242 resultados para polycarbonate


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In a recently described model for tissue engineering, an arteriovenous loop comprising the femoral artery and vein with interposed vein graft is fabricated in the groin of an adult male rat, placed inside a polycarbonate chamber, and incubated subcutaneously. New vascularized granulation tissue will generate on this loop for up to 12 weeks. In the study described in this paper three different extracellular matrices were investigated for their ability to accelerate the amount of tissue generated compared with a no-matrix control. Poly-D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) produced the maximal weight of new tissue and vascularization and this peaked at two weeks, but regressed by four weeks. Matrigel was next best. It peaked at four weeks but by eight weeks it also had regressed. Fibrin (20 and 80 mg/ml), by contrast, did not integrate with the generating vascularized tissue and produced less weight and volume of tissue than controls without matrix. The limiting factors to growth appear to be the chamber size and the capacity of the neotissue to integrate with the matrix. Once the sides of the chamber are reached or tissue fails to integrate, encapsulation and regression follow. The intrinsic position of the blood supply within the neotissue has many advantages for tissue and organ engineering, such as ability to seed the construct with stem cells and microsurgically transfer new tissue to another site within the individual. In conclusion, this study has found that PLGA and Matrigel are the best matrices for the rapid growth of new vascularized tissue suitable for replantation or transplantation.


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A novel burn wound hydrogel dressing has been previously developed which is composed of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid sodium salt with silver nanoparticles (silver AMPS). This study compared the cytotoxicity of this dressing to the commercially available silver products; Acticoat™, PolyMem Silver® and Flamazine™ cream. Human keratinocytes (HaCaT and primary HEK) and normal human fibroblasts (NHF) were exposed to dressings incubated on Nunc™ polycarbonate inserts for 24, 48 and 72h. Four different cytotoxicity assays were performed including; Trypan Blue cell count, MTT, Celltiter-Blue™ and Toluidine Blue surface area assays. The results were expressed as relative cell viability compared to an untreated control. The cytotoxic effects of Acticoat™ and Flamazine™ cream were dependent on exposure time and cell type. After 24h exposure, Acticoat™ and Flamazine™ cream were toxic to all tested cell lines. Surprisingly, HaCaTs treated with Acticoat™ and Flamazine™ had an improved ability to survive at 48 and 72h while HEKs and NHFs had no improvement in survival with any treatment. The novel silver hydrogel and PolyMem Silver® showed low cytotoxicity to all tested cell lines at every time interval and these results support the possibility of using the novel silver hydrogel as a burn wound dressing. Researchers who rely on HaCaT cells as an accurate keratinocyte model should be aware that they can respond differently to primary skin cells.


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We demonstrate that commonly face-centered cubic (fcc) metallic nanowires can be stabilized in hexagonal structures even when their surface energy contribution is relatively small. With a modified electrochemical growth process, we have grown purely single-crystalline 4H silver nanowires (AgNWs) of diameters as large as 100 nm within nanoporous anodic alumina and polycarbonate templates. The growth process is not limited by the/Ag Nernst equilibrium potential, and time-resolved imaging with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicates a kinematically new mechanism of nanowire growth. Most importantly, our experiments aim to separate the effects of confinement and growth conditions on the crystal structure of nanoscale systems.


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Noble metal such as Ag normally exists in an fcc crystal structure. However as the size of the material is decreased to nanometer lengthscales, a structural transformation from that of its bulk state can be expected with new atomic arrangements due to competition between internal packing and minimization of surface energy. In many previous studies, it has been shown that silver nanowires (AGNWs) grown inside anodic alumina (AAO) templates by ac or dc electrochemical deposition from silver salts or complexes, adopt fcc structure and below some critical diameter ∼ 20 nm they may acquire hcp structure at low temperature. This is, however, critically dependant on the nature of confinement, as AgNWs grown inside nanotube confinement with subnanometer diameter have been reported to have fcc structure. Hence the question of the crystal structure of metal nanowires under combined influence of confinement, temperature and deposition condition remains open. In this abstract we show that the alternative crystal structures of AGNWs at room temperature can be achieved with electrochemical growth processes under specific conditions determined by the deposition parameters and nature of confinement. We fabricated AgNWs of 4H hexagonal structure with diameters 30 – 80 nm inside polycarbonate (PC) templates with a modified dc electrodeposition technique, where the nanowires were grown at deposition potentials as low as 10 mV in 2 M silver nitrate solution[1]. We call this low-potential electrodeposition (LPED) since the electrodeposition process occurs at potential much less than the standard Nernst potential (770 mV) of silver. Two types of electrodes were used – stainless steel and sputtered thin Pt film, neither of which had any influence on the crystal structure of the nanowires. EDS elemental analysis showed the nanowires to consist only of silver. Although the precise atomic dynamics during the LPED process is unclear at present, we investigated this with HRTEM (high-resolution transmission electron microscopy) characterization of nanowires grown over various deposition times, as well as electrical conductivity measurements. These experiments indicate that nanowire growth does not occur through a three-dimensional diffusion controlled process, as proposed for conventional over-potential deposition, but follow a novel instantaneous linear growth mechanism. Further experiments showed that, (a) conventional electrochemical growth at a small over-potential in a 2 mM AgNO3 solution yields nanowires with expected fcc structure inside the same PC templates, and (2) no nanowire was observed under the LPED conditions inside hard AAO templates, indicating that LPED-growth process, and hcp structure of the corresponding nanowires depend on deposition parameters, as well as nature of confinement.


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Reflectance change due to binding of molecules on thin film structures has been exploited for bio-molecular sensing by several groups due to its potential in the development of sensitive, low cost, easy to fabricate, large area sensors with high multiplexing capabilities. However, all of these sensing platforms have been developed using traditional semiconductor materials and processing techniques, which are expensive. This article presents a method to fabricate disposable thin film reflectance biosensors using polymers, such as polycarbonate, which are 2-3 orders of magnitude cheaper than conventional semiconductor and dielectric materials and can be processed by alternate low cost methods, leading to significant reduction in consumable costs associated with diagnostic biosensing. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The localization and dispersion quality of as received NH2 terminated multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNT-I) and ethylene diamine (EDA) functionalized MWNTs in melt mixed blends of polycarbonate ( PC) and poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile) (SAN) were assessed in this study using rheo-electrical and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding measurements. In order to improve the dispersion quality and also to selectively localize MWNTs in the PC phase of the blends, EDA was grafted onto MWNTs by two different strategies like diazonium reaction of the para-substituted benzene ring of MWNTs with EDA ( referred to as MWNT-II) and acylation of carboxyl functionalized MWNTs with thionyl chloride ( referred to as MWNT-III). By this approach we could systematically vary the concentration of NH2 functional groups on the surface of MWNTs at a fixed concentration (1 wt%) in PC/SAN blends. XPS was carried to evaluate the % concentration of N in different MWNTs and was observed to be highest for MWNT-III manifesting in a large surface coverage of EDA on the surface of MWNTs. Viscoelastic properties and melt electrical conductivities were measured to assess the dispersion quality of MWNTs using a rheo-electrical set-up both in the quiescent as well as under steady shear conditions. Rheological properties revealed chain scission of PC in the presence of MWNT-III which is due to specific interactions between EDA and PC leading to smaller PC grafts on the surface of MWNTs. The observed viscoelastic properties in the blends were further correlated with the phase morphologies under quiescent and annealed conditions. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness in X and K-u-band frequencies were measured to explore these composites for EMI shielding applications. Interestingly, MWNT-II showed the highest electrical conductivity and EMI shielding in the blends.


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In this study, multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were chemically grafted onto dopamine anchored iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles via diazotization reaction to design electromagnetic (EM) shielding materials based on PC (polycarbonate)/SAN poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile)] blends. A two step mixing protocol was adopted to selectively localize the nanoparticles in a given phase of the blends. In the first step, MWNT-g-Fe3O4 nanoparticles were solution blended with PC, followed by dilution with SAN during melt mixing in the subsequent step. This strategy, besides improving the quality of dispersion of MWNTs in the blends, facilitated enhanced EM interference shielding effectiveness (SE). Both, the MWNTs and the modified MWNTs, selectively localized in the PC phase and led to high electrical conductivity, in striking contrast to PC filled MWNT composites. The SE was measured on toroidal samples over a broad range of frequencies; X-band (8.2-12 GHz) and K-u-band (12-18 GHz). It was observed that the shielding mechanism mostly involved reflection in the blends with MWNTs, whereas absorption dominated in the case of blends with MWNT-g-Fe3O4. To realize the efficacy of this strategy, a few compositions were prepared by physical mixing MWNTs with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Intriguingly, blends with MWNT-g-Fe3O4 nanoparticles manifested enhanced microwave absorption over physically mixed nanoparticles. An SE of -32.5 dB was observed (at 18 GHz) for MWNT (3 wt%)-g-Fe3O4 (3 vol%) in PC/SAN blends.


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In order to obtain better materials, control over the precise location of nanoparticles is indispensable. It is shown here that ordered arrangements of nanoparticles, possessing different characteristics (electrical/ magnetic dipoles), in the blend structure can result in excellent microwave absorption. This is manifested from a high reflection loss of ca. -67 dB for the best blend structure designed here. To attenuate electromagnetic radiation, the key parameters of high electrical conductivity and large dielectric/magnetic loss are targeted here by including a conductive material multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs], ferroelectric nanostructured material with associated relaxations in the GHz frequency barium titanate, BT] and lossy ferromagnetic nanoparticles nickel ferrite, NF]. In this study, bi-continuous structures were designed using 50/50 (by wt) blends of polycarbonate (PC) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The MWNTs were modified using an electron acceptor molecule, a derivative of perylenediimide, which facilitates p-p stacking with the nanotubes and stimulates efficient charge transport in the blends. The nanoscopic materials have specific affinity towards the PVDF phase. Hence, by introducing surface-active groups, an ordered arrangement can be tailored. To accomplish this, both BT and NF were first hydroxylated followed by the introduction of amine-terminal groups on the surface. The latter facilitated nucleophilic substitution reactions with PC and resulted in their precise location. In this study, we have shown for the first time that by a compartmentalized approach, superior EM attenuation can be achieved. For instance, when the nanoparticles were localized exclusively in the PVDF phase or in both the phases, the minimum reflection losses were ca. -18 dB (for the MWNT/BT mixture) and -29 dB (for the MWNT/NF mixture), and the shielding occurred primarily through reflection. Interestingly, by adopting the compartmentalized approach wherein the lossy materials were in the PC phase and the conductive materials (MWNT) were in the PVDF phase, outstanding reflection losses of ca. -57 dB (for the BT and MWNT combination) and -67 dB (for the NF and MWNT combination) were noted and the shielding occurred primarily through absorption. Thus, the approach demonstrates that nanoscopic structuring in the blends can be achieved under macroscopic processing conditions and this strategy can further be explored to design microwave absorbers.


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Nanoscale ordering in a polymer blend structure is indispensable to obtain materials with tailored properties. It was established here that controlling the arrangement of nanoparticles, with different characteristics, in co-continuous PC/PVDF (polycarbonate/poly(vinylidene fluoride)) blends can result in outstanding microwave absorption (ca. 90%). An excellent reflection loss (RL) of ca. -71 dB was obtained for a model blend structure wherein the conducting (multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs) and the magnetic inclusions (Fe3O4) are localized in PVDF and the dielectric inclusion (barium titanate, BT) is in PC. The MWNTs were modified using polyaniline, which facilitates better charge transport in the blends. Furthermore, by introducing surface active groups on BT nanoparticles and changing the macroscopic processing conditions, the localization of BT nanoparticles can be tailored, otherwise BT nanoparticles would localize in the preferred phase (PVDF). In this study, we have shown that by ordered arrangement of nanoparticles, the incoming EM radiation can be attenuated. For instance, when PANI-MWNTs were localized in PVDF, the shielding was mainly through reflection. Now by localizing the conducting inclusion and the magnetic lossy materials in PVDF and the dielectric materials in PC, an outstanding shielding effectiveness of ca. -37 dB was achieved where shielding was mainly through absorption (ca. 90%). Thus, this study clearly demonstrates that lightweight microwave absorbers can be designed using polymer blends as a tool.


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A mutually miscible homopolymer (here polymethyl methacrylate; PMMA) was employed to tailor the interfacial properties of immiscible polycarbonate/styrene acrylonitrile (PC/SAN) blends. In order to design materials that can shield microwave radiation, one of the key properties i.e. electrical conductivity was targeted here using a conducting inclusion; multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs). Owing to higher polarity, MWNTs prefer PC over SAN which though enhance the electrical conductivity of the blends, they don't improve the interfacial properties and results in poor mechanical properties. Hence, an efficient strategy has been adopted here to simultaneously enhance the mechanical, electrical and microwave attenuation properties. Herein, the MWNTs were wrapped by PMMA via in situ polymerization of MMA (methyl methacrylate). This strategy resulted in the migration of PMMA modified MWNTs towards the blend's interface and resulted in an effective stress transfer across the interface leading to improved mechanical and dynamic mechanical properties. Interestingly, the bulk electrical conductivity of the blends was also enhanced, manifesting the improved dispersion of the MWNTs. The state of dispersion of the MWNTs and the phase morphology were assessed using scanning electron microscopy. The microwave attenuation properties were evaluated using a vector network analyzer (VNA) in the X and K-u-band frequencies. The blends with PMMA wrapped MWNTs manifested a -21 dB of shielding effectiveness which suggests attenuation of more than 99% of the incoming microwave radiation. More interestingly, the attenuation constant could be tuned here employing this unique strategy. This study clearly opens a new tool box in designing materials that show improved mechanical, dynamic mechanical, electrical conductivity and microwave shielding properties.


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Engineering blend structure with tailor-made distribution of nanoparticles is the prime requisite to obtain materials with extraordinary properties. Herein, a unique strategy of distributing nanoparticles in different phases of a blend structure has resulted in >99% blocking of incoming electromagnetic (EM) radiation. This is accomplished by designing a ternary polymer blend structure using polycarbonate (PC), poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) to simultaneously improve the structural, electrical, and electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI). The blend structure was made conducting by preferentially localizing the multi-wall nanotubes (MWNTs) in the PVDF phase. By taking advantage of pp stacking MWNTs was noncovalently modified with an imidazolium based ionic liquid (IL). Interestingly, the enhanced dispersion of IL-MWNTs in PVDF improved the electrical conductivity of the blends significantly. While one key requisite to attenuate EM radiation (i.e., electrical conductivity) was achieved using MWNTs, the magnetic properties of the blend structure was tuned by introducing barium ferrite (BaFe) nanoparticles, which can interact with the incoming EM radiation. By suitably modifying the surface of BaFe nanoparticles, we can tailor their localization under the macroscopic processing condition. The precise localization of BaFe nanoparticles in the PC phase, due to nucleophilic substitution reaction, and the MWNTs in the PVDF phase not only improved the conductivity but also facilitated in absorption of the incoming microwave radiation due to synergetic effect from MWNT and BaFe. The shielding effectiveness (SE) was measured in X and K-u band, and an enhanced SE of -37 dB was noted at 18 GHz frequency. PMMA, which acted as an interfacial modifier in PC/PVDF blends further, resulting in a significant enhancement in the mechanical properties besides retaining high SE. This study opens a new avenue in designing mechanically strong microwave absorbers with a suitable combination of materials.


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Electromagnetic interference shielding (EMI) materials were designed using PC (polycarbonate)/SAN poly(styrene-co-acrylonitrile)] blends containing few-layered graphene nanosheets decorated with nickel nanoparticles (G-Ni). The graphene nanosheets were decorated with nickel nanoparticles via the uniform nucleation of the metal salt precursor on graphene sheets as the substrate. In order to localize the nanoparticles in the PC phase of the PC/SAN blends, a two-step mixing protocol was adopted. In the first step, graphene sheets were mixed with PC in solution and casted into a film, followed by dilution of these PC master batch films with SAN in the subsequent melt extrusion step. The dynamic mechanical properties, ac electrical conductivity, EMI shielding effectiveness and thermal conductivity of the composites were evaluated. The G-Ni nanoparticles significantly improved the electrical and thermal conductivity in the blends. In addition, a total shielding effectiveness (SET) of -29.4 dB at 18 GHz was achieved with G-Ni nanoparticles. Moreover, the blends with G-Ni exhibited an impressive 276% higher thermal conductivity and 29.2% higher elastic modulus with respect to the neat blends.


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Ultrashort-pulse lasers with spectral tuning capability have widespread applications in fields such as spectroscopy, biomedical research and telecommunications. Mode-locked fibre lasers are convenient and powerful sources of ultrashort pulses, and the inclusion of a broadband saturable absorber as a passive optical switch inside the laser cavity may offer tuneability over a range of wavelengths. Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors are widely used in fibre lasers, but their operating range is typically limited to a few tens of nanometres, and their fabrication can be challenging in the 1.3-1.5 microm wavelength region used for optical communications. Single-walled carbon nanotubes are excellent saturable absorbers because of their subpicosecond recovery time, low saturation intensity, polarization insensitivity, and mechanical and environmental robustness. Here, we engineer a nanotube-polycarbonate film with a wide bandwidth (>300 nm) around 1.55 microm, and then use it to demonstrate a 2.4 ps Er(3+)-doped fibre laser that is tuneable from 1,518 to 1,558 nm. In principle, different diameters and chiralities of nanotubes could be combined to enable compact, mode-locked fibre lasers that are tuneable over a much broader range of wavelengths than other systems.


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Cell culture and growth in space is crucial to understand the cellular responses under microgravity. The effects of microgravity were coupled with such environment restrictions as medium perfusion, in which the underlying mechanism has been poorly understood. In the present work, a customer-made counter sheet-flow sandwich cell culture device was developed upon a biomechanical concept from fish gill breathing. The sandwich culture unit consists of two side chambers where the medium flow is counter-directional, a central chamber where the cells are cultured, and two porous polycarbonate membranes between side and central chambers. Flow dynamics analysis revealed the symmetrical velocity profile and uniform low shear rate distribution of flowing medium inside the central culture chamber, which promotes sufficient mass transport and nutrient supply for mammalian cell growth. An on-orbit experiment performed on a recovery satellite was used to validate the availability of the device.


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The plane strain asymptotic fields for cracks terminating at the interface between elastic and pressure-sensitive dilatant material are investigated in this paper. Applying the stress-strain relation for the pressure-sensitive dilatant material, we have obtained an exact asymptotic solution for the plane strain tip fields for two types of cracks, one of which lies in the pressure-sensitive dilatant material and the other in the elastic material and their tips touch both the bimaterial interface. In cases, numerical results show that the singularity and the angular variations of the fields obtained depend on the material hardening exponent n, the pressure sensitivity parameter mu and geometrical parameter lambda.