950 resultados para philosophy of action


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The report presents; terms of reference; work progress; surveys of shark fishers and traders; shark biodiversity survey; and a National Plan of Action (NPOA) for conservation and management of shark resources in Bangladesh.


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The priorities for the revised National Plan of Action include: strengthening current regulations; improved data collection of landings; identifying breeding and nursery grounds; study of ecology and biology of sharks; improved data acquisition of shark products and trade; and active enforcement at sea, landing sites and markets.


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Research included: population structure of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta); a National Plan of Action for the conservation and management of sharks; levels of heavy metals in shark products; and a database on rays.


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Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) are emerging persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and are widely present in the environment, wildlife and humans. Recently, reports have suggested that PFCs may have endocrine-disrupting activities. In the present study, we have developed a non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method to investigate estrogenic activities of selected PFCs using vitellogenin (VTG) induction in primary cultured hepatocytes of freshwater male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Cultured hepatocytes were exposed to various concentrations of perfluorooctanyl sulfonate (PFOS), pentadecafluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-nonafluoro-1-hexanol (4:2 FTOH), 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctanol (6:2 FTOH) and 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluoro-1-decanol (8:2 FTOH) for 48h, while 17 beta-estradiol (E2) and 4-nonylphenol (4-NP) were used as positive controls. A dose-dependent induction of VTG was observed in E2-, 4-NP-, PFOS-, PFOA- and 6:2 FrOH-treated cells, whereas VTG levels remained unchanged in the 4:2 FTOH and 8:2 FTOH exposure groups at the concentrations tested. The estimated 48-h EC50 values for E2,4-NP, PFOS, PFOA and 6:2 FTOH were 4.7 x 10(-7), 7.1 x 10(-6), 1.5 x 10(-5), 2.9 x 10(-5) and 2.8 x 10(-5) M, respectively. In the time-course study, significant VTG induction took place at 24 h (E2), 6 It (4-NP), 48 It (PFOS), 48 It (PFOA), 72 It (4:2 FTOH), 12 h (6:2 FTOH), 72 h (8:2 FTOH), and increased further after 96 It of exposure. Co-exposure to binary mixtures of individual PFCs and E2 for 48 It significantly inhibited E2-induced hepatocellular VTG production in a dose-dependent manner except for 4:2 FTOH. The estimated 48-h IC50 (concentration of a compound that elicits 50% inhibition of maximally E2-induced VTG) values for PFOS, PFOA, 6:2 FTOH and 8:2 FTOH were 3.1 x 10(-7), 5.1 X 10(-7), 1.1 X 10(-6) and 7.5 x 10(-7) M, respectively. In order to further investigate the estrogenic mechanism of PFCs, the hepatocytes were co-exposed to binary mixtures of individual chemicals (E2,4-NP, PFOS, PFOA and 6:2 FTOH) and the known estrogen receptor inhibitor tamoxifen for 48 h; tamoxifen significantly inhibited the ability of these chemicals to stimulate vitellogenesis. The overall results demonstrated that PFOS, PFOA and FTOHs have estrogenic activities and that exposure to a combination of E2 and PFCs produced anti-estrogenic effects. The results of the estrogen receptor inhibition assay further suggested that the estrogenic effect of PFCs may be mediated by the estrogen receptor pathway in primary cultured tilapia hepatocytes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An algalytic bacterium provisionally designated as TL1 was isolated from Tai Lake, a large freshwater lake in the Yangtze Delta plain on the border of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and close to Wuxi city in the People's Republic of China. Strain TL1 was identified as Achromobacter sp. based on its biophysical and biochemical properties and the analysis of its 16S rRNA sequence. Microcystis aeruginosa, which is the most common toxic cyanobacterium in eutrophic freshwater, could be decomposed by strain TL1. The results showed that after inoculation with the algalytic bacterium, the content of chlorophyll-a, maximum PSII quantum yield, and maximum electron transport rates of the alga decreased sharply. At first, the algal cells enhanced the activities of some antioxidative enzymes, but subsequently, the activities of antioxidative enzymes fell sharply once damage of the algal cells was achieved. The filtrate from strain TL1 culture suspension, after autoclaving and treatments with proteinase K, strongly inhibited algal growth, indicating that the lytic metabolites were extracellular and thermostable, not a protein.


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The thesis is a historical and philological study of the mature political theory of Miki Kiyoshi (1897-1945) focused on Philosophical Foundations of Cooperative Communitarianism (1939), a full translation of which is included. As the name suggests, it was a methodological and normative communitarianism, which critically built on liberalism, Marxism and Confucianism to realise a regional political community. Some of Miki’s Western readers have wrongly considered him a fascist ideologue, while he has been considered a humanist Marxist in Japan. A closer reading cannot support either view. The thesis argues that the Anglophone study of Japanese philosophy is a degenerating research programme ripe for revolution in the sense of returning full circle to an original point. That means returning to the texts, reading them contextually and philologically, in principle as early modern European political theory is read by intellectual historians, such as the representatives of Cambridge School history of political thought. The resulting reading builds critically on the Japanese scholarship and relates it to contemporary Western and postcolonial political theory and the East Asian tradition, particularly neo-Confucianism. The thesis argues for a Cambridge School perspective radicalised by the critical addendum of geo-cultural context, supplemented by Geertzian intercultural hermeneutics and a Saidian ‘return to philology’. As against those who have seen radical reorientations in Miki’s political thought, the thesis finds gradual progression and continuity between his neo-Kantian, existentialist, Marxian anthropology, Hegelian and finally communitarian phases. The theoretical underpinnings are his philosophical anthropology, a structurationist social theory of praxis, and a critique of liberalism, Marxism, nationalism and idealism emphasising concrete as opposed to abstract theory and the need to build on existing cultural traditions to modernise rather than westernise East Asia. This post-Western fusion was imagined to be the beginning of a true and pluralistic universalism.


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This dissertation involves a general overview of the meditative practice of zazen and analytic philosophy of mind while suggesting a potential bridge between them in the form of an analysis of the practicality of realising impermanence. By the end of my argument I hope to have offered up some compelling evidence in favour of the idea that analytic philosophy would benefit greatly from adopting principles which are best learned and expressed through the practice of, and scholarship around, Zen Buddhism and in particular the treatment of the concept of impermanence. I demonstrate the Western philosophical tendency to make dichotomous assumptions about the nature of mind, even when explicitly denying a dualist framework. I do so by examining the historical and philosophical precedent for dualistic thinking in the work of figures such as Plato and Descartes. I expand on this idea by examining the psychology of categorisation - i.e. creating mental categories and boundaries - and demonstrating how such categorisations feeds back into behaviour in practical ways, both positive and negative. The Zen Buddhist principle of impermanence states that all phenomena are impermanent and therefore lack essential nature; this includes intellectual concepts such as the metaphysical framework of the analytic approach to mind. Impermanence is a principle which is realised through the embodied practice of zazen. By demonstrating its application to analytic philosophy of mind I show that zazen (and mindfulness practice in general) provides an ongoing opportunity for clearing up entrenched world views, metaphysical assumptions and dogmatic thinking. This in turn may promote a more holistic and ultimately more rewarding comprehension of the role of first-person experience in understanding the world. My argument is not limited to analytic philosophy of mind but reflects broad aspects of thinking in general, and I explain its application to issues of social importance, in particular education systems.