953 resultados para polimeri poliuretani poliesteri one-pot sintesi bio-based carbammati
Supported by the increasing sustainable awareness, glycerol carbonate has gained much interest over the last 20 years because of its versatile reactivity and as a way to valorize waste glycerol. Numerous synthesis pathways for this molecule were identified, some of them very promising and on the verge of being applied at an industrial scale. Here, we report a study aimed at valorizing glycerol carbonate as chemical intermediate, in order to synthesize 2-hydroxymethyl-1,4-benzodioxane (HMB). This molecule finds important applications as key intermediate for the synthesis of a broad class of pharmaceuticals and therapeutic agents. Concerning the presence of a stereogenic center on the hydroxymethyl group, due to the pharmaceutical importance to obtain and isolate one single enantiomer, , nowadays HMB is obtained through batch scale process, using a multi-reaction approach and starting from reagents of the chiral pool. We carried out the reaction from a solution of glycerol carbonate and catechol 2:1. In the presence of a simple basic catalyst, at high temperatures, it was possible obtain total reactants conversion and high yield to HMB in few hours reaction time. Also, in the aim of developing a process which might adhere the principles of Green Chemistry, we avoided the use of solvents. Similar results were obtained using a 1:1 feed ratio of reactants, even if selectivity to HMB decrease, due to the presence of side reactions. A complete study of the reaction mechanism is proposed in this thesis.
The research activity was focused on the transformation of methyl propionate (MP) into methyl methacrylate (MMA), avoiding the use of formaldehyde (FAL) thanks to a one-pot strategy involving in situ methanol (MeOH) dehydrogenation over the same catalytic bed were the hydroxy-methylation/dehydration of MP with FAL occurs. The relevance of such research line is related to the availability of cheap renewable bio-glycerol from biodiesel production, from which MP can be obtained via a series of simple catalytic reactions. Moreover, the conventional MMA synthesis (Lucite process) suffers from safety issues related to the direct use of carcinogenic FAL and depends on non-renewable MP. During preliminary studies, ketonization of carboxylic acids and esters has been recognized as a detrimental reaction which hinders the selective synthesis of MMA at low temperature, together with H-transfer hydrogenation with FAL or MeOH as the H-donor at higher temperatures. Therefore, ketonization of propionic acid (PA) and MP was investigated over several catalysts (metal oxides and metal phosphates), to obtain a better understanding of the structure-activity relationship governing the reaction and to design a catalyst for MMA synthesis capable to promote the desired reaction while minimizing ketonization and H-transfer. However, ketonization possesses scientific and industrial value itself and represents a strategy for the upgrade of bio oils from fast pyrolysis of lignocellulosic materials, a robust and versatile technology capable to transform the most abundant biomass into liquid biofuels. The catalysts screening showed that ZrO2 and La2O3 are the best catalysts, while MgO possesses low ketonization activity, but still, H-transfer parasitic hydrogenation of MMA reduces its yield over all catalysts. Such study resulted in the design of Mg/Ga mixed oxides that showed enhanced dehydrogenating activity towards MeOH at low temperatures. It was found that the introduction of Ga not only minimize ketonization, but also modulates catalyst basicity reducing H-transfer hydrogenations.
Il presente progetto di Tesi ha come obiettivo il design di nuovi copolimeri statistici bio-based, caratterizzati da idonee proprietà meccaniche e barriera per impieghi come film sottili nell’imballaggio alimentare. I materiali sintetizzati appartengono alla classe dei poliesteri alifatici, caratterizzati dalla facilità di sintesi in assenza di solventi, relativamente economici, caratterizzati da proprietà modulabili in funzione della struttura chimica. Come omopolimero di partenza è stato scelto il poli(butilene trans-1,4-cicloesanoato) (PBCE), un poliestere potenzialmente bio-based con elevata resistenza ad alte temperature, umidità, radiazioni UV e buone proprietà meccaniche e barriera, e, benchè non ancora disponibile in commercio, molto interessante. Esso risulta troppo rigido per la realizzazione di film flessibili. Il PBCE è stato quindi copolimerizzato introducendo l’(1R,3S)-(+)-Acido Canforico, un monomero bio-based ottenibile dalla canfora. L’obiettivo del lavoro è modulare la cristallinità, le proprietà termiche, meccaniche e barriera dell’omopolimero di partenza. Dopo la sintesi, effettuata mediante policondensazione in massa a due stadi, tali copolimeri sono stati sottoposti a caratterizzazioni molecolari, termiche e meccaniche per valutare l’effetto dell’introduzione di comonomero nella catena macromolecolare del PBCE.
Furfural is one of the most promising biomass derived platform molecules. It is to this day produced in volumes above 300 ktons per year from the hydrolysis and dehydration of hemicellulose, one of the main components of lignocellulosic biomass. While the majority of the yearly production is destined to selective reduction to furfuryl alcohol for the production of furan resins, these molecules hold great potential for the production of more valuable chemicals, fuels, fuel additives and solvents. Among these products are alkyl levulinates and γ-valerolactone. To convert furfural to these target products, a cascade process involving Lewis acidity-catalysed reduction steps and Brønsted acidity-catalysed steps. In order to develop catalysts capable of promoting the one-pot domino reaction from furfural to γ-valerolactone, the two kinds of acidity must both be present. To this end, in this work, the spray freeze-drying technique is employed to combine the high activity and strong Brønsted acidity of Aquivion with the structural properties and Lewis acidity of different supporting metal oxide, forming composite catalysts. The flexibility of the spray freeze-drying technique and the modulable composition of the catalysts allowed a thorough study of the complex network of equilibria underlying the cascade reaction, while achieving high selectivities towards the final product.
Nel seguente lavoro di tesi sperimentale è stato svolto uno studio su film di poli(esametilen furanoato) additivato con filler antiossidanti estratti da una materia prima lignocellulosica, la corteccia di betulla. Tale studio ha lo scopo di incrementare le proprietà meccaniche e soprattutto conservative dei film di PHF per applicazioni nel campo del packaging alimentare. Il poli(esametilen furanoato) è un poliestere i cui monomeri di sintesi possono essere ottenuti da fonti rinnovabili, tale caratteristica lo rende completamente bio-based e di elevato interesse per l’ottenimento di materiali sostenibili. Nella fase iniziale dello studio è stato sintetizzato il polimero in esame tramite una sintesi di tipo solvent-free, in accordo con le attuali strategie sintetiche che mirano a ridurre l’impatto del solvente. Tale polimero è stato quindi caratterizzato tramite NMR e GPC. Sono state poi preparate quattro miscele di polimero additivato, due differenti composizioni per ciascuno dei due filler disponibili. Le miscele sono state preparate tramite solvent casting e in seguito stampate tramite pressofusione per ottenere dei film. È stata svolta una caratterizzazione dei film ottenuti, di tipo morfologica (SEM), termica (TGA e DSC), meccanica, comportamento barriera e con analisi antiossidanti. I filler hanno mostrato una buona miscibilità con l’omopolimero e non hanno causato interferenze nel comportamento termico. È stato osservato un miglioramento nella flessibilità dei film in tutte le miscele studiate e un aumento dell’allungamento a rottura nelle composizioni con quantità di filler pari al 5%. Le proprietà barriera si sono mantenute in linea con quelle dell’omopolimero e ancora migliori dei poliesteri attualmente in commercio. Infine, l’aggiunta del filler ha reso il film attivo per lo scavenging di radicali, valutato attraverso il test con DPPH, confermando il trasferimento delle proprietà antiossidanti dei filler alle miscele polimeriche.
Layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly was used to combine crystalline rod-like nanoparticles obtained from a vegetable source, cellulose nanowhiskers (CNWs), with collagen, the main component of skin and connective tissue found exclusively in animals. The film growth of the multilayered collagen/CNW was monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy and ellipsometry measurements, whereas the film morphology and surface roughness were characterized by SEM and AFM. UV-Vis spectra showed the deposition of the same amount of collagen, 5 mg m(-2), in each dipping cycle. Ellipsometry data showed an increment in thickness with the number of layers, and the average thickness of each bilayer was found to be 8.6 nm. The multilayered bio-based nanocomposites were formed by single layers of densely packed CNWs adsorbed on top of each thin collagen layer where the hydrogen bonding between collagen amide groups and OH groups of the CNWs plays a mandatory role in the build-up of the thin films. The approach used in this work represents a potential strategy to mimic the characteristics of natural extracellular matrix (ECM) which can be used for applications in the biomedical field.
We describe a one-time signature scheme based on the hardness of the syndrome decoding problem, and prove it secure in the random oracle model. Our proposal can be instantiated on general linear error correcting codes, rather than restricted families like alternant codes for which a decoding trapdoor is known to exist. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved,
The present work furnishes an innovative preparation of substituted indoles based on tandem hydroformylation, where the chemo- and the regio-selectivities are good, so the yield of the reaction. The novelty has been established in the four-step transformation of substituted alpha nitrocinnamaldehydes into desired indoles in a one-pot reaction. Under hydroformylation reaction conditions we have been able to trigger off a cascade of reactions, which gave substituted indoles in high yields. Useful intermediates are prepared by using this technique for the synthesis of well-known biologically active molecules. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Orthodontic miniscrews are commonly used to achieve absolute anchorage during tooth movement. One of the most frequent complications is screw loss as a result of root contact. Increased precision during the process of miniscrew insertion would help prevent screw loss and potential root damage, improving treatment outcomes. Stereo lithographic surgical guides have been commonly used for prosthetic implants to increase the precision of insertion. The objective of this paper was to describe the use of a stereolithographic surgical guide suitable for one-component orthodontic miniscrews based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) data and to evaluate implant placement accuracy. Materials and Methods: Acrylic splints were adapted to the dental arches of four patients, and six radiopaque reference points were filled with gutta-percha. The patients were submitted to CBCT while they wore the occlusal splint. Another series of images was captured with the splint alone. After superimposition and segmentation, miniscrew insertion was simulated using planning software that allowed the user to check the implant position in all planes and in three dimensions. In a rapid-prototyping machine, a stereolithographic guide was fabricated with metallic sleeves located at the insertion points to allow for three-dimensional control of the pilot bur. The surgical guide was worn during surgery. After implant insertion, each patient was submitted to CBCT a second time to verify the implant position and the accuracy of the placement of the miniscrews. Results: The average differences between the planned and inserted positions for the ten miniscrews were 0.86 mm at the coronal end, 0.71 mm at the center, and 0.87 mm at the apical tip. The average angular discrepancy was 1.76 degrees. Conclusions: The use of stereolithographic surgical guides based on CBCT data allows for accurate orthodontic mini screw insertion without damaging neighboring anatomic structures. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2011;26:860-865
4th Conference COST ACTION FP1303 – Designing with Bio-based Materials – Challenges and opportiunities. INIA – CSIC, Madrid, 24-25 February 2016. Book of abstracts, T.Troya, J.Galván, D.Jones (Eds.), INIA and IETcc – CSIS, pg. 79-80 (ISBN: 978-91-88349-16-3)
Buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, increasing building energy efficiency is one the most cost-effective ways to reduce emissions. The use of thermal insulation materials could constitute the most effective way of reducing heat losses in buildings by minimising heat energy needs. These materials have a thermal conductivity factor, k (W/m.K) lower than 0.065 while other insulation materials such as aerated concrete can go up to 0.11. Current insulation materials are associated with negative impacts in terms of toxicity. Polystyrene, for example contains anti-oxidant additives and ignition retardants. In addition, its production involves the generation of benzene and chlorofluorocarbons. Polyurethane is obtained from isocyanates, which are widely known for their tragic association with the Bhopal disaster. Besides current insulation materials releases toxic fumes when subjected to fire. This paper presents experimental results on one-part geopolymers. It also includes global warming potential assessment and cost analysis. The results show that only the use of aluminium powder allows the production mixtures with a high compressive strength however its high cost means they are commercially useless when facing the competition of commercial cellular concrete. The results also show that one-part geopolymer mixtures based on 26%OPC +58.3%FA +8%CS +7.7%CH and 3.5% hydrogen peroxide constitute a promising cost efficient (67 euro/m3), thermal insulation solution for floor heating systems with low global warming potential of 443 KgCO2eq/m3.
Programa Doutoral em Matemática e Aplicações.
This paper explores analytically the contemporary pottery-making community of Pereruela (north-west Spain) that produces cooking pots from a mixture of red clay and kaolin. Analyses by different techniques (XRF, NAA, XRD, SEM and petrography) showed an extremely high variability for cooking ware pottery produced in a single production centre, by the same technology and using local clays. The main source of chemical variation is related to the use of different red clays and the presence of non-normally distributed inclusions of monazite. These two factors induce a high chemical variability, not only in the output of a single production centre, but even in the paste of a single pot, to an extent to which chemical compositions from one"workshop", or even one"pot", could be classified as having different provenances. The implications for the chemical characterization and for provenance studies of archaeological ceramics are addressed.
Most bituminous adhesives or binders that are used for pavement materials are derived primarily from fossil fuels. With petroleum oil reserves becoming depleted and the drive to establish a bio-based economy, there is a push to produce binders from alternative sources, particularly from biorenewable resources. However, until now, no research has studied the applicability of utilizing bio-oils as a bitumen replacement (100% replacement) in the pavement industry. The main objective of this research was to test various properties of bio-oils in order to determine the applicability of using bio-oils as binders in the pavement industry. The overall conclusions about the applicability of using bio-oils as bio-binders in the pavement industry can be summarized as follows: 1. Bio-oils cannot be used as bio-binders/pavement materials without any heat pre-treatment/upgrading procedure. 2. Current testing standards and specifications, especially Superpave procedures, should be modified to comply with the properties of bio-binders. 3. The temperature range of the viscous behavior for bio-oils may be lower than that of bitumen binders by about 30°–40° C. 4. The rheological properties of the unmodified bio-binders vary in comparison to bitumen binders, but the rheological properties of these modified bio-binders change significantly upon adding polymer modifiers. 5. The high-temperature performance grade for the developed bio-binders may not vary significantly from that of the bitumen binders, but the low-temperature performance grade may vary significantly
The production and use of biofuels has increased in the present context of sustainable development. Biofuel production from plant biomass produces not only biofuel or ethanol but also co-products containing lignin, modified lignin, and lignin derivatives. This research investigated the utilization of lignin-containing biofuel co-products (BCPs) in pavement soil stabilization as a new application area. Laboratory tests were conducted to evaluate the performance and the moisture susceptibility of two types of BCP-treated soil samples compared to the performance of untreated and traditional stabilizer-treated (fly ash) soil samples. The two types of BCPs investigated were (1) a liquid type with higher lignin content (co-product A) and (b) a powder type with lower lignin content (co-product B). Various additive combinations (co-product A and fly ash, co-products A and B, etc.) were also evaluated as alternatives to stand-alone co-products. Test results indicate that BCPs are effective in stabilizing the Iowa Class 10 soil classified as CL or A-6(8) and have excellent resistance to moisture degradation. Strengths and moisture resistance in comparison to traditional additives (fly ash) could be obtained through the use of combined additives (co-product A + fly ash; co-product A + co-product B). Utilizing BCPs as a soil stabilizer appears to be one of the many viable answers to the profitability of the bio-based products and the bioenergy business. Future research is needed to evaluate the freeze-thaw durability and for resilient modulus characterization of BCP-modified layers for a variety of pavement subgrade and base soil types. In addition, the long-term performance of these BCPs should be evaluated under actual field conditions and traffic loadings. Innovative uses of BCP in pavement-related applications could not only provide additional revenue streams to improve the economics of biorefineries, but could also serve to establish green road infrastructures.