999 resultados para parasitic reaction


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Polymorphisms of glutathione transferases (GST) are important genetic determinants of susceptibility to environmental carcinogens (Rebbeck, 1997). The GSTs are a multigene family of dimeric enzymes involved in detoxification, and, in a few cases, the bioactivation of a variety of xenobiotics (Hayes et al., 1995). The cytosolic GST enzyme family consists of four major classes of enzymes, referred to as alpha, mu, pi and theta. Several members of this family (for example, GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) are polymorphic in human populations (Wormhoudt et al., 1999). Molecular epidemiology studies have examined the role of GST polymorphisms as susceptibility factors for environmentally and/or occupationally induced cancers (Wormhoudt et al., 1999). In particular, case-control studies showed a relationship between the GSTM1 null genotype and the development of cancer in association with smoking habits, which has been shown for cancers of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts as well as other cancer types (Miller et al., 1997). Only a few molecular epidemiological studies addressed the role of GSTT1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility. Since GSTP1 is a key player in biotransformation/bioactivation of benzo(a)pyrene, GSTP1 may be even more important than GSTM1 in the prevention of tobacco-induced cancers (Harries et al., 1997; Harris et al., 1998). To date, this relationship has not been sufficiently addressed in humans. Comprehensive molecular epidemiological studies may add to the current knowledge of the role of GST polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility and extent of the knowledge gained from approaches that used phenotyping, such as GSTM1 activity as it relates to trans-stilbene oxide, or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based genotyping of polymorphic isoenzymes (Bell et al., 1993; Pemble et al., 1994; Harries et al., 1997).


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Reactive oxygen species are generated during ischaemia-reperfusion of tissue. Oxidation of thymidine by hydroxyl radicals (HO) leads to the formation of 5,6-dihydroxy-5,6-dihydrothymidine (thymidine glycol). Thymidine glycol is excreted in urine and can be used as biomarker of oxidative DNA damage. Time dependent changes in urinary excretion rates of thymidine glycol were determined in six patients after kidney transplantation and in six healthy controls. A new analytical method was developed involving affinity chromatography and subsequent reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) with a post-column chemical reaction detector and endpoint fluorescence detection. The detection limit of this fluorimetric assay was 1.6 ng thymidine glycol per ml urine, which corresponds to about half of the physiological excretion level in healthy control persons. After kidney transplantation the urinary excretion rate of thymidine glycol increased gradually reaching a maximum around 48 h. The excretion rate remained elevated until the end of the observation period of 10 days. Severe proteinuria with an excretion rate of up to 7.2 g of total protein per mmol creatinine was also observed immediately after transplantation and declined within the first 24 h of allograft function (0.35 + 0.26 g/mmol creatinine). The protein excretion pattern, based on separation of urinary proteins on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophorosis (SDS-PAGE), as well as excretion of individual biomarker proteins, indicated nonselective glomerular and tubular damage. The increased excretion of thymidine glycol after kidney transplantation may be explained by ischaemia-reperfusion induced oxidative DNA damage of the transplanted kidney.


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This thesis contains a mathematical investigation of the existence of travelling wave solutions to singularly perturbed advection-reaction-diffusion models of biological processes. An enhanced mathematical understanding of these solutions and models is gained via the identification of canards (special solutions of fast/slow dynamical systems) and their role in the existence of the most biologically relevant, shock-like solutions. The analysis focuses on two existing models. A new proof of existence of a whole family of travelling waves is provided for a model describing malignant tumour invasion, while new solutions are identified for a model describing wound healing angiogenesis.


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Exploiting metal-free catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and understanding their catalytic mechanisms are vital for the development of fuel cells (FCs). Our study has demonstrated that in-plane heterostructures of graphene and boron nitride (G/BN) can serve as an efficient metal-free catalyst for the ORR, in which the C-N interfaces of G/BN heterostructures act as reactive sites. The formation of water at the heterointerface is both energetically and kinetically favorable via a fourelectron pathway. Moreover, the water formed can be easily released from the heterointerface, and the catalytically active sites can be regenerated for the next reaction. Since G/BN heterostructures with controlled domain sizes have been successfully synthesized in recent reports (e.g. Nat. Nanotechnol., 2013, 8, 119), our results highlight the great potential of such heterostructures as a promising metal-free catalyst for ORR in FCs.


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The transcriptome response of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) displaying advanced stages of amoebic gill disease (AGD) was investigated. Naïve smolt were challenged with AGD for 19 days, at which time all fish were euthanized and their severity of infection quantified through histopathological scoring. Gene expression profiles were compared between heavily infected and naïve individuals using a 17 K Atlantic salmon cDNA microarray with real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR) verification. Expression profiles were examined in the gill, anterior kidney, and liver. Twenty-seven transcripts were significantly differentially expressed within the gill; 20 of these transcripts were down-regulated in the AGD-affected individuals compared with naïve individuals. In contrast, only nine transcripts were significantly differentially expressed within the anterior kidney and five within the liver. Again the majority of these transcripts were down-regulated within the diseased individuals. A down-regulation of transcripts involved in apoptosis (procathepsin L, cathepsin H precursor, and cystatin B) was observed in AGD-affected Atlantic salmon. Four transcripts encoding genes with antioxidant properties also were down-regulated in AGD-affected gill tissue according to qPCR analysis. The most up-regulated transcript within the gill was an unknown expressed sequence tag (EST) whose expression was 218-fold (± SE 66) higher within the AGD affected gill tissue. Our results suggest that Atlantic salmon experiencing advanced stages of AGD demonstrate general down-regulation of gene expression, which is most pronounced within the gill. We propose that this general gene suppression is parasite-mediated, thus allowing the parasite to withstand or ameliorate the host response. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Synopsis and review of the Australian feature film The Chain Reaction, directed by Ian Barry.


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In this paper, a new alternating direction implicit Galerkin--Legendre spectral method for the two-dimensional Riesz space fractional nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation is developed. The temporal component is discretized by the Crank--Nicolson method. The detailed implementation of the method is presented. The stability and convergence analysis is strictly proven, which shows that the derived method is stable and convergent of order $2$ in time. An optimal error estimate in space is also obtained by introducing a new orthogonal projector. The present method is extended to solve the fractional FitzHugh--Nagumo model. Numerical results are provided to verify the theoretical analysis.


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The phase transition of single layer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) from semi-conducting 2H to metallic 1T and then to 1T' phases, and the effect of the phase transition on hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are investigated within this work by density functional theory. Experimentally, 2H-MoS2 has been widely used as an excellent electrode for HER and can get charged easily. Here we find that the negative charge has a significant impact on the structural phase transition in a MoS2 monolayer. The thermodynamic stability of 1T-MoS2 increases with the negative charge state, comparing with the 2H-MoS2 structure before phase transition and the kinetic energy barrier for a phase transition from 2H to 1T decreases from 1.59 eV to 0.27 eV when 4 e- are injected per MoS2 unit. Additionally, 1T phase is found to transform into the distorted structure (1T' phase) spontaneously. On their activity toward hydrogen evolution reaction, 1T'-MoS2 structure hydrogen coverage shows comparable hydrogen evolution reaction activity to the 2H-MoS2 structure. If the charge transfer kinetics is taken into account, the catalytic activity of 1T'-MoS2 is superior to that of 2H-MoS2. Our finding provides a possible novel method for phase transition of MoS2, and enriches understanding of the catalytic properties of MoS2 for HER.


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A two-dimensional variable-order fractional nonlinear reaction-diffusion model is considered. A second-order spatial accurate semi-implicit alternating direction method for a two-dimensional variable-order fractional nonlinear reaction-diffusion model is proposed. Stability and convergence of the semi-implicit alternating direct method are established. Finally, some numerical examples are given to support our theoretical analysis. These numerical techniques can be used to simulate a two-dimensional variable order fractional FitzHugh-Nagumo model in a rectangular domain. This type of model can be used to describe how electrical currents flow through the heart, controlling its contractions, and are used to ascertain the effects of certain drugs designed to treat arrhythmia.


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The phase transition of single layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) from semiconducting 2H to metallic 1T and then to 1T′ phases, and the effect of the phase transition on hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are investigated within this work by density functional theory. Experimentally, 2H-MoS2 has been widely used as an excellent electrode for HER and can get charged easily. Here we find that the negative charge has a significant impact on the structural phase transition in a MoS2 monolayer. The thermodynamic stability of 1T-MoS2 increases with the negative charge state, comparing with the 2H-MoS2 structure before phase transition and the kinetic energy barrier for a phase transition from 2H to 1T decreases from 1.59 to 0.27 eV when 4e– are injected per MoS2 unit. Additionally, 1T phase is found to transform into the distorted structure (1T′ phase) spontaneously. On their activity toward hydrogen evolution reaction, 1T′-MoS2 structure shows comparable hydrogen evolution reaction activity to the 2H-MoS2 structure. If the charge transfer kinetics is taken into account, the catalytic activity of 1T′-MoS2 is superior to that of 2H-MoS2. Our finding provides a possible novel method for phase transition of MoS2 and enriches understanding of the catalytic properties of MoS2 for HER.


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The numerical solution of fractional partial differential equations poses significant computational challenges in regard to efficiency as a result of the spatial nonlocality of the fractional differential operators. The dense coefficient matrices that arise from spatial discretisation of these operators mean that even one-dimensional problems can be difficult to solve using standard methods on grids comprising thousands of nodes or more. In this work we address this issue of efficiency for one-dimensional, nonlinear space-fractional reaction–diffusion equations with fractional Laplacian operators. We apply variable-order, variable-stepsize backward differentiation formulas in a Jacobian-free Newton–Krylov framework to advance the solution in time. A key advantage of this approach is the elimination of any requirement to form the dense matrix representation of the fractional Laplacian operator. We show how a banded approximation to this matrix, which can be formed and factorised efficiently, can be used as part of an effective preconditioner that accelerates convergence of the Krylov subspace iterative solver. Our approach also captures the full contribution from the nonlinear reaction term in the preconditioner, which is crucial for problems that exhibit stiff reactions. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the overall effectiveness of the solver.


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Mimicry of host antigens by infectious agents may induce cross-reactive autoimmune responses to epitopes within host proteins which, in susceptible individuals, may tip the balance of immunological response versus tolerance toward response and subsequently lead to autoimmune disease. Epitope mimicry may indeed be involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases such as post-viral myocarditis or Chagas disease, but for many other diseases in which it has been implicated, such as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitis or rheumatoid arthritis, convincing evidence is still lacking. Even if an epitope mimic can support a cross-reactive T or B cell response in vitro, its ability to induce an autoimmune disease in vivo will depend upon the appropriate presentation of the mimicked host antigen in the target tissue and, in the case of T cell mimics, the ability of the mimicking epitope to induce a proliferative rather than anergizing response upon engagement of the MHC-peptide complex with the T cell receptor. B cell presentation of mimicking foreign antigen to T cells is a possible mechanism for instigating an autoimmune response to self antigens that in turn can lead to autoimmune disease under particular conditions of antigen presentation, secondary signalling and effector cell repertoire. In this review evidence in support of epitope mimicry is examined in the light of the necessary immunological considerations of the theory.


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Over the last 30 years, numerous research groups have attempted to provide mathematical descriptions of the skin wound healing process. The development of theoretical models of the interlinked processes that underlie the healing mechanism has yielded considerable insight into aspects of this critical phenomenon that remain difficult to investigate empirically. In particular, the mathematical modeling of angiogenesis, i.e., capillary sprout growth, has offered new paradigms for the understanding of this highly complex and crucial step in the healing pathway. With the recent advances in imaging and cell tracking, the time is now ripe for an appraisal of the utility and importance of mathematical modeling in wound healing angiogenesis research. The purpose of this review is to pedagogically elucidate the conceptual principles that have underpinned the development of mathematical descriptions of wound healing angiogenesis, specifically those that have utilized a continuum reaction-transport framework, and highlight the contribution that such models have made toward the advancement of research in this field. We aim to draw attention to the common assumptions made when developing models of this nature, thereby bringing into focus the advantages and limitations of this approach. A deeper integration of mathematical modeling techniques into the practice of wound healing angiogenesis research promises new perspectives for advancing our knowledge in this area. To this end we detail several open problems related to the understanding of wound healing angiogenesis, and outline how these issues could be addressed through closer cross-disciplinary collaboration.


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The sheep (Ovis aries) is favored by many musculoskeletal tissue engineering groups as a large animal model because of its docile temperament and ease of husbandry. The size and weight of sheep are comparable to humans, which allows for the use of implants and fixation devices used in human clinical practice. The construction of a complimentary DNA (cDNA) library can capture the expression of genes in both a tissue- and time-specific manner. cDNA libraries have been a consistent source of gene discovery ever since the technology became commonplace more than three decades ago. Here, we describe the construction of a cDNA library using cells derived from sheep bones based on the pBluescript cDNA kit. Thirty clones were picked at random and sequenced. This led to the identification of a novel gene, C12orf29, which our initial experiments indicate is involved in skeletal biology. We also describe a polymerase chain reaction-based cDNA clone isolation method that allows the isolation of genes of interest from a cDNA library pool. The techniques outlined here can be applied in-house by smaller tissue engineering groups to generate tools for biomolecular research for large preclinical animal studies and highlights the power of standard cDNA library protocols to uncover novel genes.