984 resultados para periodontal ligament cells (PDLCs)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Resident, non-immune cells express various pattern-recognition receptors and produce inflammatory cytokines in response to microbial antigens, during the innate immune response. Alveolar bone resorption is the hallmark of destructive periodontitis and it is caused by the host response to bacteria and their mediators present on the biofilm. The balance between the expression levels of receptor activator of nuclear factorkappa B ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) is pivotal for osteoclast differentiation and activity and has been implicated in the progression of bone loss in periodontitis. To assess the contribution of resident cells to the bone resorption mediated by innate immune signaling, we stimulated fibroblasts and osteoblastic cells with LPS from. Escherichia coli (TLR4 agonist), Porphyromonas gingivalis (TLR2 and -4 agonist), and interleukin-1 beta (as a control for cytokine signaling through Toll/IL-1receptor domain) in time-response experiments. Expression of RANKL and OPG mRNA was studied by RT-PCR, whereas the production of RANKL protein and the activation of p38 MAPK and NF-kB signaling pathways were analyzed by western blot. We used biochemical inhibitors to assess the relative contribution of p38 MAPK and NF-kB signaling to the expression of RANKL and OPG induced by TLR2, -4 and IL1β in these cells. Both p38 MAPK and NFkB pathways were activated by these stimuli in fibroblasts and osteoblasts, but the kinetics of this activation varied in each cell type and with the nature of the stimulation. E. coli LPS was a stronger inducer of RANKL mRNA in fibroblasts, whereas LPS from P. gingivalis downregulated RANKL mRNA in periodontal ligament cells but increased its expression in osteoblasts. IL-1β induced RANKL in both cell types and without a marked effect on OPG expression. p38 MAPK was more relevant than NF-kB for the expression of RANKL and OPG in these cell types.


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Dental avulsion is the most severe type of traumatic tooth injuries because it causes damageto several structures and results in the complete displacement of the tooth from its socketin the alveolar bone. The ideal situation is to replant an exarticulated tooth immediatelyafter avulsion because the extraoral time is a determinant factor for treatment successand for a good prognosis. However, it is not always possible. The success of replantationdepends on a number of factors that may contribute to accelerate or minimize theoccurrence of root resorption or ankylosis, among which is the type and characteristicsof the medium used for temporary storage during the time elapsed between avulsionand replantation. Maintaining the tooth in an adequate wet medium that can preserve,as longer as possible, the vitality of the periodontal ligament cells that remain on rootsurface is the key to success of replantation. Recent research has led to the developmentof storage media that produce conditions that closely resemble the original socketenvironment, with adequate osmolality (cell pressure), pH, nutritional metabolites andglucose, and thus create the best possible conditions for storage. Although these storagemedia can now be purchased in the form of retail products, the most common scenariois that such a product will not be readily available at the moment of the accident Thispaper reviews the literature on the different storage media that have been investigatedfor avulsed teeth based on full-length papers retrieved from PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, BBOand SciELO electronic databases using the key words storage medium , transportationmedium , avulsion , tooth avulsion , replantation , tooth replantation , milk and propolis .After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 39 papers were selected and criticallyreviewed with respect to the characteristics, efficacy and ease of access of the storagemedium. The review of the lite


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Tissue repair after replantation of avulsed teeth is directly related to the extent of damage to the cells of the periodontal ligament. Thus, immediate replantation is the treatment of choice for avulsed permanent teeth. To achieve more favorable prognostics, adequate storage media must be used to preserve periodontal ligament cells. A series of storage media are studied and show good results, such as saliva, milk, Hank's balanced solution (HBSS) and ViaSpan. However, recent studies were performed using news and promising storage media. Resveratrol has been extensively studied because of its antioxidant properties and its ability to prolong life of many organisms from yeast to mammals. One of its limitations is its poor solubility in aqueous vehicles. For this reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate the healing repair process after replantation of teeth of rats kept in Resveratrol using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a vehicle. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Research with Animals, of the School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, Univ. Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Araçatuba, SP, Brazil. Were used 40 male rats, under general anesthesia upper right incisor were extracted and replanted. Treatments were done, dividing in four groups, of 10 animals each. In group I, the teeth were be extracted and immediately replanted into their sockets of origin (positive control). In group II, the teeth were immersed in 50 mL of resveratrol in DMSO (0.0512 g / ml) for 60 minutes. In group III teeth were kept for 60 minutes in 50 ml of DMSO. In group IV, the teeth were kept in dry for the same period (negative control). Then the teeth of animals in Groups II, III and IV were replanted in their sockets. Systemic antibiotics were administrated in all groups, and 60 days post-operative the animals were euthanized. The specimens were processed and stained in HE for histomorphological analysis. The results showed that resveratrol as storage media, was not able to improve the rep


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Low-level laser therapy is a tool employed in the management of post-operative inflammation process and in the enhancement of reparative process. The aim of the study was to perform histological evaluation of dental and periodontal ligament of rats central upper-left incisor teeth re-implanted and irradiated with low-level laser (InGaAl, 685 nm, 50 J/cm(2)) 15, 30, and 60 days after re-implantation. Seventy-two male rats had the central upper left incisor removed and kept for 15 min on dry gauze before replantation. Laser was irradiated over the root surface and empty alveolus prior replantation and over surrounding mucosa after the re-implantation. After histological procedures, all slices were analyzed regarding external resorption area and histological aspects. We observed an increase of root resorption (p < 0.05) in the control group compared to the laser group at 15, 30, and 60 days. These results showed that the laser groups developed less root resorption areas than the control group in all experimental periods. Additionally, histological analysis revealed less inflammatory cells and necrotic areas in laser groups.


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The ultimate goal of periodontal therapy is to regenerate periodontal supporting tissues, but this is hard to achieve as the results of periodontal techniques for regeneration are clinically unpredictable. Stem cells owing to their plasticity and proliferation potential provides a new paradigm for periodontal regeneration. Stem cells from mesenchyme can self renew and generate new dental tissues (including dentin and cementum), alveolar bone and periodontal ligament, and thus they have great potential in periodontal regeneration. This chapter presents an insight into mesenchymal stem cells and their potential use in periodontal regeneration. In this chapter the cellular and molecular biology in periodontal regeneration will be introduced, followed by a range of conventional surgical procedures for periodontal regeneration will be discussed. Mesenchymal stem cells applied in regenerated periodontal tissue and their biological characterizations in vitro will be also introduced. Lastly, the use of mesenchymal stem cell to repair periodontal tissues in large animal models will be also reviewed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Obesity is increasing throughout the globe and characterized by excess adipose tissue, which represents a complex endocrine organ. Adipose tissue secrets bioactivemolecules called adipokines, which act at endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine levels. Obesity has recently been shown to be associated with periodontitis, a disease characterized by the irreversible destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues, that is, periodontium, and also with compromised periodontal healing. Although the underlying mechanisms for these associations are not clear yet, increased levels of proinflammatory adipokines, such as leptin, as found in obese individuals, might be a critical pathomechanistic link. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of leptin on the regenerative capacity of human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells and also to study the local leptin production by these cells. Leptin caused a significant downregulation of growth (TGF beta 1, and VEGFA) and transcription (RUNX2) factors as well as matrix molecules (collagen, and periostin) and inhibited SMAD signaling under regenerative conditions. Moreover, the local expression of leptin and its full-length receptor was significantly downregulated by inflammatory, microbial, and biomechanical signals. This study demonstrates that the hormone leptin negatively interferes with the regenerative capacity of PDL cells, suggesting leptin as a pathomechanistic link between obesity and compromised periodontal healing.


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Obesity is increasing throughout the globe and characterized by excess adipose tissue, which represents a complex endocrine organ. Adipose tissue secrets bioactive molecules called adipokines, which act at endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine levels. Obesity has recently been shown to be associated with periodontitis, a disease characterized by the irreversible destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues, that is, periodontium, and also with compromised periodontal healing. Although the underlying mechanisms for these associations are not clear yet, increased levels of proinflammatory adipokines, such as leptin, as found in obese individuals, might be a critical pathomechanistic link. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of leptin on the regenerative capacity of human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells and also to study the local leptin production by these cells. Leptin caused a significant downregulation of growth (TGFβ1, and VEGFA) and transcription (RUNX2) factors as well as matrix molecules (collagen, and periostin) and inhibited SMAD signaling under regenerative conditions. Moreover, the local expression of leptin and its full-length receptor was significantly downregulated by inflammatory, microbial, and biomechanical signals. This study demonstrates that the hormone leptin negatively interferes with the regenerative capacity of PDL cells, suggesting leptin as a pathomechanistic link between obesity and compromised periodontal healing.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the healing of class III furcation defects following transplantation of autogenous periosteal cells combined with b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP). Periosteal cells obtained from Beagle dogs’ periosteum explant cultures, were inoculated onto the surface of b-TCP. Class III furcation defects were created in the mandibular premolars. Three experimental groups were used to test the defects’ healing: group A, b-TCP seeded with periosteal cells were transplanted into the defects; group B, b-TCP alone was used for defect filling; and group C, the defect was without filling materials. Twelve weeks post surgery, the tissue samples were collected for histology, immunohistology and X-ray examination. It was found that both the length of newly formed periodontal ligament and the area of newly formed alveolar bone in group A, were significantly increased compared with both group B and C. Furthermore, both the proportion of newly formed periodontal ligament and newly formed alveolar bone in group A were much higher than those of group B and C. The quantity of cementum and its percentage in the defects (group A) were also significantly higher than those of group C. These results indicate that autogenous periosteal cells combined with b-TCP application can improve periodontal tissue regeneration in class III furcation defects.


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BACKGROUND: The plasminogen activator system has been proposed to play a role in proteolytic degradation of extracellular matrices in tissue remodeling, including wound healing. The aim of this study was to elucidate the presence of components of the plasminogen activator system during different stages of periodontal wound healing. METHODS: Periodontal wounds were created around the molars of adult rats and healing was followed for 28 days. Immunohistochemical analyses of the healing tissues and an analysis of the periodontal wound healing fluid by ELISA were carried out for the detection of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), and 2 plasminogen activator inhibitors (PAI-1 and PAI-2). RESULTS: During the early stages (days 1 to 3) of periodontal wound healing, PAI-1 and PAI-2 were found to be closely associated with the deposition of a fibrin clot in the gingival sulcus. These components were strongly associated with the infiltrating inflammatory cells around the fibrin clot. During days 3 to 7, u-PA, PAI-1, and PAI-2 were associated with cells (particularly monocytes/macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells) in the newly formed granulation tissue. During days 7 to 14, a new attachment apparatus was formed during which PAI-1, PAI-2, and u-PA were localized in both periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDL) and epithelial cells at sites where these cells were attaching to the root surface. In the periodontal wound healing fluid, the concentration for t-PA increased and peaked during the first week. PAI-2 had a similar expression to t-PA, but at a lower level over the entire wound-healing period. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that the plasminogen activator system is involved in the entire process of periodontal wound healing, in particular with the formation of fibrin matrix on the root surface and its replacement by granulation tissue, as well as the subsequent formation of the attachment of soft tissue to the root surface during the later stages of wound repair.


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Cell-based therapy is considered a promising approach to achieving predictable periodontal regeneration. In this study, the regenerative potential of cell sheets derived from different parts of the periodontium (gingival connective tissue, alveolar bone and periodontal ligament) were investigated in an athymic rat periodontal defect model. Periodontal ligament (PDLC), alveolar bone (ABC) and gingival margin-derived cells (GMC) were obtained from human donors. The osteogenic potential of the primary cultures was demonstrated in vitro. Cell sheets supported by a calcium phosphate coated melt electrospun polycaprolactone (CaP-PCL) scaffold were transplanted to denuded root surfaces in surgically created periodontal defects, and allowed to heal for 1 and 4 weeks. The CaP-PCL scaffold alone was able to promote alveolar bone formation within the defect after 4 weeks. The addition of ABC and PDLC sheets resulted in significant periodontal attachment formation. The GMC sheets did not promote periodontal regeneration on the root surface and inhibited bone formation within the CaP-PCL scaffold. In conclusion, the combination of either PDLC or ABC sheets with a CaP-PCL scaffold could promote periodontal regeneration, but ABC sheets were not as effective as PDLC sheets in promoting new attachment formation.


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For a successful clinical outcome, periodontal regeneration requires the coordinated response of multiple soft and hard tissues (periodontal ligament, gingiva, cementum, and bone) during the wound-healing process. Tissue-engineered constructs for regeneration of the periodontium must be of a complex 3-dimensional shape and adequate size and demonstrate biomechanical stability over time. A critical requirement is the ability to promote the formation of functional periodontal attachment between regenerated alveolar bone, and newly formed cementum on the root surface. This review outlines the current advances in multiphasic scaffold fabrication and how these scaffolds can be combined with cell- and growth factor-based approaches to form tissue-engineered constructs capable of recapitulating the complex temporal and spatial wound-healing events that will lead to predictable periodontal regeneration. This can be achieved through a variety of approaches, with promising strategies characterized by the use of scaffolds that can deliver and stabilize cells capable of cementogenesis onto the root surface, provide biomechanical cues that encourage perpendicular alignment of periodontal fibers to the root surface, and provide osteogenic cues and appropriate space to facilitate bone regeneration. Progress on the development of multiphasic constructs for periodontal tissue engineering is in the early stages of development, and these constructs need to be tested in large animal models and, ultimately, human clinical trials.