967 resultados para periodic execution
Esta propuesta de investigación se enmarca en los encuentros y discusiones que se están realizando en la Escuela de Artes de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (CEPIA, CIFFyH y SeCyT, de la U.N.C), en relación a las problemáticas de la investigación en Artes. Los encuentros llevados a cabo en diversas ocasiones y a lo largo de 2009, demuestran la necesidad de establecer un campo particular de la investigación y su relación con la práctica artística. Este proyecto nace de estas inquietudes y establece ciertos ejes de trabajo que permiten poner en práctica ciertos esbozos imaginados. En este sentido, nuestra propuesta se centra en definir la misma construcción escénica como objeto de estudio, delimitando sobre éste la problemática de lo real en el trabajo de la ficción, proponiendo además un equipo que permita investigar en su propio desarrollo creativo las diversas variables que entran en juego. De este modo, se trabajará en una propuesta de laboratorio escénico donde los planteos de orden teórico atraviesen la práctica y, a su vez, la observación de ésta permita una reelaboración y profundización del pensamiento contemporáneo sobre la problemática ejecución/representación, desde los diversos órdenes en que ésta interviene. La idea de representación teatral que planteaba Aristóteles señala que las acciones devienen necesariamente en la definición del carácter de los personajes. Este concepto es clave en el desarrollo del teatro occidental y por ende en las diferentes concepciones de actor. La definición de acción dada por Aristóteles es problemática para parte del teatro contemporáneo ya que supone que toda acción es mimética. También da por supuesto que en el teatro se conforman personajes, y que la unidad narrativa está dada por una programática, que es definida por la acción.La presente investigación se propone indagar en la relación entre la ejecución de la acción y su representación en el desarrollo de un laboratorio teatral. Esto implica que necesariamente es aplicada al trabajo escénico. Nuestra hipótesis de partida es que la relación conflictiva entre acción, ejecución de la misma y representación, se produce a partir de la operación material sobre lo real . Estas intersecciones podrían ser pensadas como una teoría del montaje donde la corporalidad es el principio necesario e irreductible de la construcción. La intersección de lo real es una problemática que permite ahondar sobre los procedimientos por los cuales se construye la escena. La idea de un teatro material, obliga a pensar con qué procedimientos se construye ficción. Un teatro que intenta recalar en lo “real” como modo de señalar la cosa misma, se propone, desde la perspectiva de la realización, indagar en los mecanismos de su construcción (procedimientos), por lo cual supone que la actividad teatral puede dar cuenta de los procesos por los cuales se realiza. La realización de una acción, puede remitir a sí misma y genera una relación “extraña” y ambigua con el mundo de referencia. La acción en sí misma, pone en cuestión la idea de modelo y da cuenta de una crisis en la representación. La teoría ha intentado dividir y sistematizar de manera binaria la manifestación teatral: Teatro de Representación/ Teatro Performático, para distinguir un teatro vinculado a la creación de personajes o para relacionarlo a un teatro de ejecución. Sin embargo, pensamos que es posible encontrar en la producción escénica, intersecciones de lo real que median el mundo de la representación y el de la performance para la construcción de ficción. Nuestra hipótesis de base es que si intervenimos el plano de la ejecución en el actor, la representación varía sustancialmente sus mecanismos de producción de sentido. Este primer planteo no es conflictivo hasta que se pone de manifiesto lo real. This research’s proposal is framed into the meetings and discussions that have been taking place in the School of Arts of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (CEPIA, CIFFyH y SeCyT, of the National University of Cordoba), concerning the difficulties of research in Arts. The meetings carried out along 2009, demonstrate the need to establish a particular field of research and its relation to the practice of arts. This project is born from these concerns and it establishes central axis for the work, that enables us to put on practice some sketches imagined. In this regard, our proposal focuses on defining the construction of the scene as object of study, in itself, delimiting the issue of “the real” in the work of fiction. Proposing, furthermore, a team for researching the many variables that comes into play, in their own creative development. Consequently, the work will be developed in the method of a scenic laboratory, where the theoretical proposals cross over the practice and, in turn, these observations allow a reworking and deepen of contemporary thinking about the problematic of performance / representation, from the diverse orders in which it intervene. The idea of theatrical performance proposed by Aristotle, indicate that actions necessarily turn into the definition of the nature of the characters. This concept is key to the development of Western theaterand consequently on the different conceptions of actor. The definition of action given by Aristotle is problematic for a part of the contemporary theater, because it assumes that every action is mimetic. Also presumes that in the theatre the characters are formed, and narrative unit is given by a programmatic, which is defined by the action. This research proposes to explore the relationship between implementation of the action and its representation in the development of a theatrical laboratory. This implies that it is applied necessarily to the scenic practice. Our preliminary hypothesis is that the co.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2014
Some existence results are obtained for periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian
Using the continuation method we prove that the circular and the elliptic symmetric periodic orbits of the planar rotating Kepler problem can be continued into periodic orbits of the planar collision restricted 3–body problem. Additionally, we also continue to this restricted problem the so called “comets orbits”.
Using the nonsmooth variant of minimax point theorems, some existence results are obtained for periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian.
The paper is devoted to the study of a type of differential systems which appear usually in the study of some Hamiltonian systems with 2 degrees of freedom. We prove the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits on each negative energy level. All these periodic orbits pass near the total collision. Finally we apply these results to study the existence of periodic orbits in the charged collinear 3–body problem.
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"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document del fitxer adjunt."
We extend Floquet theory for reducing nonlinear periodic difference systems to autonomous ones (actually linear) by using normal form theory.
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We consider an autonomous differential system in Rn with a periodic orbit and we give a new method for computing the characteristic multipliers associated to it. Our method works when the periodic orbit is given by the transversal intersection of n ¡ 1 codimension one hypersurfaces and is an alternative to the use of the first order variational equations. We apply it to study the stability of the periodic orbits in several examples, including a periodic solution found by Steklov studying the rigid body dynamics.
We consider a two dimensional lattice coupled with nearest neighbor interaction potential of power type. The existence of infinite many periodic solutions is shown by using minimax methods.
Every spring, workers of the Argentine Ant Linepithema humile kill a large proportion of queens within their nests, Although this behaviour inflicts a high energetic cost oil the colonies, its biological significance has remained elusive so far. An earlier study showed that the probability of a queen being executed is not related to her weight, fecundity, or age. Here we test the hypothesis that workers collectively eliminate queens to which they are less related, thereby increasing their inclusive fitness. We found no evidence for this hypothesis. Workers of a nest were on average not significantly less related to executed queens than to surviving ones. Moreover, a population genetic analysis revealed that workers were not genetically differentiated between nests. This means that workers of a given nest are equally related to any queen in the population and that there can be no increase in average worker-queen relatedness by selective elimination of queens. Finally, our genetic analyses also showed that, in contrast to workers, queens were significantly genetically differentiated between nests and that there was significant isolation by distance for queens.
This paper investigates arbitrage chains involving four currencies and four foreign exchange trader-arbitrageurs. In contrast with the three-currency case, we fi nd that arbitrage operations when four currencies are present may appear periodic in nature, and not involve smooth convergence to a \balanced" ensemble of exchange rates in which the law of one price holds. The goal of this article is to understand some interesting features of sequences of arbitrage operations, features which might well be relevant in other contexts in finance and economics.
Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence and characteristics of periodic legs movements of sleep (PLMS) in theadult general population. Methods: Data from 2162 subjects (51.2% women, mean SD age:58, 11 years, range: 40.5-84.4 years) participating in a population-based cohort study (HypnoLaus, Lausanne, Switzerland) wascollected. They completed a series of sleep related questionnaires and underwent polysomnographic recordings at home. PLMS index(PLMSI) was determined according to AASM 2007 criteria. APLMSI>15/h was considered to be of potential clinical significance. Conclusions: PLMS are highly prevalent in the general population. Age, male gender and RLS are independent predictors of a PLMSIhigher than 15/h. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical impact of PLMS.