdc6p away from the origin. Based on these observations, we propose that Cdc6p specifically recognizes the ATP-bound state of Orc1p and that ATP hydrolysis is coupled to preRC disassembly.
Transcriptional regulation by nuclear hormone receptors is thought to involve interactions with putative cofactors that may potentiate receptor function. Here we show that human thyroid hormone receptor alpha purified from HeLa cells grown in the presence of thyroid hormone (T3) is associated with a group of distinct nuclear proteins termed thyroid hormone receptor-associated proteins (TRAPs). In an in vitro system reconstituted with general initiation factors and cofactors (and in the absence of added T3), the "liganded" thyroid hormone receptor (TR)/TRAP complex markedly activates transcription from a promoter template containing T3-response elements. Moreover, whereas the retinoid X receptor is not detected in the TR/TRAP complex, its presence is required for the function of the complex. In contrast, human thyroid hormone receptor alpha purified from cells grown in the absence of T3 lacks the TRAPs and effects only a low level of activation that is dependent on added ligand. These findings demonstrate the ligand-dependent in vivo formation of a transcriptionally active TR-multisubunit protein complex and suggest a role for TRAPs as positive coactivators for gene-specific transcriptional activation.
The structure of a multisubunit protein (immunoglobulin light chain) was solved in three crystal forms, differing only in the solvent of crystallization. The three structures were obtained at high ionic strength and low pH, high ionic strength and high pH, and low ionic strength and neutral pH. The three resulting "snapshots" of possible structures show that their variable-domain interactions differ, reflecting their stabilities under specific solvent conditions. In the three crystal forms, the variable domains had different rotational and translational relationships, whereas no alteration of the constant domains was found. The critical residues involved in the observed effect of the solvent are tryptophans and histidines located between the two variable domains in the dimeric structure. Tryptophan residues are commonly found in interfaces between proteins and their subunits, and histidines have been implicated in pH-dependent conformation changes. The quaternary structure observed for a multisubunit protein or protein complex in a crystal may be influenced by the interactions of the constituents within the molecule or complex and/or by crystal packing interactions. The comparison of buried surface areas and hydrogen bonds between the domains forming the molecule and between the molecules forming the crystals suggest that, for this system, the interactions within the molecule are most likely the determining factors.
Coatomer, a cytosolic heterooligomeric protein complex that consists of seven subunits [alpha-, beta-, beta'-, gamma-, delta-, epsilon-, and zeta-COP (nonclathrin coat protein)], has been shown to interact with dilysine motifs typically found in the cytoplasmic domains of various endoplasmic-reticulum-resident membrane proteins [Cosson, P. & Letourneur, F. (1994) Science 263, 1629-1631]. We have used a photo-cross-linking approach to identify the site of coatomer that is involved in binding to the dilysine motifs. An octapeptide corresponding to the C-terminal tail of Wbp1p, a component of the yeast N-oligosaccharyltransferase complex, has been synthesized with a photoreactive phenylalanine at position -5 and was radioactively labeled with [125I]iodine at a tyrosine residue introduced at the N terminus of the peptide. Photolysis of isolated coatomer in the presence of this peptide and immunoprecipitation of coatomer from photo-cross-linked cell lysates reveal that gamma-COP is the predominantly labeled protein. From these results, we conclude that coatomer is able to bind to the cytoplasmic dilysine motifs of membrane proteins of the early secretory pathway via its gamma-COP subunit, whose complete cDNA-derived amino acid sequence is also presented.
ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are 20-kDa guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and are active in the GTP-bound state and inactive with GDP bound. ARF-GTP has a critical role in vesicular transport in several cellular compartments. Conversion of ARF-GDP to ARF-GTP is promoted by a guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (GEP). We earlier reported the isolation from bovine brain cytosol of a 700-kDa protein complex containing GEP activity that was inhibited by brefeldin A (BFA). Partial purification yielded an approximately 60-kDa BFA-insensitive GEP that enhanced binding of ARF1 and ARF3 to Golgi membranes. GEP has now been purified extensively from rat spleen cytosol in a BFA-insensitive, approximately 55-kDa form. It activated class I ARFs (ARFs 1 and 3) that were N-terminally myristoylated, but not nonmyristoylated ARFs from class-I, II, or III. GEP activity required MgCl2. In the presence of 0.6-0.8 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM EDTA, binding of guanosine 5'-[gamma[35S]thio]triphosphate ([35S]GTP gamma S) by ARF1 and ARF3 was equally high without and with GEP. At higher Mg2+ concentrations, binding without GEP was much lower; with 2-5 mM MgCl2, GEP-stimulated binding was maximal. The rate of GDP binding was much less than that of GTP gamma S with and without GEP. Phospholipids were necessary for GEP activity; phosphatidylinositol was more effective than phosphatidylserine, and phosphatidic acid was less so. Other phospholipids tested were ineffective. Maximal effects required approximately 200 microM phospholipid, with half-maximal activation at 15-20 microM. Release of bound [35S]GTP gamma S from ARF3 required the presence of both GEP and unlabeled GTP or GTP gamma S; GDP was much less effective. This characterization of the striking effects of Mg2+ concentration and specific phospholipids on the purified BFA-insensitive ARF GEP should facilitate experiments to define its function in vesicular transport.
Cytochrome oxidase is a membrane protein complex that catalyzes reduction of molecular oxygen to water and utilizes the free energy of this reaction to generate a transmembrane proton gradient during respiration. The electron entry site in subunit II is a mixed-valence dinuclear copper center in enzymes that oxidize cytochrome c. This center has been lost during the evolution of the quinoloxidizing branch of cytochrome oxidases but can be restored by engineering. Herein we describe the crystal structures of the periplasmic fragment from the wild-type subunit II (CyoA) of Escherichia coli quinol oxidase at 2.5-A resolution and of the mutant with the engineered dinuclear copper center (purple CyoA) at 2.3-A resolution. CyoA is folded as an 11-stranded mostly antiparallel beta-sandwich followed by three alpha-helices. The dinuclear copper center is located at the loops between strands beta 5-beta 6 and beta 9-beta 10. The two coppers are at a 2.5-A distance and symmetrically coordinated to the main ligands that are two bridging cysteines and two terminal histidines. The residues that are distinct in cytochrome c and quinol oxidases are around the dinuclear copper center. Structural comparison suggests a common ancestry for subunit II of cytochrome oxidase and blue copper-binding proteins.
The effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2)D3], a steroid hormone with immunomodulating properties, on nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) proteins was examined in in vitro activated normal human lymphocytes by Western blot analysis. Over a 72-hr period of activation, the expression of the 50-kDa NF-kappa B, p50, and its precursor, p105, was increased progressively. When cells were activated in the presence of 1,25(OH)2D3, the levels of the mature protein as well as its precursor were decreased. The effect of the hormone on the levels of p50 was demonstrable in the cytosolic and nuclear compartments; it required between 4 and 8 hr and was specific, as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 24,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were ineffective. Besides p50, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the levels of another NF-kappa B protein, namely c-rel. In addition, 1,25(OH)2D3 decreased the abundance of a specific DNA-protein complex formed upon incubation of nuclear extracts from activated lymphocytes with a labeled NF-kappa B DNA binding motif. Further, 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibited the transcriptional activity of NF-kappa B in Jurkat cells transiently transfected with a construct containing four tandem repeats of the NF-kappa B binding sequence of the immunoglobulin kappa light chain gene linked to the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene. These observations demonstrate directly that there is de novo synthesis of NF-kappa B during human lymphocyte activation and suggest that this process is hormonally regulated.
The herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) genome encodes seven polypeptides that are required for its replication. These include a heterodimeric DNA polymerase, a single-strand-DNA-binding protein, a heterotrimeric helicase/primase, and a protein (UL9 protein) that binds specifically to an HSV-1 origin of replication (oris). We demonstrate here that UL9 protein interacts specifically with the 180-kDa catalytic subunit of the cellular DNA polymerase alpha-primase. This interaction can be detected by immunoprecipitation with antibodies directed against either of these proteins, by gel mobility shift of an oris-UL9 protein complex, and by stimulation of DNA polymerase activity by the UL9 protein. These findings suggest that enzymes required for cellular DNA replication also participate in HSV-1 DNA replication.
A human cDNA expression library was used to investigate the nature of molecules recognized by serum from a patient with Sjögren syndrome that exhibits a mixed immunofluorescence pattern and reacts with multiple components on an immunoblot. The data demonstrated that this serum contains IgG antibodies specific for the 70- and 32-kDa subunits of replication protein A (RPA; RPA-70 and RPA-32, respectively), a highly conserved multisubunit DNA binding protein. Affinity purification of serum autoantibodies demonstrated a complete lack of cross-reactivity between RPA-70 and RPA-32, suggesting a direct participation of the native protein complex in the autoimmune response in this patient. Purified anti-RPA-70 and anti-RPA-32 antibodies labeled nuclear and cytoplasmic components in an immunofluorescence assay, suggesting that RPA is present in both cellular compartments. Additional sera from 55 patients with different autoimmune conditions were screened against purified RPA-70 and RPA-32 recombinant proteins. One of these 55 sera was positive and reacted with only RPA-32. Twenty sera from healthy control individuals did not react with RPA. These results show that RPA is a target for autoantibodies in human autoimmune diseases, although its precise frequency, occurrence in other autoimmune diseases, and pathological significance remain to be fully elucidated.
Macrophage-stimulating protein (MSP) was originally identified as an inducer of murine resident peritoneal macrophage responsiveness to chemoattractants. We recently showed that the product of RON, a protein tyrosine kinase cloned from a human keratinocyte library, is the receptor for MSP. Similarity of murine stk to RON led us to determine if the stk gene product is the murine receptor for MSP. Radiolabeled MSP could bind to NIH 3T3 cells transfected with murine stk cDNA (3T3/stk). Binding was saturable and was inhibited by unlabeled MSP but not by structurally related proteins, including hepatocyte growth factor and plasminogen. Specific binding to STK was demonstrated by cross-linking of 125I-labeled MSP to membrane proteins of 3T3/stk cells, which resulted in a protein complex with a molecular mass of 220 kDa. This radiolabeled complex comprised 125I-MSP and STK, since it could be immunoprecipitated by antibodies to the STK beta chain. Binding of MSP to stk cDNA-transfected cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of the 150-kDa STK beta chain within 1 min and caused increased motile activity. These results establish the murine stk gene product as a specific transmembrane protein tyrosine kinase receptor for MSP. Inasmuch as the stk cDNA was cloned from a hematopoietic stem cell, our data suggest that in addition to macrophages and keratinocytes, a cell in the hematopoietic lineage may also be a target for MSP.
The SSN6-TUP1 protein complex represses transcription of diversely regulated genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we present evidence that MIG1, a zinc-finger protein in the EGR1/Zif268 family, recruits SSN6-TUP1 to glucose-repressed promoters. DNA-bound LexA-MIG1 represses transcription of a target gene in glucose-grown cells, and repression requires SSN6 and TUP1. We also show that MIG1 and SSN6 fusion proteins interact in the two-hybrid system. Unexpectedly, we found that LexA-MIG1 activates transcription strongly in an ssn6 mutant and weakly in a tup1 mutant. Finally, LexA-MIG1 does not repress transcription in glucose-deprived cells, and MIG1 is differentially phosphorylated in response to glucose availability. We suggest a role for phosphorylation in regulating repression.
Sulfite-oxidizing molybdoenzymes convert the highly reactive and therefore toxic sulfite to sulfate and have been identified in insects, animals, plants, and bacteria. Although the well studied enzymes from higher animals serve to detoxify sulfite that arises from the catabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, the bacterial enzymes have a central role in converting sulfite formed during dissimilatory oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds. Here we describe the structure of the Starkeya novella sulfite dehydrogenase, a heterodimeric complex of the catalytic molybdopterin subunit and a c-type cytochrome subunit, that reveals the molecular mechanism of intramolecular electron transfer in sulfite-oxidizing enzymes. The close approach of the two redox centers in the protein complex (Mo-Fe distance 16.6 angstrom) allows for rapid electron transfer via tunnelling or aided by the protein environment. The high resolution structure of the complex has allowed the identification of potential through-bond pathways for electron transfer including a direct link via Arg-55A and/or an aromatic-mediated pathway. A potential site of electron transfer to an external acceptor cytochrome c was also identified on the SorB subunit on the opposite side to the interaction with the catalytic SorA subunit.
We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the protein complex between latexin and carboxypeptidase A using a combination of chemical cross-linking, mass spectrometry and molecular docking. The locations of three intermolecular cross-links were identified using mass spectrometry and these constraints were used in combination with a speed-optimised docking algorithm allowing us to evaluate more than 3 x 10(11) possible conformations. While cross-links represent only limited structural constraints, the combination of only three experimental cross-links with very basic molecular docking was sufficient to determine the complex structure. The crystal structure of the complex between latexin and carboxypeptidase A4 determined recently allowed us to assess the success of this structure determination approach. Our structure was shown to be within 4 angstrom r.m.s. deviation of C alpha atoms of the crystal structure. The study demonstrates that cross-linking in combination with mass spectrometry can lead to efficient and accurate structural modelling of protein complexes.
The assembly of outer membranes of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria and of various organelles of eukaryotic cells requires the evolutionarily conserved β-barrel-assembly machinery (BAM) complex. This thesis describes the biochemical and biophysical properties of the periplasmic domain of the β-barrel assembly machinery protein A (PD-BamA) of the E. coli BAM complex, its effect on insertion and folding of the Outer membrane protein A (OmpA) into lipid bilayers and the identification of regions of PD-BamA that may be involved in protein-protein interactions. The secondary structure of PD-BamA in mixed lipid bilayers, analyzed by Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, contained less β-sheet at an increased content of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) in the lipid membrane. This result showed membrane binding, albeit only in the presence of negatively charged lipids. Fluorescence spectroscopy demonstrated that PD-BamA only binds to lipid bilayers containing the negatively charged DOPG, confirming the results of CD spectroscopy. PD-BamA did not bind to zwitterionic but overall neutral lipid bilayers. PD-BamA bound to OmpA at a stoichiometry of 1:1. PD-BamA strongly facilitated insertion and folding of OmpA into lipid membranes. Kinetics of PD-BamA mediated folding of OmpA was well described by two parallel folding processes, a fast folding process and a slow folding process, differing by 2-3 orders of magnitude in their rate constants. The folding yields of OmpA depended on the concentration of lipid membranes and also on the lipid head groups. The presence of PD-BamA resulted in increased folding yields of OmpA in negatively charged DOPG, but PD-BamA did not affect the folding kinetics of OmpA into bilayers of zwitterionic but overall neutral lipids. The efficiency of folding and insertion of OmpA into lipid bilayers strongly depended on the ratio PD-BamA/OmpA and was optimal at equimolar concentrations of PD-BamA and OmpA. To examine complexes of unfolded OmpA with PD-BamA in more detail, site-directed spectroscopy was used to explore contact regions in both, PD-BamA and OmpA. Similarly, contact regions were also investigated for another protein complex formed by PD-BamA and the lipoprotein BamD. The obtained data suggest, that the site of interaction on PD-BamA for OmpA might be oriented towards the exterior environment away from the preceding POTRA domains, but that PD-BamA is oriented with its short α-helix α1 of POTRA domain 5 towards the C-terminal end of BamD.