992 resultados para partial interaction


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Protoplasts isolated from red-light-adapted Arabidopsis hypocotyls and incubated under red light exhibited rapid and transient shrinking within a period of 20 min in response to a blue-light pulse and following the onset of continuous blue light. Long-persisting shrinkage was also observed during continuous stimulation. Protoplasts from a hy4 mutant and the phytochrome-deficient phyA/phyB double mutant of Arabidopsis showed little response, whereas those from phyA and phyB mutants showed a partial response. It is concluded that the shrinking response itself is mediated by the HY4 gene product, cryptochrome 1, whereas the blue-light responsiveness is strictly controlled by phytochromes A and B, with a greater contribution by phytochrome B. It is shown further that the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) was not required during or after, but was required before blue-light perception. Furthermore, a component that directly determines the blue-light responsiveness was generated by Pfr after a lag of 15 min over a 15-min period and decayed with similar kinetics after removal of Pfr by far-red light. The anion-channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid prevented the shrinking response. This result, together with those in the literature and the kinetic features of shrinking, suggests that anion channels are activated first, and outward-rectifying cation channels are subsequently activated, resulting in continued net effluxes of Cl− and K+. The postshrinking volume recovery is achieved by K+ and Cl− influxes, with contribution by the proton motive force. External Ca2+ has no role in shrinking and the recovery. The gradual swelling of protoplasts that prevails under background red light is shown to be a phytochrome-mediated response in which phytochrome A contributes more than phytochrome B.


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With x-ray absorption spectroscopy and polarized neutron reflectometry we studied how the magnetic proximity effect at the interface between the cuprate high-TC superconductor YBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7) (YBCO) and the ferromagnet La_(2/3)Ca_(1/3)MnO_(3) (LCMO) is related to the electronic and magnetic properties of the LCMO layers. In particular, we explored how the magnitude of the ferromagnetic Cu moment on the YBCO side depends on the strength of the antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange coupling with the Mn moment on the LCMO side. We found that the Cu moment remains sizable if the AF coupling with the Mn moments is strongly reduced or even entirely suppressed. The ferromagnetic order of the Cu moments thus seems to be intrinsic to the interfacial CuO_(2) planes and related to a weakly ferromagnetic intraplanar exchange interaction. The latter is discussed in terms of the partial occupation of the Cu 3d_(3z^(2)−r^(2)) orbitals, which occurs in the context of the so-called orbital reconstruction of the interfacial Cu ions.


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We investigate coupling of localized spins in a semiconductor quantum dot embedded in a microcavity. The lowest cavity mode and the quantum dot exciton are coupled and close in energy, forming a polariton. The fermions forming the exciton interact with localized spins via exchange. Exact diagonalization of a Hamiltonian in which photons, spins, and excitons are treated quantum mechanically shows that a single polariton induces a sizable indirect anisotropic exchange interaction between spins. At sufficiently low temperatures strong ferromagnetic correlations show up without an appreciable increase in exciton population. In the case of a (Cd,Mn)Te quantum dot, Mn-Mn ferromagnetic coupling is still significant at 1 K: spin-spin correlation around 3 for exciton occupation smaller than 0.3. We find that the interaction mediated by photon-polaritons is 10 times stronger than the one induced by a classical field for equal Rabi splitting.


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We recorded reflexive OKN in ten younger (32.3±5.98 years) and older (65.6±6.53) visually normal subjects under viewing conditions designed to differentiate M-pathway functioning from other pathways. Subjects were required to gaze straight ahead while viewing vertical gratings of either 0.43 or 1.08 cpd, drifting at either 5 or 20°/sec and presented at either 8 or 80% contrast. Gratings were presented as full field stimulation, central stimulation or peripheral (>15°) stimulation. The order of presentation of conditions was pseudo-randomised at two blocked light levels: ‘mesopic’ or twilight conditions (1.8 cdm-2) and ‘photopic’ or full light conditions (71.5 cdm-2). For the partial fields, central stimulation, mesopic light level, lower temporal frequencies (i.e. number of stripes passing per second) each contributed to greater OKN strength as measured by slow-phase velocity (SPV). For full field stimulation, and especially for higher temporal frequencies and low contrast, there was a significant interaction between age group × light level (p = 0.017): SPV diminished much more among the older than the younger group for the twilight condition compared to full light. Such a clear diminution in M-pathway sensitivity revealed by OKN response has important implications for everyday situations like crash avoidance under twilight driving conditions.


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Spectral and coherence methodologies are ubiquitous for the analysis of multiple time series. Partial coherence analysis may be used to try to determine graphical models for brain functional connectivity. The outcome of such an analysis may be considerably influenced by factors such as the degree of spectral smoothing, line and interference removal, matrix inversion stabilization and the suppression of effects caused by side-lobe leakage, the combination of results from different epochs and people, and multiple hypothesis testing. This paper examines each of these steps in turn and provides a possible path which produces relatively ‘clean’ connectivity plots. In particular we show how spectral matrix diagonal up-weighting can simultaneously stabilize spectral matrix inversion and reduce effects caused by side-lobe leakage, and use the stepdown multiple hypothesis test procedure to help formulate an interaction strength.


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The quantitative analysis of receptor-mediated effect is based on experimental concentration-response data in which the independent variable, the concentration of a receptor ligand, is linked with a dependent variable, the biological response. The steps between the drug–receptor interaction and the subsequent biological effect are to some extent unknown. The shape of the fitting curve of the experimental data may give some in-sights into the nature of the concentration–receptor–response (C-R-R) mechanism. It can be evaluated by non-linear regression analysis of the experimental data points of the independent and dependent variables, which could be considered as a history of the interaction between the drug and receptors. However, this information is not enough to evaluate such important parameters of the mechanism as the dissociation constant (affinity) and efficacy. There are two ways to provide more detailed information about the C-R-R mechanism: (i) an experimental way for obtaining data with new or


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We argue that the physics of interacting Kelvin Waves (KWs) is highly nontrivial and cannot be understood on the basis of pure dimensional reasoning. A consistent theory of KW turbulence in superfluids should be based upon explicit knowledge of their interactions. To achieve this, we present a detailed calculation and comprehensive analysis of the interaction coefficients for KW turbuelence, thereby, resolving previous mistakes stemming from unaccounted contributions. As a first application of this analysis, we derive a local nonlinear (partial differential) equation. This equation is much simpler for analysis and numerical simulations of KWs than the Biot-Savart equation, and in contrast to the completely integrable local induction approximation (in which the energy exchange between KWs is absent), describes the nonlinear dynamics of KWs. Second, we show that the previously suggested Kozik-Svistunov energy spectrum for KWs, which has often been used in the analysis of experimental and numerical data in superfluid turbulence, is irrelevant, because it is based upon an erroneous assumption of the locality of the energy transfer through scales. Moreover, we demonstrate the weak nonlocality of the inverse cascade spectrum with a constant particle-number flux and find resulting logarithmic corrections to this spectrum.


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The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15'S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S–42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3–37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S–34°30'S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. ^ The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.^


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Despite the fact that ocean acidification is considered to be especially pronounced in the Southern Ocean, little is known about CO2-dependent physiological processes and the interactions of Antarctic phytoplankton key species. We therefore studied the effects of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) (16.2, 39.5, and 101.3 Pa) on growth and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the bloom-forming species Chaetoceros debilis, Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, and Phaeocystis antarctica. Using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, photosynthetic O2 evolution and inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes were determined as a function of CO2 concentration. Only the growth of C. debilis was enhanced under high PCO2. Analysis of the carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) revealed the operation of very efficient CCMs (i.e., high Ci affinities) in all species, but there were species-specific differences in CO2-dependent regulation of individual CCM components (i.e., CO2 and uptake kinetics, carbonic anhydrase activities). Gross CO2 uptake rates appear to increase with the cell surface area to volume ratios. Species competition experiments with C. debilis and P. subcurvata under different PCO2 levels confirmed the CO2-stimulated growth of C. debilis observed in monospecific incubations, also in the presence of P. subcurvata. Independent of PCO2, high initial cell abundances of P. subcurvata led to reduced growth rates of C. debilis. For a better understanding of future changes in phytoplankton communities, CO2-sensitive physiological processes need to be identified, but also species interactions must be taken into account because their interplay determines the success of a species.


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When we study the variables that a ffect survival time, we usually estimate their eff ects by the Cox regression model. In biomedical research, e ffects of the covariates are often modi ed by a biomarker variable. This leads to covariates-biomarker interactions. Here biomarker is an objective measurement of the patient characteristics at baseline. Liu et al. (2015) has built up a local partial likelihood bootstrap model to estimate and test this interaction e ffect of covariates and biomarker, but the R code developed by Liu et al. (2015) can only handle one variable and one interaction term and can not t the model with adjustment to nuisance variables. In this project, we expand the model to allow adjustment to nuisance variables, expand the R code to take any chosen interaction terms, and we set up many parameters for users to customize their research. We also build up an R package called "lplb" to integrate the complex computations into a simple interface. We conduct numerical simulation to show that the new method has excellent fi nite sample properties under both the null and alternative hypothesis. We also applied the method to analyze data from a prostate cancer clinical trial with acid phosphatase (AP) biomarker.


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The integration of cultural elements into the operational planning process is a complex task that requires practical and theroretical tools for a wide comprehension of the context to help solve the problem. This article shows the results of an empirical research which presents conflicting cultural factors as the starting point for the construction of mediating structures. The main result of our research is a partial cognitive structure, a system of ideas, represented in a template listing the basic conflictive factors at the tactical level that military could find in the development of their tasks. The template is also a valuable aid to design military training curricula and to be applied to any post-conflict stability operation in complex environments resulting from irregular or asymmetric conflicts.


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We consider how three firms compete in a Salop location model and how cooperation in location choice by two of these firms affects the outcomes. We con- sider the classical case of linear transportation costs as a two-stage game in which the firms select first a location on a unit circle along which consumers are dispersed evenly, followed by the competitive selection of a price. Standard analysis restricts itself to purely competitive selection of location; instead, we focus on the situation in which two firms collectively decide about location, but price their products competitively after the location choice has been effectuated. We show that such partial coordination of location is beneficial to all firms, since it reduces the number of equilibria significantly and, thereby, the resulting coordination problem. Subsequently, we show that the case of quadratic transportation costs changes the main conclusions only marginally.


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In this study, the partial molar volumes of L-serine and L-threonine in aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfate at (0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, and 1.0) mol.kg(-1) are reported between 278.15 and 308.15 K. Transfer volumes and hydration numbers were obtained, which are larger in L-serine than in L-threonine. Dehydration of the amino acids is observed, rising with the temperature and salt molality. The data suggest that interactions between ions and charged/hydrophilic groups are predominant, and by applying the McMillan and Mayer formalism, it was concluded that they are mainly pair wise. The combination of the data presented in this study with solubility and molecular dynamics data suggests a stronger interaction of the ammonium cation with the zwitterionic centers of the amino acids when compared to the interactions of those centers with the sulfate anion.


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In this work, the partial molar volumes of glycine and DL-alanine in aqueous solutions of ammonium sulfate at 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.7, and 1.0 mol.kg(-1) are determined between 278.15 and 308.15 K. Transfer volumes were obtained, which are larger for glycine than DL-alanine. On the contrary, the hydration numbers are higher for DL-alanine than glycine, and dehydration of the amino acids is observed with increasing temperature or salt molality. The data suggest that interactions between ion and charged/hydrophilic groups are predominant and, by applying the methodology proposed by Friedman and Krishnan, it was concluded that they are mainly pairwise. A group-contribution scheme has been successfully applied to the pairwise volumetric interaction coefficient. Finally, the dehydration effect on glycine, alanine and serine in the presence of different electrolytes has been rationalized in terms of the charge density and a parameter accounting for the cation's hydration.