990 resultados para pharmacokinetic parameters
Metronidazole is a BCS (Biopharmaceutics Classification System) class 1 drug, traditionally considered the choice drug in the infections treatment caused by protozoa and anaerobic microorganisms. This study aimed to evaluate bioequivalence between 2 different marketed 250 mg metronidazole immediate release tablets. A randomized, open-label, 2 x 2 crossover study was performed in healthy Brazilian volunteers under fasting conditions with a 7-day washout period. The formulations were administered as single oral dose and blood was sampled over 48 h. Metronidazole plasma concentrations were determined by a liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. The plasma concentration vs. time profile was generated for each volunteer and the pharmacokinetic parameters C-max, T-max, AUC(0-t), AUC(0-infinity), k(e), and t(1/2) were calculated using a noncompartmental model. Bioequivalence between pharmaceutical formulations was determined by calculating 90% CIs (Confidence Intervall) for the ratios of C-max, AUC(0-t), and AUC(0-infinity) values for test and reference using log-transformed data. 22 healthy volunteers (11 men, 11 women; mean (SD) age, 28 (6.5) years [range, 21-45 years]; mean (SD) weight, 66 (9.3) kg [range, 51-81 kg]; mean (SD) height, 169 (6.5) cm [range, 156-186 cm]) were enrolled in and completed the study. The 90% CIs for C-max (0.92-1.06), AUC(0-t) (0.97-1.02), and AUC(0-infinity) (0.97-1.03) values for the test and reference products fitted in the interval of 0.80-1.25 proposed by most regulatory agencies, including the Brazilian agency ANVISA. No clinically significant adverse effects were reported. After pharmacokinetics analysis, it concluded that test 250 mg metronidazole formulation is bioequivalent to the reference product according to the Brazilian agency requirements.
Lodenafil carbonate is a new phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor used in treatment of erectile dysfunction. Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of lodenafil carbonate after administering ascending (1 - 100 mg) single oral doses to healthy male volunteers (n = 33). Methods: The study was an open-label, dose-escalation, Phase I clinical trial involving the administration of single oral doses of lodenafil carbonate. Lodenafil carbonate was administered sequentially, escalating in single doses of 1 mg - 100 mg with a washout period of at least 1 week between each dose. The progression to the next dose was allowed after clinical and laboratory exams, Ambulatory Monitoring of Arterial Pressure (AMAP) without relevant clinical modifications and adverse events without clinical relevancy. Blood samples were collected at pre-dose, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 24 h post-dosing. Plasma samples for measurement of lodenafil carbonate and lodenafil were analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Results: No serious adverse events were observed, and none of the subjects discontinued the study due to intolerance. The AMAP measurements, clinical and laboratory exams and ECG revealed no significant changes even at higher doses. Lodenafil carbonate was not detected in any samples, indicating that it acts as a prodrug. The mean lodenafil pharmacokinetic parameters for t(max) and t(1/2) were 1.6 (+/- 0.4) h and 3.3 (+/- 1.1) h, respectively. This study demonstrated that lodenafil carbonate was well tolerated and showed a good safety profile in healthy male volunteers.
Defining pharmacokinetic parameters and depletion intervals for antimicrobials used in fish represents important guidelines for future regulation by Brazilian agencies of the use of these substances in fish farming. This article presents a depletion study for oxytetracycline (OTC) in tilapias (Orechromis niloticus) farmed under tropical conditions during the winter season. High performance liquid chromatography, with fluorescence detection for the quantitation of OTC in tilapia fillets and medicated feed, was developed and validated. The depletion study with fish was carried out under monitored environmental conditions. OTC was administered in the feed for five consecutive days at daily dosages of 80 mg/kg body weight. Groups of ten fish were slaughtered at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, and 25 days after medication. After the 8th day posttreatment, OTC concentrations in the tilapia fillets were below the limit of quantitation (13 ng/g) of the method. Linear regression of the mathematical model of data analysis presented a coefficient of 0.9962. The elimination half- life for OTC in tilapia fillet and the withdrawal period were 1.65 and 6 days, respectively, considering a percentile of 99% with 95% of confidence and a maximum residue limit of 100 ng/g. Even though the study was carried out in the winter under practical conditions where water temperature varied, the results obtained are similar to others from studies conducted under controlled temperature.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the influence of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) on the plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics of cefuroxime and to assess whether the cefuroxime dose regimen (a 1.5 g dose, followed by 750 mg every 6 h for 24 h) is adequate for cardiac surgery antibiotic prophylaxis. A prospective, controlled, observational study compared patients undergoing coronary surgery with CPB (CPB group, n = 10) or off-pump surgery (off-pump group, n = 9). After each cefuroxime dose, blood samples were sequentially collected and analysed using high-efficiency chromatography. For demographic data and pharmacokinetic parameters, the authors used Fisher's exact test for nominal variables and Student's t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test for parametric and non-parametric variables, respectively. Plasma concentrations were compared using ANOVA, and the percentage of patients with a remaining plasma concentration of > 16 mg/l within 6 h after each bolus was quantified in tabular form. After each cefuroxime bolus was administered, both groups presented a significant decrease in plasma concentration over time (P < 0.001), without differences between the groups. The mean CPB time of 59.7 +/- 21.1 min did not change cefuroxime plasma concentrations or pharmacokinetics. The mean clearance +/- SD (ml/kg/min) and median elimination half-life (h) of the CPB group versus the off-pump group were 1.7 +/- 0.7 versus 1.6 +/- 0.6 (P = 0.67), respectively, and 2.2 versus 2.3 (P = 0.49), respectively. Up to 3 h following the first bolus of 1.5 g, but not after 6 h, all patients had plasma concentrations > 16 mg/l (CPB group = 20% and off-pump group = 44%). However, after all 750 mg boluses were administered, concentrations < 16 mg/dl were reached within 3 h. CPB does not influence cefuroxime plasma concentrations. The dosing regimen is adequate for the intraoperative period, but in the immediate postoperative period, it requires further review.
OBJECTIVE: We present a prospective study of a microemulsion of cyclosporin to treat idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in ten children with normal renal function who presented cyclosporin trough levels between 50 and 150 ng/ml and achieved complete remission with cyclosporin. To compare the pharmacokinetic parameters of cyclosporin in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome during remission and relapse of the nephrotic state. METHOD: The pharmacokinetic profile of cyclosporin was evaluated with the 12-hour area under the timeconcentration curve (auc0-12) using seven time-point samples. This procedure was performed on each patient during remission and relapse with the same cyclosporin dose in mg/kg/day. The 12-hour area under the timeconcentration curve was calculated using the trapezoidal rule. All of the pharmacokinetic parameters and the resumed 4-hour area under the time-concentration curve were correlated with the 12-hour area under the timeconcentration curve. ClinicalTrials.gov:NCT01616446. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in any parameters of the pharmacokinetic of cyclosporin during remission and relapse, even when the data were normalized by dose. The best correlation with the 12-hour area under the time-concentration curve was the 4-hour area under the time-concentration curve on remission and relapse of the disease, followed by the 2-hour level after cyclosporin (c2) dosing in both disease states. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that the same parameters used for cyclosporin therapeutic monitoring estimated during the nephrotic state can also be used during remission. Larger controlled studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Doxorubizin (Dox) gehört zur Gruppe der Anthrazykline, welche seit mehreren Jahrzehnten erfolgreich gegen ein breites Spektrum an Tumoren eingesetzt wird. Neben der guten Wirksamkeit besitzt Dox jedoch auch ein sehr hohes Nebenwirkungspotential. Die wohl folgenschwerste Nebenwirkung stellt die irreversible Schädigung des Herzens dar. Zahlreiche Faktoren, wie zum Beispiel die kumulative Dox-Dosis konnten bereits mit einer erhöhten Inzidenz an kardialen Schäden in Verbindung gebracht werden. Bislang ungeklärt war jedoch die Frage, warum Patienten unterschiedlich sensibel auf die Verabreichung von Dox reagierten. rnAn dem Patientenkollektiv der Ricover60-Studie wurde der Einfluss der individuellen genetischen Ausstattung auf die Entstehung der Anthrazyklin-induzierten Herzschädigung untersucht. Alle Patienten mit Dox-induzierten Herzschäden wurden identifiziert und auf das Vorhandensein von genetischen Polymorphismen der NAD(P)H-Oxidase (CYBA, RAC2 und NCF4) und der Anthrazyklin-Transporter (MRP1 und MRP2) untersucht. Sowohl für CYBA als auch für RAC2 konnte eine Anreicherung bestimmter Genotypen (CYBA: CT/TT; RAC2: TA/AA) in der Gruppe der herzgeschädigten Patienten nachgewiesen werden. In der Multivariaten Analyse von RAC2 erreichte diese Anreicherung ein signifikantes Niveau (p=0.028). Damit konnte für diesen Polymorphismus die klinische Relevanz bestätigt werden.rnDie Ursachen der Dox-induzierten Toxizität wurden außerdem an verschiedenen Mäusestämmen und Zelllinien untersucht. Balb/c- und C57BL/6-Mäuse, die bekanntermassen unterschiedlich sensibel auf Dox reagierten, wurden mit Dox behandelt. Anschliessend wurden die Organe Herz, Leber und Blut via HPLC untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich 1. die Hauptanreicherungsorte für Dox und Doxol (Balb/c: Herz und Blut versus C57BL/6: Leber), 2. die nachgewiesenen Gesamtmengen an Dox+Doxol+Doxon in den drei Organen (MengeC57BL/6 > MengeBalb/c) sowie 3. die An- und Abflutungsgeschwindigkeiten von Dox zwischen den beiden Mäusestämmen unterscheiden. Schlussendlich konnte im Vergleich zu den Balb/c-Mäusen, bei den C57BL/6-Mäusen eine stärkere kardiale Anreicherung von Dox nach der mehrmaligen Dox-Injektion nachgewiesen werden. Somit scheinen der deutlich höhere Dox-Gehalt und die längere Verweilzeit in den Herzen für die stärkere kardiale Schädigung der C57BL/6-Mäuse verantwortlich zu sein. Hingegen verlief die Art der Dox-Metabolisierung in beiden Mäusestämmen ähnlich. rnBei der Betrachtung des oxidativen Stresses konnte gezeigt werden, dass in den Herzen der C57BL/6-Mäusen ein gröβerer oxidativer Stress vorlag, als bei den Balb/c-Mäusen. Ähnlich wie bei der Ricover60-Studie ließ sich auch bei den Mäusen eine Beteiligung der NAD(P)H-Oxidase am Dox-induzierten oxidativen Stress nachweisen. rnMit der HTETOP-Zelllinie konnte gezeigt werden, dass Dox unter physiologischen Bedingungen oxidativen Stress auslösen kann. Die Art und die Konzentration der gebildeten ROS waren abhängig von der Dox-Konzentration, der Einwirkzeit und der Kompensationsfähigkeit der Zellen. Durch die Gabe von Dex ließ sich das Ausmaß des oxidativen Stresses lediglich in den Mäuseherzen reduzieren. In den HTETOP-Zellen zeigte Dex selbst stressauslösende Eigenschaften. Durch die Behandlung mit Dex / DOXY konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Hemmung der Topo IIα selbst oxidativen Stress in den HTETOP-Zellen auslöst. Jedoch scheint weder die Topo IIalpha-Hemmung, noch der Dox-induzierte oxidative Stress bei physiologischen Dox-Konzentrationen (< 1 µM) eine entscheidende Rolle für die Toxizität zu spielen. rnIn der Mikroarray-Analyse der HTETOP-Zellen konnten verschiedene Gene identifiziert werden, die in den oxidativen Stress involviert sind und die durch die Gabe von Dox differentiell reguliert werden. Durch die Komedikation mit Dex / DOXY ließen sich diese Veränderungen teilweise modulieren. rn
Infektionen zählen bei hämodialysepflichtigen Intensivpatienten zu den häufigsten Todesursachen. Um die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit der Antibiotikatherapie zu verbessern, müssen verschiedene Faktoren, zum Beispiel die Pharmakodynamik und Pharmakokinetik des Antibiotikums, die Art des Hämodialyseverfahrens, die Art des Dialysefilters und der Zustand des Patienten berücksichtigt werden. Im Rahmen einer klinischen Studie wurde die antibiotische Wirkung von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin bei kontinuierlichen Hämodialyseverfahren mittels pharmakokinetischer Methoden bestimmt.Für die klinische Studie wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit kombinierter Festphasenextraktion (SPE) entwickelt und nach den Grenzwerten der EMA Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation validiert. Die Methode erwies sich für die gleichzeitige Bestimmung von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin in Plasma- und Dialysatproben als valide und zuverlässig. Die ermittelten Konzentrationen der beiden Antibiotika wurden für die Berechnung der pharmakokinetischen Parameter verwendet.In der klinischen Studie wurden bei 24 Intensivpatienten mit kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämodialyse (CVVHD) bzw. kontinuierlicher venovenöser Hämodiafiltration (CVVHDF), bei denen Piperacillin/Tazobactam, Ciprofloxacin oder eine Kombination dieser Antibiotika indiziert war, die Antibiotikakonzentrationen im Plasma und Dialysat im Steady State gemessen. Unmittelbar vor einer Antibiotikainfusion (0 min) wurde ein Volumen von sechs Milliliter Blut entnommen. Weitere Blutentnahmen erfolgten 30 Minuten nach der Infusion sowie nach 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 und 24 Stunden. Sobald ein Filtratbeutel ausgetauscht wurde, wurden parallel zu den Blutproben Dialysatproben entnommen. Die Konzentrationen von Piperacillin und Ciprofloxacin wurden nach der Festphasenextraktion aus den Plasmaproben mit der validierten HPLC-Methode innerhalb von 15 Minuten zuverlässig bestimmt. Neben den gemessenen Plasmakonzentrationen (Cmax, Cmin) wurden pharmakokinetische Parameter wie t0,5, VdSS, AUC, Cltot, ClCRRT und Clextrarenal berechnet. Für Piperacillin wurde untersucht, ob die Plasmaspiegel der Patienten für das gesamte Dosierungsintervall oberhalb der geforderten vierfachen MHK von 64 mg/l liegen. Für Ciprofloxacin wurde untersucht, ob die aus gemessenen Plasmaspiegeln berechnete AUC den Quotienten aus AUC und MHK (=AUIC) ≥ 125 h erfüllt.Bei zehn der 21 mit Piperacillin behandelten Patienten lagen die Plasmaspiegel unterhalb der angestrebten Konzentration von 64 mg/l für das gesamte Dosierungsintervall. Das Patientenkollektiv wies eine große interindividuelle Variabilität auf. Mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % waren 26 - 70 % der Patienten unterdosiert. In der Gruppe der mit Ciprofloxacin behandelten Patienten wurde die angestrebte AUIC von 125 h nur bei neun der 20 Patienten erreicht. Mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 95 % waren 29 - 76 % der Patienten unterdosiert. Die kontinuierlichen Nierenersatzverfahren hatten nur einen geringen Anteil an der totalen Clearance der untersuchten Antibiotika. Während die Clearance des kontinuierlichen Nierenersatzverfahren bei Piperacillin für ein Drittel der Arzneistoffelimination verantwortlich war, trug diese im Fall von Ciprofloxacin lediglich zu 16 % zur Arzneistoffelimination bei.Die Dosierung von Piperacillin/Tazobactam bzw. Ciprofloxacin sollte bei kritisch kranken Intensivpatienten mit kontinuierlicher Hämodialyse mindestens 4 mal 4/0,5 g pro Tag bzw. 2 mal 400 mg pro Tag betragen. Diese Empfehlungen sind insbesondere für die verwendeten Dialyseverfahren und -bedingungen zutreffend. Zur weiteren Optimierung der Antibiotikatherapie ist ein Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring empfehlenswert.
The purpose of this investigation was to describe the use of linezolid in pediatric inpatient facilities. A retrospective multicenter survey including data from nine participating tertiary care pediatric inpatient facilities in Germany and Austria was undertaken. Data on 126 off-label linezolid treatment courses administered to 108 patients were documented. The survey comprises linezolid treatment in a broad spectrum of clinical indications to children of all age groups; the median age was 6.8 years (interquartile range 0.6-15.5 years; range 0.1-21.2 years; ten patients were older than 18 years of age but were treated in pediatric inpatient units). Of the 126 treatment courses, 27 (21%) were administered to preterm infants, 64 (51%) to pediatric oncology patients, and 5% to patients soon after liver transplantation. In 25%, the infection was related to a medical device. Linezolid iv treatment was started after intensive pre-treatment (up to 11 other antibiotics for a median duration of 14 days) and changed to enteral administration in only 4% of all iv courses. In 39 (53%) of 74 courses administered to children older than 1 week and younger than 12 years of age, the dose was not adjusted to age-related pharmacokinetic parameters. In only 17 courses (13%) was a pediatric infectious disease consultant involved in the clinical decision algorithm. Linezolid seemed to have contributed to a favorable outcome in 70% of all treatment courses in this survey. Although retrospective, this survey generates interesting data on the off-label use of linezolid and highlights several important clinical aspects in which the use of this rescue antibiotic in children might be improved.
Antifibrinolytic agents are often used in different clinical situations, especially in cardiac surgery. During several years, aprotinin was the drug of choice because more than antifibrinolytic properties, aprotinin offers a direct effect on kallikrein and inflammatory pathways. In 2008, The Blood Conservation Using Antifibrinolytics in a Randomized Trial (BART) initiated a discussion about real risks associated with aprotinin administration. Tranexamic acid and epsilon-aminocaproic acid appear to be interesting alternatives in our daily practice. The exact mechanism of action, the pharmacokinetic parameters, the efficacy, and the safety profile need to be clarified for lysine analogs. In this review, the different antifibrinolytics will be described with a special interest into the route of work, and recent patents. Current studies about the pharmacokinetic and the pharmacodynamic profile will be described, and finally the benefit-to-risk balance in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass will be discussed.
Polymorphic CYP2D6 is the enzyme that activates the opioid analgesic tramadol by O-demethylation to M1. Our objective was to determine the opioid effects measured by pupillary response to tramadol of CYP2D6 genotyped volunteers in relation to the disposition of tramadol and M1 in plasma. Tramadol displayed phenotypic pharmacokinetics and it was possible to identify PM subjects with >99% confidence from the metabolic ratio (MR) in a single blood sample taken between 2.5 and 24 h post-dose. Homozygous extensive metabolizers (EM) differed from poor metabolizers (PM), with an almost three-fold greater (P=0.0014) mean maximal pupillary constriction (Emax). Significant correlations between the AUC and Cmax values of M1 versus pupillary constriction were found. The corresponding correlations of pharmacokinetic parameters for tramadol itself were weaker and negative. The strongest correlations were for the single-point metabolic ratios at all sampling intervals versus the effects, with rs ranging from 0.85 to 0.89 (p0.01). It is concluded that the concept of dual opioid/non-opioid action of the drug, though considerably stronger in EMs, is valid for both EM and PM subjects. This is the theoretical basis for the frequent use and satisfactory efficacy of tramadol in clinical practice when given to genetically non-selected population.
BACKGROUND: The arterial pharmacokinetics of ketamine and norketamine enantiomers after racemic ketamine or S-ketamine i.v. administration were evaluated in seven gelding ponies in a crossover study (2-month interval). METHODS: Anaesthesia was induced with isoflurane in oxygen via a face-mask and then maintained at each pony's individual MAC. Racemic ketamine (2.2 mg kg(-1)) or S-ketamine (1.1 mg kg(-1)) was injected in the right jugular vein. Blood samples were collected from the right carotid artery before and at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 min after ketamine administration. Ketamine and norketamine enantiomer plasma concentrations were determined by capillary electrophoresis. Individual R-ketamine and S-ketamine concentration vs time curves were analysed by non-linear least square regression two-compartment model analysis using PCNonlin. Plasma disposition curves for R-norketamine and S-norketamine were described by estimating AUC, C(max), and T(max). Pulse rate (PR), respiratory rate (R(f)), tidal volume (V(T)), minute volume ventilation (V(E)), end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PE'(CO(2))), and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were also evaluated. RESULTS: The pharmacokinetic parameters of S- and R-ketamine administered in the racemic mixture or S-ketamine administered separately did not differ significantly. Statistically significant higher AUC and C(max) were found for S-norketamine compared with R-norketamine in the racemic group. Overall, R(f), V(E), PE'(CO(2)), and MAP were significantly higher in the racemic group, whereas PR was higher in the S-ketamine group. CONCLUSIONS: Norketamine enantiomers showed different pharmacokinetic profiles after single i.v. administration of racemic ketamine in ponies anaesthetised with isoflurane in oxygen (1 MAC). Cardiopulmonary variables require further investigation.
We examined the influence of several pharmacokinetic parameters on cure rates in rabbits with experimental pneumococcal meningitis. When the duration of treatment was kept constant, cure rates improved as the individual dose of ampicillin was increased. On the other hand, when four doses of ampicillin at 60 mg/kg of body weight, producing peak concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of approximately 40 times the MBC, were administered at intervals of 24 instead of 4 h and the duration of therapy was thus prolonged from 12 to 72 h, cure rates also increased (85 versus 25%; P less than 0.01). These high cure rates were achieved even though bacterial titers in CSF 24 h after the first dose had reached levels similar to those present at the beginning of therapy. Cure in these animals was explained by the fact that the second ampicillin dose reduced bacterial titers in CSF significantly more than did the first dose (5.2 versus 2.5 log10 CFU/ml; P less than 0.02). The clinical relevance of these observations remains to be determined.
BACKGROUND: The Anesthetic Conserving Device (AnaConDa) uncouples delivery of a volatile anesthetic (VA) from fresh gas flow (FGF) using a continuous infusion of liquid volatile into a modified heat-moisture exchanger capable of adsorbing VA during expiration and releasing adsorbed VA during inspiration. It combines the simplicity and responsiveness of high FGF with low agent expenditures. We performed in vitro characterization of the device before developing a population pharmacokinetic model for sevoflurane administration with the AnaConDa, and retrospectively testing its performance (internal validation). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighteen females and 20 males, aged 31-87, BMI 20-38, were included. The end-tidal concentrations were varied and recorded together with the VA infusion rates into the device, ventilation and demographic data. The concentration-time course of sevoflurane was described using linear differential equations, and the most suitable structural model and typical parameter values were identified. The individual pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained and tested for covariate relationships. Prediction errors were calculated. RESULTS: In vitro studies assessed the contribution of the device to the pharmacokinetic model. In vivo, the sevoflurane concentration-time courses on the patient side of the AnaConDa were adequately described with a two-compartment model. The population median absolute prediction error was 27% (interquartile range 13-45%). CONCLUSION: The predictive performance of the two-compartment model was similar to that of models accepted for TCI administration of intravenous anesthetics, supporting open-loop administration of sevoflurane with the AnaConDa. Further studies will focus on prospective testing and external validation of the model implemented in a target-controlled infusion device.
Dynamic contrast agent-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE MRI) data, when analyzed with the appropriate pharmacokinetic models, have been shown to provide quantitative estimates of microvascular parameters important in characterizing the angiogenic activity of malignant tissue. These parameters consist of the whole blood volume per unit volume of tissue, v b, transport constant from the plasma to the extravascular, extracellular space (EES), k1 and the transport constant from the EES to the plasma, k2. Parameters vb and k1 are expected to correlate with microvascular density (MVD) and vascular permeability, respectively, which have been suggested to serve as surrogate markers for angiogenesis. In addition to being a marker for angiogenesis, vascular permeability is also useful in estimating tumor penetration potential of chemotherapeutic agents. ^ Histological measurements of the intratumoral microvascular environment are limited by their invasiveness and susceptibility to sampling errors. Also, MVD and vascular permeability, while useful for characterizing tumors at a single time point, have shown less utility in longitudinal studies, particularly when used to monitor the efficacy of antiangiogenic and traditional chemotherapeutic agents. These limitations led to a search for a non-invasive means of characterizing the microvascular environment of an entire tumor. ^ The overall goal of this project was to determine the utility of DCE MRI for monitoring the effect of antiangiogenic agents. Further applications of a validated DCE MRI technique include in vivo measurements of tumor microvascular characteristics to aid in determining prognosis at presentation and in estimating drug penetration. DCE MRI data were generated using single- and dual-tracer pharmacokinetic models with different molecular-weight contrast agents. The resulting pharmacokinetic parameters were compared to immunohistochemical measurements. The model and contrast agent combination yielding the best correlation between the pharmacokinetic parameters and histological measures was further evaluated in a longitudinal study to evaluate the efficacy of DCE MRI in monitoring the intratumoral microvascular environment following antiangiogenic treatment. ^
BACKGROUND: The development of hyperlipidemia after liver transplant is frequently treated with hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) such as atorvastatin. As atorvastatin and the primary immunosuppressant drug, cyclosporine, are metabolized by the same pathway, there is the potential for an interaction. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of atorvastatin on cyclosporine pharmacokinetics in liver transplant recipients. METHODS: Six stable, long-term adult liver transplant recipients from a single center who developed posttransplant dyslipidemia were recruited to participate in a 14-day, open-label study of atorvastatin 10 mg/d coadministered with standard posttransplant immunosuppression using constant oral doses-of cyclosporine and corticosteroids. A 10-point pharmacokinetic profile was performed prior to and on day 14 after commencement of atorvastatin therapy. Cyclosporine concentrations were measured by HPLC-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry. The AUC was calculated by the linear trapezoidal rule, with other parameters determined by visual inspection. RESULTS: Atorvastatin coadministration increased the cyclosporine AUC by 9% (range 0-20.6%; 3018 vs 3290 ng(.)h/mL; p = 0.04). No significant change was evident for other cyclosporine pharmacokinetic parameters. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were significantly lower on day 14 than at baseline (p < 0.02). One patient developed a twofold increase in transaminases after 2 weeks of atorvastatin therapy, but no other clinical or biochemical adverse events were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Atorvastatin coadministration increases the cyclosporine AUC by approximately 10% in stable liver transplant recipients. This change in systemic exposure to cyclosporine is of questionable clinical significance. Atorvastatin is effective in reducing cholesterol levels in liver transplant recipients.