889 resultados para parental attributions


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OBJECTIVE: We evaluated whether subjects with long-lived parents show lower levels of cardiovascular risk factors, including the metabolic syndrome. METHODS: We analyzed data from a Swiss population-based sample (1163 men and 1398 women) aged 55-75 years from Lausanne. Participants were stratified by number of parents (0, 1, 2) who survived to 85 years or more. The associations of parental longevity with cardiovascular risk factors and related metabolic variables were analyzed using multiple linear regressions. RESULTS: Age-adjusted metabolic syndrome prevalence varied from 24.8%, 20.5% to 13.8% in women (P<0.05) and from 28.8%, 32.1% to 27.6% in men (not significant) with 0, 1 and 2 long-lived parents. The association between parental longevity and metabolic syndrome prevalence was particularly strong in women who had never smoked. In this group, women with 2 long-lived parents had lower Body Mass Index and smaller waist circumference. In never-smokers of both genders, mean (95% CI) adjusted High Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol levels were 1.64(1.61-1.67), 1.67(1.65-1.70) and 1.71(1.65-1.76) mmol/L for 0, 1 and 2 long-lived parents (P<0.01), respectively. The trend was not significant in former and current smokers. CONCLUSIONS: In women, not in men, parental longevity is associated with a better metabolic profile. The metabolic benefits of having long-lived parents are offset by smoking.


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The Minister for Education and Skills outlined his action plan in response to the report of the Advisory Group to the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector in June of last year. As part of the action plan the Minister announced that surveys of parental preferences in 44 areas would be undertaken, beginning with five pilot areas in the autumn of 2012. All of the areas to be surveyed under this process fit the following criteria: Population of between 5,000 and 20,000 inhabitants according to the 2011 census Population has increased by less than 20% during the intercensal period 2006 to 2011


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The Minister for Education and Skills outlined his action plan in response to the report of the Advisory Group to the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector in June of this year. As part of the action plan the Minister announced that surveys of parental preferences in 44 areas would be undertaken, beginning with five pilot areas in the autumn of 2012. All of the areas to be surveyed under this process fit the following criteria: • Population of between 5,000 and 20,000 inhabitants according to the 2011 census • Population has increased by less than 20% during the inter-censal period 2006 to 2011 Surveys were undertaken on a pilot basis initially in five areas. The surveys were open for a total of three weeks from Monday 22nd October to Friday 9th November 2012 inclusive. This report has been prepared for the New Schools Establishment Group regarding the five pilot surveys and the analysis of the outcomes in each area. The report is comprised of this overall summary document and the separate detailed analysis documents in respect of each of the five areas that were surveyed and which are contained in Appendices 1 to 5. Appendix 6 is a sample of the paper survey which is similar to the on-line survey.


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Objective: To assess the relationship between parental occupational exposure to organic solvents, and the risk of anencephaly in Mexico. Methods: A case-control study was conducted based on the registers of the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Neural Tube Defects in Mexico; 151 cases of anencephaly of ≥20 weeks’ gestation were included. A control, born alive and without any apparent congenital malformations at birth, was selected for each case in the same maternity service in which the case was born. Information on occupational exposures, lifestyle habits, reproductive history, use of medicines, supplementation with multivitamins and folic acid, was obtained by a general questionnaire; a food frequency questionnaire was also applied to obtain information of daily intake of folate and other B vitamins. Occupational exposure to organic solvents was based on job title as a proxy for exposure and analysed considering two critical periods around conception. Results: In logistic regression analysis, the odds of having a child with anencephaly was higher if the mother or the father was occupationally exposed to organic solvents during the periconceptional period, or when both parents or at least one of them were occupationally exposed during this period with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.97 (95% CI 1.36 to 6.52). Conclusions: The results support the hypothesis that both maternal and paternal occupational exposure to organic solvents can increase the probability of having a child with anencephaly.


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Phenotypic plasticity can increase tolerance to heterogeneous environments but the elevations and slopes of reaction norms are often population specific. Disruption of locally adapted reaction norms through outcrossing can lower individual viability. Here, we sampled five genetically distinct populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from within a river network, crossed them in a full-factorial design, and challenged the embryos with the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens. By virtue of our design, we were able to disentangle effects of genetic crossing distance from sire and dam effects on early life-history traits. While pathogen infection did not increase mortality, it was associated with delayed hatching of smaller larvae with reduced yolk sac reserves. We found no evidence of a relationship between genetic distance (W, FST) and the expression of early-life history traits. Moreover, hybrids did not differ in phenotypic means or reaction norms in comparison to offspring from within-population crosses. Heritable variation in early life-history traits was found to remain stable across the control and pathogen environments. Our findings show that outcrossing within a rather narrow geographical scale can have neutral effects on F1 hybrid viability at the embryonic stage, i.e. at a stage when environmental and genetic effects on phenotypes are usually large.


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In the present article on intergenerational transmission of attachment representations, we use mothers' and fathers' Adult Attachment Interview classifications to predict a 3-year-old's responses to the Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT). We present a Q-sort coding procedure for the ASCT, which was developed for children as young as three. The Q-sort yields scores on four attachment dimensions (security, deactivation, hyperactivation, and disorganization). One-way ANOVAs revealed significant mother-child associations for each dimension, although results for the hyperactivation and disorganization dimensions were significant only according to contrast tests. Conversely, no father-child association was found, regardless of the dimension considered. Findings are discussed in terms of the respective part played by each parent in their children's emotional development.


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Rapport de synthèse : Objectif: nous avons regardé si les sujets dont les parents vivaient plus longtemps présentaient des niveaux plus faibles de facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires, y compris pour le syndrome métabolique. Méthodes: nous avons analysé les données d'un échantillon représentatif de la population suisse (1163 hommes et 1398 femmes) âgé de 55 à 75 ans, de la ville de Lausanne. Les participants ont été stratifiés par nombre de parents (0, 1, 2) qui ont vécu jusqu'à 85 ans ou plus. Les associations entre la longévité parentale et les facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires ou les variables métaboliques associées ont été analysées au moyen de régressions linéaires multiples. Résultats: la prévalence ajustée pour l'âge du syndrome métabolique varie de 24.8%, 20.5% à 13.8% chez les femmes (P<0.05) et de 28.8%, 32.1 % à 27.6% chez les hommes (non significatif) pour 0, 1 et 2 parents à forte longévité. L'association entre la longévité parentale et la prévalence du syndrome métabolique est particulièrement forte pour les femmes qui n'ont jamais fumé. Dans ce groupe, les femmes qui ont 2 parents à forte longévité ont un BMI plus faible et un tour de taille moins grand. Chez les gens qui n'ont jamais fumé, pour les deux sexes, les niveaux moyens (95% d'intervalle de confiance) et ajustés de cholestéro-HDL étaient de 1.64(1.61-1.67), 1.67(1.65-1.70) et 1.71(1.65-1.76) mmol/L pour 0, 1 et 2 parents à forte longévité (P<0.01), respectivement. La tendance n'était pas significative chez les anciens fiuneurs et fumeurs actuels. Conclusions: la longévité parentale est associée à un meilleur profil métabolique chez les femmes, mais pas chez les hommes. Les avantages métaboliques du fait d'avoir des parents âgés sont fortement atténués par le tabagisme.


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In many avian species, nestlings have evolved striking plumage, behaviours and mouth colours to obtain a greater share of parental investment. Studies revealing parental feeding preferences for nestlings with red gapes have proposed that red mouth colour in songbirds can act as a signal of nestling need or condition. Alternative hypotheses suggest that bright nestling mouths in cavity-nesting birds evolved to increase nestling detectability by the parents. We tested whether nestling mouth colour affects parental feeding preferences in great tits, Pants major L. In broods of six young, we experimentally painted mouth gapes and flanges either red or yellow and tested the effect of mouth colour on nestlings' mass gain under two lighting conditions. In nests with high luminosity, there was no significant effect of mouth colour on mass gain. In nests with low luminosity, nestlings with red gapes and flanges gained less mass than nestlings with red gapes and yellow flanges or both yellow gapes and flanges. Our results suggest that, in nests with low luminosity, red mouths decreased nestling detectability to the feeding parents and support the hypothesis that poor luminosity in nesting cavities can select for pale mouths. Overall, our results do not support the hypothesis that red mouth colour signals nestling need or condition to parent great tits.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una lectura de una situación de alienación parental en un divorcio conflictivo desde un enfoque sistémico-relacional, respondiendo a la falta de modelos de intervención para dicha casuística y considerando poco holístico el planteamiento defendido bajo la categoría Síndrome de Alienación Parental (SAP), descrita por Gardner el año 1985. Se analizan con metodología cualitativa cinco sesiones de psicoterapia de una familia de tres miembros derivada judicialmente por el rechazo de la hija a mantener contacto con la madre. Atendiendo a sus respectivas narrativas en relación a la pareja, los resultados muestran una mitología compartida en el pasado y una ruptura de la misma, en el caso de la madre. Se observa una precaria gestión del cambio, así como un conflicto comunicacional que impide desarrollar nuevas estrategias narrativas tras la separación. Los resultados permiten apoyar la apertura de líneas de investigación que contribuyan a una reformulación del SAP desde una perspectiva más profunda que aprehenda la complejidad de lo llamamos las Prácticas Alienadoras Familiares (PAF).