961 resultados para pathogenesis of experimental infection
La enfermedad de Chagas, causada por Trypanosoma cruzi, constituye la principal miocarditis infecciosa a nivel mundial. Crecientes evidencias revelan que la respuesta inmune innata tendría un rol determinante en la fisiopatología de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. La inmunidad innata es la primera línea de defensa, no específica, preprogramada para combatir agentes infecciosos. Este sistema censa la presencia de antígenos extraños a través de los receptores tipo toll (TLR) produciendo citoquinas y activando mecanismos microbicidas. Sin embargo, los TLRs también se hayan distribuidos en las células parenquimales no inmunes, jugando un importante rol tanto en la defensa como en la homeostasis de cada tejido. Durante la etapa aguda de la infección, el T. cruzi invade y se replica dentro de una amplia variedad de células y tejidos. Pero posteriormente, los parásitos son efectivamente eliminados de la mayoría de los tejidos persistiendo durante toda la vida en las células del músculo cardíaco y esquelético de los pacientes infectados. Debido a que el mantenimiento de la célula cardíaca infectada es crítica para la patogénesis de la enfermedad, los mecanismos que participan en la sobrevida de los cardiomiocitos están siendo foco de nuestro estudio. Hemos demostrado, que la infección ejerce efectos antiapoptóticos sobre células cardíacas aisladas. Nuestra hipótesis es que la inmunidad innata cardíaca estaría involucrada en el mantenimiento de la sobrevida de los miocitos así como en la defensa contra el parásito. Objetivo general: determinar la participación de la respuesta inmune innata cardíaca en el desarrollo de la enfermedad de Chagas experimental murina. Objetivos específicos: 1) Analizar el compromiso de TLRs en la respuesta anti-apoptótica y de autofagia de cardiomiocitos aislados de ratones salvajes y de ratones deficientes en TLR4, TLR2 y en MyD88, molécula adaptadora de la señalización por TLRs, sometidos a la infección con el parásito. 2) Determinar la importancia de la actividad cisteín proteasa parasitaria en el grado de infectividad y la sobrevida de cultivos primarios de ratones salvajes infectados con parásitos transgénicos que poseen disminuída o nula actividad cisteín proteasa. 3) Establecer la cinética de expresión de TLR2/TLR6, TLR4 y TLR9, factores antiapoptóticos (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, etc.), daño cardíaco y la carga parasitaria en el tejido cardíaco de ratones infectados salvajes y/o deficientes antes mencionados. Materiales y Métodos: Los animales serán infectados i.p. con 5x103 parásitos y se determinará la cinética de expresión de los mediadores mencionados por western blot e inmunofluorescencia, la carga parasitaria será determinada por qRT-PCR. Como controles se procesarán animales inyectados con solución salina. En cultivos primarios de cardiomiocitos de ratones neonatos salvajes y deficientes infectados se estudiará la carga parasitaria, la activación de los mecanismos microbicidas (producción de óxido nítrico, metabolitos reactivos del oxígeno y del nitrógeno, ciclooxigenasa, etc.), producción de citoquinas y expresión de moléculas anti-apoptóticas (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, etc.). Se explorará la tasa de apoptosis en cultivos deprivados de suero. La autofagia se analizará por microscopia electrónica. Cultivos controles serán mantenidos en medio o tratados con ligandos de los diferentes TLRs. Resultados preliminares sugieren que tanto TLR2 como Bcl-2 se incrementan en tejido cardíaco infectado. Esto nos lleva a profundizar en los mecanismos observados en cultivos y estudiarlos en un modelo in vivo, analizando la posible importancia que tiene la inmunidad innata cardíaca en el control del establecimiento de la infección. La comprensión de los mecanismos que mantienen la sobrevida de los cardiomiocitos y su respuesta a la infección es importante ya que el conocimiento de las bases moleculares es fundamental para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes quimioterapéuticos. Chagas disease is endemic in Central and South America and causes the most common myocarditis worldwide. We have previously reported that the cardiotrophic parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, its etiological agent, protects cardiomyocytes against apoptosis induced by growth factor deprivation activating the PI3K/Akt and MEK1/ERK signaling pathways. Recent studies have shown that local innate immunity plays a key role in initiating and coordinating homeostatic as well as defense responses in the heart. One of the mechanisms by which the innate immune system senses the presence of foreign antigens is through TLRs. The stimulation of these receptors leads to the activation and nuclear translocation of NF-kB transcription factor and the production of cytokines. Proinflammatory cytokines, in turn, appear to play a central role in the orchestration and timing of the intrinsic cardiac stress response providing, under different situations, instantaneous anti-apoptotic cytoprotective signals, which allow tissue repair and/or remodeling. The aim of the present project is to study the cardiomyocyte innate immune responses to T. cruzi infection and its role in target cell protection from apoptosis. Specific objectives: 1) Study the mechanism triggered by TLR in the anti-apoptotic response and parasite load of infected cardiomyocyte primary cultures from wild type and mice deficient in TLR2, TLR4 or MyD88. 2) Determine the effect of parasite cisteín protease activity on primary cultures from wild type mice. 3) Determine the TLR signaling-involvement in parasite load and survival indicators in deficient mice. Preliminary results showed us that cardiac-TLR2 may be involved in the anti-apoptotic effect elicited by the parasite and prompted us to establish the mechanisms triggered by the innate immunity that mediate parasite persistence within the host cell.
The authors were able to infect phlebotomine sandflies on a human case of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by feeding females of Lutzomyia longipalpis on a patient with a lesion due to Leishmania mexicana amazonensis.
The murine model of chronic Chaga's myocardiopathy was developed in 201 inbred and outbred mice. The experimental groups consisted of 1st: 73 inbred AKR and A/J mice inoculated with one of the following. Trypanosoma cruzi strains: Peruvian (Type I), 12 SF (Type II) or Colombian (Type III); 2nd: 128 outbred Swiss mice, chronically infected either with Type II or Type III strains isolated from human patients from different geographical areas. All T. cruzi strains were previoulsly characterized by their morphobiological behaviour in mice and by isoenzymatic patterns. For the 1st group the inoculum was 5 x 10**4 for the Peruvian strain and 1 x 10**5 for the 12 SF and Colombian strains. In the 2nd group-Swiss mice the inoculum size varied from 2 x 10**4 to 2 x 10**5. The inbred animals were killed at a 3 time-point scale (90, 180 and 240 days) post-infection. The Swiss mice were killed from 180 to 660 days after infection. The evaluation of parasitemia and serology (xeodiagnosis and indirect immunofluorescent test) was performed. The incidence of macroscopic alterations of the heart and cardiac index were evaluated. Histopathological lesions of the myocardium were graded. The influence of T. cruzi strain on the intensity of cardiac lesions was evaluated by the Chi-square test; the incidence of inflammatory lesions and its relationship to the parasite strain was evaluated by the Fisher test. The influence of the duration of infection was evaluated by using the Gamma Coefficient of Kruskal and Goodman and its measure of significance. Slight to severe microscopic alterations occurred in 85% of the chronically infected nice. There were a clear predominance on the incidence and intensity of inflammatory and fibrotic alterations for the mice infected with Type III strains. Statistical analysis has shown significant differences among the infected groups, in the inflammatory and fibrotic lesions. Macroscopic alterations (right cavities dilatation and apex aneurism of left ventricle), differed in incidence according to mice strains; in Swiss and AKR mice, significant differences were seen in mice infected with different T. cruzi strains, but the A/J mice failed to show significant differences correlated with different parasite strains. The duration of infection, from 90 to 240 days, could not be correlated with the degree of lesions in the several groups.
In this paper a discussin is made on the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis mansoni in mice, presented from the perspectives of "processes", "mediators", "strategies for study" and vasculitis are discussed. The role of mediators, including cells, antibodies and immune complexes, cytokines and distal mediators is commented as related to the pathological processes occuring in schistosomiasis. Finally, strategies for study are presented, followed by a discussion on the etiopathogenesis of the different clinical stages and pathologic manifestations of schistosomiasis mansoni.
The high rate of natural Trypanosoma cruzi infection found in opossums does not always correlate with appreciable densities of local triatomid populations. One alternative method which might bypass the invertebrate vector is direct transmission from mother to offspring. This possibility was investigated in five T. cruzi infected females and their litters (24 young). The influence of maternal antibodies transferred via lactation, on the course of experimental infection, was also examined. Our results show that neonatal transmission is probably not responsible for the high rate of natural T. cruzi infection among opossums. In addition antibodies of maternal origin confer a partial protection to the young. This was demonstrated by the finding of a double prepatency period and 4,5 fold lower levels of circulating parasites, in experimentally infected pouch young from infected as compared to control uninfected mothes. On the other hand, the duration of patent parasitemia was twice as long as that observed in the control group.
Viral replication, histopathological and ultrastructural changes were observed for a period of nine days in the small intestine of suckling mice infected with a simian rotavirus (SA11). Samples taken from duodenum, jejunun and ileum were prepared for light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy analysis. Histopathologic effect could be detected within 8 hr post-infection, when only a few altered cells were observed. Damage was extensive after 16 hr post-infection, showing swollen enterocytes and reduced and irregularly oriented microvilli at intestinal villi tips. Virus particles were detected at 16 and 48 hr post-infection, budding from the viroplasm into the rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae in ileum enterocytes. Clear evidence of viral replication, observed by electron microscopy was not described before in heterologous murine models. Regeneration of the intestinal villi began at the third day post-infection. Despite some differences observed in clinical symptoms and microscopic analysis of homologous and heterologous rotavirus infections, we concluded that mechanisms of heterologous rotavirus infection in mice follow similar patterns to those observed in the homologous models.
Calomys callosus, Rengger 1830 (Rodentia, Cricetidae), a wild rodent found in Central Brazil, was studied to investigate its susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii experimental infection and its humoral immune response against this protozoa. The electrophoretic profile of the serum proteins of C. callosus showed that IgG, which shows no affinity to Protein A, has higher cross reactivity with rat IgG than with IgG from other rodents. The susceptibility assay was performed by inoculation groups of animals with various suspensions of T. gondii tachyzoites from 102 to 106 parasites. All animals died between 3 and 9 days after infection and the kinetics of antibody synthesis was determined. Basically, they recognized predominantly the immunodominant antigen SAG-1 (P30). The immunohistochemistry assays revealed that the liver was the most heavily infected organ, followed by the spleen, lungs, intestine, brain and kidneys. It can be concluded that C. callosus is an excellent experimental model for acute phase of Toxoplasma infection
Abdominal angiostrongylosis is a nematode infection of wild rodents. Human infection may result in severe abdominal disease and has been reported from several countries in the Americas. The domestic mouse, Mus musculus, has not been found with natural infection and, like other urban rodents, should not be considered a natural host for Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Quantification of parasitic forms released for transmission may better express the coevolutionary status in parasite-host relationship. With this objective, five groups of experimentally infected Swiss mice were followed for up to 155 days post-infection (PI) days and the quantification of first stage larvae (L1) output revealed: an irregular elimination of L1 and a huge variation in the patency period (1 to 114 days) and in the number of L1 eliminated daily by individual animals (1 to 6340 L1/g). Overall mortality was 72% (range: 28% to 100%) at seven weeks PI. In conclusion, abdominal angiostrongylosis in M. musculus presents high mortality and a very variable and irregular elimination of L1 in feces.
A survey of Isospora suis performed in 177 faecal samples from 30 swine farms detected thin wall type I. suis oocysts in seven samples. This type of oocyst measuring 23.9 by 20.7 mm had a retracted thin wall similar to that of the genus Sarcocystis. This type of oocysts, isolated from four different faecal samples, was inoculated in four-five-days-old piglets free of contamination in order to verify the life cycle and pathogenicity of the species. The pigs were kept in individual metal cages and fed with cow milk. Daily faecal collections and examinations were performed until the 21st day after infection. MacMaster and Sheather' s methods were used for oocyst counting and identification. Infected piglets produced yellowish-pasty diarrhoea with slight dehydration. The prepatent and patent periods were respectively from 6 to 9 and 3 to 10 days after infection. Oocyst elimination was interrupted on the 10th and 11th days after infection with biphasic cycles. Thin and thick wall oocysts were detected in the same faecal samples. Thin walls were not observed in unsporulated oocysts. The observations suggest that this type of oocysts could appear in specific strains which occur in the later stages of their development. These oocysts seem to be responsible for clinical and pathogenic signs of neonatal isosporosis in pigs.
A study was conducted to determine the susceptibility of local strains of Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes aegypti to infection with the strain of Wuchereria bancrofti that occurs in Maceió, State of Alagoas, Brazil. Cx. quinquefasciatus blood fed simultaneously on the same microfilariae carrier ingested more blood and 2-3x more microfilariae than Ae. aegypti. Survival rates of both species of insects living for 21 days after blood feeding on microfilaraemic patients were not significantly different from the survival rates of mosquitoes that blood fed on amicrofilaraemic individuals. W. bancrofti parasites underwent normal development in Cx. quinquefasciatus, with third stage larvae first being recorded on the 11th day post infection, and their numbers increasing thereafter. Development of filariae in Ae. aegypti did not proceed beyond the first larval stage, and there was a progressively increasing number of non-viable larvae with the passage of time. It is concluded that Ae. aegypti is not involved in the transmission of W. bancrofti in Maceió.
The aim of the present research was to evaluate the potential of Nectomys rattus, the "water rat", to develop Schistosoma mansoni infection. Comparison with N. squamipes was carried out. Both species of rodents were submitted to transcutaneous infection using different infective cercariae loads: 50, 100 or 500. N. rattus showed high susceptibility to S. mansoni, with an infection rate of 71%. Rodents were able to excrete viable eggs of S. mansoni in the feaces during all infection period. For both species, the small intestine, followed by the liver and the large intestine, presented the highest concentration of eggs among the surveyed organs. Infection caused no animal death. Moreover, N. rattus accomplished the parasite's life cycle, by infecting the snails Biomphalaria glabrata and later Mus musculus. These evidences indicate that both N. rattus, as for N. squamipes are potential reservoirs for schistosomiasis in Brazil. Considering the fact that N. rattus and N. squamipes exist in the same natural ecosystems of S. mansoni, we suggest that these rodents must be regarded as influential factors in epidemiology surveys.
Five mixed breed dogs were inoculated intradermally (ID) with cultured virulent stationary phase promastigotes of Leishmania infantum Nicole, 1908 stocks recently isolated. Parasite transformations in the skin of ID infected dogs were monitored from the moment of inoculation and for 48 h, by skin biopsies. Anti-Leishmania antibody levels were measured by indirect immunofluorescence assay, counterimmunoelectrophoresis and direct agglutination test, and clinical conditions were examined. Thirty minutes after ID inoculation the first amastigotes were visualised and 3 to 4 h after inoculation the promastigotes were phagocyted by neutrophils and by a few macrophages. These cells parasitised by amastigotes progressively disappeared from the skin and 24 h after inoculation parasites were no longer observed. Local granulomes were not observed, however, serological conversion for antibodies anti-Leishmania was achieved in all dogs. Direct agglutination test was the only technique positive in all inoculated dogs. Amastigotes were found in the popliteal lymph node in one dog three months after inoculation. This work demonstrates that, with this inoculum, the promastigotes were transformed into amastigotes and were up taken by neutrophils and macrophages. The surviving parasites may have been disseminated in the canine organism, eliciting a humoral response in all cases.
Aedes albopictus larvae were exposed, either individually or in groups, to different concentrations of xiphidiocercariae of Haematoloechus sp. for parasitological studies. It was observed the acute lethal effect and some aspects of the host-parasite relationship, such as delay or progress in the host life cycle, the number and location of the metacercariae in the host, adult host malformations and the amount of metacercariae required to cause death. A delay in the cycle and a high mortality rate was in general observed. Inside the larvae, the metacercariae were found predominantly in the thorax, abdominal segments and in the head, along with a reduced number in the anal lobe and cervix. It was shown that in addition to the quantity of metacercariae present, their location in the larvae was also relevant in the determination of mortality and anomalies. Malformed adults developed from larvae containing from one to three metacercariae.
Angiostrongylus costaricensis intermediate hosts are terrestrial mollusks mostly belonging to the Veronicellidae family. In the present investigation we focused on the mechanisms of larval expulsion from Sarasinula marginata infected with A. costaricensis. Twenty-five mollusks were individually infected with 5000 L1 and sacrificed at 30 min and 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h post-infection and at days 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, and 30 post-infection; the mollusks were then fixed and stained. Diverse organs involved throughout the course of the migratory routes of larvae from oral penetration on were specified and the mechanisms of larval access to the fibromuscular layer through the kidney, rectum, and vascular system were defined. The elimination of L3, derived from oral and/or cutaneous infections, appears to depend on granulomas located close to the excretory ducts of mucous cells.