973 resultados para patient-specific biomechanical model


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The success of dental implant-supported prosthesis is directly linked to the accuracy obtained during implant’s pose estimation (position and orientation). Although traditional impression techniques and recent digital acquisition methods are acceptably accurate, a simultaneously fast, accurate and operator-independent methodology is still lacking. Hereto, an image-based framework is proposed to estimate the patient-specific implant’s pose using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and prior knowledge of implanted model. The pose estimation is accomplished in a threestep approach: (1) a region-of-interest is extracted from the CBCT data using 2 operator-defined points at the implant’s main axis; (2) a simulated CBCT volume of the known implanted model is generated through Feldkamp-Davis-Kress reconstruction and coarsely aligned to the defined axis; and (3) a voxel-based rigid registration is performed to optimally align both patient and simulated CBCT data, extracting the implant’s pose from the optimal transformation. Three experiments were performed to evaluate the framework: (1) an in silico study using 48 implants distributed through 12 tridimensional synthetic mandibular models; (2) an in vitro study using an artificial mandible with 2 dental implants acquired with an i-CAT system; and (3) two clinical case studies. The results shown positional errors of 67±34μm and 108μm, and angular misfits of 0.15±0.08º and 1.4º, for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, in experiment 3, visual assessment of clinical data results shown a coherent alignment of the reference implant. Overall, a novel image-based framework for implants’ pose estimation from CBCT data was proposed, showing accurate results in agreement with dental prosthesis modelling requirements.


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We propose a computationally efficient and biomechanically relevant soft-tissue simulation method for cranio-maxillofacial (CMF) surgery. A template-based facial muscle reconstruction was introduced to minimize the efforts on preparing a patient-specific model. A transversely isotropic mass-tensor model (MTM) was adopted to realize the effect of directional property of facial muscles in reasonable computation time. Additionally, sliding contact around teeth and mucosa was considered for more realistic simulation. Retrospective validation study with postoperative scan of a real patient showed that there were considerable improvements in simulation accuracy by incorporating template-based facial muscle anatomy and sliding contact.


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The interest in automatic volume meshing for finite element analysis (FEA) has grown more since the appearance of microfocus CT (μCT), due to its high resolution, which allows for the assessment of mechanical behaviour at a high precision. Nevertheless, the basic meshing approach of generating one hexahedron per voxel produces jagged edges. To prevent this effect, smoothing algorithms have been introduced to enhance the topology of the mesh. However, whether smoothing also improves the accuracy of voxel-based meshes in clinical applications is still under question. There is a trade-off between smoothing and quality of elements in the mesh. Distorted elements may be produced by excessive smoothing and reduce accuracy of the mesh. In the present work, influence of smoothing on the accuracy of voxel-based meshes in micro-FE was assessed. An accurate 3D model of a trabecular structure with known apparent mechanical properties was used as a reference model. Virtual CT scans of this reference model (with resolutions of 16, 32 and 64 μm) were then created and used to build voxel-based meshes of the microarchitecture. Effects of smoothing on the apparent mechanical properties of the voxel-based meshes as compared to the reference model were evaluated. Apparent Young’s moduli of the smooth voxel-based mesh were significantly closer to those of the reference model for the 16 and 32 μm resolutions. Improvements were not significant for the 64 μm, due to loss of trabecular connectivity in the model. This study shows that smoothing offers a real benefit to voxel-based meshes used in micro-FE. It might also broaden voxel-based meshing to other biomechanical domains where it was not used previously due to lack of accuracy. As an example, this work will be used in the framework of the European project ContraCancrum, which aims at providing a patient-specific simulation of tumour development in brain and lungs for oncologists. For this type of clinical application, such a fast, automatic, and accurate generation of the mesh is of great benefit.


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Image-based modeling of tumor growth combines methods from cancer simulation and medical imaging. In this context, we present a novel approach to adapt a healthy brain atlas to MR images of tumor patients. In order to establish correspondence between a healthy atlas and a pathologic patient image, tumor growth modeling in combination with registration algorithms is employed. In a first step, the tumor is grown in the atlas based on a new multi-scale, multi-physics model including growth simulation from the cellular level up to the biomechanical level, accounting for cell proliferation and tissue deformations. Large-scale deformations are handled with an Eulerian approach for finite element computations, which can operate directly on the image voxel mesh. Subsequently, dense correspondence between the modified atlas and patient image is established using nonrigid registration. The method offers opportunities in atlasbased segmentation of tumor-bearing brain images as well as for improved patient-specific simulation and prognosis of tumor progression.


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This paper presents a kernel density correlation based nonrigid point set matching method and shows its application in statistical model based 2D/3D reconstruction of a scaled, patient-specific model from an un-calibrated x-ray radiograph. In this method, both the reference point set and the floating point set are first represented using kernel density estimates. A correlation measure between these two kernel density estimates is then optimized to find a displacement field such that the floating point set is moved to the reference point set. Regularizations based on the overall deformation energy and the motion smoothness energy are used to constraint the displacement field for a robust point set matching. Incorporating this non-rigid point set matching method into a statistical model based 2D/3D reconstruction framework, we can reconstruct a scaled, patient-specific model from noisy edge points that are extracted directly from the x-ray radiograph by an edge detector. Our experiment conducted on datasets of two patients and six cadavers demonstrates a mean reconstruction error of 1.9 mm


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Image-based modeling of tumor growth combines methods from cancer simulation and medical imaging. In this context, we present a novel approach to adapt a healthy brain atlas to MR images of tumor patients. In order to establish correspondence between a healthy atlas and a pathologic patient image, tumor growth modeling in combination with registration algorithms is employed. In a first step, the tumor is grown in the atlas based on a new multi-scale, multi-physics model including growth simulation from the cellular level up to the biomechanical level, accounting for cell proliferation and tissue deformations. Large-scale deformations are handled with an Eulerian approach for finite element computations, which can operate directly on the image voxel mesh. Subsequently, dense correspondence between the modified atlas and patient image is established using nonrigid registration. The method offers opportunities in atlasbased segmentation of tumor-bearing brain images as well as for improved patient-specific simulation and prognosis of tumor progression.


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In attempts to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of spinal injuries and spinal deformities, several experimental and numerical studies have been conducted to understand the biomechanical behavior of the spine. However, numerical biomechanical studies suffer from uncertainties associated with hard- and soft-tissue anatomies. Currently, these parameters are identified manually on each mesh model prior to simulations. The determination of soft connective tissues on finite element meshes can be a tedious procedure, which limits the number of models used in the numerical studies to a few instances. In order to address these limitations, an image-based method for automatic morphing of soft connective tissues has been proposed. Results showed that the proposed method is capable to accurately determine the spatial locations of predetermined bony landmarks. The present method can be used to automatically generate patient-specific models, which may be helpful in designing studies involving a large number of instances and to understand the mechanical behavior of biomechanical structures across a given population.


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In this paper, reconstruction of three-dimensional (3D) patient-specific models of a hip joint from two-dimensional (2D) calibrated X-ray images is addressed. Existing 2D-3D reconstruction techniques usually reconstruct a patient-specific model of a single anatomical structure without considering the relationship to its neighboring structures. Thus, when those techniques would be applied to reconstruction of patient-specific models of a hip joint, the reconstructed models may penetrate each other due to narrowness of the hip joint space and hence do not represent a true hip joint of the patient. To address this problem we propose a novel 2D-3D reconstruction framework using an articulated statistical shape model (aSSM). Different from previous work on constructing an aSSM, where the joint posture is modeled as articulation in a training set via statistical analysis, here it is modeled as a parametrized rotation of the femur around the joint center. The exact rotation of the hip joint as well as the patient-specific models of the joint structures, i.e., the proximal femur and the pelvis, are then estimated by optimally fitting the aSSM to a limited number of calibrated X-ray images. Taking models segmented from CT data as the ground truth, we conducted validation experiments on both plastic and cadaveric bones. Qualitatively, the experimental results demonstrated that the proposed 2D-3D reconstruction framework preserved the hip joint structure and no model penetration was found. Quantitatively, average reconstruction errors of 1.9 mm and 1.1 mm were found for the pelvis and the proximal femur, respectively.


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Esta tesis doctoral está encuadrada dentro del marco general de la ingeniería biomédica aplicada al tratamiento de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, enfermedades que provocan alrededor de 1.9 millones (40%) de muertes al año en la Unión Europea. En este contexto surge el proyecto europeo SCATh-Smart Catheterization, cuyo objetivo principal es mejorar los procedimientos de cateterismo aórtico introduciendo nuevas tecnologías de planificación y navegación quirúrgica y minimizando el uso de fluoroscopía. En particular, esta tesis aborda el modelado y diagnóstico de aneurismas aórticos abdominales (AAA) y del trombo intraluminal (TIL), allí donde esté presente, así como la segmentación de estas estructuras en imágenes preoperatorias de RM. Los modelos físicos específicos del paciente, construidos a partir de imágenes médicas preoperatorias, tienen múltiples usos, que van desde la evaluación preoperatoria de estructuras anatómicas a la planificación quirúrgica para el guiado de catéteres. En el diagnóstico y tratamiento de AAA, los modelos físicos son útiles a la hora de evaluar diversas variables biomecánicas y fisiológicas de las estructuras vasculares. Existen múltiples técnicas que requieren de la generación de modelos físicos que representen la anatomía vascular. Una de las principales aplicaciones de los modelos físicos es el análisis de elementos finitos (FE). Las simulaciones de FE para AAA pueden ser específicas para el paciente y permiten modelar estados de estrés complejos, incluyendo los efectos provocados por el TIL. La aplicación de métodos numéricos de análisis tiene como requisito previo la generación de una malla computacional que representa la geometría de interés mediante un conjunto de elementos poliédricos, siendo los hexaédricos los que presentan mejores resultados. En las estructuras vasculares, generar mallas hexaédricas es un proceso especialmente exigente debido a la compleja anatomía 3D ramificada. La mayoría de los AAA se encuentran situados en la bifurcación de la arteria aorta en las arterias iliacas y es necesario modelar de manera fiel dicha bifurcación. En el caso de que la sangre se estanque en el aneurisma provocando un TIL, éste forma una estructura adyacente a la pared aórtica. De este modo, el contorno externo del TIL es el mismo que el contorno interno de la pared, por lo que las mallas resultantes deben reflejar esta particularidad, lo que se denomina como "mallas conformadas". El fin último de este trabajo es modelar las estructuras vasculares de modo que proporcionen nuevas herramientas para un mejor diagnóstico clínico, facilitando medidas de riesgo de rotura de la arteria, presión sistólica o diastólica, etc. Por tanto, el primer objetivo de esta tesis es diseñar un método novedoso y robusto para generar mallas hexaédricas tanto de la pared aórtica como del trombo. Para la identificación de estas estructuras se utilizan imágenes de resonancia magnética (RM). Deben mantenerse sus propiedades de adyacencia utilizando elementos de alta calidad, prestando especial atención al modelado de la bifurcación y a que sean adecuadas para el análisis de FE. El método tiene en cuenta la evolución de la línea central del vaso en el espacio tridimensional y genera la malla directamente a partir de las imágenes segmentadas, sin necesidad de reconstruir superficies triangulares. Con el fin de reducir la intervención del usuario en el proceso de generación de las mallas, es también objetivo de esta tesis desarrollar un método de segmentación semiautomática de las distintas estructuras de interés. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son: 1. El diseño, implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo de generación de mallas hexaédricas conformadas de la pared y el TIL a partir de los contornos segmentados en imágenes de RM. Se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de calidad que determine su aplicabilidad a métodos de FE. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo desarrollado genera mallas conformadas de alta calidad incluso en la región de la bifurcación, que son adecuadas para su uso en métodos de análisis de FE. 2. El diseño, implementación y evaluación de un método de segmentación automático de las estructuras de interés. La luz arterial se segmenta de manera semiautomática utilizando un software disponible a partir de imágenes de RM con contraste. Los resultados de este proceso sirven de inicialización para la segmentación automática de las caras interna y externa de la pared aórtica utilizando métodos basado en modelos de textura y forma a partir de imágenes de RM sin contraste. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo desarrollado proporciona segmentaciones fieles de las distintas estructuras de interés. En conclusión, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas, y pretende servir como aportación para futuros avances en la generación de modelos físicos de geometrías biológicas. ABSTRACT The frame of this PhD Thesis is the biomedical engineering applied to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, which cause around 1.9 million deaths per year in the European Union and suppose about 40% of deaths per year. In this context appears the European project SCATh-Smart Catheterization. The main objective of this project is creating a platform which improves the navigation of catheters in aortic catheterization minimizing the use of fluoroscopy. In the framework of this project, the specific field of this PhD Thesis is the diagnosis and modeling of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAAs) and the intraluminal thrombus (ILT) whenever it is present. Patient-specific physical models built from preoperative imaging are becoming increasingly important in the area of minimally invasive surgery. These models can be employed for different purposes, such as the preoperatory evaluation of anatomic structures or the surgical planning for catheter guidance. In the specific case of AAA diagnosis and treatment, physical models are especially useful for evaluating pressures over vascular structures. There are multiple techniques that require the generation of physical models which represent the target anatomy. Finite element (FE) analysis is one the principal applications for physical models. FE simulations for AAA may be patient-specific and allow modeling biomechanical and physiological variables including those produced by ILT, and also the segmentation of those anatomical structures in preoperative MR images. Applying numeric methods requires the generation of a proper computational mesh. These meshes represent the patient anatomy using a set of polyhedral elements, with hexahedral elements providing better results. In the specific case of vascular structures, generating hexahedral meshes is a challenging task due to the complex 3D branching anatomy. Each patient’s aneurysm is unique, characterized by its location and shape, and must be accurately represented for subsequent analyses to be meaningful. Most AAAs are located in the region where the aorta bifurcates into the iliac arteries and it is necessary to model this bifurcation precisely and reliably. If blood stagnates in the aneurysm and forms an ILT, it exists as a conforming structure with the aortic wall, i.e. the ILT’s outer contour is the same as the wall’s inner contour. Therefore, resulting meshes must also be conforming. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is designing a novel and robust method for generating conforming hexahedral meshes for the aortic wall and the thrombus. These meshes are built using largely high-quality elements, especially at the bifurcation, that are suitable for FE analysis of tissue stresses. The method accounts for the evolution of the vessel’s centerline which may develop outside a single plane, and generates the mesh directly from segmented images without the requirement to reconstruct triangular surfaces. In order to reduce the user intervention in the mesh generation process is also a goal of this PhD. Thesis to develop a semiautomatic segmentation method for the structures of interest. The segmentation is performed from magnetic resonance image (MRI) sequences that have tuned to provide high contrast for the arterial tissue against the surrounding soft tissue, so that we determine the required information reliably. The main contributions of this PhD Thesis are: 1. The design, implementation and evaluation of an algorithm for generating hexahedral conforming meshes of the arterial wall and the ILT from the segmented contours. A quality inspection has been applied to the meshes in order to determine their suitability for FE methods. Results show that the developed algorithm generates high quality conforming hexahedral meshes even at the bifurcation region. Thus, these meshes are suitable for FE analysis. 2. The design, implementation and evaluation of a semiautomatic segmentation method for the structures of interest. The lumen is segmented in a semiautomatic way from contrast filled MRI using an available software. The results obtained from this process are used to initialize the automatic segmentation of the internal and external faces of the aortic wall. These segmentations are performed by methods based on texture and shape models from MRI with no contrast. The results show that the algorithm provides faithful segmentations of the structures of interest requiring minimal user intervention. In conclusion, the work undertaken in this PhD. Thesis verifies the investigation hypotheses. It intends to serve as basis for future physical model generation of proper biological anatomies used by numerical methods.


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) represents a genetically heterogeneous group of retinal dystrophies affecting mainly the rod photoreceptors and in some instances also the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells of the retina. Clinical symptoms and disease progression leading to moderate to severe loss of vision are well established and despite significant progress in the identification of causative genes, the disease pathology remains unclear. Lack of this understanding has so far hindered development of effective therapies. Here we report successful generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from skin fibroblasts of a patient harboring a novel Ser331Cysfs*5 mutation in the MERTK gene. The patient was diagnosed with an early onset and severe form of autosomal recessive RP (arRP). Upon differentiation of these iPSC towards RPE, patient-specific RPE cells exhibited defective phagocytosis, a characteristic phenotype of MERTK deficiency observed in human patients and animal models. Thus we have created a faithful cellular model of arRP incorporating the human genetic background which will allow us to investigate in detail the disease mechanism, explore screening of a variety of therapeutic compounds/reagents and design either combined cell and gene- based therapies or independent approaches.


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The rate of diagnosis and treatment of degenerative spine disorders is increasing, increasing the need for surgical intervention. Posterior spine fusion is one surgical intervention used to treat various spine degeneration pathologies To minimize the risk of complications and provide patients with positive outcomes, preoperative planning and postsurgical assessment are necessary. This PhD aimed to investigate techniques for the surgical planning and assessment of spine surgeries. Three main techniques were assessed: stereophotogrammetric motion analysis, 3D printing of complex spine deformities and finite element analysis of the thoracolumbar spine. Upon reviewing the literature on currently available spine kinematics protocol, a comprehensive motion analysis protocol to measure the multi-segmental spine motion was developed. Using this protocol, the patterns of spine motion in patients before and after posterior spine fixation was mapped. The second part investigated the use of virtual and 3D printed spine models for the surgical planning of complex spine deformity correction. Compared to usual radiographic images, the printed model allowed optimal surgical intervention, reduced surgical time and provided better surgeon-patient communication. The third part assessed the use of polyetheretherketone rods auxiliary to titanium rods to reduce the stiffness of posterior spine fusion constructs. Using a finite element model of the thoracolumbar spine, the rods system showed a decrease in the overall stress of the uppermost instrumented vertebra when compared to regular fixation approaches. Finally, a retrospective biomechanical assessment of a lumbopelvic reconstruction technique was investigated to assess the patients' gait following the surgery, the implant deformation over the years and the extent of bony fusion between spine and implant. In conclusion, this thesis highlighted the need to provide surgeons with new planning and assessment techniques to better understand postsurgical complications. The methodologies investigated in this project can be used in the future to establish a patient-specific planning protocol.


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Osteoporosis is one of the major causes of mortality among the elderly. Nowadays, areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is used as diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis; however, this is a moderate predictor of the femur fracture risk and does not capture the effect of some anatomical and physiological properties on the bone strength estimation. Data from past research suggest that most fragility femur fractures occur in patients with aBMD values outside the pathological range. Subject-specific finite element models derived from computed tomography data are considered better tools to non-invasively assess hip fracture risk. In particular, the Bologna Biomechanical Computed Tomography (BBCT) is an In Silico methodology that uses a subject specific FE model to predict bone strength. Different studies demonstrated that the modeling pipeline can increase predictive accuracy of osteoporosis detection and assess the efficacy of new antiresorptive drugs. However, one critical aspect that must be properly addressed before using the technology in the clinical practice, is the assessment of the model credibility. The aim of this study was to define and perform verification and uncertainty quantification analyses on the BBCT methodology following the risk-based credibility assessment framework recently proposed in the VV-40 standard. The analyses focused on the main verification tests used in computational solid mechanics: force and moment equilibrium check, mesh convergence analyses, mesh quality metrics study, evaluation of the uncertainties associated to the definition of the boundary conditions and material properties mapping. Results of these analyses showed that the FE model is correctly implemented and solved. The operation that mostly affect the model results is the material properties mapping step. This work represents an important step that, together with the ongoing clinical validation activities, will contribute to demonstrate the credibility of the BBCT methodology.


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Three-dimensional trunk motion. trunk muscle electromyography and intra-abdominal pressure were evaluated to investigate the preparatory control of the trunk associated with voluntary unilateral upper limb movement. The directions of angular motion produced by moments reactive to limb movement in each direction were predicted using a three-dimensional model of the body. Preparatory motion of the trunk occurred in three dimensions in the directions opposite to the reactive moments. Electromyographic recordings from the superficial trunk muscles were consistent with preparatory trunk motion. However, activation of transversus abdominis was inconsistent with control of direction-specific moments acting on the trunk. The results provide evidence that anticipatory postural adjustments result in movements and not simple rigidification of the trunk. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.