966 resultados para pig farms
Rodents are the most frequently used animals in surgical experimentation. It is estimated that guinea pigs in particular are the third most commonly used species in this context. To disinfect guinea pigs’ skin, either alcohol or surgical iodine are most often used. In the context of an animal research project, a Nissen operation was performed in an adult male guinea pig. Because of accidental contamination of the operative field, a 10% povidone-iodine cutaneous solution was applied to the serosa of the anterior wall of the stomach and to the gastric fundus. The guinea pig died 12 hours after surgery due to an acute necrotizing hemorrhagic gastritis. Although there have been a few reports of povidone-iodine toxicity in the guinea pig, as far as the authors could determine, this is the first time that such a serious abdominal complication is reported. The authors believe that the possibility of a similar event should be taken into consideration when planning, executing and interpreting experiments in the guinea pig.
A retrospective survey done from 1987 till 1990 revealed that 23 patients bitten by pigs sought medical help at a teaching hospital in Uberlândia, in southeastern Brazil. Most cases (21) were from Uberlândia. The cases were evenly distributed by month and by year; most of them (14/16; 87.5%) occurred between 7. OOa.m. and 7.00 p. m. The male to female ratio was 6.7:1. Age ranged from 6 to 73 (mean 38.95 ± SD 22.06, median 36). The bites were more common on the upper limbs, particularly on the forearms. In 11(47.8%) cases the injury was described as deep. In most cases where information was available the injury was related to capture, transport or immobilisation ofthe pigfor slaughter. The following medical procedures were performed: local cleansing in 19(82.6%) cases, rabies vaccine (12; 52.2%), antirabies serum (2; 8.7%), suturing (6; 26.1%) and tetanus vaccine (12; 52.2%). There was no case of infection at the bite site, neither of rabies or tetanus. By our data, the annual incidence of pig bite in Uberlândia can be estimated to be about 1.5/100.000.
Buruli Ulcer (BU) is a necrotizing skin disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans infection. BU is characterized by a wide range of clinical forms, including non-ulcerative cutaneous lesions that can evolve into severe ulcers if left untreated. Nevertheless, spontaneous healing has been reported to occur, although knowledge on this process is scarce both in naturally infected humans and experimental models of infection. Animal models are useful since they mimic different spectrums of human BU disease and have the potential to elucidate the pathogenic/protective pathway(s) involved in disease/healing. In this time-lapsed study, we characterized the guinea pig, an animal model of resistance to M. ulcerans, focusing on the macroscopic, microbiological and histological evolution throughout the entire experimental infectious process. Subcutaneous infection of guinea pigs with a virulent strain of M. ulcerans led to early localized swelling, which evolved into small well defined ulcers. These macroscopic observations correlated with the presence of necrosis, acute inflammatory infiltrate and an abundant bacterial load. By the end of the infectious process when ulcerative lesions healed, M. ulcerans viability decreased and the subcutaneous tissue organization returned to its normal state after a process of continuous healing characterized by tissue granulation and reepethelialization. In conclusion, we show that the experimental M. ulcerans infection of the guinea pig mimics the process of spontaneous healing described in BU patients, displaying the potential to uncover correlates of protection against BU, which can ultimately contribute to the development of new prophylactic and therapeutic strategies.
In this study we investigated the relationship between tambaqui fish (Colossoma macropomumi Cuvier 1818) and parasites in two fish farms (L204S and L180N) in the state of Rondônia, Brazil, during a 1-year period. The objective of the study was to describe the relationships between parasites, hosts and the environment. From the 80 fish specimens collected, 100% were parasitized by at least one parasite species. Seven ectoparasites species were recorded, six of the class Monogenea: Anacanthorus spathulatusi, Mymarothecium spp. (Mymarothecium sp. 1, Mymarothecium sp. 2 and M. viatorum), Notozothecium sp. and Linguadactyloides brinkimanni, classified as dominants, and the copepod Perulernaea gamitanae, classified as subordinate. Despite their high prevalence, the parasites were not abundant. A. spathulatus presented positive and significant correlations between the abundance of parasitism and the standard length of the hosts in the two fish farms; Mymarothecium spp. showed significant correlations, negative in L180N, and positive in L204S; significant positive correlations were observed for Notozothecium sp. in L204S, and for L.brinkimanni in L180N. Young monogeneans were found; these parasites presented a negative correlation in L180N and a significant negative correlation in L204S. The results of the correlation between the relative condition factor (Kn) and the abundance of parasites were not significant for the recorded parasite species. Regarding the hepatosomatic relation (HSR) of fish and the abundance of parasites, Anacanthorus spathulatusi showed a significant negative correlation with the HSR in L180N, and a positive correlation in L204S. Mymarothecium spp. and Notozothecium sp. presented significant positive correlations in L204S. Considering the correlation of the fish splenosomatic relation (SSR) and the abundance of parasites, L. brinkimanni presented significant correlations, positive in L180N and negative in L204S. Despite 100% prevalence, the high water quality contributes to infracommunities with low parasite abundance and good levels of Kn, HSR and SSR, allowing good tambaqui development.
The twin objectives of the work described were to construct nutrient balance models (NBM) for a range of Irish animal production systems and to evaluate their potential as a means of estimating the nutrient composition of farm wastes. The NBM has three components. The first is the intake of nutrients in the animal's diet. The second is retention or the nutrients the animal retains for the production of milk, meat or eggs. The third is the balance or the difference between the nutrient intake and retention. Data on the intake levels and their nutrient value for dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs and poultry systems were assembled. Literature searches and interviews with National experts were the primary sources of information. NBMs were then constructed for each production system. Summary tables of the nutrient values for the common diet constituents used in Irish animal production systems, the nutrient composition of the animal products and the NBMs (nutrient intake, retention and excretion) for a range of production systems were assembled. These represent the first comprehensive data set of this type for Irish animal production systems. There was generally good agreement between the derived NBMs values and those published in the literature. The NBMs were validated on a number of farms. Data on animal numbers, fertiliser use, concentrates inputs and production output were recorded on seven farms. Using the data a nutrient input/output balance was constructed for each farm. This was compared with the NBM estimate of the farm nutrient balance. The results showed good agreement between the measured balance and the NBM estimate particularly for the pig and poultry farms. However, the validation emphasised the inherent risks associated with NBMs. The average values used for feed intake and production parameters in the NEMs may result in the under or over estimate of actual nutrient balances on individual farms where these variables are substantially different. On the grassland farms there was a poor correlation between the input/output estimate and the NBM. This possibly results from the omission of the soil's contribution to the nutrient balance. However, the results indicate that the NBMs developed are a potentially useful tool for estimating nutrient balances. They also will serve to highlight the significant fraction of the nutrient inputs into farming systems that are retained on the farm. The potential of the NBM as a means of estimating the nutrient composition of farm wastes was evaluated on two farms. Feed intake and composition, animal production, slurry production was monitored during the indoor winter feeding period. Slurry samples were taken for analysis. The appropriates NBMs were used to estimate the nutrient balance for each farm. The nutrient content of the slurry produced was calculated. There was a good agreement between the NBM estimate and the measured values. This preliminary evaluation suggests that the NBM has a potential to provide the farmer with a simple means of estimating the nutrient value of his slurry.
The aim of the project has been to demonstrate how the farm animal breeding industry can utilise gene mapping technology to accelerate genetic improvement. Previous theoretical studies had suggested that the use of marker assisted selection could potentially increase the annual improvement for quantitative traits like backfat with about 10% and for more difficult traits such as meat quality and reproduction by as much as 40-60% compared with existing technology. The work has comprised two major tasks: 1. Commercially relevant populations have been screened for segregation at QTLs identified in experimental populations. The aim has been to establish optimal strategies for QTL detection in commercial pig populations and the extent to which QTLs explaining major phenotypic differences between divergent lines used in experimental studies also explain quantitative variation within commercial lines. The results are important for specifying future strategies for finding economically valuable QTLs. 2. Marker assisted backcrossing has been used to demonstrate how a QTL allele can be introgressed from one breed to another. The work has focused on the major fatness QTL on pig chromosome 4 previously identified in a wild pig/Large White intercross. The end result was not designed to be a commercially viable product in its own right, but the process has validated a number of points of major importance for the exploitation of QTLs in livestock.
Antibodies reacting with simian rotavirus SAII were detected by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and Western blot assay (WBA) in sera from guinea pigs bred for experimental use at the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The proportion of antibody-positive animals and the antibody titres rose sharply in 1985, were maintained at a high levels in 1986 and declined in 1987. There were no obvious signs of disease coinciding with serological evidence of infection. Results of WBA suggest that the virus involved belongs to subgroup 1 of group A rotaviruses.
Augmentation cystoplasty using pedicled and de-epithelialized gastric patches in the mini-pig model.
PURPOSE: The most common methods of bladder augmentation are gastrocystoplasty and enterocystoplasty. Gastrocystoplasty is advantageous due to minimal mucous secretion and a well developed muscular wall as well as good urodynamic properties of the patch. However, the permanent contact of urine with the gastric mucosa is not free of complications. We report the urodynamic, macroscopic and histological outcomes of a pedicled de-epithelialized gastric patch incorporated in the bladder. We compared the results to those of our previous study, which sought to analyze these techniques of patch coverage using sigmoid patches. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed 20 augmentation cystoplasties in the mini-pig model using a pedicled de-epithelialized gastric patch and 5 techniques of patch coverage. RESULTS: Three months after surgery all bladders had an increase in volume except those in which the auto-augmentation technique was used. However, all gastric patches were smaller compared to preoperative size. Many had irregular fibrosed inner surfaces and histological evaluation revealed a fibrosed newly formed submucosal layer with a complete urothelial coverage in every patch. No gastric mucosal remnant was found. CONCLUSIONS: De-epithelialized gastrocystoplasty is an attractive procedure that can increase bladder capacity as well as provide a complete urothelial lining without mucosal remnants. However, the success of this procedure seems to be limited by increased morbidity and fibrotic changes, and decreased surface of the patch.
Research has suggested that exogenous opioid substances can have direct effects on cardiac muscle or influence neurotransmitter release via presynaptic modulation of neuronal inputs to the heart. In the present study, multiple-labelling immunohistochemistry was employed to determine the distribution of endogenous opioid peptides within the guinea-pig heart. Approximately 40% of cardiac ganglion cells contained immunoreactivity for dynorphin A (1-8), dynorphin A (1-17) and dynorphin B whilst 20% displayed leu-enkephalin immunoreactivity. Different populations of opioid-containing ganglion cells were identified according to the co-existence of opioid immunoreactivity with immunoreactivity for somatostatin and neuropeptide Y. Immunoreactivity for prodynorphin-derived peptides was observed in many sympathetic axons in the heart and was also observed, though to a lesser extent, in sensory axons. Leu-enkephalin immunoreactivity was observed in occasional sympathetic and sensory axons. No immunoreactivity was observed for met-enkephalin-arg-gly-leu or for beta-endorphin. These results demonstrate that prodynorphin-derived peptides are present in parasympathetic, sympathetic and sensory nerves within the heart, but suggest that only the prodynorphin gene is expressed in guinea-pig cardiac nerves. This study has shown that endogenous opioid peptides are well placed to regulate cardiac function via both autonomic and sensory pathways.
Es va realitzar el II Workshop en Tomografia Computeritzada (TC) a Monells. El primer dia es va dedicar íntegrament a la utilització del TC en temes de classificació de canals porcines, i el segon dia es va obrir a altres aplicacions del TC, ja sigui en animals vius o en diferents aspectes de qualitat de la carn o els productes carnis. Al workshop hi van assistir 45 persones de 12 països de la UE. The II workshop on the use of Computed Tomography (CT) in pig carcass classification. Other CT applications: live animals and meat technology was held in Monells. The first day it was dedicated to the use of CT in pig carcass classification. The segond day it was open to otehr CT applications, in live animals or in meat and meat products quality. There were 45 assistants of 12 EU countries.
Lean meat percentage (LMP) is an important carcass quality parameter. The aim of this work is to obtain a calibration equation for the Computed Tomography (CT) scans with the Partial Least Square Regression (PLS) technique in order to predict the LMP of the carcass and the different cuts and to study and compare two different methodologies of the selection of the variables (Variable Importance for Projection — VIP- and Stepwise) to be included in the prediction equation. The error of prediction with cross-validation (RMSEPCV) of the LMP obtained with PLS and selection based on VIP value was 0.82% and for stepwise selection it was 0.83%. The prediction of the LMP scanning only the ham had a RMSEPCV of 0.97% and if the ham and the loin were scanned the RMSEPCV was 0.90%. Results indicate that for CT data both VIP and stepwise selection are good methods. Moreover the scanning of only the ham allowed us to obtain a good prediction of the LMP of the whole carcass.
Lean meat percentage (LMP) is the criterion for carcass classification and it must be measured on line objectively. The aim of this work was to compare the error of the prediction (RMSEP) of the LMP measured with the following different devices: Fat-O-Meat’er (FOM), UltraFOM (UFOM), AUTOFOM and -VCS2000. For this reason the same 99 carcasses were measured using all 4 apparatus and dissected according to the European Reference Method. Moreover a subsample of the carcasses (n=77) were fully scanned with a X-ray Computed Tomography equipment (CT). The RMSEP calculated with cross validation leave-one-out was lower for FOM and AUTOFOM (1.8% and 1.9%, respectively) and higher for UFOM and VCS2000 (2.3% for both devices). The error obtained with CT was the lowest (0.96%) in accordance with previous results, but CT cannot be used on line. It can be concluded that FOM and AUTOFOM presented better accuracy than UFOM and VCS2000.