982 resultados para parasitoid-host interaction
The relative oviposition rate of the parasitoid Fopius arisanus (Sonan) was investigated across three frugivorous tephritid species, Bactrocera tryoni Froggart, Bactrocera jarvisi (Tryon) and Bactrocera cucumis French. Choice and no-choice tests were both used. The suitability of these three species for sustaining larval development and survival to the adult stage was also assessed. Fopius arisanus parasitized all three tephritid species. regardless of the method of exposure, but showed stronger preference for B. tryoni and B. jarvisi over B. cucumis. Superparasitism was extremely rare. Successful development of F. arisanus varied across host species. Bactrocera tryoni yielded significantly more parasitoids than B. jarvisi, but no wasps emerged from B. cucumis puparia. Tests were set up in replicated trials. but results were not homogeneous across trials. We discuss the host relationships of F. arisanus with reference to this variation and in relation to host suitability for larval development.
Guimarães, in the northwest of Portugal, is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance and its nomination by UNESCO as world heritage, in 2001, enlarged its tourism potential. In this paper we present a few results of a survey that envisaged capturing the Guimarães residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and their attitudes towards tourists. Specifically, one analyzes the type of relationship that exists between some socio-demographic groups and the perceived tourism impacts, as well as their socio-characteristics and the existing level of interaction between residents and tourists. The survey was implemented between January and March 2010 to a convenience sample of 540 inhabitants of the municipality of Guimarães resulting in 400 questionnaires with complete data. For this, we made use of various statistical techniques. Using a factorial analysis, we can conclude that the three factors used explain 52.3% of the variance contained in the original variables obtained from the survey. By another side, using a logit model in the analysis and taking as the dependent variable the frequent or very frequent contact with tourists, we found that only the variables referred to perceived positive impacts of tourism, education and the place of residence in urban areas have shown to be statistically significant. We are aware of the multiple ways the issue of residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards tourism can be approached and of the difficulties to get useful policy-oriented insights. This paper is a step in that trail.
In the face of a growing human population and increased urbanization, the demand for pesticides will simply rise. Farmers must escalate yields on increasingly fewer farm acres. However, the risks of pesticides, whether real or perceived, may force changes in the way these chemicals are used. Scientists are working toward pest control plans that are environmentally sound, effective, and profitable. In this context the development of new pesticide formulations which may improve application effectiveness, safety, handling, and storage can be pointed out as a solution. As a contribution to the area, the microencapsulation of the herbicide oxadiargyl (OXA) in (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) was performed. The study was conducted in different aqueous media (ultrapure water and in different pH buffer solutions). In all cases an increment of the oxadiargyl solubility as a function of the HP-β-CD concentration that has been related to the formation of an inclusion complex was verified. UV-Vis and NMR experiments allowed concluding that the stoichiometry of the OXA/HP-β-CD complex formed is 1 : 1. The gathered results can be regarded as an important step for its removal from industrial effluents and/or to increase the stabilizing action, encapsulation, and adsorption in water treatment plants.
RESUMO: A Malária é causada por parasitas do género Plasmodium, sendo a doença parasitária mais fatal para o ser humano. Apesar de, durante o século passado, o desenvolvimento económico e a implementação de diversas medidas de controlo, tenham permitido erradicar a doença em muitos países, a Malária continua a ser um problema de saúde grave, em particular nos países em desenvolvimento. A Malária é transmitida através da picada de uma fêmea de mosquito do género Anopheles. Durante a picada, os esporozoítos são injetados na pele do hospedeiro, seguindo-se a fase hepática e obrigatória do ciclo de vida. No fígado, os esporozoítos infetam os hepatócitos onde se replicam, dentro de um vacúolo parasitário (VP) e de uma forma imunitária silenciosa, em centenas de merozoitos. Estas novas formas do parasita são as responsáveis por infetar os eritrócitos, iniciando a fase sanguínea da doença, onde se os primeiros sintomas se manifestam, tais como a característica febre cíclica. A fase hepática da doença é a menos estudada e compreendida. Mais ainda, as interações entre o VP e os organelos da células hospedeira estão ainda pouco caracterizados. Assim, neste estudo, as interações entre os organelos endocíticos e autofágicos da célula hospedeira e o VP foram dissecados, observando-se que os anfisomas, que são organelos resultantes da intersecção do dois processos de tráfego intracelular, interagem com o parasita. Descobrimos que a autofagia tem também uma importante função imunitária durante a fase hepática inicial, ao passo, que durante o desenvolvimento do parasita, já numa fase mais tardia, o parasita depende da interação com os endossomas tardios e anfisomas para crescer. Vesiculas de BSA, EGF e LC3, foram, também, observadas dentro do VP, sugerindo que os parasitas são capazes de internalizar material endocítico e autofágico do hospedeiro. Mais ainda, mostramos que esta interação depende da cinase PIKfyve, responsável pela conversão do fosfoinositidio-3-fosfato no fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, uma vez que inibindo esta cinase o parasita não é capaz de crescer normalmente. Finalmente, mostramos que a proteína TRPML1, uma proteína efetora do fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, e envolvida no processo de fusão das membranas dos organelos endocíticos e autofágicos, também é necessária para o crescimento do parasita. Desta forma, o nosso estudo sugere que a membrana do VP funde com vesiculas endocíticas e autofágicas tardias, de uma forma dependente do fositidio-3,5-bifosfato e do seu effetor TRPML1, permitindo a troca de material com a célula hospedeira. Concluindo, os nossos resultados evidenciam que o processo autofágico que ocorre na célula hospedeira tem um papel duplo durante a fase hepática da malaria. Enquanto numa fase inicial os hepatócitos usam o processo autofágico como forma de defesa contra o parasita, já durante a fase de replicação o VP funde com vesiculas autofágicas e endocíticas de forma a obter os nutrientes necessários ao seu desenvolvimento.--------- ABSTRACT: Malaria, which is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is the most deadly parasitic infection in humans. Although economic development and the implementation of control measures during the last century have erradicated the disease from many areas of the world, it remains a serious human health issue, particularly in developing countries. Malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. During the mosquito blood meal, Plasmodium spp. sporozoites are injected into the skin dermis of the vertebrate host, followed by an obligatory liver stage. Upon entering the liver, Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and silently replicate inside a host cell-derived parasitophorous vacuole (PV) into thousands of merozoites. These new parasite forms can infect red blood cells initiating the the blood stage of the disease which shows the characteristic febrile malaria episodes. The liver stage is the least characterized step of the malaria infection. Moreover, the interactions between the Plasmodium spp. PV and the host cell trafficking pathways are poorly understood. We dissected the interaction between Plasmodium parasites and the host cell endocytic and autophagic pathways and we found that both pathways intersect and interconnect in the close vicinity of the parasite PV, where amphisomes are formed and accumulate. Interestingly, we observed a clearance function for autophagy in hepatocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei parasites at early infection times, whereas during late liver stage development late endosomes and amphisomes are required for parasite growth. Moreover, we found the presence of internalized BSA, EGF and LC3 inside parasite vacuoles, suggesting that the parasites uptake endocytic and autophagic cargo. Furthermore, we showed that the interaction between the PV and host traffic pathways is dependent on the kinase PIKfyve, which converts the phosphoinositide PI(3)P into PI(3,5)P2, since PIKfyve inhibition caused a reduction in parasite growth. Finally, we showed that the PI(3,5)P2 effector protein TRPML1, which is involved in late endocytic and autophagic membrane fusion, is also required for parasite development. Thus, our studies suggest that the parasite parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) is able to fuse with late endocytic and autophagic vesicles in a PI(3,5)P2- and TRPML1-dependent manner, allowing the exchange of material between the host cell and the parasites, necessary for the rapid development of the latter that is seen during the liver stage of infection. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting a specific and essential dual role of host autophagy during the course of Plasmodium liver infection. Whereas in the initial hours of infection the host cell uses autophagy as a cell survival mechanism to fight the infection, during the replicative phase the PV fuses with host autophagic and endocytic vesicles to obtain nutrients required for parasite growth.
In this study we present a new record of a plant-animal interaction: the mutualistic relationship between the specialist plant-ant Myrcidris epicharis Ward, 1990 (Pseudomyrmecinae) and its myrmecophyte host Myrcia madida McVaugh (Myrtaceae). We observed more than 50 individuals of M. madida occupied by M. epicharis in islands and margins of the Juruena River, in Cotriguaçu, Mato Grosso, Brazil (Meridional Amazon). We discuss a possible distribution of this symbiotic interaction throughout all the riparian forest of the Amazon River basin and its consequence to coevolution of the system.
Phenothiazines were observed to have a direct effect on Trypanosoma cruzi and on its in vitro interaction with host cells. They caused lysis of trypomastigotes (50 uM/24 h) and,to a lesser extent, epimastigote proliferation. Treatment of infected peritoneal macrophages with 12.5 uM chlorpromazine or triflupromazine inhibited the infection; this effect was found to be partially reversible if the drugs were removed after 24 h of treatment. At 60 uM, the drugs caused damage to amastigotes interiorized in heart muscle cells. However, the narrow margin of toxity between anti-trypanossomal activity and damage to host cells mitigates against in vivo investigation at the present time. Possible hypothesis for the mechanism of action of phenothiazines are discussed.
We herein present an improved assay for detecting the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in infected cultures. Using chagasic human sera (CHS), we were able to detect T. cruzi infection in primary cultures of both peritoneal macrophages and heart muscle cells (MHC). To avoid elevated background levels - hitherto observed in all experiments especially in those using HMC - CHS were preincubated with uninfected cells in monolayers or suspensions prior to being used for detection of T. cruzi in infected monolayers. Preincubation with cell suspensions gave better results than with monolayers, reducing background by up to three times and increasing sensitivity by to twenty times. In addition, the continous fibroplastic cell line L929 was shown to be suitable for preadsorption of CHS. These results indicate that the high background levels observed in previous reports may be due to the presence of human autoantibodies that recognize surface and/or extracellular matrix components in cell monolayers. We therefore propose a modified procedure that increases the performance of the ELISA method, making it an useful tool even in cultures that would otherwise be expected to present low levels of infection or high levels of background
A number of glycoconjugates, including glycolipids and glycoproteins, participate in the process of host-cell invasion by Trypanosoma cruzi and one of the most important carbohydrates involved on this interaction is sialic acid. It is known that parasite trans-sialidase participates with sialic acid in a coordinated fashion in the initial stages of invasion. Given the importance of these sialogycoconjugates, this review sets out various possible biological models for the interaction between the parasite and mammalian cells that possess a sialylated receptor/ligand system.
The biological control of Biomphalaria glabrata, intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni, is one the accepted options to fight schistosomiasis. One of the most promising candidates to control B. glabrata is the snail Melanoides tuberculata, a potential competitor. However, the mechanisms of interaction between the two species are not clear. Our objective is to determine if M. tuberculata indeed compete with B. glabrata, using two laboratory experiments. In Experiment 1, we tested the effect of the presence of M. tuberculata on the fecundity and mortality rates of B. glabrata. In Experiment 2, we tested if there was a direct or indirect interaction between the two species. In Experiment 1, M. tuberculata was eliminated after the peak in reproductive activity of B. glabrata. In Experiment 2, B. glabrata produced more egg masses when raised with M. tuberculata. The conditions leading to this unexpected positive effect of M. tuberculata on the fecundity of B. glabrata need further clarification, but emphasize that detailed studies of the interaction between these species in the conditions of the local environment should be considered.
SummaryResearch projects presented in this thesis aimed to investigate two major aspects of the arenaviruses life cycle in the host cell: viral entry and the biosynthesis of the viral envelope glycoprotein.Old World arenaviruses (OWAV), such as Lassa virus (LASV) and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), attach to the cell by binding to their receptor, alpha-dystroglycan. Virions are then internalized by a largely unknown pathway of endocytosis and delivered to the late endosome/lysosome where fusion occurs at low pH. In the major project of my thesis, we sought to identify cellular factors involved in OWAV cell entry. Our work indicates that OWAV cell entry requires microtubular transport and a functional multivesicular body (MVB) compartment. Infection indeed depends on phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), a lipid found in membranes of intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) of the MVB. We further found a requirement of factors that are part of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT), involved in the formation of ILVs. This suggests an ESCRT-mediated sorting of virus- receptor complex during the entry process.During viral replication, biosynthesis of viral glycoprotein takes place in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the host cell. When protein load exceeds the folding capacity of the ER, the accumulation of unfolded proteins is sensed by three ER resident proteins, activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) and PKR-like ER kinase (PERK), whose signaling induces the cellular unfolded protein response (UPR). Our results indicate that acute LCMV infection transiently induces the activation of the ATF6 branch of the UPR, whereas the PERK, and IRE1 axis of UPR are neither triggered nor blocked during infection. Our data also demonstrate that activation of ATF6 pathway is required for optimal viral replication during acute infection.The formation of the mature, fusion-active form of arenaviruses glycoproteins requires proteolytic cleavage mediated by the cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). We show that targeting the SKI-1/S1P enzymatic activity with specific inhibitors is a powerful strategy to block arenaviruses productive infection. Moreover, characterization of protease function highlights differences in processing between cellular and viral substrates, opening new possibilities in term of drug development against human pathogenic arenaviruses.RésuméLes projets de recherche présentés dans cette thèse visaient à étudier deux aspects du cycle de vie des arenavirus: l'entrée du virus dans la cellule hôte et la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine durant la réplication virale.Les arenavirus du vieux monde (OWAV), tels que le virus de Lassa (LASV) et le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV) s'attachent à la cellule hôte en se liant à leur récepteur, l'alpha-dystroglycane. Les virions sont ensuite intemalisés par une voie d'endocytose inconnue et livrés à l'endosome tardif/lysosome, où le pH acide permet la fusion entre l'enveloppe virale et la membrane du compartiment. Le projet principal de ma thèse consistait à identifier les facteurs cellulaires impliqués dans l'entrée des OWAV dans la cellule hôte. Nos résultats indiquent que l'entrée des OWAV nécessite le transport microtubulaire et la présence d'un corps multivésiculaire (MVB) fonctionnel. L'infection dépend en effet de l'activité de phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K) et de lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA), un lipide présent dans les membranes des vésicules intraluminales (ILVs) du MVB. Nous avons également trouvé l'implication de facteurs constituant l'endosomal sorting complex required for sorting (ESCRT) qui joue un rôle dans la formation des ILVs. Ces donnés suggèrent l'incorporation du complexe virus-récepteur dans des ILVs durant le processus d'entrée.Lors de la réplication virale, la biosynthèse de la glycoprotéine virale a lieu dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER) de la cellule hôte. Lorsque la charge de protéines nouvellement synthétisées excède la capacité de pliage des protéines dans le ER, l'accumulation de protéines mal pliées est détectée par trois facteurs: activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) et PKR-like ER kinase (PERK). Leur signalisation constitue la réponse cellulaire face aux protéines mal pliées (UPR). Nos résultats montrent que l'infection aiguë avec LCMV induit transitoirement l'activation de la voie de signalisation ATF6 alors que les axes PERK et IRE1 de l'UPR ne sont ni induits ni bloqués pendant l'infection. Nos données prouvent également que l'activation de la voie ATF6 est nécessaire à une réplication virale optimale lors de l'infection aiguë avec LCMV.La maturation des glycoprotéines des arenavirus nécessite un clivage protéolytique par la protéase cellulaire subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-l)/site-l protease (SIP). Nous avons démontré que le ciblage de l'activité enzymatique de SKI-1/SIΡ avec des inhibiteurs spécifiques est une stratégie prometteuse pour bloquer l'infection par les arenavirus. La caractérisation du mécanisme d'action de la protéase a, par ailleurs, révélé des différences au niveau du clivage entre les substrats cellulaires et viraux, ce qui ouvre de nouvelles perspectives en terme de développement de médicaments contre les arenavirus pathogènes pour l'homme.
Propolis has shown activity against pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases in humans and animals. The ethanol (Et-Blg) and acetone (Ket-Blg) extracts from a Bulgarian propolis, with known chemical compositions, presented similar activity against tissue culture-derived amastigotes. The treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected skeletal muscle cells with Et-Blg led to a decrease of infection and of the intracellular proliferation of amastigotes, while damage to the host cell was observed only at concentration 12.5 times higher than those affecting the parasite. Ultrastructural analysis of the effect of both extracts in epimastigotes revealed that the main targets were the mitochondrion and reservosomes. Et-Blg also affected the mitochondrion-kinetoplast complex in trypomastigotes, offering a potential target for chemotherapeutic agents.
Histoplasma capsulatum is an intracellular fungal pathogen that causes respiratory and systemic disease by proliferating within phagocytic cells. The binding of H. capsulatum to phagocytes may be mediated by the pathogen's cell wall carbohydrates, glucans, which consist of glucose homo and hetero-polymers and whose glycosydic linkage types differ between the yeast and mycelial phases. The ±-1,3-glucan is considered relevant for H. capsulatum virulence, whereas the ²-1,3-glucan is antigenic and participates in the modulation of the host immune response. H. capsulatum cell wall components with lectin-like activity seem to interact with the host cell surface, while host membrane lectin-like receptors can recognize a particular fungal carbohydrate ligand. This review emphasizes the relevance of the main H. capsulatum and host carbohydrate-driven interactions that allow for binding and internalization of the fungal cell into phagocytes and its subsequent avoidance of intracellular elimination.
Since the discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and the brilliant description of the then-referred to "new tripanosomiasis" by Carlos Chagas 100 years ago, a great deal of scientific effort and curiosity has been devoted to understanding how this parasite invades and colonises mammalian host cells. This is a key step in the survival of the parasite within the vertebrate host, and although much has been learned over this century, differences in strains or isolates used by different laboratories may have led to conclusions that are not as universal as originally interpreted. Molecular genotyping of the CL-Brener clone confirmed a genetic heterogeneity in the parasite that had been detected previously by other techniques, including zymodeme or schizodeme (kDNA) analysis. T. cruzi can be grouped into at least two major phylogenetic lineages: T. cruzi I, mostly associated with the sylvatic cycle and T. cruzi II, linked to human disease; however, a third lineage, T. cruziIII, has also been proposed. Hybrid isolates, such as the CL-Brener clone, which was chosen for sequencing the genome of the parasite (Elias et al. 2005, El Sayed et al. 2005a), have also been identified. The parasite must be able to invade cells in the mammalian host, and many studies have implicated the flagellated trypomastigotes as the main actor in this process. Several surface components of parasites and some of the host cell receptors with which they interact have been described. Herein, we have attempted to identify milestones in the history of understanding T. cruzi- host cell interactions. Different infective forms of T. cruzi have displayed unexpected requirements for the parasite to attach to the host cell, enter it, and translocate between the parasitophorous vacuole to its final cytoplasmic destination. It is noteworthy that some of the mechanisms originally proposed to be broad in function turned out not to be universal, and multiple interactions involving different repertoires of molecules seem to act in concert to give rise to a rather complex interplay of signalling cascades involving both parasite and cellular components.
Trichomonas vaginalis and Tritrichomonas foetus are parasitic, flagellated protists that inhabit the urogenital tract of humans and bovines, respectively. T. vaginalis causes the most prevalent non-viral sexually transmitted disease worldwide and has been associated with an increased risk for human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection in humans. Infections by T. foetus cause significant losses to the beef industry worldwide due to infertility and spontaneous abortion in cows. Several studies have shown a close association between trichomonads and the epithelium of the urogenital tract. However, little is known concerning the interaction of trichomonads with cells from deeper tissues, such as fibroblasts and muscle cells. Published parasite-host cell interaction studies have reported contradictory results regarding the ability of T. foetus and T. vaginalis to interact with and damage cells of different tissues. In this study, parasite-host cell interactions were examined by culturing primary human fibroblasts obtained from abdominal biopsies performed during plastic surgeries with trichomonads. In addition, mouse 3T3 fibroblasts, primary chick embryo myogenic cells and L6 muscle cells were also used as models of target cells. The parasite-host cell cultures were processed for scanning and transmission electron microscopy and were tested for cell viability and cell death. JC-1 staining, which measures mitochondrial membrane potential, was used to determine whether the parasites induced target cell damage. Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling staining was used as an indicator of chromatin damage. The colorimetric crystal violet assay was performed to ana-lyse the cytotoxicity induced by the parasite. The results showed that T. foetus and T. vaginalis adhered to and were cytotoxic to both fibroblasts and muscle cells, indicating that trichomonas infection of the connective and muscle tissues is likely to occur; such infections could cause serious risks to the infected host.